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The Bozeman courier. (Bozeman, Mont.) 1919-1954, July 08, 1927, Image 8

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86075113/1927-07-08/ed-1/seq-8/

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Uhe News from Gallatin County
^ ^ From Our Special Correspondents V 1 ; f
8 8 a 8 8 8 8 8 Î-Î 8 » 8
Mr and Mrs. Fred Crouse and
family, except Frederick, armed
Sunday and spent the week visiting
at the Crouse home and with friends
_ neighborhood. Frederick
Crouse will come later for a visit,
»Ill t i l H I I I I I I M II
a « tz « « n »
A number of bear have been seen
around the neighborhood recently.
One was seen b -V Arthur Sandquist
and another by Fred Parker in the
Jsandquist fields and Sunday a moth-,
er and two cubs were seen by Walter
Fifber a short distance east of Har
bui d lngs ' ant * a cub U P
Mill canyon.
Henry and Carl Hall of Townsend
irrived Saturday evening to spend
the bourth with the Crouse family.
Monday they and Mr. and Mrs. Les
ter Crouse and family, Mrs. Anna
Crouse, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crouse
and family of Dillon, and Mrs. Gus
Carlson and family enjoyed a picnic
dinner atf the fish hatchery near
Bozeman, afterwards motoring to the
irch up West Gallatin.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Sandquist,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sandquist, Mr.
«nd Mrs. Bert McMasters and Mr.
ind Mrs. Wesley Davis motored to
Livingston Sunday and attended the
rodeo. Monday, they, accompanied
by Mr, and Mrs. Ward McVey, Mr,
•mnd Mrs. Fred Parker and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Parker and their fami
lies motored to Brackett Creek where
they were met by Mr. and Mrs.
Charley Parker and family of Wilsall,
and all enjoyed a picnic dinner to
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Walton and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wal
ton and baby left Saturday for Wil
«ill where they visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Metier Saturday night and
stayed with Mr. and Mrs.' Lynn Wal
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wal
ton Sunday night. Monday they, ac
rompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Wright and baby w r ho went over Sun
day, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Me
tier and children and Mrs. Edith Wal
ton and Irene, enjoyed a picnic din
ner in Cottonwood canyon.
s n
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a « n n » n n an » a
Mrs. Lloyd Meador and children,
Ernest and Virginia, motored to Liv
ingston Saturday to attend the cele
John Graham of the J. T. McDon-^
nell ranch on the Madison spent Sun
day and Monday at his home in Lo
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Drummond and
the latter's brother, Earl Asseltine,
leparted Sunday morning for a tour
vf Yellow'stone park.
Orville Jones and Sam Roberts,
federal prohibition agents, stopped in
Logan Tuesday morning en route to j
Helena. _
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Norman and ]
thildren and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mid
dleton drove to the Bozeman Hot
Springs and spent a couple of days
Mrs. Dave Burrell and Mrs. Wal
lace Burrell motored to Maudlow and
spent a couple of days at the
Miss Augusta Johnson of Billings
spent the holidays with Mrs. Mattie
Thompson at her home on the North
i harles Myres home, returning Sat-.
urday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Edsal and chil-1
dren, Mrs. John Graham and Mrs.
Louise Gondron motored to Bozeman
and spent Saturday afternoon shop
ping and visiting at the Edsal and
'S! ileham homes.
Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Carpenter and
daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
John Shoemaker and children, and
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Carpenter mo
v.red to Townsend and spent a cou
pie of days with the Ridgeway and
Ballard families.
Mr. and Mrs. John Powers and
children. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnson
ind Miss Edna Olsen, who have been
spending the past month in the
Darkston country summer fallowing,
have returned to their homes here
after completing the work,
R. H. Johnston, Mrs. Johnston and
children, Hal, Jean, Myrtle and Carol,
left Sunday for Manitoba, Canada,
where they will spend the remainder
<>f the summer vacation with Mr.
Johnston's parents. They will visit
Utility Box
V .
For Women
For Men
These ideal traveling conveniences are waterproof,
sanitary and cleanable. They have a wonderful capacity,
and hold bulky cream jars, bottles, shaving outfits, etc.,
which cannot be carried in other tourist cases.

