Newspaper Page Text
News of Society _ Mrs - Mabel K. Hall, Editor. Telephone 650-M ' C ^ KKKKKH:HÎH:H '^^ X. Y. Z. Club. The Misses Bertie and Bessie Dav enport will be hostesses for the X. Y. Z. club, next Thursday evening, at their home on North Church avenue. G. A. R. and W. R. C. William English Post, Grand Army of the Republic, will meet in regular session, Saturday afternoon, at 1:30 o'clock. Joining them, at 2:30 o'clock, the Women's Relief Corp will hold session. Young Equestriennes. The Misses Owen of Seattle, Con stance and Mary Frances Holm and Carolyn Delaney enjoyed horse-back & y.1 <er % The finest gift the world affords— yet moderate in cost Make your gift a diamond—nothing less! It need not be expensive. A small, perfeedy cut stone, or cluster, will still bring joy to its wearer and fond memories of its giver when many a more cosdy "remembrance is forgotten. We have modem rings, bar pins, and bracelets, set with genuine dia monds — many encircled with beautiful, colored gems quite moderately priced. Also, a full showing of Gruen diamond-set wrist watches. Cruen Cartouche, set with 2 diamonds, $75 Other Gruen diamond wristlets, $85 to $785 [llS* c> 4 C, Serb .... • > H. A. PEASE' & CO. Jewelers oTvj» cruen watch*, y/Z, Audi boveAll Else All-American Reliability You can expect a thrilling experience from the minute you start to drive—power, smoothness, silence, snap. You'll find them all in the Oak land All-American Six! And above all else, you'll find—reliability. Come and see this history-making carl Not alone by virtue of its newness. Not just because it carries new low prices. But because, with all its thrilling qualities, its staunchness and de pendability stamp it truly All-American! NEW LOW PRICES 2-Door Sedan *1045 *1145 I A4C Iss.» *1075 X u~u.s-ta. *1265 $ 4-Door Sedan *1145 Pontiac Six, reduced prices , $745 to $925. Pontiac De MMxe delivery, $585 to $770, All prices at factory. Deliv~ ered prices include minimum handling charges. Easy to pay on the liberal General Motors Tima Payment Plan. JOHNSEN-FRENCH MOTOR 401-3 East Main Street Bozeman Montana AND Ai 'AMERICAN SIX PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS C ■ riding several days of this week, vis iting the Inter-Mountain fair, as part of their outing. O. E. S. Lily of the Valley chapter. Order of Eastern Star will'hold regular sion, next Monday evening, Septem ber 5. Reports will be brought from the general chapter meeting in Hel ena by Fred M. Brown, Mrs. M, P. Davidson and Mrs. schmidt. Christian Church Missions. The Mission Studv society of the Christian church will meet next Wed nesday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, at ses Alice Klein tne home of Mrs. Mary E. Moore, 921 South Third avenue. Hostesses with Mrs. Moore will be Mrs. Wiser of Three Forks, Mrs. A. M. Bratiden* burg and Mrs. H. Keyser. ' O. D. O. Club. Next Wednesday afternoon, Sep tember*?, will be held a regular ses sion of the O. D. 0. club, at the ranch home of Mrs. W. I. Wall. Committee No. 3 will constitute the hostess group, Mrs. Hardesty, Mrs. Bresler and Mrs. Ingalls, with Mrs. Wall. At the Patten Home. Miss Patty Patten entertained at dinner, Thursday evening, at the home of her parents. Attorney and Mrs. T». Y. Pfetten. Twenty girl friends were served the choice dinner menu, at a table made beautiful with flowers and favors in blue and gold. Five tables were in play with bridge, during the evening, after dinner. Old Gang" Picnic. The group of long-time friends, calied~"That Old Gang of Mine joyed a picnic dinner, last Sunday afternoon, at Bozeman Hot Springs. There were forty members present, enjoying games and music after the picnic dinner. The entertaining com mittee included John Bartholomew, Gordon Mandeville and Mrs. W. D Bell. », en School Girls Dine. Miss Dorothy Benepe and Mrs. Clayton Walker, formerly Janet Conkling, entertained a group of girls at dinner on Thursday evening of this week, at the home of Mrs. L. D. Conkling. The guests were twelve girls, who had their first school days together, and the dinner hour was made merry with the remembrance of gay comradeship during the years from six to sixteen. Golden Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brandenburg