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A = ♦ I> u . » i m m i n i mi 11 »ii « » ■> I i i » » M > u I < u i 1 1 m n m I m m mi m 11 m n 1 111 n m } ü/>e News from Gallatin County * * - From Our Special Correspondents 11111 it I « 111 1 « I * * i ru t ... . ..Him t nt r i f t n-irt»t S It 8 8 » 8 8 tt tt K » 8 8 [ tt 1 St 8 S P SEDAN * t: « :•: ß k 8 » « :•: :•:»»« X). J. De Fields was a business visitor in town Thursday. Fred Kurk made a business trip to Uringston during the week. Miss Ardyce Inabnit spent the k end at the home of her brother, W- P. Inabnit. Several of the trappers in the vi cinity have been quite successful in getting coyotes. Mrs. Phil Lamson came out from ffüsall during the week and has been •oending a few days at the ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Parnick have ed to Wilsall, where Mrs. Parnick «dll be assistant telephone operator. Mrs. A1 Meyers has been visiting a few days with her parents, Mr. sad Mrs. L. C. Green of Wilsall. Miss Mary E. Rosenberg, county superintendent of schools, accom fanied by Mrs. Constance Crist, #mnty nurse, visited the Sedan school Thursday. Several from this vicinity are plan ning to attend the Farmers' Short Course, which is being sponsored by the Smith-Hughes department of the PYlsall high school this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Carpenter, Mr. •ad Mrs. Wesley D'Ewart, Mr. and •1rs. Eber Sheridan and Mr. and Mrs. lîârk Cowan were dinner guests Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Carpenter of livingston were recent visitors in th« vicinity. Mr. has sold his iiterest in the Montana Cafe in Liv ingston and plans to return to ranch Carl Robinson was a Bozeman busi * visitor during the week and com ylrted arrangements for an auction »ale of horses at the Thelan and Han 1 y barn in Bozeman, Feb. 19. He has about 40 horses for the sale, most of them being broken to work. *■: tt tt tt tt tt tt » tt tt tt V ♦ BELGRADE 1 * K « K t: » tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Mr. and Mrs, Joe Parsons are en tertaining their daughter, Mrs. Wayne fair, and small son, Billie. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Matthew tave had as guests Miss Elsie Leh •ian and Wallace Kaiser of Helena* Mrs. Parker Stone and son, who apart the last two months visiting her another in Elgin, Illinois, returned •Or r I —& sc:. . V ! ' Bigger Crops at Lower Cost —that's the result of pro per use of high-grade, labor saving machinery. 01iver=Stout Imp. Co. Bozeman & Belgrade OUoAJUU ' 'mm fyiotfuuts -cmfiovtasvt &neC ajfaanZOQ&f »• L. K. PENCE AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE Telephone 210 BOZEMAN, MONT. ' Cl»» home Sunday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. R. W. Orr and their I guest, Miss Strobach, were dinner guests Monday evening of Mr. and ! Mrs. I. P. Ditefenderfer. Pupils of the' Belgrade high school are working on a musical to be given on February ft. Fancy dress cos tumes will be a feature. Mrs. R. B. Hubbard has improved sufficiently to be up. She had been confined to her room for over a month with heart trouble, but hopes to be well soon. Mrs. Sarah Marshall, who fell and hurt her leg the evening of January 18, was able to be out and attended the aid meeting at the Hecox home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rodea, who left here several months ago and have been at Medill, Nevada, have gone to Salt Lake where Mr. Rodea is em ployed. Mrs. Rodea formerly was Miss Marguerite Bryan of this place. The basketball game here last Fri day evening between the Belgrade high school team and the Bobkittens of Bozeman resulted in a score of 20 to 25 for the visitors. It was the last game on the home floor for the sea son. V Smiling Through"^ was given to a fair audience at the auditorium Mon day evening by Miss Nettina Stro bach, of Intermountain Union college of Helena, and was much enjoyed. During the afternoon she gave several short readings to students of the junior high school. She was a guest, during her stay in Belgrade, of Rev. and Mrs. R. W. Orr. She left on the u Tuesday Thb W. C. T. U. met Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Charles Allen, a goodly number being out. Mrs. G. M. Clark read the devotionals and led in prayer. Several business mat ters were disposed of. Miss Ella Hall will be hostess for the March meeting with Mrs. Orr assisting and Mrs. W. J. Hale leader with the top ic "The Union Signal." Mrs. Allen and Mrs. H. J. Stephenson served waffles with delicious Missouri sor ghum, and coffee. The Rresbyterian aid met Thurs day, February 3, at the home of Mrs. C. H. Hecox. The president, Mrs. Ed win Stephenson, took charge of the meeting, and several important mat ters were discussed. Mrs. Oscar Cole man read from the Scriptures, and Mrs. S. C. Allen read a poem. Miss Hall reported that she had packed five mattress covers for a hospital in Siam, and they would be shipped at once. The next meeting will be at the church with Mrs. S. C. Allen hostess. Mrs. Hecox served ginger bread and coffee. The Belgrade Woman's club met with a good attendance Friday after noon with Mrs. y Lina Miller. Mrs. Sam Allen conducted the business ses tt tt » R 8 I [ Mrs. R. L. Towne had charge of the program, and was accompanied to the meeting by Miss Mildred Cam sion. eran of Bozeman college, who read articles as Mrs. Towne called for them. The topic was "American Poets" and a splendid paper had been prepared by Mrs, Towne. Mrs. Mil ler and Mrs. Coon served dainty re freshments. The next meeting will be with Mrs. R. W. Orr, and will be on crafts, lessons being given in hooked rug making. » tt tt tt tt tt » » tt tt » tt tt K tt tt n » tt WEST END tt »»»«tt»««««««« B. Werner spent a few days with friends in Livingston. E. O. Cash baled hay for J. L. Wells during the week. . J. L. Wells is loading a car of baled hay at the siding this week. Mrs. Edgar Davis, teacher of this school, spent the week end in Boze man. Leonard Sorensen and G. Stublar were Bozeman callers from this vi cinity last week. Miss Emily Button of Bozeman spent a few days at the home of her grandparents, . Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wells, during the week. Misses Lily and Martha Pierson, who are attending high school in Liv ingston, spent the week end at their home. 8R8tt88tt88tt888P8 IK X » tt WILLOW CREEK tt » 8R8tt88tt88tt88888 Mrs. Sollie Miller was a Three Forks business visitor Monday. Lyle Lane, who was confined to his bed last week by blood poisoning in his right hand, is able to be out. Miss Leona Miller of Belgrade spent the week end here visiting with friends and relatives. Gwendolyn and Madeline Flaherty m ** ** spent the week end at Three Forks visiting friends and relatives. Miss Tamsy Thompson spent the week end in Milligan canyon visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thompson. The Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. F. C. Cleveland Thursday of last week. Thé day was spent with sewing. Re freshments were served at the close of the afternoon. The basketball game at the gym nasium Saturday night was well at tended. The score was Willow Creek town team 16; Harrison town team, 11 . Jack Casey returned to Willow Creek Thursday from Fort Harrison hospital at Helena, where he had been for two months receiving medical treatment. The dance given under the auspices of the Woman's club at the Freder icks hall Saturday was well attended. Music was furnished by the musicians of the community. Refreshments were served at midnight. Miss Pearl Thompson, who has been employed in Butte for the past two months, returned to her home Wednesday morning where she will spend a few days visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Thomp son. 8 R tt a « u n a n n » » « u u « LOGAN tt a « :•; « 8 « » a « a « a Fay Drummond went to Butte Wed nesday evening. Combination i L at the D. S. Emery ranch 2 miles southwest of Bozeman on Tuesday, Feb. | Q About lOO Head of Ewes * 4 •i 25 Head coming 4-year-old Ramboulett Ewes. Will I Lamb about March 10 th 10 Head coming 2-year-old Ramboulett Ewes. Will Lamb about March 10th 20 Head of Ramboulett Ewe Lambs 22 Head Hampshire Ewes, mostly 3 and 4 year old. Just ready to lamb. 22 Head mixed Ewes with Lambs 1 Black Oxford sheep coming 4 2 Registered Holstein Bulls ready for service 75 Shoats weighing from 75 to 190 pounds 8 Head of good work Horses 1 14 inch P & O Gang Plow 1 New Omega Separator and other implements 1 Sulky Cart Free Lunch at 12 o'clock Sale starts immediately after Volquardsen, Huddleston and others, owners I Terms Cash FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1927 George Burrell motored to Boze man Tuesday. Sam Johnson made a business trip to Bozeman and return Monday. Mrs. Fay Drummond of Trident spent Saturday visiting Mrs. Lloyd Meador. Lloyd Meador of Livingston spent one day last week with his family in Logan. Misses Kathryn Hotrum, and Ag nes and Gerda Larson spent Saturday in Bozeman. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonnell and John Graham transacted business 'n Bozeman Monday. Mrs. T. H. Tice and Mrs. Charles Pond motored to Manhattan Satur day afternoon. George Hotrum, Sr., made a busi ness trip to livingston the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Darlinton and daughter, Mamie, shopped in Boze man Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Sabo returned last week from a week's stay at Chico Springs. Henry McDonnell and Jack Dona von of the Madison valley were callers in Logan Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Kelso and children, Donald and Dorothy, spent Wednesday in Manhattan. George Hotrum, Johnnie Landers and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bryant drove to Three Forks Sunday evening. John Bettle, new manager of the Logan cafe, was a business caller in Manhattan Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnston and children and Mrs. Lloyd Mead*r mo tored to Manhattan Saturday after noon. Frank Johnson and daughter, Miss Augusta, of Billings arrived Satur day afternoon to spend Sunday with friends in Logan. Harry Sesser returned to Manhat a of \ - tan Tuesday evening after spending day here with his mother, Mrs. Olive Sesser. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bevier, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Middleton and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Haselhorst spent Wednesday evening in Manhattan. Clyde Freeman of Livingston ar rived in Logan Saturday morning for few days' visit with Mrs. John Powers and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McLees were called to Miles City Wednesday by a telegram telling of the sudden death their nephew. Mrs. Olin Durban and Miss Alice Walsh returned Sunday evening from Butte, where they spent the week end with friénds. Oscar Nelson and Melvin Olsen mo tored to Three Forks and spent Sun day afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLees. H. W. Norman returned Wednesday from Belgrade, where he spent a cou ple days at the ranch home of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Norman. •HaiNnMtiiiiiaiitnaiiiHiiiitiaiiantMtiiaiMiaiitiitii lam ■tiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaMaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaMaiiaiiaii £ For Sale . ê SPUD LAND I Next field brought 250 sacks per acre, worth £375. Land I now in clean alfalfa. Price £200 per acre ; one-half cash j I ALFORD YERGEY * B 1510 West Babcock iiaiiaiiaHatiaiiaiiatiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaitaMaiiaiiaiiBiiaiiaiiaiiaiia'iaiianaHaiiaiiaiiaiiananaiiaiiaiiaiiaitaitaiiaiiaitaiiaiiauanaiianaiiaiiaiia * Mrs. William Heaston and daugh ter, Martha, returned to Trident Mon day evening after a few days' visit here at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jack Lander. (Continued on page Seven) Klj /VS Hi ilRB a i '«I i. GROCERIES We have them—the very best. Just call 266 West Side Cash Grocerv Phone 266 j 410 W. Curtis