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11 11 m i l 11 i I r t rum m - wi i t i i i i * immmiiMn iimimn > .h4 .>i u i i n i »i m -« m i munmi i si 11 m*n mu i ; Uhe News from Gallatin County j * * From Our Special Correspondents * * inm i miiinin tjnanana« « \yt 8 U It '»•5 n LOGAN PB 8 » a « ts n n « a n 8 8 « u Mrs. Lloyd Meador and Mrs. Phil Lang motored to Bozeman and spent Tuesday shopping. Eoy Stone is taking a week's va cation from his duties as messenger on the Helena stub. George Hotrum, Jr., has accepted a position at the cement plant in Trident for the winter. Mrs. Edith Vaughn of Manhattan was a Sunday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Carpenter. Norman Kalvnes of Three Forks was a business caller in Logan and vicinity Tuesday morning. Earl Bryant motored to Three Forks Tuesday morning with a truck load of sheep for Peter Cobus. Mrs. Olive Loomis and Miss Ethel Ellison were dinner guests Monday at the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellison. Henry McDonnell and Jack Dono van of the Madison valley were busi ness callers in Logan Tuesday morn ingg Mrs. Ernest Haselhorst has depart ed for Washington, wh'jre she will visit with friends in Pascoe and Se attle. Mrs. Lyle Middleton and Mrs. L. C. Bevier motored to Bozeman and spent Saturday shopping and visiting friends. Miss Lady Coffey, who has been working at the N. P. depot during the absence of H. McDowell, left Wed nesday for her home in Bozeman. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McLees and Russell McLees of Norris stopped in Logan for a short time Monday en route to their home from a business trip to Bozeman. J. M. Olsen and Oscar Nelson, who have been spending the last three months in Canada, have returned to USE SULPHUR TO HEAL YOUR SKIN Broken Out Skin and Itching Eczema Helped Over Night For unsightly skin eruptions, rash or blotches on face, neck, arms dr body, you do not have to wait for relief from torture or embarrassment, declares a noted skin specialist. Apply a little Mentho-Sulphur and improvement shows next day. Because of its germ destroying prop erties, nothing has ever been found to take the place of this sulphur prepara tion. The moment you apply it heal ing begins. Only those who have had unsightly skin troubles can know the delight this Mentho-Sulphur brings. Even fiery, itching eczema is dried right Get a small jar of Rowles Mentho Sulphur from any good druggist ap. u|iiiiiiiii;iiii)iaiiiiia(tiiianiiiiiiiitiiiiii,iiiiiiiiiH>iiaiiaH«ituii§''fluitiiiiiii;iiiiaiiaMiiittiiiiait,tiitiiuaiiuiiu.MainNUH(iii I Stationery Seaside Ripple 2 I ■ WHITE WITH GILT EDGE I 72 Sheets / ê 24 Envelopes 85c m Cox-Pocttcr Drug Co. 8 East Main s I - Phone 128 . *.'ii « <(.ii:iii>ii:iiii()aiiiiiiiii4iiii«iiMiiiiifiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiMiiiinaiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiaHaiiiiiiiiiuaiiaititwuaM«i I \ » Gallatin Valley Creamery H. F. JUDEVINE, Manager NEW LOCATION OCTOBER 4—25 SOUTH TRACY AYE. • s' WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR CREAM BUY YOUR BUTTER, EGOS, CHEESE, AND ICE CREAM HERE ÎV WE AIM TO PLEASE — SHU 1 US YOUR CREAM Logan and rented the Yellowstone garage, which they will operate this winter. Sea more« Sloan, who has been a guest of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Sloan, for the past week, has returned to his home in Boulder City. • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peaslee of Man hattan were Sunday visitors at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sloan. They were en route to Trident, where Mr. Peaslee has a position in the cement plant. »88888888» » .« 8 Si » 8 WEST END » 8 888888888 8 888 8 8 W. E. Paxton left Monday for Chi cago with some cattle. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jensen and son spent Sunday with relatives near Bozeman. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Buettner and son, Junior, were dinner guests at the Givens Itome Sunday. Ollie Sorensen spent a few days with relatives in this vicinity daring the week. Miss Edna Pierson left last week for Dillon where she will attend Nor mal school the coming term.' Several of the people of this vicin ity attended the fair in Bozeman last week, in spite of the cold weath er. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Werner and daughter, Burnadine, were visitors at the B. Werner home Sunday af ternoon. The Misses Lily and Martha Pier son, who are attending high school in Bozeman, spent the week end at their home here. B. Werner moved his threshing ma chine to the Hodgekiss ranch up Trail Creek, Monday, and expects to thresh there this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Werner and Bern hard Werner motored to Belgrade last Tuesday and visited with A. J. Kannegaard, who is seriously ill. Mr. Kannegaard is now at the hos pital in Bozeman for surgical care. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nickelson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nickelson and Peter Nickelson of Cokedale were visitors at the Werner home Friday evening. They also attended the fireworks dis play in Bozeman Friday evening, be ing accompanied by the Werner fam ily. 888888888888888 8 » 8 SEDAN ^ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bennett of Liv ingston were guests Sunday at the Frame ranch. • Mr. and Mrs. Orville De Fields, ac companied by their daughter, Lucille, and Mrs. Phil Lamson and Miss Ar dyce Inabnit, motored to Bozeman Friday. ** ** a u « n 8 8 » 8 « n a » » / 8 a SPRINGH1LL « » « 8 » 8 » » k « « a » « a a w Nearly everyone in the community attended the Gallatin County fair, and were well pleased with the exhibits. Well-drillers were employed by Claude Maher at his home last w<;ek. They completed their work Monday. Mrs. Herbert Walton came Sunday from Wilsall to visit for a time with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Walton and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walton. Mrs. Ben Walton and baby girl re turned home from the Deaconess hos pital in Bozeman Sunday. The baby has been named Phyllis Laurine. Threshing is again progressing in the neighborhood since the recent storms. If the weather'continues fair it will not be long until all the crops in this vicinity will be threshed. Mrs. Stanley Sisterson of Dillon has been visiting her sister, Mrs. j Lester Crouse, for several days. Sht ! returned to her home during the The freeze last week did a gréât Such week. deal of damage in the neighborhood as very few people had gathered their vegetables and apples, cold weather at this time of year was not expected. Miss Laura Belle Brainard, teacher of the Springhill school, has been un able to teach this week due to illness. Her sister, Mrs. Bessie Rhinehart, is substituting for her. II is hoped that Miss Brainard will enjoy an early re covery and be able to resume her duties. Elmer Kannegaard was a recent business visitor in Bozeman. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Robinson and family were Bozeman business visi tors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Frank of Liv ingston visited friends at Myershurg and Sedan Sunday. Lloyd Inabnit was a guest Friday evening at the home of his brother, W. P. Inabnit. Charles Williams of Livingston was a business visitor in the vicinity Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. D'Ewart were dinner guests at the Jorgenson home in Wilsall Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Francis and family were Bozeman callers 'Friday. Mrs. Gladys Parnich and daughter, Vera, have gone to Bismarck, N. D., to join Mr. Parnich, who is sick. Several Sedan people attended the benefit dance at the Porcupine school for the Bridgtwater family, who re cently lest their home by fire. The North Fork Threshing com pany co mpleted threshing at the J. R. Inabnit lanch and moved Saturday to the Cowan ranch. Several Sedan folk visited the county fair in Bozeman last week, and were pleased at the Sedan school exhibits, which won several awards. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. D'Ewart, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Sanders and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cowar. motored to Liv ingston Friday evening. Sam Foreman of Washington, former resident of Sedan, is spend a ing several days here, visiting friends and attending to business in terests. Among the shoppers and visitors in Wilsall from Sedan and vicinity this week were Mr. and Mrs. Ray-1 mond Kannegaard, Carl Robinson, Mark Cowan, C. D. Geordge, Walter Thompson, Wesley and Laurel Inab nit, L. L. Cooper and family, W. A. D'Ewart, ArnoltJ Pergandie, W. S. Carr, Joseph Schaefer, O. J. De Fields, William Daugherty, and Hur ley Godwin. -- ^8 8 88 8 888888888! * H BELGRADE ^ » 8 88 8 8 888888 88888 Mts. Alice Tate of Los Alngeles is visiting her mother, Mrs. Eliza Weaver, on Quaw boulevard. Mrs. Fred Axtell of Bozeman was a business visitor in Belgrade the first of the week. » 8 Charles- Hecox and Norman Stuart drove to Gardiner on business Tues day. Charles Hecox went to Bozeman Monday afternoon to attend to busi ness matters. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Coleman and daughter, Inez, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. S, Hecox at dinner Sun day.. Ed Knowles of Yamhill, Oregon, and his brother from Iowa were here to attend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Jacob Burkin, last week. Ernest Williams of Livingston spent several days in Belgrade the first of the week, looking after busi ness matters. The death of an infant daughter Mr. and Mrs. John Bell of Wolf Point, was reported to his parents, Mr. arid Mrs. David Bell, last week. Raymond Diefenderfer, who is at tending the State university at Mis soula, came home Friday visited over the week end with hia parents. Teacher« spending their weekly holiday ont of town were Miss Wilma Dodds and Miss Doris Rouse, at the Madison dam with a brother of the latter, and Miss Maud McNett with friends at Mammoth Hot Sittings. Miss Blanche Femey spent the week end at the Lobdell cabin up West Gallatin canyon, several young people from Bopeman helping to make up a party. Mrs. G. R. Powers and daughter, Mary Alice, of Bozeman stopped in town Sunday, on their way home from Three* Forks, where they had taken Mr. Powers and John, who left for Aberdeen, S. D. ■ - . Mrs. Roy McAuley left Monday for Missoula, called there on account of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Howard Harper, formerly Mrs. Fay Winton. Mrs. Frankie Vicar of Roundup and Mrs. George O. Arnold of Florida, had also been summoned. Henry Schyett arrived home Sat urday from a trip to the east, having been gone several weeks. While away he visited in Washington, D. C.; Atlantic City, .the Sesqui-Centennial at Philadelphia, with the parents of Mrs. H. C. Warren in Canton, Penh.; Chicago, and other points. Mrs. Fred Bessette was hostess at a bridge luncheon Saturday, when five ladies from Bozeman were pres ent. After partaking of a splendid luncheon the la*dies played bridge, high score going to Mrs. W. W. Cas per of Bozeman, second to Mrs. A. L. Olsen, and low to Mrs. Ray Angèll. Mrs. Harley Stephenson entertain ed the World Wide guild Wednesday, Sept. 22, with 22 girls and several grownups present. As this was the first meeting of the season, officers for .the year were elected as follows: President, Florence Reid; vice pres ident, Leota Pitman, and secretary treasurer, Lucile Reid. Fifteen girls joined. Refreshments were served. Miss Frances Newbury will be the next hostess. The Baptist Woman's Helping so ciety met Thursday, September 23, at the home of Mrs, Charles Allen. Despite the storm, there was a good attendance. The ladies were asked if they wished to serve lunch during the election in November and it was de cided to do so. After several busi ness matters were disposed of, Mrs. Allen served refreshments. John Enns and Mrs. Roy Gilmer will be hostesses at .the next meeting, which will be at the Enns home. A reception for all teachers of the Mrs. Belgrade schools was given at the school house Monday evening, and a good many turned out to welcome them. The program was held in the assembly room with W. H. Moore as chairman. After telling the reason for the gathering, which is getting to be an annupl affair, Mr. Moore called on M. C. Smiley, president of the Chamber of Commerce, to give the address of welcome, and this was responded to by Principal A. L. Olsen. Jess Robinson gave a vocal solo with Miss Wilma