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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
. r '. p ■ ^ ■ ,1 Ilf ♦ " fw I . * "i&r r - c *?5> •V TT ar Ends Saturday September 4tb I i-ji; T Thousands of People Will Atten is 60th Anniversary Celebration Send Your Mail or Phone Orders as Soon as Possible i 1 • * SAL 60 TH V .. Buy Now For Future Needs—-As the Savings are Very Substantial - * Hundreds of New Fall Coats and t Frocks at Deep f » • ■ -V f ' ' \ r i ¥ 4 A f Far Trimmed Coats ' \ . » © *3 $25 and $59.50 i I u \ y/. c n m ; ffi ? -f ✓ » I Showing the coat styles that are being worn by smart women everywhere. The new fall coats are richly fur trimmed in Fox, Wolf, Mandell, Badger and Squirrel. Showing every new fabric and color. Every coat is beauti fully silk lined. Sizes for Misses, Women and Large Women ' I . k \ i !» H i I i New Fall Millinery at Special Prices $5.00 and $10.00 ■ Of V 1 y/\ % \ ■ The New Frocks > i ; J f â (r I $955 - $15 - $35 ■ . Here is a sale of the season's smartest hats at prices that are far below what you will expect to pay for such high grade millinery, featuring Velvet and Velour in dozens of new small and large shapes. You have hundreds of styles to choose from during this sale. Choose your New Hats here and save. THE NEW COLORS: Channel Red, Wine, Jungle Green, Black, Penny and Dark Brown shades 7 Frocks of Satin and Moire Silks and fashion's favored mater ials. New necklines, new sleeves and bright trimmings are the new style treatments. Black leads in the field color while penny, wine, dark blues and browns are equally smart. The largest collection of new dresses we have ever shown. Sizes for Misses, Women and large Women. I © ■ I V % Buy Your Toilet Articles Here During This Sale 600 Pairs of Fine Silk Stockings Bought Special for this sale r » ■V* f \ > ✓ 'j Pepsodent Tooth Pasj* Pebeco Tooth Paste, 5 Kolynos Tooth Paste, 30c size at Squibbs Tooth Paste, 50c size at I Woodburys Toilet Soap, 25c size at. Hinds Honey and Almond Cream, 50c size at Frostilla Hand Lotion, 35c size, at... Kranks Lemon Cream, $1.00 size. Ponds Cold And Vanishing Cream, 35c size.... All 25c Talcum Powders at. Truvy's Face Powder, 75c size. Harriet Hubbard Ayers, 75c size. Coty Face Powder, $1.00 size. Princess Pat $.1.00 size... e, 50c size at Oc size at. 37c 300 pairs of 12 strand service silk stockings with lisle tops and feet in dozens of new fall shades, a silk stocking that usually sells at $2.25 a pair, and 300pairs of fine sheer chiffon silk stockmgs— sük the full length in a quality that usually sells at $2.25, Now during this salej Pair. 37c 25c ► $1.49 30' 20c * ...aftc New Fall Pumps and Oxfords Are Specially Priced 29c :79c 29c 19c 65c Recent large shipment that bring the season's advance styles are offered here in patent and kid leathers. Many are plain or strap models while others have fancy combinations of leathers that Qß QpT reveals what will be smart for the coming fall and winter, special pair .tPOaOD 66c .....85c ...79c f 6 Thousands of Yards of Silks, Woolens, Wash Whittal Wilton Velvet Rugs, Axminsters, Tapestry, Genu ine Gold Seal Congoleum and Rice Straw Rugs at Very Special Prices n Fabrics, Curtain Materials and Bedding i * Supplies, all enter this sale V i f * V * «il p 36 Inch Everfast Süiting .. ' / v 15% off on all white materials 36 Inch Colored dress Linen, yard. 36 Inch Percales, yard.... 36 Inch Percales . 27 Inch white Outing Flannel, yard^.— 36 Inch White Outing Flannel, yar^L... 18 x 36 Turkish Towels.. 22 x 46 Turkish Towels 34 Inch Marquisette» yard:. 10% off on Curtain Materials» CretOrines, Draperies 42 x 36 Pillow Cases, each......... 81 x 90 Sheets 9/4 Bleached Sheeting, yard.. 42 Inch Tubing, yard... .....S2c 58 x 55 Mercerized Table Cloths at.. . 10% off on ail Table and Bed Linens 69c 33 Inch 12 Mommee Pongee, yard 33 Inch Colored Pongee, yard. 43c A .$1,29 ...:.$1.69 $1.49 $1.98 ■■ \ 9*x 12 Whittal Wilton Velvet Rugs, now___ 8 1-3 x 10 1-2 Whittal Wilton Velvet Rugs, now. 9 x 12 Axminster Rugs, now.._.... 27 In. x 64 in. Axminster Rugs, now.. 27 in. x 54 in. Tapestry Rugs, now......_' 24 in. x 48 in. Import«! Rag Rugs, each_ 9 x 12 Imported Rice Straw Rugs, very special at.. .$69.50 .....$69.50 .$37.76 -.$8,69 .$1.39 -i." / v: * iri 40 Inch Crepe De Chine, yard.. 40 Inch Georgette Crepe, yard.. 40 Inch New Black Satin, yard.. -...75c ...16c ■\r : >* J'Tk.J i i. 23c ''V 69c 36 Inch Wool Mixed Suitings, yard. .15c ........19c 79c 40 Inch Wool Mixed Suitings, yard. }■* ! » $1.36 $4.95 f mss a 'f \ 40 Inch All Wool Canton Crepe, 54 Inch Wool Flannel, yard. 54 Inch New Wool Coatings, yard... 36 Inch Wool Tweeds, yard.-.-— 36 Inch Black Sateen, yard.—. 36 Inch Figured Sateen, yard.—. 32 Inch Everfast Wash Prints, yard— 32 Inch Romper Cloth, yard. 32 Inch Renfrew Devonshire, yard 29 Inch Striped Shirting, yard.. 28c Genuine Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs .$2.49 ...$1.75 .,39c :.....:..19c Size 9 x 12, now. 'f* 8 x 10Vè» now.. V* 9x9, now_ 7x9, now. 6x9, now. 18 inch x 86 inch Floor Mats, now 19c, 2 f or S5c -.$18.95 .$11.96 .-$10.46 .$8.96 .$7.46 6x6, now_ r 3x6, now_ " 3 x 4Vi, now..; 8x3, now. .-..$3.96 $J.65 ..-...$1.39 ? ■V-; _59c n .J 26 c 96c 28c ■ »» '4 It 59c .—.$1.00 ■ .. 89c 49e by the Yard % 25c -....$139 III X:.. t . •** ♦ 6 ft. .$1.60 .$2.60 .-69c 29 inch Rug Border, yard 49c 36 inch Rug " " ' 9 ft. wide, yard.—.. Hall Runner, yard .... 15c a T C£ iB 2,000 BALLOONS GIVEN AWAY - C IE TO s - ry % MR