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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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% nnnnnunnnnnuun » 8 « 8 NEWS OF SOCIETY g The latter will return, soon, to con tinue her course of study in the Uni versity of Washington, at Seattle, after spending the vacation months in Bozeman. « 88 $$ 88888888888 (Continued from Page Two) Merry Moments Club. Mrs. S. A. Harper entertained the Merry Moments club, last Saturday afternoon, complimenting Mrs. H. H. Winter and daughter of Granite City Illinois, who are visitinng Mrs. Lee Townsend in this city. Guests, with the club members, were Mrs. Forrest Bowen, Mrs. Clarence Sargent and Miss Ada Walton, making a company of 20 ladies to greet Mrs, Winter and daughter. Games and musical num bers added pleasure to the function. 5 0 Mrs. Shook Entertains. Mrs. Lon Shook entertained the Merry Wives club, last Thursday af ternoon, at her ranch home in Bridg er canyon. There were present ten members of the club, with Mrs. M. E. Warren of Hollywood, California. On Friday evening, Mrs. Shook en tertained a company of 35 friends of Mrs. Warren and herself, who found pleasure in the visit. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bade of Wilsall were also guests at the Friday evening func tion. Announcement Dinner. Guests at dinner in the home of Mrs. C. L. Crew, last Friday evening, found upon their place favors written announcement of the coming marri age of Miss Alice Crew, daughter of the hostess. The wedding will be solemnized at the close of September, when the groom will come from his home in St. Louis. The friends as sembled for the announcement din ner were Mesdames Charles Bell, Kenneth Colbem, Ollie Bohna, Her man Dokken, Claris Crew. Lyman Crew, Otto Mikkelson, Fishleigh and the Misses Bethel Clark, A'Liene MONTANA Helena, September 5-9,1927 (Staged by Department of Agriculture, Labor and Industry) SEPTEMBER 6th, ONLY LINDBERGH MONTANA PLANES IN GREAT AIR MEET HORSE RACING « * BIG VAUDEVILLE FREE ACTS CARNIVAL, Etc. RODEO Two Military Bands « «ji > A * AGRICULTURAL, LIVESTOCK, MINERAL, INDUSTRIAL AND EDUCATIONAL DISPLAYS—THE LARGEST AND BEST IN MONTANA'S HISTORY -4 ( A Mirror of Montana's Resources a 9* < See your local ticket agent for special rates to Helena - La Rue, Amanda Landoe and Alice Crew. Birthday Dinner. The ninety-first birthday of Mis. A. D. Bull was honored at a family dinner, on August 25, at Mrs. Bull's home on West Koch street. Mr, and Mrs. Homer F. Sutton from Jeffers, Mrs. N. At, Bower from Spokane, Miss Minnie Ward from Virginia City, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bull and Miss May Bull of Bozeman made up the company, seated about the dinner table with Mrs. Bull, who was show ered with gifts, flowers and congrat ulations from hosts of friends in Montana and distant states. Miss Ethel Hutton and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mead left, last week, for Fres no, California, after a short visit with their grandmother, Mrs. Bull. At the Kenyon Home. A lawn party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Kenyon on West Main street, celebrated the tenth birthday of Katherine Kenyon, last Thursday afternoon. Games were played and a birthday supper served on the lawn, to the deight of the young hostess and her guests: Shir ley Bowles of Forsyth, Genelle Soo man of San Francisco, Mary and Vesta Baxter, Jane and May Bell, Ruth Aakjer, Eldean Caven, Maxine De Vore, Helen Dean. Henrietta Dolezalik, Madge Haley, Marcella Jensen, Mildred and Kathleen Spain, Bettie and Edith Swanson, Charlotte Stafford, Janet Starring, Alice Stucky, Evelyn West, Betty Wylie and Katherine Parkin of .Missoula. For Wayne Tretsven. 