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I I I » I I I * 4-I* MKH4WM «44 «44 «44 4-«-« I I II I I I I 14444 44-« 4—4 X5he News from Gallatin County ; 4» 4» ;■ From Our Special Correspondents * ... 1 ii ui 1111 m»Mi I m i i 1 1 1 n rim >9 >9 » I i f f ntm r i r i 1111 « 11111 1 » I 15 55 8 55 88888 8 88888 ** M » it 15 WILLOW CREEK « 8 U 55 » » 84 tt » 8 » » Scott Thompson spent Friday and Saturday in Bozeman. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thompson of fetilligan canyon were in town Friday. Lyle Lane is suffering from blood j foisoning. He is confined to his bed. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bittern have taken charge of the hotel for an in definite period. .Mr. and Mrs. Jay Huiler drove to I zeinan last week and spent a day «•.tending to business matters. Mrs. William Hilke, who has been confined to her bed by illness for 13ie past week, is recovering rapidly. Saturday night, February 6, the Woman's club will give a dance at Frederick's hall. The public is cordi ally invited to attend. Messrs. Arthur Cook, Orlando Capps, Richard Nelson, Ralph Gilbert «r.d Norman Gilbert are attending I2e boys' vocational congress at Boze trm this week. John Te Selle and daughter and Frances and Dorothy Flaherty and 1 i mice Noble motored to Three Forks Saturday and attended to business matters. : At the gymnasium last Friday eve e'Tig the Willow Creek girls' basket ball team defeated the Pony girls' team, 10 to 2. The Willow Creek fcoys' quint also was successful, run «fng up a score of 18 to 10 against live Pony boys' aggregation. Miss Vivian Bergh, primary grade teacher in the local school, returned F >nday from Clayton, Wis., where s ? was called on account of the death Of her brother. It was the second I ie within the last few months that death had invaded Miss Bergh's home. Fir Willow Creek friends extend sin cere sympathy. t *8 « • # 8 8 8 8 8 8 18 8 8 8 8 8 8 «♦ 8 8 BELGRADE 8 t *5 8 8 88 88 88 8 8 8 88 J lev, and Mrs, R. W. Orr had as ner guest Sunday, Rev. A. A. Mc C bey. drs. Louis Biggs from near Boze * n spent Tuesday with her sister ly -law, Mrs. L. R. Hecox. >weet Pea Rebekah lodge met Tues dj t evening in regular session, enjoy i • a social time after closing. VTiss Bernice Cook spent the week a l in Bozeman as a guest of Miss T ilo Hough. -'1. E. Hutchings made a business trn to Seattle last week, leaving on Th ursday afternoon's train. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell dï Boze man drove to Belgrade Friday and r'/Te dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. I A. Crew. Mr. and Mrs. Sandiland went to P zeman Sunday, joining a group go ry * to Bridger for skiing and tobog r ling. Ir. and Mrs. S. C. Allen and son, T ly; Parker Stone, Mr. and Mrs. A. T Olsen and Carlin; and Mrs. Bar feur were dinner guests of Misses 1 a and Etta Hall last Sunday. 'Ir. and Mrs. Clarkson Spain enter ♦ n 'ned at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. T E. Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fdson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell, H-d Mr. ard Mrs. Tom Gowin. Mr. and Mrs. John Keil, and Lewis • ! viand ar.d family moved, last week, 1 the Tames Buckland ranch west tr. Shedd's bridge, and will reside f me the coming summer. Mrs. Keil gvd Mrs. Newland are sisters. Officers elected at the Episcopal grild at the W. J. Marcy home last woek were: President, Mrs. E, S. f ■•'wbury; vice president, Mrs. E. R. F ah la; secretary, Mrs. Conrad Wipf, e^d treasurer, Mrs. William Fitz •ri*phens, There was a very good at tendance, and all enjoyed the dainty IflSch. •Tuesday afternoon, January 25, the rris of the Westminster guild held OWr regular meeting at the Pres f L erian church parlors and elected tracers for the coming year. Miss ! 1 anor Harrer is president, Miss Vi c 1 Clark, vice president, and Marie £ Idon, secretary-treasurer. The f s took their suppers and enjoyed t • m after the business was over. 'Tie Baptist Woman's Helping so c ty met Thursday afternoon, Janu ' 27, at the home of Mrs. J. S. I ie, about 30 being present. Mrs. J : B, Robinson presided and several f mess matters were attended to. I 'ht refreshments were served by ?' s. Lane and Mrs. C. D. Grant. Mrs. C mge Reinig will be hostess next r 'tin* with Mrs. John Breshear as suring. 