Newspaper Page Text
.^ MOT"« I H IH M l i MH. 1 111111 1 11111» »***■*' * 4 - ; Uhe News from Gallatin County * * From Our Special Correspondents 111 i * i 1111 n 111111111 » 1111 t f a mm i n i n tvt v ii 111 i l. * * « iimmu rrt 1 11 1 1 1 H i 1 1 111 b » a a a :•: « n a » » B 8 B LOGAN n B o s « ;■: « 8 k « k « n 8 « 8 John Brown was attending to busi matters in Livingston Tuesday. J. A. McQuillan motored to Butte Thursday on a short business trip. Mrs. Joe Allen and sons, Harry «ad Billie, are visiting friends and relatives in Missoula and vicinity. Mrs. Dross and daughter, Miss Ei ne Dross of Forsyth, are guests of Mr. «nd Mrs. Charles Dross. Tom Ross has purchased the Ashley property and is moving his family there this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tomlinson and children of Clarkstc-n were Sunday oaRer s in Logan. Mrs. Edith Vaughn of Manhattan spent Saturday night and Sunday vis iting with friends in Logan. A number of Logan folks went to Manhattan Mcnday to attend the horse sale. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Whitehead and children of Bozeman were Sunday visitors at the Flynn home. A1 Smith has gone to the ranch home of Bill Bryson on the Madison to help with the summer's work. Mr. and Mrs. Weiser and children of Three Forks were calling on friends in Logan Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ole Sabo returned Wednesday ovening from Minneapolis and Ben son. Minn., where she spent two weeks visiting. Mrs. Bert Ridgeway and children of Townsend are spending ,the week at the heme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Carpenter. Miss Sadie Landers of Laurel spent Saturday evening and Sunday in Lo gan with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Landers. Miss Lencre Waters of Manhattan has been visiting for a few days at «he ranch home of her sister, Mrs. Steve McDonnell on the Madison. Mrs. Wallace Burrell entertained at a 6 o'clock dinner Friday evening in hordr of Mr. Burrell's birthday anni versary. Covers were laid for twelve. ■Mrs. Lloyd Meador and children w ere passengers Wednesday to Liv ingston, where they will spend a few days at the home of Mrs. Frank Van der Pete. Miss Edna Olsen, Miss Agnes Lar s«® and Miss Gerda Larson were pas sengers Wednesday evening to Pipe stone Springs, where they will visit at th e Halverson home. Miss Jennie Belle Chaplin, who has be»Ti visiting the past week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Mattie Thomp son, has returned to her home in Bozeman. " Mrs. J. W. Strachan, Miss Jean, Kenneth, and Harry Strachan are spending a few days in Billings, vis itincr at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Wake. Misses Edna Olsen and Agnes and Gerda Larson returned to Logan from Pipestone Springs, where they visited at the home of Miss Harriet Halverson. Mrs. Gus Zoeller left Thursday for Salt Lake City to be with her brother, J. G. King, who was seriously in jured in the tragedy at Crystal, Nev., when a tourist sleeper burned. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Landers ha^e returned from a trip to Seattle, Vic toria, and Vancouver. They attended the Old Timers' Convention in Se attle. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Norman, daughter Josephine and Miss Opal Moore motored to Springhill and spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Norman. Mrs. Gus Zoeller went to Helena Wed no>aay evening to visit friends. Mrs, T. H. Tice and Mrs. Mary Hinkte motored to Bozeman and spent ) \ Wednesday shopping and visiting friends. Mrs. E. G. Robinson of Topeka, Kansas, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs, Mattie Thompson, left Wednesday evening for Livingston to spend a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Thompson. Mrs. Hans Larson, Misses Gerda and Agnes Larson, Howard Matson and Charley Larson are spending two weeks visiting friends and rel atives in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Mrs. McDonnell motored to Boze man and spent the day shopping and visiting friends, returning in the eve ning accompanied by her daughter, Fernetta, who had been spending the week in Bozeman at the home of rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Rice and sons of the Madison valley motored to Bozeman Friday for the day, return ing in the evening accompanied by their daughter, Edith, who underwent an operation on her feet about nine days ago. ■*-* 88 8 88888889^8888 8 8 8 SEDAN 8 8 8 888888888888888 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Inabnit were «hopping in Wilsall Friday. Mi. and Mrs. Joe Wibtman were rocent business visitors in Wilsall. Mr. Bryan of Wilsall was a Living ston visitor during the week. Fred Paaooe was » recent business visitor in Wilsall. Frank McMurry, the local mail car rier went to Helena to the National Guard training camp. Most of the summer fallowing in this vicinity was finished last week. Considerable repair work is being done on the telephone line. C. D. Geordge made a business trip to Wilsall Monday. The frost