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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
EMîMîMîîP.îM MîMîMîMiMîMî« ♦ ♦ 0 Til jk bi '•T n If Every Woman Knew What Every Widow Learns Every Man Would Be insured $ 5fu g . * PJTJ V ; 1 ♦♦ ♦♦ 5 3fl : » 5R •'ru pni 4 nl DO YOU KNOW THAT more than 7,000 passengers are killed each year in railroad and street, elevated and underground cars? DO YOU KNOW THAT 57 Automobile accidents occur every hour; 1,370 every day; 500,000 every year? DO YOU KNOW THAT One death in every 11 is the result of an accident? DO YOU KNOW THAT 23 personos are accidently injured every minute; 33,120 every day; 12,088,800 every year? DO YOU KNOW THAT One person in every nine meets with some form of accidental injury every year? DO YOU KNOW THAT Automobiles kill 14,000 Persons each year which is at the rate of 38 every day? Isn't the protection which The Bozeman Courier is of fering you the most reasonable you can possibly obtain? 4 ♦♦ t 3nl S3 \ ' ft U. r \ m f « f \ »1 n i A tt V=3 % y»>\ lie m in >♦ IE k ♦I qn in. » n n=3 » % ' qi A If You Are Accidentally Injured As Provided in This Policy It Pays ?: >♦ . y I U5 ■<nT f ' Per Week for 15 Consecutive Weeks $IO -$20 I K 1 3' l_ *: u h » 'n Accident Insurance $ Policy for only $ 10,000 o o tt m B je U » •t iUC PER VEAR 3n: >♦ JS "J -n iît n s For All Subscribers to The Bozeman Courier and Mem bers of Their Families Between the Ag'es of 15 and 70 » ♦ 9 -♦ n a aï! <*♦ THE COMPANY BEHIND THE POLICY n a n iVo /?e</ Tape No Medical Examination Dont Wait—Send In Your Application Now ! JJU The North American Accident Insurance Company is behind every policy issued by this paper. This company has been doing business for over 40 years and has always paid its claims promptly. Over 260 papers are now offering their subscribers policies issued by the North American. The Terre Haute Indiana Post, which was the first paper to take insurance with the North American Accident Insurance Company has had claims paid for more than $14,000.00. The Dainville, Ohio Commercial News had paid to its subscribers 40 per cent more in claims than it has paid to the company for the protection of its subscribers. Remember—One big feature of this policy is that you name the beneficiary and in that way save time and trouble in the settlement of death losses. Our policy is liberal in its coverage. When the insured is injured or killed in any manner set forth in the policy, the payments are made without delay. a 1er à ai 3fG 31 » 8 , JC You Can Never Tell Just What Fate Has In Store for You All Claims Paid Promptly to the Beneficiary Named in Your Policy an ♦♦ Jc. ÜC am am ni < ♦♦ i>i>iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiitiiiiiMa!tiMi!iiitiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiMi!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiniMiiiaMaiiiMiiiiii(ninaiiai;tMaiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiianiiiiiiiiiaiian « THE BOZEMAN COURIER This Is the Protection You Receive- H ORDER FORM iüt iyt aii 3 Date. Please enter my subscription to the BOZEMAN COURIER for one year and send me your $10,000 Accident Insurance policy in the North American Accident Insurance Company with the understanding that I am to pay no more than the regular established rate for THE BOZEMAN COURIER plus the $2.00 for the policy. 1926 f It « lie: ä PART 1 PAYS $5,000 to $10,000 l. lUt -•hy « For loss of life, hands, feet or sight by the wrecking of railroad passenger car, street car, elevated or underground car or steamship. $20.00 weekly for 15 consecutive weeks I for all injuries sustained in manner described above %r PLACE CHECK MARK IN PROPER SQUARE TO INDICATE YOUR ANSWER I am at present a regular subscriber to THE BOZEMAN COURIER and will continue as such for a year' from the date of this order. Send the BOZEMAN COURIER by mail for one year to the address given below. I will pay for my paper at regular rates when due. Signed... . . m ri DC Ids : ::i : PART 2 PAYS $1,500 to $3,000 For loss of life, hands, feet or sight by wrecking of taxicab, public omnibus or auto mobile stage driven by licensed driver (b) by disablement of passenger elevator ; $20.00 weekly for 15 consecutive weeks for injuries sustained in manner described above. Address... IE 5.Ô! THE BOZEMAN COURIER PART 3 PAYS $500 to $1,000 Wc APPLICATION FORM Date. I hereby apply to the North American Accident Insurance Company for the $10,009 Accident Insurance Policy for $2.00 a year. .....1926 For loss of life, hands, feet or sight (a) through wrecking or disablement of private automobile or private horse drawn vehicle (exclusive of vehicles used for transporting merchandise for business purposes or vehicles used for criminal purposes, or to escape consequences of criminal or illegal use or arrest) (b) by being struck while walking on standing on public highway by moving vehicle (c) by collapse of outer walls of building while insured is therein (d) by burning of a church, theatre, library, school,or municipal building (e) by being struck by lightning, cyclone or tornado, as defined by United States Weather Bureau (f) by drowning at bathing beach where lifeguard is regularly stationed. $10.00 weekly foy 15 consecutive weeks for injuries sustained in any manner described above. lye Full Name life an! (Write plainly with pencil—Ink Blots) m jc. Occupation.. Address _ Age. or an! glaj l (Street) (Towu) (State) Beneficiary's Name .... Relationship . Mail this application with your $2.00 registration fee to the INSURANCE department THE BOZEMAN COURIER I ;!«iiaiiiiiiii>iianiiiaiiiiiaiiiii«iiiiiiimimiiiuanaiiaiiiiiiiiauaiiaii«iiiiiiiiiiiaiiaiiiiiiiiaiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiaitiitaiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiaiiiiiaHaiiiiiiMaiiiiiiiiainiia iiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiinaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiia BO T * * \* yc Jr OZEMAN, MONTANA m mi