fîox-Poetter Drug Co.
a sister in Minneapolis en route
Mrs. Lloyd Meador and children,
Ernest and Virginia, who attended
the Fourth of July celebration in
Livingston, returned to their home
Un Logan Tuesday morning accom
panied by her mother, Mrs. Frank
\ ander Pete, and Mrs, Robert Belton,
who will spend a few days with
friends here.
Among the Logan folks who spent
p our th a t Bozeman Hot Springs
were Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Olsen, Miss
Edna Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. George
Burrell, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sloan,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peasley, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Lowe, Mrs. A. G. Sime
and daughter, Esther, and son, Ralph,
and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. S. F. McDonnell and t
daughter, Madeline, and son, Steph-1
e n; Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Tice
daughter Harriet, and son, Tom,*Jr.;
Mr. and Mrs, Olin Durham and chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Muir and
son. Courtney, and niece, Miss Grace
Tarhar; Harlem Durham and Henry
McDonnell, all of the Madison val
i ev , formed a party that motored to
the Gallatin Gateway Sunday and en
joyed sightseeing and a picnic din
ner. * *
A pretty church wedding was sol
emnized July 6 at the Saint Mary's
"arish in Lo^an when Miss Lenore
Waters of Belgrade became the bride
of Joseph McQuillan of Logan. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
Father J, M. Lynch at 7 o'clock in
the morning in the presence of the
immediate family of the bride and a
few friends. The bride was attired
in a gown of printed chiffon with
slippers to correspond and wore a pic
ture hat of white. She carried a
shower bouquet of delicately tinted
™ses and lilies of the valley. Cecil
Waters, brother of the bride, was
groomsman. Following the ceremony
the bridal party motored to Belgrade
where a prettily appointed wedding
breakfast was served at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.
J- Waters, with covers laid for eight.
The bride is a charming young lady
who has made her home with her par
en ts 1° Manhattan, where she was
manager of te Mountain States Tele
phone office until a few months ago.
Then she moved with her parents to
Belgrade, where they now reside,
! The groom is well and favorably
known in Gallatin county amf is at
j present manager and partner of the
I Logan Mercantile company. After a
wedding trip to Great Falls and
Stanford, Montana, where they will
visit the groom's sister, Mrs. Frank
Connor, they will be at home to
their many friends in Logan after
July 15.
« » a n n a n n a n a n n n n
» « « a n « a n ^ n a n n n
Mr. and Mrs. Torn Gowin made a
tour of the park last week.
The Episcopal guild met Wednes
day of last week with Mrs. Conrad
wipf at her home east of town,
Children of the Presbyterian vaca
tiôn Bible school held their weekly
picnic at the Robert Bryan ranch
home the middle of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Rüsh Hogsed and
children came from Browning to
spend the Fourth with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Hogsed.
Miss Mabel Jefts came from her
heme at Townsend to spend the
Fourth at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R oy Nelson. Miss Jefts taught the
Waterman school last term,
Sweet Pea Rebekah lodge met in
re g U l ar session Tuesday evening, and
also to entertain the assembly presi
dent, Mrs. Mattie Boyd of Livingston,
w h 0 paid the lodge an official visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barnard
drove through the park last week,
returning by way of West Yellow
stone and visiting at the Kerzen
rnacher home near Gravling.
Don Orr, Arthur Sheldon, and
George Bryan, all students at Inter
mountain college in Helena, returned
J home last week. The latter is con
j valescing from an attack of appendi
Miss Virginia Weast and brother,
Lloyd, of California, arrived the mid
dle of last week for a visit with their
grandmother. Mrs. Sidney Hoffman,
and other relatives in and around
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Brownell are
enjoying a visit with their sister-in
law, Mrs. M. C. Brownell, and grand
son of Iowa, who came to spend the
summer with them and other rela^
Th? Westminster guild, girls' or
ganization of the Presbyterian church,
met ; Tuesday of last week with Mae
Cook at her ranch home on the West
Gallatin. Plans for the work of the
summer were completed, and a delft
clous lunch enjoyed.
At the Baptist Sunday school last
Sunday it was decided to have the
picnic for the winners in last win
ter's contest at the same time as the
picnic for the Woman's Helping
ciety, or Thursday of next week u at
Hot Springs.
