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NEWS OF SOCIETY $ MRS. MABEL KINNEY HALL, Editor I Telephone 650-M VVW^^MMMMMVWAMWWVVVVSM 1 happy happenings The home garden is the alluring center of social activity in Bozeman, during this first week of May. Practical problems of growth, as affected by conditions of seed and soil, share consider ation with the artistic problems of color harmony and effective placement in the new garden. The health and happiness that grows with out-of-doors activity is richly known by my lady fair, during this "clean-up" week, as she revels in the joy of: EARTH'S NEW GOWN A new spring gown for our lady Earth, Replacing passing winter's dearth. Shimmering gauze of low-lying surf, Glimmering draws of lowly turf, Endowing earth's gay gracious girth With soft rose shades of blossom birth; Or set with buds of jewel worth, Our earth draws breath of contented mirth. Friday Bridge Club Mrs. E. F. Bunker entertained the Friday Bridge club, last week, having twelve members and Mrs. F. A. Field ing a guest, to enjoy the game and the tea service that followed G. A. K. and W. R. C. William English post of G. A. R. will hold session at 1:30 o'clock, next Saturday afternoon, in K. P. hall. Following this meeting, there will be an assembly of W. R. C. at 2:30 o'clock in the same hall. I House-warming. The newly completed residence of Ed Shary and his daughter, Miss Maude Sharp, at their ranch home on the Reservation, was the scene of a delightful gathering, last Saturday evening. Nearly 150 neighbors and relatives joined in the house-warming, spending the evening with card games with dancing and with visiting about the supper tables at mid-night. Rub Rheumatic Pain, Soreness, Stiffness Rub Pain right out with »main trial bottle of old St. Jacob» Oil." I« What's Rheumatism? Pain only. Stop drugging 1 Not one case in fifty requires internal treatment Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" directly upon the "tender spot" and relief comes instantly. 'St Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica liniment, which never disappoints and cannot burn the skin. Limber up 1 Quit complaining 1 Get a small trial bottle from your drug gist, and in just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic and sciatic pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. Old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" has relieved millions of rheumatism sufferers in the last half century, and is just as good for sci atica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains and swellings. in I. O. O. F. hall, forty members, THE difference between a man who has a Bank Account and the one who has none, is the difference between a tea-cup and a cup of tea. % < m Gallatin Trust & Savings Bank Bozeman, Montana MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM x::mm:w«: : «iii»m iii imm»»»:»m» > »i i »u i i»ttm i H»«iH»m»Hmm»»wtmi f, * Built to Fit Your Business Graham Brothers Trucks •V. . % * V . » 34 1 iVz ' 2 -Ton H. B. BLAIR MOTOR CO. * Livingston, Mont. I » L. O. F. Club. Mrs. Dexter Moser entertained the L. O. F. club, Tuesday afternoon, at her ranch home, with J. C. Robertson alsp hostess. Guests of the club were Mesdames Rose Axtell, Frank Alder son, C, J. Sears and Frank Sears. Four tables were in play with the game of bridge and afternoon tea service. Dinner and '500. The Dinner, '500 club of twelve members accepted the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield W. Spain, last Thursday evening, for the closing ses sion of the season. Dinner was served at the Gilkerson banquet room, after which, the club members accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Spain to the home of Mr. Louis Accola on South Willson avenue, to spend the remainder of the evening with the game. May Day Party. The little pupils of the kindergarten conducted by Mrs. A. C. Tallman en tertained a company of mothers, last Friday afternoon, with a program that told of May time in royal fashion. Costumes were worn by the little folks, making them into flowers and fairies, with the May queen and her heralds. So gowned, all took part in the "Ship of Spring" and in a live ly May Pole dance, which followed a number of folk dances. Helpful Hour Club. Mrs. William Farrell and Mrs. Ernest Fowler entertained the Helpful Hour club, last Friday, at thç ranch home of Mrs. Fowler. The fourteen members, who were present, tacked a bed comfort as they visited. Re sponse to roll call was made with Mother's Day" quotations and place favors with the refreshment service at 4:30 o'clock, were the carnations dedicated to Mother's Day. Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Ennis were guests of the club. a Rebekah Lodge Auxiliary. Hostesses for the Auxiliary to Re bekah lodge, Tuesday afternoon, were Mesdames Clara Crouse, C. H. Mor row, William Pratt and Minnie Rogers. There were present, at the session including the six recently enrolled; Mesdames Ida Hines, Edith Hancock, Pearl Mapes, Mabel Moore, Pike and McCabe. Program leaders for the afternoon were Mesdames F. Harl Caven, C. W. Hess and Susan Hoff man and program numbers included a play: "A License to Wed," put on by Mrs. Forrest Bowen, Mrs. H. H. Conley and Mrs. A1 Grantham. Guests at Belgrade t Members of the Bozeman Presby terian Missionary society accepted an invitation from the Ladies' Aid society in Belgrade, to spend Thursday after noon of this week as guests at Bel grade. The visiting group left Boze man at 1:30 o'clock by automobile, reaching Belgrade in tiipe for the opening of the afternoon's program. Mrs. H. B. Darnall led the devotional service;.then followed an address by the State President of Missions, Mrs. W. T. Thompson, upon the topic: Dawn and Day; Africa" by Mrs. H. S. Buell; and two vocal solos by Mrs, Henry Schwartz, with accompaniments played by Mrs. R. Fransham. a paper upon Senior Class Reception. President and Mrs. Alfred Atkinson tendered the annual reception to mem bers of the senior class of Montana State college, last Friday evening, with 140 guests assembled at Her rick Hall to enjoy the gracious fun ction. In the receiving line with Pre sident and Mrs. Atkinson, were Dean Una B. Herrick, Director F. B. Lin field, Dean and Mrs. J. M. Hamilton; Dean and Mrs. C. N. Arnett. A few young women of the junior class served the refreshments of the even ing, in a setting of roses and snap dragons, all in shades of pink, with green foliage. Orchestral music was rendered by Professor Joseph Adam, H. C. Cheever, and Schubert Dyche, to add to the pleasure of the evening. Chi Omega Initiation. The ceremony of initiation was held by members of Chi Omega sorority, last Saturday evening, at the chapter house on South Willson avenue. This was followed by an initiatory break fast, Sunday morning, at the Boze man Grill, when a large company of patronesses, alumnae, and active mem bers paid honor to the new members, the Misses Dorothy Adams of Colum bus, Ruth Sanders of Anaconda, Edna Vickers of Butte, Elizabeth Weir of Roundup, Margaret Briggs, Geraldine Morgan and Monica Warner of Boze man. On Monday evening, Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Klemme and Mrs, L. A. Cope land were guests at dinner at the Chi Omega house; and after dinner, Rev. Mr. Klemme brought a message of college values, with his topic: "Dream Time and Memory Time. yy Father and Son Banquet The Men's Bible class of the Meth odist church Sunday School arranged a "Father and Son" banquet, whicn was held last Thursday evening, at the church. There were present 40 fathers and 50 sons, seated about long tables, where main courses of the menu were roast Iamb and ice cream, with attractive side dishes. In addi tion to chorus singing, there were solo numbers by William Nevin, quartette numbers by Messrs. R. B. Bowden, Kenneth Schwartz, Ed Fuller and Hil more Riek of the college; a speech of welcome to the boys by R. E. Bodley; and a talk upon the Sunday School contest in Livingston, given by R. T. Challender. Young Ernest Challender completed the program with a piano solo. • BOOKLET TELLS OF SUMMER'S SESSION AT U. OF MONTANA MISSOULA (Special Correspond ence)—Twenty-five thousand summer session booklets will soon be off the press and ready for distribution to half of the teachers of Washington, Idaho, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowa, and one tenth of the teach ers in nine other states. • This» booklet contains a complete description of the State Uhiversity of Montana, its curriculum, a list of the faculty numbers,'and schedule of summer session excursions. There are 32 pages in the booklet. * The university will be aided in the distribution of the summer session pamphlets by the Northern Pacific and Milwaukee railroads, which will distribute 600 each, and the Great Northern, which will distribute 250 copies. Twin Bridges—Interstate Lumber company plant, recently burned, to be rebuilt. BED PEPPED HEAT ENDS RHEK™ Red Pepper Rub takf-s the "ouch from sore, stiff, aching joints. It can' not hurt you, and it certainly stops tl i old rheumatism torture at When you are suffering so you hardly get around, just try Red Peppet Rub and you will have the quicker relief known. Nothing has such centrated, penetrating heat as red pep pers. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you will feel the tingiiiu heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through ami through. Pair and soreness are gone. Ask any good drugrist for a jar ot Rowlcs Red Pepper Rub. Be sure to get the genuine, wit): the name Row les on each package. once. ca. ccn STATE FAIR WILL OPEN LABOR DAY • Montana's twenty-fifth annual State fair will open in Helena this year on Labor day, September 5, and continue for live days, according to an announcement made by A. H. Bowman, commissioner of the depart ment of agriculture, labor and indus try. The fair this year will be under the management of the state depart ment of agriculture, labor and in dustry and officials of this depart ment report many new features now in preparation which will be added to the program and will supplement the regular traditional features * of the exposition. VACATION TRIP HINTS By J. J. COLLINS, Agt. N. P. R. R. HAWAII. A 28-day trip to Hawaii, covering transportation, meals and berth on steamers, first-class hotel accommo dations in Honolulu for 14 days' vis it, also necessary expenses ashore, auto, rail, etc., a complete tour of the island. Round trip fare from San Francisco $318.50, to which should be added Northern Pacific railway round trip low fare of $76.30 from Bozeman to San Francisco, going and returning via Spokane, Yakima, Seattle, Ta coma and Portland. Stopovers at any point enroute are permitted. Hawaii! The very name conjures so much of romance, charm and beauty that there are few who have not felt a longing to see and enjoy the wonders of that paradise. The scenery is unsurpassed, with volcano born mountains rising above the great valleys covered with pineapple and sugar plantations. Life in Ha waii, with its climate of eternal springtime, offers all the joys of out doors every day in the year. PANAMA CANAL. A delightful trip, combining rail and water travel, around and across America. One way via north Pacific coast points, visiting Spokane, Yaki ma, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles; through the Panama canal, a complete picture of magnificent American achievement. Sixteen to 18 days of steamer voyage — restful journey at sea with pleas ures of shipboard life and sightsee ing calls at ports between Los An geles and New York City. From the latter place, again travel by rail with a choice of routes, returning through Philadelphia, Washington, D. C., and Chicago, or by way of Albany, Buf falo, Niagara Falls and Chicago. A wonderful vacation at a cost of only $405.00, which includes rail transpor tation across the continent and the cruise around America through the Panama canal, with meals and state room on steamers. (To be continued) D. B. Swingle was re-elected chair man, Mrs. H. A. Bolinger, vice chair man, and Miss Bernice Hall, clerk, at a- re-organigation meeting of the board of trustees of School district No. 7 (Bozeman) last week. (M in 'j — 1 , S3 ■ » 1 V 9 Sj M! > m V jöi VA T \ •• V. ilWJP a; rJ; 'Üßik or: — r. t f.rjL £2- I tr: fmih/y V •SB s ^ V Ik 1 ßh ém. n w « l*\ 4 . u î \r [ Famously Good Meals" . New-Type Diners For a quarter of a century the Northern Pacific has been improving its Dining Car' Service. Today, we believe the variety of menus, cuisine and the service itself are better Uian ever before. The next ^ time you travel, we invite you to judge. Our Big Baked Potatoes, Big Baked Apples and Individual Lemon Pies are particular favorites. . s. New-type dining cars are being added to the "North Coast Limited" this * ] spring and summer. "North Coast Limited" One 9J America's' F me Trains /. J. Collins , J \ Agent Baseman, Mont. 140 Northern Pacific 7 Ä, "First of the Northern Trenseont t reniais" NATIONAL EGO WEEK. The first week of May has been designated as National Egg week by the National Poultry council. At this time particular attention will be called to the food value of eggs, their place in the diet and the importance of the egg industry in the United States. Circle—Northern Pacific survey crew finishes work between Circle and Rockway. well No. 4 in Moe Pool, comes in as gusher, 1,250 barrels a day. '9 Shelby — Hill-O'Neil-Loreson XEkk Nice Large Rooms Recently Renovated Steam Heat The Oxford Under New Management CORNER MAIN AND WILLSON ]> Rates by Day, Week or Month |i 1; A FEW LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS !| WSWWWWWWyWWWWWWWSftWVWWVWWVWVWW b ! 2k //i /f/ji Is r • IA WbtfCjJ ■ - I ■ ■V Sight hours sleep— then the shotoer! The best eye-opener in the world is a good shower bath after arising. It tones-up and refreshes the whole body, keeping it attuned to that healthy pitch that enables one to accomplish more during the day's work. The fellow whom you may have admired for his physical fitness and mental alertness, in all probability takes his daily shower bath, religously. A bath-a-day keeps you fit every way!" A quick, convenient way to enjoy the daily bath is under the shower. Write, phone or call for particulars. « D. H. BUDD CO. Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal and Electrical Work Phone 30y 30 W. Main Dr. V.R. Jones DENTIST s Office over Golden Rule g I Store X-Ray Equipment Prices Reasonable Phone 97 Office Hours 9-6 OPEN EVENINGS