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T immi ih 4 immi.m« 4 .< inmiinmin i im i 44 i in i a *i i m » 1 1 « * I Uhe News from Gallatin County ; * * From Our Special Correspondents * * 1 1 litt I » I » I » » 1 11 » MMI i h i i t 88888 8 «8 8 8 8 8888 8 8 8 • 88888 8 8888 8 8888 ; is a I Miss Vera Valleau visited in Liv rng«?ton with friends Saturday. ' Elmer Kannegaard made a business trip to Wilsall during the week. Raymond Kannegaard finished threshing his 1925 crop this week. William Maxwell was guest Sun day at the Elmer Kannegaard home. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cowan were Wilsall business visitors Wednesday. A. L. Brown of Livingston was transacting business in the vicinity Monday. number of Sedan people motored to Wilsall Friday evening to attend a dance. Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Pergandie were shopping and visiting friends in t: wn Tuesday. George Shelhamer and son, Harold, of Clyde Park, are at their Sedan ranch, putting in the crop. J. R. Inabnit is spending several davs in Bozeman, visiting relatives and attending to business matters. The Myersburg social center will hold its monthly meeting at the school house Friday evening, May 7. R. L. Bennett, of Livingston, has been spending several days at the, Sam Fr,aim home assisting with the work. Miss Ida Knutson, the county nurse, visited the Sedan school Tuesday and Wednesday and made a physical ex amination of the pupils. J. R. Inabnit and Laurel and Ar dyce Inabnit motored to Livingston Saturday and spent several hours at tending to business matters. rs. Phil Lamson and daughter, Grace, spent the week end at the j ranch. They returned to Wilsall Sun day evening. 8 8 SEDAN 8 Fred Pascce made a business trip to Wilsall Tuesday. W. S. Carr made a business trip to Livingston this week, Mrs. Wesley D'Ewart was shopping in Livingston this week. William Maxwell made a business trip to Wilsall Wednesday. Several of the farmers have fin ished their spring seeding. Lester Woosley was a Wilsall busi ness visitor during the week. Sedan school children have been invited to the annual Park Coun ty Play Day festivities, to be held at them i o Wilsall, May 7, and several cf them will compete in the athletic events. Mr. and Mr?. J. Y. Woosley have been spending the past week in Boze man, because of the serious illness of Mr. Woosley's mother. The preliminaries for the annual track meet were held at the Sedan school April 30, nuder the supervi sion of the teachers. Joe Wittman, Ray Reichman, and Elmer Karvne gaard judged the athletics and Mrs. Elmer Kannegaard, Mrs. J. D. Kin kade and Miss Johnson the schol astics. The boys' team sent to Man hat tan will be composed of Everett Reichman, Harley Kincade, Lester Robinson, Elmer Daugherty and Ed ward Thomas. The girls represent ing the group are Ardyce Inabnit, Virginia Geordge, Montana Shaefer, Verda Kinkade and Margaret Kurk. ö ** 88888888888X888 8 8 BELGRADE 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Mr. and Mrs. Nel Hamilton were in tewn Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Robert Dewing has gone to North Dakota to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cox and son, Wallace, were in town Saturday. Mrs. Ruby Hartung and children have 'taken rooms at the Weaver home. Mr. and Mrs, George Barclay of Livings ten spent the week end with relatives here. The Rev. R. W. Orr and S. C. Al len were business callers up the Mad ison laslt week. 1 HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG Nobody Can Tell When You Darken Gray, Faded Hair With Sage Tea Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this sim ple mixture was applied with wonder ful effect. By asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound,'' you will get a large bottle this old-time recipe, improved by* addition of other ingredients, all ready to use, at very little cost. This sim ple mixture can be depended upon restore natural color and beauty to hair. Well-known druggists say everybody R ses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound now because it darkens so natur ally and evenly that nobody can toll has been applied—it's so easy to'use, too. You simply dampen a comb soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking one strand at a time. morning the gray halir disappears ; ter another application or two, it is stored to its natural color and looks flossy, soft and beautiful ii »nt l m I m m Mr. and Mrs. Billings of Bozeman spent Sunday at Khe home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Biggs. Roy Hubbard has gone to Whitehall where he will act as druggist during the absence of Guy Williamson, who sick. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kerr and daugh ters of Manhattan were guests Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ard Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kluckhohn were in town from their ranch the other day. They were married about week ago. She came here from Iowa. Mrs. J. B. Robinson entertained the Bridge Luncheon club at her home on the South side. After a delicious 8 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Buettner and son were callers at the Werner home Monday evening, Mrs. R. W. Davis of Park City spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Andrew Sorensen, here. J* L. Wells and granddaughter, Mrs. A. Julian, were Livingston call ers between trains Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. B. Werner, Martha and Bernhard Wepmer, motored to Cokedale Sunday and spent the daj, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nickelson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buettner and children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Tanger, and Mrs. F. Larsen of Livingston were guests at the Albert Buettner home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. Str'bber of the val ley, who recently traded their ranch for the Hoffman ranch here, are mov luncheon cards were played with high score going to Mrs. C. W. Coon. The M. G. R. club members gave a dinner and program for their hus bands and several friends. Dinner was served at the Pemey home after which a program was given at the W. H. Moore's. 88 8 888888888888 8 8 8 8 WEST END 8 88888 8 8888888 Mrs. Albert Buelttner called at the Pierce home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jensen spent Sun day with relatives in the valley. Mrs. Andy Sorensen and daughter were callers in Bozeman Friday. Miss Lucille Quaw, county super intendent, visited (this school Thurs day. for the Hoffman ranch here, are mov ing their household goods and live stock to their new property. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wells returned Thursday from Billings, after spend ing the past five weeks there while Mr. Wells was in the hospital for surgical care. Mrs. Wells spent part of the time at the home of itheir son, Albert Wells, and family, in Huntley. Mr. Wells is getting along as well as can be expected and all his friend.i hope for a speedy recovery. XX «8 8888888888888 8 8 SPRINGHILL 8 8 8 a st a ts n a a a n n a a Mrs, E. S. Cloninger, teacher of the Decker school, spent the week end visiting her husband in Living ston. Earl Stimson, who has been suffer ing with the mumps, is recovering slowly. Miss Alice Parker spent the week end with Miss Mary Hale of Bel grade. E. G. Nauck and family and Miss Marie Nauck of Livingston visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Cramer. Most of the farmers in this vicin ity started sowing their spring wheat this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson and fam ily were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ryen. Mrs. Laura Corbly of Bozeman was a guest Saturday and Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Davis. Mrs. Lillian Street and sons, Dewey and Irving, of Bozeman, visited Sun day at the Crouse home. Miss Jennie McCollough visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Levi McCollough in Belgrade. Mr. and Mrs. Charley McGuire and small daughter visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Roberts. iMr. and Mrs. George Barclay of Livingston visited Sunday with Mrs. Barclay's mother, Mrs. McGuire. Many people took advantage of the good roads and weather Sunday to form picnic parties in the mountains nearby. Sunday school was held last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ryen. It will meet next Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ford. Mrs. George Stimson, Miss Bessie Stimson, Mias Jennie McCollough, and Mrs. George Metier visited Thursday afternocn with Mrs. Harold Wright Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson, accom panied by Mrs. Carlson's mother Mrs. Anna Crouse, attended the play given •at the Baptist church in Bozeman Friday evening. Floyd Ghorraley of Butte, well known traveling entertainer, wUl give an entertainment at Hie Springhill school boas« Friday night, May Refreshments will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Saadquiat. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sandquist and family, Mr. Alex Sandquist, Mr." and Mrs. Wesley ef to the it or By af re daughter 11 1 888888888888888 8 8 8 WILLOW CREEK 8 8 8 88888888888888888 Mrs. Ed Tinsley was a business visitor in Three Forks Friday. Mrs. Paul Woodward spent several hours shopping in Bozeman Satur day. Mrs. William Kelly was a business visiter in Three oFrks Thursday af ternoon. Mrs. Ella N. Conklin and daugh ter, Edith, spent the week end in Livingston. Mrs. George Cock is suffering with broken arches, being forced to use crutches. Messrs. Homer Cobbler and Wil liam Walberlt motored to Dillon Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dreweicke mo tored to Three Forks Sunday after noon and visited friends. Messrs. Earl Parks and Richard Nelson motored tto Potosi Springs, Sunday, and spent the day. Mrs. George Sharp was a business visitor in town Saturday from her home on the North bench. Mrs, Burton Thompson is spend ing this week at (the Hankinson home, caring for "Grandma" Hankinson. Miss Bessie Jewett spent the week end at Lane district visiting her par exits, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jewett. Mrs. Alvie Ivy and small son of Livingston, spent (the week end here, visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Ray Beam. * A good many Willow Creek people attended the old time dance at Hens lee's hall at Three Forks, Saturday night. Ted Cooper left Saturday morning for Pipestone Springs, where he will spend some time being treated for rheumatism. Mr, and Mrs. Jet Shanholtzer mo tored to Bozeman Monday and spent several hours attending to business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huiler and daughter, Iris and Evelyn, motored to Three Forks Sunday afternoon and visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davies. Miss Bernice Nelson, a student at the State Normal college at Dillon, spent the week end here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nelson. Th e Misses Esther Walbert and Miriam Rouse, who are attending school at Dillon, spenlt the week end her e visiting friends and relatives. John Rogers arrived here last week from Tacoma, Wash., to visit his daughters, Mrs. Fred Rutledge, Mrs. Warren Warwood and Mrs. Herbert Reich. There will be an old time dance at the William Flaherty bam Saturday night, May 8. Manhattan and Three Forks String band will furnish the music. The Campfire Junior girls, accom panied by the Misses Julia Lavery and Angelina Barnhart, enjoyed a breakfast at Jefferson river, Satur day morning. Jack Casey returned to Willow Creek Saturday evening from Fort Harrison hospital, Helena, where he has been for the past three months, receiving medical treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rutledge and family motored to Waterloo Satur day and visited,with Mrs. Rutledge's sister, Mrs. Elmer Wintchell. They returned home Sunday evening. The Misses Isabelle and Marjorie Flaherty, Gladys Williams and Sarah Cook went to Cardwell Friday eve ning and attended the Junior prom. They returned Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson and children of Bozeman, and Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Murry and son, Isaac, of Belgrade, spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thompson. Phyllis, Mrs. Laura Corbly, Miss Al j ce Corbly, and Eli Chase enjoyed picnic dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker Sunday, Mrs. Edith Waltort, Mrs, Clara Cooke, and Miss Irene Walton Bozerpan spent Saturday night with and Mrs. Alfred Walton. Sunday they, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Walton and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walton,. Clarence and Her bert Walton and Miss Lulu Carr, en joyed a picnic dinner in Truman can yon. Mrs. Lester Crouse has received word of the marriage of her siter, Miss Sarah Dickson, to Mr. Stanley Sisterson, April 27, in Dillon. Miss Dickson is well known in this vicin ity, and her many friends join wishing her and her husband all hap piness andi prosperity. They will make their home on a ranch near Dil Ion. Mrs. Wesley Davis was pleasantly surprised Thursday afternoon by number of her Springhill friends, occasion being her birthday. The dies gathered near the church arrived at their destination In group. They took refreshment« with them and the afternoon was spent very enjoyably. Those present were Mrs. Frank Parker, Mrs. Arthur Sandquist, Mrs. Charley Cramer, Mrs. Charley Sandquist, Mrs. Alfred Wal ton, Mrs. Ben Walton, and Mrs. ter Crouse. Troy — Silver King tum Grouse mountain, to continue 290 feet. 8K88888889tl»8888 » n 8 LOGAN 8 n a Mrs. Will Carpenter was shopping in Logan Tuesday merning. W. D. Kelso motored to Manhattan on a business trip Tuesday morning. Lester Woodring visited Sunday with friends and relatives in Boze man. August Rohla of Clarkston motored to Logan and Bozeman on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellison were Bozeman business visitors Tuesday afternoon. Henry McDonnell of the Madison valley transacted business in Boze man Monday. James Talbott of Bozeman was transacting business in Logan and vicinity Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Powers went Butte Monday, where they spent the day shopping. iMiss Ena Johnson and Mias Kath ryn Flynn motored to Three Forks Friday afternoon. Newt Granthan motored to Boze man and was a Sunday guest of his brother and family.. August Johnson motored to Bel grade and spent Tuesday looking ter his ranch home there. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Haselhorst and Mrs. Olive Van Epps motored Manhattan Tuesday morning. Mrs. Frank Vander Pete of Liv ingston is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Lloyd Meador. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ehman and Mrs. J. W. Strachan were shoppers in Bozeman between trains Friday. Joseph Malin returned to Helena Monday after spending the week at (the home of his parents on the Mad ison. Mr. and Mrs. John Hespin and chil dren of Belgrade spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cobus near Logan. Miss Durham, Miss Laura Bell Brainard and Miss Emma Durham motored to Bozeman and spent Satur day shopping. Owen Benson, who has been resid ing at East Helena for some time, has returned to his home near Logan for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham are em ployed at the Steve McDonnell ranch on the Madison during the absence of Mrs. McDonnell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Meador, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Lang and Mrs. Frank Vander Pete motored t Cherry Creek and spent* Sunday fishing. Charles Ballard attended to mat ters of business in Logan and vicin ity Sunday, returning to his home in Townsend Sunday evening. Mrs. P. J. Waters of Manhattan and daughter, Mrs. Steve McDonnell of the Madison valley, departed last week for Rochester, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ridgeway and children of Townsend were Saturday night and Sunday guests at the home ( of Mr. and Mrs. Will Carpenter. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Whitehead and Mrs. Ellen Dodge of Bozeman mo tored to Logan and were Sunday guests at the P. J. Flynn residence. Mrs. Hugo Norman, who has been visiting at the home icf her sister in I Choteau for the past two weeks, re turned last Thursday to her home on Cdttonwood. Mr. and Mrs. Car sen and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Butte have arrived in Logan to make their homes for the summer, as the men are employed on the section. Several Logan folk motored to Three Forks Friday evenng aAd at tended the dance given at the Her bert Dunbar , ranch by the Loomis or cherstra of Butte. Mrs, George Merrill and son, Fred die, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Thomp son and son, Donald, motored to Lo gan and spent Saturday at the home of Mrs. Mattie Thompson. Mrs. Tom Tice and children, Mrs. Mamie Hinote and children and Mrs. Wallace Burrell drove to -the Boze man Hot Springs and enjoyed the plunge Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dell McLees and daughter, June; Mrs. Harold McLees and daughter, and Albert Johnson of ,the Madison valley were in Logan and Three Forks Saturday. Miss Kathryn Flÿnn m tored to Manhattan Friday evening where she assisted in fumishirig the music for (the Junior prom. Several couples from Logan also attended -the prom. Mrs. C. C, Richardson, who has been spending .the past three weeks in Carrington, N. D., attending tô business matters and visiting rela tives, returned last week to her home here. ' Mrs. Charles Dross and daughters Maxine and Colleen, who have beén spending the past two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Mer rill in Livingston, returned to Log&n Sunday. Mias Harriet Halvertoh of Pipe stone Springs arrived in Logan Fri day evening to visjt at -the home or Miss Agnes Larson over the week •end and to attend the prom dance in Manhattan. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sloan, Miss Es ther Sloan, Paul Sloan and Vincent Sloan drove to Manhattan from their home on the Madison and spent Stin day at the home of Hr. and Mrs. Prank Doak. Julius Ehman, who has been in the Missoula hospital with a broken wrist for the past month, has recov ered sufficiently to resume his duties at the Logan freight depot. Mr. and Mrs. John Hespin, Mr. and Mrs. Minor Cobus, Peter Oobus rmd George Ocbus drove to Three Fork?, a of in a the la and a Les MONTANA COW SETS ANOTHER WORLD RECORD to of HELENA.—A Montana Holstein cow, Pleasant Grove Snowflake, own ed by the J. H. Hofstetter Holstein farm, of Lewisbown. has made world's record in * sub-division (three-time milking) mature class, with a production of. 23,315.7 pounds of milk and 613.022 pounds of but iter fat, according to G. A. Norris, baseball game between Three Forks and Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnson and children motored to Fait Ellis near Bozeman Friday, where Mr. Johnson assisted in conducting a preliminary track and scholastic meeting to select the teams to compete in the contests at Manhattan, May 14 am* 15. gan's preliminary meet will be held next Wednesday with the schools the tri-yalley section entering. Logan school won the banner for spelling standardization contest held in the county on April 2 for schools of 12 or more pupils. They will ceive »the banner at the meeting Manhattan. Mrs. Sheridan of Boze man substituted at the school during Mr. Johnston's absence Friday. Reduced Fares East/ Northern Pacific € Î _ isupcmoa* DULUTH ^ û ° c* * YELLOWSTONE PARK Round Trip Fares from Bozeman to TTAKE advantage of low summer **" fares East via Northern Pacific, May 22nd to September 15th! You have a threefold opportunity this summer: To travel East along a route marked by "2.000 Miles of Startling Beauty"—to do it at low cost—and to experience the utmost passenger travel luxury, the St. Paul 1 . Minneapolis/ Chicago - • St. Louis - • Kansas City • New York - - - 141.20 Washington - • 135.86 Philadelphia - - 138.72 Dates of Sale May 22 to Sept. IS. 1928 Final Ratarn Limit October 21st, 1928. . $66.10 79.80 75.10 66.10 66 North Coast Limited 55 a Travel TriumphI with its new style observation-club car, including beautiful club lounge, ladies' lounge, maid-manicurist, soda fountain bufFct, shower bath, telephone at terminals, searchlight for night observation, valet, barber, library, smoking and card rooms; all the facilities of an exclusive club. ^4 Extra Comfort — No Extra Fare aO j Os J. J. Collin*. Agent Bozeman, Meat. Ùi * » 4 (98) EE " SERVICE \ A You Want Service You Get It At The Bozeman Auto Co. Taking care of your Automobile is our life work. WeVe made a study of caring for all makes and models of cars. No matter what your needs may be, we give you highly efficient aid. Hard can running cars are our specialty. a trial next time yon need Give, mechanical service. S' > —-— chief of the dairy division, state de partment of agriculture. A great deal of credit for bringing this fame to our state is due the Hitf 3 tetter Holstein farm, for it takes a good cow to make such a record and it is an indication of what we may expect in Montana when our de deloping dairy industry hits its prop er stride. Montana new has two world's champion dairy cows to her credit. Seven or eight wells will be drilled this year in Lake Basin oil field. Sunburst—Local tank farm storage capacity will soon l e 859,500 barrels. Quick Relief In in AQ the suffering la the world won't cove disease. Pain makes moat di and sometimes brings B farther disorder* woraa DR. w miMMmQ Urn pdbf 3 8TS *