Mrs. E. H. Butcher and Mrs Roxie
Gentry of Missouri, aunt and cousin,
respectively, of Mrs. George Reinig
visited with her and her family sev
eral days last week later going to
the ranch home of Ûr. and Mrs W
V. Callantine. Mrs. Butcher formerly
resided at Wolf Creek, Mont.
. Mrs. Ed Duval and family drove
andjaown from Helena Sunday and spent
the Fourth with her sister, Mrs.
George Reinig, and family. Mrs.
Reinig also has as guests her mother,
Mrs. Mary Barham, and sister, Mrs.
Betty Downs, and baby from Mis
souri, who will spend some time here.
On Monday all gathered on the Rein
Iff lawn with the W. V. Callantine
family and held a family re-union.
A number of people from this place
drove to Bozeman Hot Springs Mon
day to attend the Fourth of July
celebration. The stores here were
closed for the day, and v§ry few peo
pie remained at home. The picnick
er s were driven inside about five
o'clock by a heavy rain, and this, in
some places was accompanied by hail,
A number of young folk drove to
Manhattan for the evening.
Mrs. J. B. Robinson entertained
tbe bridge luncheon club at her home
oa the south side one afternoon last
week. Invited guests were Mrs.
Leslie Foerschler of Belgrade, and
Mrs. W. Vv. Casper, Mrs. Floyd Har
rington,_Mrs. W. W. Spain and Mrs.
J 0 ,? 6 ?* , ev ? ng , of Boz « man - After a
delightful luncheon, several hours
were spent with cards. Mrs. Foer
schler won high score.
A delightful party last week was
® n ®,^y ei ^by Mrs. Wayne Barnard at
Gallatin Gateway Inn, the ladies driv
ln S U P ui time for .a wonderful lunch
eon served at 1 o'clock, at two long
t ab * ea drawn near the fireplace in
the dining room. Yellow roses and
the same color scheme in the menu,
ma de a pretty effect. After lunch
eon bridge was played at six tables,
high score going to Mrs, C. R. Gro
gan and second to Mrs. Jean Penwell.
Beside these two and the hostess
there were present Mesdames M. C.
Smiley, J. s - Newbury, Ray Angell,
B. Robinson, Walter Gilmer, C. W.
Coon, Lina Miller, C. E. Stephenson,
R?y Nelson, J. D. C. Wipf, William
Fitzstephens, F. M. Foerschler,
Frank Morgan, William Bennett of
Seattle, J* R- Sandiland, Roy Me
Auley, Clarkson Spain, F. C. Hpr
nngton of Bozeman and Henry Bau
man of Alaska.
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Miss Ruth Christie of Wilsall is
visiting at the Will Christie home.
Lloyd and Homer White went to
Livingston Friday to ride in the rodeo
Mrs. William Ensinger is visiting
this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fore
Mrs. Jennie Kirk and, sons of,
Bozeman are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Don Christie.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Day spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Turner
of Bozeman,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wicker and
Miss Elvin Wicker spent Sunday at
Bozeman Hot Springs.
Mrs. Fred Hopf and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Givens and family
enjoyed a picnic dinner at Brackett
Creek July 4. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ward and Mr.
and Mrs. Wilburn Ward were dinner
guests of ,*Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jacobs
Sunday evening. ;
Mrs. C. P. Manry and daughter,
Mrs. Florence' Stratton of Great
Falls, spent the Fourth with Mr. and
Mrs. Will Christie. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Shook and fam*
ily and Mrs. Mamie* Warren motored
to the Madison river and enjoyed a
picnic dinner the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Terry of Clyde
Park came Saturday and spent the
week end with Mrs. Terry's parents,
Mr, and Mrs. George Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl.Justad, Mr. and
Mrs. Mark Jacobs, John Jeter and
Miss Julia Foreman spent the Fourth
at Bozeman Hot Springs. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson and
family of near Belgrade called on
Mr. 2 nd Mrs. Carl Justad Tuesday
evening. V . :
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Foreman and
daughter Evelyn, motored to the
West Gallatin and snent the Fourth
with Lester Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Shook and
daughter Mabelle and Mrs. Mamie
Warren motored to Three Forks Sun
day .and enjoyed a picnip dinner.
