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KEEN COHPEffllN IN APPLE MARKET It, t Crop in Montana Is Bumper One But Country's Yield Is Larger Than Last Year While Montana apple growers will enjoy a much more favorable pro duction season, harvesting from pres ent indications a crop of 499,000 bush els, they will encounter competition from a much larger national produc tion than last year, according to in formation compiled by the state de partment of agriculture in co-opera tion with the federal division of crop estimates. . Total production of apples in the United States is now estimated at 218,620,000 bushels compared with 171,706,000 bushels in 1925 and 169, ITCHING ECZEMA DRIED RIGHT UP BY THIS SULPHUR Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying a little Mentho Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist Because of its germ destroying proper ties, this sulphur preparation instantly brings ease from skin irritation, soothes and heals the eczema right up and leaves the skin clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torment and disfigurement. Sufferers from skin trouble should get a little jar of Rowles Mentho-Sulphur from any good drug gist and use it like a cold cream. 'ßfl MM-* Aspirin A < BAVER SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST 1 Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism Î DOES 'NOT / FECT THE HEART r< Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Rayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 ami 100—Druggists. Asiiirin U the trail*? tu trk of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicyllcacid 1 ' •*- f W& It 1 I ? t v « 1» J. > « T i T ? ii if î <5 IMy' m t /»*' c ; ! I \\ m / A.f / ill Uv x\ f* ft 1 . i. ft ^5* r « 'i t To© Late Too Wonder À 'j f *4 î When the piercing wind sneaks through the cracks, when your coal bin is empty and the furnace door has the look of a hungry dragon, it's too late to' wonder why you weren't prepared. It's the wise man who looks ahead—and when you come to think of it, it's not so far ahead—only a few months. Be Prepared! You know the old saying An ounce of prevention . . . . " Order your coal NOW! I f f î OWL, ROUNDUP, AND BEAR CREEK COAL I Gallatin Lumber Co. PHONE 20 'î 600,000 bushels overage production in tile period 1921-1925. The United States commercial crop is placed at 39,699,000 barrels compared with 33, 044,000 barrels last year and the five year average of 30,109,000 barrels. Among western states Washington, Oregon, Colorado and California show increased total and commercial pro duction compared with last year, with Idaho the only important state show ing a decrease. Arkansas while show ing a decrease in total crop, expects a slightly larger commercial crop than last year. Among far eastern states all im portant producers show increased production this year, including such states as Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Im portant central Atlantic states in cluding Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina show a relatively large increase with Virginia having a total production and commercial pro duction both more than double that of last year. SPECIAL RATES VIA N. P. TO STATE FAIR The Northern Pacific railway has announced special excursion round trip fares for the Montana State fair at Helena, September 6-11, from all stations on its lines in Montana, and from Anaconda ,on the Butte Anaconda and Pacific railway. The dates of sale will be Septem ber 4-11, inclusive, with a final re turn limit of September 13. 37 BUSHELS AN ACRE. Thirty-seven bushels an| acre for a 250-aCre crop of winter wheat was reported laste week by Scott Duncan, who finished threshing on his ranch near Springhill. m. * George Washington, "Father of Our Country," whose portrait will be shown, etched in lines of fire against the night sky, at the Grand Fireworks Display at the Fourth Annual Gal latin County Fair, September 22, 23, and 24. STOCK JUDGING TEAMS CHOSEN Under (the supervision of R. L. Waddell, livestock specialist, and Louis Vinke.of the animal husbandry department, a livestock judging con test was held Saturday afternoon at the State college for Rhe purpose of selecting two junior stock judging teams to représente Gallatini county ate the Statt» and Midland Empire fairs. Raymond Ross, Carl Stdmson, and Mason Thompson were chosen to go to the Helena fair, while Lawrence Moore, Robert Overstreet, and Fran cis Niven were selected to compete at Billings. Young Ross, with 739 points out of a possible 800, won high individual honors. The standing of other com petitors follows: Robert Overstreet, 729; Carl Stim son, 724; Lawrence MoOre, 697; Fran cis Niven, 696; Miason Thompson, 690; Lester Schultz, 685; Sherman Smith, 672; Max Overstreet, 668; Guy Kemp, 637; George Sime, 600; Dave Border, 598. _ . Laät year Gallatin county's junior stock judging team won the state championship at the Midland Empire fair. CANADA'S BUTTER OUTPUT. OTTAWA, Ont. —The quantity of creamery butter-in Canada in 1925 was 179,932,993 pounds, valued $66,933,456, according to a'report is sued by the department of trade and commerce, that of the preceding year by more than 1,000,000 pounds, and the value by over $6,000,000. The production of 1925, as regards Loth quantity and value, is the largest in the history of the industry. All the provinces, cepting Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia, show increases in quantity cf product The quantity exceeds ex Corvallis — Cheese factory here uses 33,000 pounds of milk daily. The Oldest Domestic Electric Refrigerator 5# SB