of Sunday night did con siderable damage to all the gardens in the vicinity. A. C. Shelhamer of Clyde Park moved a bunch of cattle to Sedan dur ing the week. Mark and Pauline Hargis of Myers burg were guests at the J. R. Inabnit home this week, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carr motored to Wilsall to attend the show Sat urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Inabnit made a,business trip to Livingston on Tues day. Mrs. Eber Sheridan motored to Cbadbcum Saturday and called at the A. J. Cowan ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Lamson motored to Bozeman and spent the day shop ping and visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haley of Boze man were looking after business in terests in the vicinity during the u •* week. Mrs. August Rcggo and family, who have been at the Korde ranch since iMr. Roggo's death, left for Ne braska this week. Mrs. A. D. Sheridan who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jack Hebiscn, returned to Bozeman this week. The rain and snow of Saturday and Sunday made it necessary to post pone several picnic parties that had been planned for the day. 8 8 n « « n n a a 8 8 8 8 WILLOW CREEK « 8 88888888888888888 Ted Heely was a business visitor in Butte Thursday. Henry Hoelien was a business vis itor in Bozeman Monday: ■ Miss Brook Thompson spent last week at Belgrade visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Thompson were business visitors in Bozeman, Monday, between trains. Miss Pearl Thompson spent Wed nesday afternoon visiting Misses Isa belle and Marjorie Flaherty. Miss Leona Miller returned to her home at Belgrade Sunday, after spending a week here with friends. Leon Fauver of Three Forks is em ployed at the Willis Albro ranch, during haying season. Miss Helen Cooper left Saturday morning for the coast, wheçe she will spend the summer with her sister. Mrs. Oscar Bergreen returned the last of the after spending sev eral days in Butte, visiting friends. Messrs. Hollis Muller and George Dale, of Belgrade!, were in town Sun day visiting friends. Mrs. Thomas Williams "returned Saturday from Missoula, after spend ing several days with ther son, Lyle. Messrs. Charles and Ted Flaherty, of the South Boulder, were week-end visitors at the home of the former's brother, William Flaherty. Mrs, Emery Bull and small daugh ter of Central Park spent several days here visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Cook. Mrs. Thomas Williams was called to Missoula, Wednesday evening, be cause of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Foster, * a(M f lc hospital at Missoula, that he is improving nicely. Mrs. Orville Doty, who has been here for some time, being cared for by her mother, Mrs. Ed Walbert, is able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Platt, all of Three Forks, were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Thomp A barn dance was given at the William Flaherty ranch, south of town, Saturday night. There was a good attendance. Word has been received from Jo seph Ward, who is at the Northern 8888998888888888 H H son. Mr. and Mrs, Willidln Cook and (Messrs. George, Charles and Arthur Cook motored to Bozeman Tuesday and spent several hours attending to business matters. Among those who attended the dance at Henslee's hall in Three Forks Saturday night were: Mr. and (Mrs. Jess Capps, Mr. and Mrs. Bur ton Thompson, Misses Brook and Pearl Thompson, Meta and FVancis Buttelman, Alice and Irene Hawes; Messrs. Jack Casey, Harry Cook, Wil liam Walbert, Art and Ralph Wil liams, Jc*hn Devine, Maynard Noble, Walter Reich, Sellie Miller, and John ny Buttelman. 8 8 WEST END 8 8 8888888888888 Mr. and Mrs. S. Jensen motored to Bozeman last Tuesday. J. L. Wells is loading baled hay at tho West End siding this week. E. O. Cash has been baling hay for J. L, Wells daring the week. A. a Akey loaded some baled hay at the siding, Lillian Myers, Johanna Verwolf, Ralph Pierce and Owen Cash have the week. received word that state eighth grads examinations. 88888888 888888 8 n » BRIDGER CANYON a 8 B b n « « « n 8 n n 888888 Miss Mary White of Bozeman is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Fred Ham. Mrs. Carl Justad spent Thursday in Bozeman visiting Mrs. Arthur Mc Mahon. Mrs. Charles Marrs returned to her home at Deer Lodge after a visit with her friend, Mrs. Frank Hampton. Helen and Emmett House of Boze man spent from Sunday until Tues day at the Will Christie ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Don Christie and family spent Monday night and Tues day at Clyde Park visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Manry and Mrs. Ray Pitts and baby spent Thursday at the Will Christie ranch. Mrs. Albert Blair and son and Mrs. Davis of Bozeman spent Monday af ternoon with Mrs. Blair's parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Johnson and J. C. Crum of Bozeman spent Sunday at the Johnston home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson were calling Sunday afternoon on Mr. and Mrs; Scottie Fisher in Bozeman. Mrs. Frank Davis and daughter Helen, of Bozeman, are spending a few days at the Floyd Davis ranch. Mrs. Lula Sory and daughter of Forsyth are visiting her brother and wife this week, Mr. and Mrs. Frame Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wombacher and family of Idaho visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Chritie and family. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zilliot have re turned from Oregon and are visiting Mrs. Zilliot's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Jeters. The Busy Bee Sewing club met Wednesday, June 16, with Emma Christie. The next meeting will be with Gladys Tilton, June 23. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Wicker, Mrs. W. E. Wicker and Mrs. J. W. John son spent Mcnday afternoon at the Tilton ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Manry of Boze man and Mrs. Ray Pitts and baby of Union, Oregon, spent Thursday after noon at the Ha Jenkins heme. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson and children, Glen, Leonard and Elmer, returned Friday from a visit at Eka laka, Mont., with Mrs. Johnson's sis ter, Mrs. O. O. Penn and family. 8 88 8 888888 8 8888 8 8 8 BELGRADE 91 8 8 888888888888888 F. C. Krieg of Billings was a caller at the C. W. Coon home Friday eve ning. Mrs. W. P. Porter is a guest of the Lynns at their cabin up the West Gallatin. Herbert Lynn, who is home from Montana State college, is assisting at the Belgrade company. Mrs. Chipperfield is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi McCul lough. F. C. Krieg and E. L. Heidel left for a fishing trip up the Madison Saturday evening. Mrs, Fannie B. Apple and mother of Lewistown have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sandiland. Word has been received that Mr. and Mrs. Fred Byrne are at present located at Fairfield, Mont. Miss Florence Penwell is visiting her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Penwell, at Moscow, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Poor and mother of Wilsall have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Heck. Russell Kinsey and John Schaefer left for points in the west last week. They will visit a sister of the latter at Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barnard en tertained Mr. and Mrs. R. Dewing and their guest, Miss Schwank, at dinner Tuesday evening. (Miss Hazel Schwank, who has been the guest of Mrs. Robert Dewing, left for her home in. Wahpeton, N. D., Wednesday afternoon. Children's day will be held at the Baptist church June 27. Prepara tions are being made for an interest ing program. Mrs. Smith and two children, Mil dred and Billy, of Marshfield, Oregon, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Foerschler. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harrington mo tored to Helena Monday for "The Student Prince." They returned the following evening. » It is of interest to friends to know that Phyllis Taylor Byrne has recent ly had a poem accepted by a well known eastern magazine for children. A large number of friends and rel atives from Belgrade attended . the fanerai of Charles Etan at the Holy Rosary church in Bozeman Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Foerschler, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Buettner were callers at the Werner home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nickelson, Earl Eck, and Peter Nickelson were vis itors at the Wegner home Sunday. Bernhard Werner and Raymond Eck motored to the Yellowstone riv ay and spent the day good Mr. Eck and tors, Helena and the latter'» sister, Mrs. Smith, mo tored to Mammoth Hot Springs, Sat urday, for the official opening of the Park, Sunday. Mrs. Alf Gale spent Thursday in Belgrade as the guest of Miss Blanche Ferney. Mrs. Gale is spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Axtell, at their ranch north of Belgrade. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Stevenson and daughter. Helen, have returned from a motor trip to the coast. They vis ited friends and relatives at Clark son, Wash., Tacoma, Seattle, Van couver and Portland. On their return trip they came by way of Nampa and Fayette, Idaho, where W. S. Steven son, a brother, is located. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robinsc n en tertained a number of their friends at dinner at their home Monday evening in honor of their wedding anniver sary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dewing, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Angell, Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Barnard, E. L. Heidel and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gilmer. Mrs. Robert Dewing entertained 16 guests at a bridge luncheon at her home Tuesday in honor of her guest, „. TT , o . , „ w Miss Hazel Schwank. Mrs. J.C. War ner and Mrs. W. W. Casper of Boze- ; man wer e out-of-town guests. Mrs. i J. B. Robinscn was awards high ; score for the club members, and Mrs. W. W. Casper high score for the guests. Miss Schwank was given a d^ity