'Tie young people, in observance of ,r ; P >ple's day throughout the * .J, took charge of the services at Presbyterian church last Sunday t "mg, Fred Harrer, president of t the Christian Endeavor society, hav ing the chair. They had charge of all branches of the service, prayer, an nouncing and Scripture, and explained the work of the Endeavor and the Westminster guild. Celebrating the burning of the mortgage on the Belgrade Journal, the town and community enjoyed a free lunch and program held at the Odd Fellows hall last Friday, January 28, when C. W. Coon, after congratu lating Sam J. Hampton, editor and publisher, touched a match to the pa per, put the ashes in a "Liberty Bank'', and presented it to Mr. Hamp ton. The program was opened with singing by the male chorus from the Bozeman Kiwanis club led by R. B. Bowden. Lunch was served by a number of ladies from town and the immediate vicinity. Prof. J. Wheeler Barger of Montana State college spoke on "The Planned Community'', and Walter Aitken, also of Bozeman, but a former resident of this place and at one time interested in the Journal, gave a history of the paper from its start to the present day. Mr. Hampton responded. The hall I was well filled with people. A free dance was enjoyed in the evening at the local auditorium. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LOGAN 8 8 88 55 8888855 55 55888 Ernest Haselhorst of Livingston spent Sunday in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bevier visited in Manhattan Monday mornigg. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Middleton are the owners of a new Chevrolet coupe. Barney Deeny was a business caller in Anaconda Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Alice Phénix and Alfred Opie drove to Bozeman Friday evening. Barney Lanagan spent the week end in Logan, returning to Butte Mon day.. H. G. Darlinton of the Madison val ley was a bus passenger to Bozeman Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Kelso and chil dren drove to Manhattan Saturday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Strachan and son, Ken neth, spent Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Joe Allan in Bozeman. Mrs. John Powers and children and her guest, Mrs. G. S. Fusselman, mo tored to Manhattan Saturday. Ted Heiley of Willow Creek spent Saturday evening and Sunday with friends in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Sabo returned the last of the week from a several days' trip to Chico Springs. Mrs. Emma Nicholas arrived Sat urday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Carpenter. Mrs. Russie Gillingham of Three Forks was a business caller in Logan Monday. Miss Kathryn Deeny spent the week end with friends at Reed Point, returning Sunday evening, Mrs. H. G. Darlinton and Mrs. Ralph Darlinton shopped in Logan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Lang and Mrs. Lloyd Meador shopped in Manhattan Monday. Ole Barto of the Madison valley transacted business in Logan and Manhattan Tuesday. C. A. Ellison and Jack Trembath attended the sale at the Wise ranch near Central Park Monday. Billy Davis, Martin Jacoby and Tom Johnson of Manhattan were business visitors in Logan Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Richardson were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Helm in Trident. Mrs. Carson Bechtel of Livingston was a guest Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Rich ardson. She was en route to Cali fornia. LEADS CANTONESE Hi mm V i HI m l v v a Gen. Chen Chiung-ming, leader of the Cantonese armies in South China and one of the best known of the j Chinese militarists. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dunbar 'of Old Town stopped in Logan Tuesday while en route to Bozeman. Francis Sloan returned to school this week after a week's absence be cause of a severe attack of tonsilitis. T. H. Tice has returned from the Madison valley, where he had been attending to business matters Mrs. William Henderschott and son, Billy, went to Bozeman Saturday and visited over Sunday with Mrs. Mary Henderschott. The many friends of W. E. Young of Three Forks were sorry to hear of his death at his home Saturday after a lingering illness. H. M. McDonnell and Olin Durham of the Madison valley were attending to business matters in Logan and vicinity Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tomlinson and Earl Hester of Clarkston attended the dance Saturday evening and spent Sunday at the Jack Landers home. 'Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Grantham and N. R. Grantham drove to Bozeman an< * ^ Grantham, ^ an< * Mrs. P. J. Flynn, Miss Kathryn Flynn and Martin Flynn spent Monday evening at the Dr. Whitehead residence in Bozeman. H. W. Norman motored to Spring hill Monday to spend a couple of days at the home of his brother and fam ily,. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Norman. Mrs. W. W. Jenney returned to her home in Logan Monday afternoon af ter spending a couple of days at Old Three Forks with Mrs. W. E. Young. Among Logan people who shopped between trains in Bozeman Saturday were Mrs. Julius Ehman and daugh ter, Miss Isabelle; Mrs, J. W. Strachan and daughter, Jean; Mrs. Jack Landers and Mrs. A. Williams. Ragen Brothers of Townsend pur chased a band of cattle on the Mad ison last week. The animals were put in the stockyards at Logan Tues day by T, H. Tice, Archie Muir, Ken and spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Todd and H. M. McDonnell. g £ 8 8 55 8 8 8 8 8 55 55 8 8 8 8 88888888 8 8 8 888 8 8 . SEDAN 8 Miss Ardyce Inabnit spent the week end with Miss May Urquhart. Mrs. Wesley DEwart was a Living ston visitor during the week. Several of the farmers are cutting and hauling wood and putting up ice. George Shelhamer of Clyde Park spent a few days last week at his Se dan ranch. Jack Inabnit has been making re pairs on the telephone line during the week. J. R. Inabnit returned Sunday from a business trip to Three Forks and Bozeman. Mrs. Gibson, who has been visiting her mothçr, Mrs. Fred Kurk, returned last week to her home at Clyde Park. Mrs. Mary D'Ewart left last week for California, where she will spend several weeks visiting with her daugh ter, Mrs. Hugh B. Keech, at Long Beach. The small son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bridges broke his arm Friday noon while feeding his horse at the school. He was taken to Livingston immedi ately. Religious services are being con ducted at the Myersburg school, Sun day, Tuesday and Thursday evenings of each week. Everyone is invited to attend. Sedan business visitors in Wilsall during the week were Vance Church, Herman Korde, Wade Inabnit, Wil liam Daugherty, Phil Lamson, Glenn Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Per gandie and daughter, Jack Hebison, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cowan, John Pea cock, Joe Wittman, Fred Kurk, Mrs. Glenn Wellman, Sam Frame, Carl Robinson, and O. J. De Fields. Advancing Year « No Handicap to Genta» Doctor Johnson undertook to I«arn the Dutch language but a few years before his death. His dally wmuitfr ment about this time consisted In committing to memory about eight hundred lines of Virgil. At the age of seventy-three, when suffering from a severe attack of paralysis, which rendered him all but speechless, be composed at Latin prayer. In order to test his power of memory. The marquis de Saint Aulalre began to write poetry at the age of seventy three, and the Muses crowned him with many laurels. Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" the composition of his latest were years. They were begun In his flfty-fourth year and finished in his sixty-first. Ludovic! Monaldesco, at the 'ex traordinary age of one hundred fif teen, wrote the memoirs of his times. Benvenuto Cellini did not begin his most delightful autobiography until "the clock of his age had struck fifty eight"—Market for Exchange. Both Admitted to Supreme Court I I m li . -■ ■ m ■ : m _ ' : *i¥; ; : Sgi» Representative and Mrs. John J. Kindred of New York, who are both lawyers, were admitted to practice before the United States Supreme court, an event that is unusual In the annals of this high judicial body. Before study ing law, Mr. Kindred was a noted alienist and served on the medical staffs of large hospitals in New York state. Mrs. Kindred took her A. B. from Vaasar. The annual election of officers for the Myersburg Social center was held at the January meeting. The follow ing were elected: Mrs. Ella Sheridan, president; Glee Ridnour, vice presi dent; Mrs. L. L. Cooper, secretary treasurer; Mark Cowan, sergeant-at arms; Mrs. W. A. D'Ewart, director. 8558888888 55 888 55 8 8 R 8 8 WEST END R 8 888888888888 8 E. A. Givens was a caller in Boze man Tuesday. Bernhard and Earl Werner deliver ed a load of dressed pork to Bozeman, Thursday. The extra gang, which has been here for time, is now putting new rails in the tunnel. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sorensen of Boze man spent Sunday with Mr, Soren sen's mother, Mrs. A. Sorensen. Mrs. Dick Calvin is visiting with ^ er husband, who is operator at the West End station, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Werner and daughter, Burnadine, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nickelson at their home in Cokedale. Mrs. A1 Julian and children re turned home from Huntley, where Mrs. Julian visited with her uncle. She also visited friends in Park City. A. C. Akey and Leonard Sorensen have been busy the past few days grading the snow off the road on the tunnel hill, but the wind continues to blow so it doesn't help very much. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 BRIDGER CANYON 8 a f 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 (Contributed) Mrs. Carl Justad spent 'Thursday visiting Mrs. W. E, Wicker. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Wicker left on the Montana Special for California. W. E. Wicker delivered a load f dressed pork to a Bozeman market on Friday. Tony Hopf left Sunday for Los An geles, Calif., to spend the remainder of the winter. Floyd Ross attended the dance and spent Friday night at the Papke home. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson and family have moved to their new home in the valley. Charley Bennett attended the dance at the Wittman home and spent Fri day night at the Gallup ranch. Mrs. Floyd Davis and children, Dor othy and Willard, have returned home after spending several weeks with relatives and friends at Villisca, low*. RED PEPPERS END RHEUMATIC PUNS When you are suffering with rheu matism so you can hardly get around just try Red Pepper Rub and you wül have the quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, pene trating heat as red peppers. Instant re lief. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat In» three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circulation, breaks up the conges tion—and the old rheumatism torture is gone. Row les Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a jar at once. Use it for lumbago, neuritis, backache, stiff necît sore musoles, colds in chest Almost instant relief awaits you. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles oü each package. Mrs. Elizabeth Wittman left Mon day for Miles City to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. Andrew Tschemutter. Miss Mable Shook is able to attend school after being confined to her home for some time by smallpox. The Bridger Canyon Woman's duo met Wednesday with Miss Cressie Conz. Twenty-five were present and enjoyed the big dinner, served cafe teria style. The afternoon was spent visiting and with needlework. The dance given at the Wittman home was well attended and every body reported a good time. The bride and bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. John Wittman, who were married recently at Milwaukee, Wis., were present. Mrs. Wittman, who before'her mar riage was Miss Frances Andritch, A »( ■ ÄBb on Winter Outside SummerVithin ?" Zero weather and winter winds have no terror for the home that is heated with clean, moist, warm air from • TORRID ZONE all steel furnace. This form of heat is economical too because the extra radiator or diving flue on the TORRID ZONE makes it possible to use all the heat that would otherwise be lost. The riveted steel construction of the TORRID ZONE furnace is endorsed by man ufacturers of oil burners as being absolute ly gas tight. v l f: f ' Other features of the TORRID ZONE furnace are the large doubla feed doors, the long handled 4t la*y" shaker that rocka locomotive type grates, the extra large water pan and the very large combustion chamber so that coal gases can be burned as fuel before they escape up the chimney. And too, there is the ten year guar antee of the manufacturer. Without obligating you we will be glad to send you a descriptive catalog giving com plete TORRID ZONE information. Î « ; V You can arrange to make or mon._ tnents on a ZONE, if you wish. weekly » easy ithr s — HeatY( I nvc me r v 1 u ■s*a. Di H. BUDD CO. PLUMBING, HEATING, ELECTRICAL AND SHEET METAL WORK 30 Weal Main $ Phone 300 ■»WWW WMWW WWW » « a #WWW t, t; ♦ visited at the Wittman home last summer. Miss Cora Wheat, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wheat, and Burnice Clopton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Clop ton, were quietly married in Bozeman on Saturday and returned to the Clopton ranch to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ross and Rus sel and Dorothy, from Bozeman; Mrs. , Elizabeth Wittman, Laurence Witt man, Joe Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. John Wittman were Sunday dinner guests at the ranch home of Will and Cressie Conz. Bozeman visitors during the week included Mr. and Mrs. John Wittman, Mrs. Elizabeth Wittman, Joe Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Justad, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gallup and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zeman, Miss Larson, Ira Jenkins, Mrs. Floyd Davis and children, Mr. Oma, Will and Cressie Conz, and Lon Shook. f;- • f r • r • > • Butte—Montana Woolgrowers r;e?t here for 30th annual convention, with 1,500 delegates. !> RANCH WANTED WANTED—Hear from owner good Ranch for sale; cash price, particulars D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. S m NEW NME *H| » Our stock of John Deere equipment is waiting for you. We'll be glad to serve you with the new machin ery you'll need for the com ing year. Oliver-Stout Imp. Co. Bozeman & Belgrade