Dodds accompanist; Wil liam Fitzstephens explained measure to be voted on at the next election, Referendum No. 29, with C. W. Coon also speaking a short time on the same subjejct. Mr. Coon then gave reasons for the proposed build ing, bonds for which will be voted on Tuesday. Thq school quartet gave the a couple of numbers, then Mr, Moore announced that ice-cream and cake would be served in the domestic sci ence rooms,, after all had taken ad vantage of .the chance to meet the teachers. tt 8 8 8888888 8 88888 8 WILLOW CREEK XX ö 8 88 8 8 888888 88888 Miss Leona Miller of Belgrade spent Sunday here visiting friends. j William Kelly was a Three Forks j business visitor Monday, Ernest Hankinson has returned from Potosi, where he has been era ployed for the last week. A large number of Willow Creek people attended the dance given at j the Hensley hall Saturday night. 1 Mrs. Oscar Burgreen left Friday j for Butte, where she will spend a few days visiting friends. Mrs. Burton Thompson spent sev eral hours in Three Forks Monday. Joe Gibson of Manhattan was in town Monday. Lawrence Hankinson from the up per Madison spent several days of last week in Willow Creek visiting friends and relatives, The Misses Tamsy and Eula Thompson, who are staying at the Ji. A. Drewiecke home and attending school, spent the week end at their \ L j I I 1 Rub Rheumatic Pain From Aching Joints I Rub Pain right out with émail trial bottle of old "8t, Jacobe OIL" 1 Stop "dosing" It's pain only; Rheumatism. ; not one case in fifty internal treatment. Rub requires soothing, penertatting "St Jacobs Oil" right cm the "tender spot" and by the time you say Jade Robinson—out comes the rheumatic pain and distress, "St Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheu matism liniment which never disap points and doesn't burn die skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching joints, muscles and bones ; stops lumbago, backache and neuralgia. Limber up? Get a sm H be free home in Milligan canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Reich and son left Friday for Waterloo, where ! No more "IFS" on washday! Of course you'd prefer to do your own washing IF—IF you could do it easily, quickly and without labor or strain! Now you CAN do it—with the iW WA » WASHED &DDYEE and its wonderful A intDni in-Rinse. @) , o Now you can wash, blue, rinse and dry whole tubfuls at a time, from hamper to line in the short time of 18 minutes per load . You can do it without using "set" tubs, or putting a hand in water or "feeding a wringer" because the Savage has no it rinses and dries wringer as it spins—in one quick opera« tion, and with all this, it never breaks buttons or snaps! '/i Don't accept our word for it— have us make you a FREE HOME TEST of "Spin-Rinse, Spin-Dry''.Simply phone or call. Easy payments if desired. The Savage empties by means of it* own ejects* pump at the touch of a toe. 4 * m. « Sold By H. B. McCAY Quality Price $160.00 cash or on the payment plan. 10% interest charged on deferred payments PHONE 49 Service « 1 V Ask about the wonderful Constant • W a ter Level Device and "Purifier"' * —an exclusive Savage feature! ♦ THE UNIVERSAL CAR Here Are Some Good Buys in Used Cars, Backed by Our Guarantee of Honest Values FORD TOURING; A good running car, with self-starter, permanent lights, Hasslers. Only $135.00. 1023 FORD TOURING: We have completely overhauled this car, and re painted it. If you are interested in a 1st class car at a moderate price, here it is. 1925 TUDOR SEDAN: A late model, in good condition, and one you will be proud to own. Closed Car comfort at less than open car price. 1025 ROADSTER, WITH DELIVERY BOX; f Used just one year. Extra Tire and Tube. You can save more than $200 on this one. DODGE TOURING; A good-looking, good running car at a bargain. Only $150.00. 1 CHEVROLET TOURING; This is the 1924,. Superior Model. A fine-looking car, and in good condition. Almost new tires, side curtains, chains. ; ■S \ Buyers tell us that our Used Cars are fast esta reputation for their good condition, and for We will take Easy Terms. 70 oM Ford in trade, and you they will spend a few weeks visiting Mrs. Reich's sister, Mrs. Elmer Win cheL