Mr. and Mrs; Frank Davis and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Davis, Miss
Bertha Decker and Prank House
spent Monday evening with Mr. and
a few
Miss Cressie
Mrs. Carl Justad.
. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Galiufi motored
to Billings Wednesday for
days' visit with Mrs. Gallup's par
ents, thè'Tlev. and Mrs. Chqrles D.
Crouch. t
Mrs. Floyd Davis,
Conz and Mrs. Ira Jenkins attended
the Kelly' Canyon Woman's club
meeting on Wednesday at the home
of Mrs. William Hennecook.
Mrs. Jim Christie and son, Lae, of
,Los Angeles came Saturday for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Don Chris
tie. Mr. Christie will join his wife
here the latter part of the month.
Mr. and Mrs, W. 'O. Davis, Miss
Cressie Conz, Mrs. Elizabeth Witt
man and family, Mrs. A. Lee and
daughter and Mr. and Mrsi. Ira Jen
kins enjoyed a picnic dinner at the
Don Gurvin home Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nickles en
tertained at dinner the Fourth, Mr.
and Mrs. Rudolph Vogel and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vogel and Mrs.
Augusta Bibber of Bozeman, and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Zeman ox the can
yon. * '
Mr. an^ Mrs. Mike Earbo and fam
ily of Butte came Saturday for a vis
it with Mr. and Mrs. olé Oma. They
spent the Fourth a«, Bozeman Hot
Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Barbo re
turned to Butte in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Christie and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Will "Christie
and family, Mr.* and Mrs. R. G. Gal
lup and family, and Mrs. Jim Chris
tie and son enjoyed a picnic at
Raymond Eck spent the Fourth at
his home in Livingston,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Jensen and family
motored to Manhattan Wednesday
Miss Eleanor Andrews of Bozeman
spent the week end at the Sorensen
Mrs. Len Verwolf and children
spent the Fourth with relatives near
Bernhard and Earl Werner and
Raymond Eck spent Thursday fish
ing on the Yellowstone.*
Mrs. A. Julian and children visited
with relatives in Bozeman during the
Alfr^i Jenni returned' to his home
near Bozeman last Thursday" after
spending ten days at the Werner and
Jensen homes,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Werner of
Billings spent the week end with
Mrs. Werner's brother, B. Werner,
jand family, making the trip by auto,
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Davis and
daughter, Pearl, of Park City, who
spent the past month with relatives
in West Virginia, returned last week
^nd remained over the Fourth with
relatives in this vicinity,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pierce and
family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Givens and
family, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wer
ner and daughter motored to the
Yellowstone Sunday and spent the
day picnicing and fishing.
Mr. and Mrs, Ollie Sorensen* and
children of Homestake and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Sorensen and daughter
of Whitehall spent the week end and
over the Fourth with relatives in this
vicinity and at Bozeman,
Among those from this vicinity
w ho attended the circus in Bozeman
Brackett creek Sunday.
The Adams County, Iowa, people
of Gallatin county held their annual
picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Williamson, July 4. About
65 were present. All enjoyed the
picnic dinner which was served on the
ö « a n a n n a » n » a
annnn annua nan
Friday were Mr. and Mrs. E. Givens
and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Werner
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cash
a jid family, Miss Clementine Pierce,
an d Raymond Eck
Mr . and Mrs. T. Pierce and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. E. Werner and
daughter, and Mrs. E. Givens and
family, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Hopf and family of Bridger canyon,
spent the Fourth picnicing and fish
ing on Brackett creek.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Werner, Martha
and Bernhard Werner, and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Nickelson of Cokedale
and Peter Nickelson of Fleishman
Creek, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Werner of Biilings, spent the
Fourth picnicing and fishing on the
Yellowstone river.
8 8 tS tt tt tt tt tt Î5 S3 SS IS
A large number of Willow Creek
people spent the Fourth picnicking
at Potosi Hot Springs.
The dance given at Flaherty's
barn Saturday night was well at
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyon of Har
rison spent Saturday here attending
to business matters,
Mrs. Burton Thompson is employ
ed at the hotel while Mrs. Congdon
is visiting at Emigrant.