'Mrs. Oscar Tretsven entertained a company of boys, Wednesday after noon, to celebrate the twelfth birth day of her son, Wayne Tretsven. Mrs. E, Moore assisted the hostess in serv ing the birthday cake and other re freshments, after the boys had en joyed a strenuous program of con tests and games on the lawn at 619 West Harrison street. Those invited to share the good time, were Ernest Chellendar, Milton Chauner, Delbert Flaight, Junior Grantham, Maurice and Russell Neil, Billy Lovelace, Tom Murdock, Birket and Gerald Marvin, Howard and Jack Welch, Dana Law, William and Howard Hess, Robert and Kenneth McKee, Carl and Stanley Swingle, Leonard Gieseker, Raymond Hay, Jack Prather, Dick South, with Billy Peterson and Howard Robinson from Three Forks. ( Mar shall - Bennett. Last Saturday, at 12:30 o'clock, Miss Violet Rea Marshall and Donald Brooks Bennett were united in mar riage, at the home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Marshall. Rev. H. G. Klemme was the officiating pastor and Miss Eunice Eagle attend ed the bride. The groomsman was Dick Reekie of Seattle. As part of the ceremony, Mrs, Harry Grant sang: I Love Thee." (Grieg) with accom paniment played by Mrs. Harold Dick- ; son of Butte. Lavender and pink' sweet peas were clustered with artis tic effect through the rooms of the Marshall home, and both the bride and her maid carried roses. Miss Ruth Getchell and Mrs. Ed Maher served refreshments, during the reception that followed the marriage service. The bride is a talented musician, who has studied with music masters in New York City and Seattle. She has contributed generously with mus ical numbers both piano and pipe organ, for public events in Bozeman, and has had large classes in piano U Nice Large Rooms Recently Renovated Steam Heat The Oxford Under New Management CORNER MAIN AND WILLSON J» Rates by Day, Week or Month |; A FEW LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS WWWWWftWMVWWWW W WWWWWW^WWWWWW WILLSON STORE a C) 61 st • L*r , t >4 frîtes £ }j ANNIVERSARY SALE i ( M «.Tin 'I TT 7 T ) s Vi / % 9 IT PLEASES US To feel that our friends approved of the spirit in which this Anniversary Sale was launched, that they respected the ideals of quality, service and fairness which have been identified with The Willson Co for 61 years—but more than anything else; it pleases us to feel that they approved as much of the Sale offerings as they did of the spirit which prompted them. 4 é STORE CLOSED FRIDAY, P. M. to allow our entire organization an opportunity to attend the splendid INTER-MOUNTAIN FAIR •> If-'." I ■KttS^ ■ ■' - > Ç - '•••>» ■ ■ mm ; \ — J . ■ Wm * > V :-f ■; - m ' vl; ' ' i f m :J>C v mm i,« tm ; ■ - mmÊmm m H i üâBl Lv t mm ... : ■ i -■ 1* V • . - I m. I ■ •'H. V V mt: - - A* - >Tin i iiiihrlV ■Hi We have arranged particularly exceptional merchandise not heretofore mentioned in our Anniversary advertising. Things you have immediate and future Fall need for at prices that will make eyes open wide. COME JUDGE FOR YOURSELF SATURDAY AND TUESDAY Store will be dosed all day Monday, Labor Day—Tuesday the last day of the Anniversary will be Surprise Day—Come. 4 ■ he Willso o MONTANA'S OLDEST DEPARTMENT STORE PHONE 30 ♦ instruction. She is a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority in Montana State college. Mr. Bennett took his degree from Montana State college, last June, and is a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. He has ?_ -»pted a position with an industrial plant in Seattle; and the young couple left Saturday, by auto mobile, for their new home on the Pacific coast. ; FOR SALE—EWES. One hundred black-faced ewes and two registered bucks. Enquire of John Te Selle, Willow Creek, Mont.— Adv. 4t. Established 1913 H. F. WEST FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Përsonal and Efficient Service Lady Assistant Ambulance Service 125 West Main Phone 797-W Ask Your Banker! WHEN any one tries to sell you any investment and tells you to say nothing to your banker about it, he knows it is an investment no banker will touch. Millions are lost yearly because people do not FIRST ask their Bankers BEFORE they invest. Gallatin Trust & Savings Bank . Bozeman, Montana MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM a888::;uu:r :a8P*:! W WWWWVWWVANWAV/, Summer Baby Pants JUST THE THING FOR THE KIDDIES Light weight, light color Baby Pants, pure gum rubber with elastic band» medium and large Regular price 25c To Introduce SPECIAL FOR BALANCE OF AUGUST 18c, THREE FOR 50c > .A t Y .if Open Evenings Cox-Poettcr Drug Co. 8 EAST MAIN PHONE 128 vww