remembrance. The Westminster guild met last Wednesday at the ranch home of the Misses Mary, Mildred and Rosalie Hale. About 20 members were pres ent. Mildred Hale was elected to represent the local guild at the con ference to be held in Bozeman this year. Paul Bryan will represent the Young People's association at the same conference. Mrs. Fred Bessette is home again after an extended visit! to her old home at Dawson Springs, Kentucky. She spent three weeks with her father at Dawson Springs, and while there attended the famous Derby races at Louisville. On her return trip she stopped at St. Louis and at Clarence, Mo., and visited Mrs. Harvey, a for mer Belgrade resident, visited friends at Kansas City, Salina, Junction City, Denver and Salt Lake. She also 888888888888888 8 8 8 SPRINGHILL 8 8 888888888888888 Mr. and Mrs. George Metier were Bozeman visitors Saturday. Nell Toohey visited Sunday night and Monday with his father, Joe Toohey. Mrs. McGuire and son, Alfred, took dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jasper McGuire. The magpie, crow and squirrel con test which has been on in this vicin ity for a month, closed last Wed nesday with the victory going to Les ter Crouse's side. V t; { '• \ V Î * P f w THE ADVANCED SIX 4-DOOR SEDAN $ I525 Si ' f. o. b. factory "Enclosed Car" motor, full force-feed lubrication, air cleaner, gasoline filter, oil purifier—plus 4-wheel brakes, foi! balloon tires and 5 disc wheels—included at no extra cost. r4 * ■ a r*. * * l 25% MORE power and 23% FASTER pick-up—that's the kind of performance you get in this U Advanced Six 4-DOOR Sedan 4 with its great "Enclosed Car *5 motor. DRIVE it today! t V ti 'g. » * n J» Ol Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Be mette were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Decker in Belgrade Sunday. ill. Miss Phyllis Davis had her tonsils removed in Bozeman last Wednesday. 3he is getting along very well. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sandquist Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sandquist, and Mr. Alex Sandquist had a very enjoyable trip to the Madison Friday. Mrs. George Stimsoh and daughter, Bessie, Mrs. Hampton Hecox, and Miss Jennie McCollough visited Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. Sol Murry in Belgrade. Mrs. Murry has been quite Mrs. Bert McMasters and small daughter, June, of Anaccnda, arrived Sunday to spend a few weeks visiting Mrs. McMasters' parents, Mr. and MTs. Frank Parker, and other rela tives. . Mrs. John Boss gave a delightful Sunday school party at her home Thursday afternoon. , A11 enjoyed games which Mrs. Boss had prepared and at the close of the afternoon dc- ! licious refreshments were served. Those attending the funeral of Charley Etan in Bozeman Saturday, _this vicinity, included Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cramer, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crouse, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sandquist, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sand quist, Mr. and .Mrs. George Stimson, Miss Bessie Stimson, and Mr and Mrs. Wesley Davis and Mrs. Frank Parker, A sewing club for girls, of which Miss Bessie Stimson is leader, has been organized i n the Springhill, Decker, and East Gallatin neighbor hoods. The meetings will be held Fridays at thd homes of the club members. The first meeting held Friday, Jun e 18, at the home of Josephine Axtell, where the girls elected officers and discussed the W 18 ♦ Gallatin Valley Creamery t • ß ♦ H. F. JUDEVINE, Manager è r ? • f I BUTTER — MILK — ICE CREAM COTTAGE CHEESE i I v WE AIM TO PLEASE SHIP US YOUR CREAM ' 0 I • work they are to do with their lead er. The member s to date include Carleen Grouse, Roberta Carlson, Clarice Miller, Josephine Axtell, Mil dred Metcalf, and Phyllis Davis. Of these girls Carleen Crouse was elected president, Roberta Carlson vice pres ident, and Josephine Axtell secretary treasurer. They decided to name their dub the E. S. Bluebird Club. The next meeting is June 25 at the home of Roberta Carlson. r #! A -J R. BAXTER BUYS FINE 0.1. C. BOAR Friday R. G. Baxter received by ex press from the Flathead Stock Farms at Kalispell, a fine, husky seven W eeks.old O. I. C. boar, which he in tends to add to hi 8 already excellent herd of those animals, £ The pig is large for its age, and gives promise of developing into an animal of class. Mr. Baxter says that a boar of the same breed which he had not long ago weighed 581 pounds at 14 months of age, Mr. Baxter sold 200 spring pigs this year, and so great was the demand that he could have easily dis posed of as many more had they been available. His hog ranch is lo cated a few miles northwest of Boze ï 1 man. Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Warner, and the Misses Mayo Story, Maurcne Plew and Florence Bartz left by motorcar fey Lodge Grass Thursday morning. They will be the guests there of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hays. Mrs. Hays was 'formerly Miss Olive Schreiner of Bozeman.