Charles Flaherty of Cardwell Ba
sin spent- the week end here visiting
his brother, W. A. Flaherty.
Miss Kathleen Dawson of Cardwell
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fla-'
Vernon Jones of Manhattan spent
Saturday and Sunday visiting his
friend, Frank Cook of Willow Creek,
Mrs. William Kelly and family and
Lyle Lane spent the Fourth in
Butte. ,
James Woodward of Cardwell Ba-f
sin is spending a few days in town
visiting friends and relatives.
a n a n n n n n a a a is n n
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thompson
and family of Milligan canyon spent
the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. BUrtop
Thompson. ' '
Messrs. Newell and Hollis Miller,
and the latter's sister, Leona, of Nor
wegian attended the dance at Fla
herty's barn Saturday night.
- Mrs. M. Connolly, grandmother of
Mrs. Tom Finnegan, died Monday at
1 o'clock. Burial will be ir the Wil
j ow Creek cemetery.
Melvin Rutledge suffered a double
fracture of the nose Saturday when
the horse he' was riding stumbled and
fell upon him. '
* Miss Brook Thompsöri spent Sun
day in Belgrade visiting "her sister,
Miss Pearl Thompson, who is em
ployed at the Hampton Hecox ranch.
Word was received here Wednes
day of the death in Washington of
J. W. Bradbury. Dr. Bradbury left
Friday to attend the funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Congdon and
daughter, Ada, left Sunday for Emi
grant, where they will spend a few
days visiting Mrs. Congdon's sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott White of. Meri
dian, Idaho, and LÏrry and Donna
White of Bozeman arrived in Willow
Creek Friday evening and are visit
ing the former^ daughter, Mrs. Bur
ton Thompson. '
Mr! and Mrs. Leo Dreweicke ar
rived in Willow Creek Friday eve
nin«' from De Pere, Wis.* where they
visiteu Mr. • Dreweicke's mother.
They will leave soon for Moore, Mon
tana, where they will be employed
-caching school.
Annual depreciation of standing
timber in Montana amounts to 705
million board feet, of which 72 mil
lion feet is destroyed by insect pests
and 153 million feet by fire Tosses.
The remaining 480 million board feet
is the approximate annual lumber cut
based on a five year average. It is
evident from the above figures that
fire and insects have been and are a
serious matter |ji Montana.
' ' ■■ ■ ' * ' rx—W— ssas
Nice Large Rooms
Recently Renovated
Steam Heat
The Oxford
Under New Management
Rates by Day, Week or Month
Without a small Ban Acccon
becomes an old man i
big Bank Account
■ "
Gallatin Trust & Savings Bank
Bozeman, Montana •
We have a large stock of—
which is used for spraying potato vines for bugs.
We also have two types of power sprayers.
Oliver-Stout Implement Co.
Bozeman and Belgrade
•» •' T é'' w 4 iTt 4
Forty years ago, when the "Combine" first offered
grain growers an easier, quicker, cheaper and better way of
handling their grain harvest, the name "Holt" was out
standing among the pioneers, Through*the year, "Holt
Combined Harvesters have maintained their supremacy— J
the name, "Holt" has been connected with every important J
achievement in "Combine" development. ;
The "Holt" Combined Harvester of today is the matured J
fruit of more than forty years' experience—forty years of !
adherence to high standards of design and construction— |
. forty years of service tö the grain growers of the world.
; The "Holt" Combines are not in the experimental stage. We
* have b<*th the side hill and prairie types on hand and will
be .glad to have you inspect them.
• .
Oliver-Stout Implement Co.
Bozeman —;— Belgrade
Some years ago the prediction was
freely offered that the stock industry
was bound lo react and the farmer
who was then realizing irom 3^4 to
5 cts. a pound for cattle, can today
figure from 6 to 8.cts. The reaction
is bound to give life to this industry
and today the stockmen or small
farmer is looking around for summer
feed. Hence we are compelled by
circumstances, to offer 400 acres of
Gallatin's finest natural pasture with
buildings, fine corrals, land all fenc
ed, with ample hay to tide your stock
over. Located up Spanish creek, for
$6.00 per acre. Easy terms, if desir
ed. Inquire at this office for further

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