v Enjoy Its Convenience While You ^Pay K elvinator, the* oldest system of domestic electric re frigeration, can be in stalled in your own re frigerator and paid for on easy terms. The installation takes but a few hours time, and from then on your refrigerator will actu ally keep itself cold. \ Why bother with old ; time refrigeration when ' just a telephone call will rid you of its annoyance forever? y V_ Budd C V I Heating, Sheet . - _ : - MONTANA WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Glasgow—Work being rushed on Fra zier- Wolf Point highway. Parts will be surfaced this fall. Glendive—New Mountain States telephone line being completed to Miles City. Hamilton— Sixty five thousand cherry trees to be planted in Bitter Root valley. Shelby — Inter-Provincial Oils, American-Canadian corporation, will prospect for oil. Blaine county farmers will raise certified* potatoes this year, worth $135,000. Forty-four oil wells now being drilled in Kevin-Sunburst district. Shelby — Construction begins on $31,793 Methodist church. Ronan —Flathead Independent Tele phone company rebuilding system for better service. Ronan —Local creamery may be or ganized here. Belt — County is rebuilding 10 bridges lost in recent freshet. State apple crop estimated at 499, 000 bushels; last year's was 80,000 bushels. Red Lodge—Bearcreek road to be straightened and resurfaced; county . ... . ... ^ uy 8 ^ ee ^ snow fences for winter use. Hinsdale—Grain yields up to 50 bushels an acre reported here. Montana public utilities pay taxes on assessed value of $286,009,916; railroads $227,021,280, and power lines $51,486,587. Montana shipped 45 cars of butter during June, against 42 for June, 1925. Columbus—Deposit of chromium, said to be largest in world, is dis covered he?re. Can be sold at half price of ore imported from Rhodesia. Montana public school fund re ceives $1,000 a day from oil royal ties. Phillipsburg — Maxville Gold and Silver company begins 100-ton flota tion mill. Missoula—Western Montana 1926 wheat will require 100 more cars thin in 1926. Opheim—New Great Northern ex tension road will handle $,000,000 bushels wheat. . Helena—University of Louisiana buys heavily of Montana certified seed potatoes. Montana crops promise to be worth $12,000,000 more this year than last. Threshing machine sales this year break all Montana records. f SPECIAL VALUES IN Boys' and Girls' School Hose Two Famous Brands—Eiffel and Black Cat GIRLS' SPORT RIB SCHOOL HOSE BOYS' BLACK HOSE 35C and 39C 35c 3 pair $1.00 The wearing qualities of this stocking are guaranteed by the maker and by us. Comes in black and brown; sizes 6 to 3 nairp for $1.00 Fine quality mercerized lisle in all sizes from 6 to 9*4, in Sand Carmel. A sav ing of ten cents a pair from regular price. CHILDREN'S HALF AND THREE QUARTER LENGTH SOX BOYS' AND GIRLS' DURABILITY SCHOOL HOSE 25c - $1.19 25c and 29c Plain color or fancy. All colors and many pretty combinations in silk and mercerized lisle Instead' of 29c and 35c Two styles, plain for boys and fancy rib for girls. These come in black, dark brown, sand, buck and white; sizes 5 to 10. BOYS' ROUGH AND READY HOSE f 35c Another dependable hard service hose in black and broWn; all sizes. BOYS' EDUCATOR HOSE 50c INDIAN HEAD SUITING THE PERFECT SCHOOL FABRIC The best ho^e possible for rough and tumble boys wear, linen heels and toes, black and brown; sizes 6 to llVfe Yard 50c MISSES AND WOMENS $1.25 CHARMEUSE BLOOMERS If Indian head Suiting fades from any cause your money back with dressmaker charges for making. Comes in black, navy 2 shades of blue, three shades of tan, peach, pink, red rose, wisteria, gray, orange, langerine, etc. $1.00 Fifteen popular shades, single or doable elastic cuffs, perfectly finished. BOZEMAN WOMAN'S CLUB COOK BOOKS FOR SALE HERE A real Cook Book of more than two hundred pages of tried and tested receipts ing, and baking etc. for Montana's great grain drop this year may bring 60,000 new farmers to state. Anaconda company manufactures 25 per cent of the world's copper pro ducts. New vein of coal, 40 feet thick, re ported near Medicine Lodge. Great Falls—Corn and Livestock show, Sept. 30 to October 2, prom ises (to have best exhibits on record. Shelby—Ohio Oil company brings in producer on Dachsteiner lease, south slope. Sale of Rice-Fulton leases in Kevin Sunburst field, to Julian Petroleum of California for $3,000,000, brings powerful independent operator into field. Montana business failures for six months decrease 16 per cent, and lia bilities decrease almost 50 per cent. Cascade county buys $15,000 of road machinery. U C v $ A. ! ' \M E R m r// I S Dm! » WE HAVE THESE PRICED RIGHT BUICK COUPE, 1922 MODEL New Set of Tires BUICK TOURING, 1918 MODEL Good Mechanical Condition REO TOURING, 1923 MODEL % Unusually Good Condition • CADILLAC SEDAN, V-57 MODEL Balloon Equipped GARDNER SEDAN, 1924 MODEL New Tires Bozeman Auto Co. Phone 168 202 W. Main \ I Kevin—Big West Oil company will build 4-inch pipe line from Keriu Sunburst field. Butte*—lAirdsley-Butte Mining cor poration installs machinery for heavy production. Billings—New* rig going up on Dia mond-Leut hold leese in Big Lake field. Montana products this year should bring $340,000,000, $15,000,000 more than in 1925. Bainville — Chemical laboratory branch is established here to grade and analyze grains. Tests show this year's wheat to be above average in quality and protein. Bitter Root cheese factories make enough cheese from 5,000 cows to supply all Montana. Stevensville—Creamery which made 600,000 pounds butter last year, will increase 50,000 pounds this year.