were guests of honor at dinner, last Sunday, at the home of their son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harris. The occasion was the fifty seventh anniversary of their wed ding and golden values were repeated in lavish detail, wijth gifts and flow ers brought by Bozeman friends and sent from distant states. Mrs. H. C. Good from Townsend, Mrs. Mary E. Moore, Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Aikins and their son Robert were seated with the guests of honor and the host and hostess at the dinner table; while letters and telegrams were brought in from Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Walrath and lus mother of San Luis Rey, California; from Sam Brandenburg o* L°s Angeles, and from Mr. and Mrs. William E. Brandenburg and son of Kent, Washington. BIRTHS Aimerson—August 25, at the Dea coness hospital, a son to Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Anderson. Schrantz—A son was born August 23, at the hom e of Mrs. Redfief<ïr544 Rouse avenue north, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schrantz. Huddleston—To Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Huddïeston, at their ranch home on Middle creek, August 26, a daughter. Johnson—At the Pinewood hospital, August 29, to Mr. and Mrs. William H. Johnson, a daughter. INTER-MOUNTAIN (Continued from Page One) ceded by a concert by the 163rd Reg imental band. Then a fanfare of trumpets announced the arrival of the royal narty, preceded by the Bozeman Sweet Pea girls. Justin Smith, royal chamberlain, introduced the members of the party to the 5,000 persons assembled to witness the corona.ion, and later placed Miss Eagle's head the designated her upon crown that . as the pretty, smiling, and gracious ruler of Gallatin county folk. She will next Monday go to Helena, where she will represent this county in the competition for the hon or °€ing queen of Montana. ,, The $100,000 style show, put on by the Wi Ison company, was a splendid spectacle. Fur coats being exhibited m Bozeman by Beckman Brothers of 4 V 1 - A Piano • in Your Home If you are planning to buy a piano, this is the logical place to get one. You may choose from a number of leading makes .at a price that represents a real econ omy. We have a few good buys In Used Pianos. * Orton Bros. -1 Bozeman, Montana Great Palls were displayed by living models and the make-up and style of each piece explained by H. W. Slater, a representative of the manufactur ers. It is worthy of note that every coat in the display was "made in Montana"—a feature which loyal Treasure state residents wiil ciate. Today's program will be replete with thrills for Inter-Mountain fair visitors. . There will be racing, if the condition of the track permits; feature acts of a most entertaining nature; and a night show which will end with the usual magnificent dis play of fireworks. appre ' KIWANiS (Continued from Page One) of whom 260 were from towns outside Bozeman, were registered for the meeting. Distinguished guests, in cluding International officers and trustees and prominent business and political men, were on hand for the event. Early Saturday morning more than 250 Kiwanians left Bozeman, via the Gallatin way, for a two-days' tour of Yellowstone park which ended Livingston Sunday evening, when members of the party were guests at a dinner given by Livingston Kiwanis. at ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Twelfth Sunday After Trinity 8:00 a. m.—Holy communion. 9:45 a. m.—Church school. . H:00 a. m.—Choral Holy Euchar ist and sermon. 7:30 p. m.—Evening prayer and sermon. W. FRIEND DAY, Rector. ©VMBERS'ÎÎSHER®' — ai_ways*reliablè — \ •* Special School-Day Sale at at at i2 Ot Ot at at « at at at Ot at of at ■ at at Allen-A at at •••• at % m 1 at % i ÿ « WSi o 11 Hosiery f° r Children I Ö Ot at at Ot Ot I at , Ot » 'v « Ot Ot Ot at Ci y 14 —with the famous triole-knee and 4 fhread heel and toe - which saves you much darning / / / at 11 at at •y at at at :£ □ at at at at at at For girls—style No. 312. Full length ribbed of mercerized lisle. Elastic for comfort and easy to pull on. In all popular shades to match dresses and shoes. Triple Knees! Price 39c the pair 2 Pairs for 75c ■■M m « £ • . A *««<•>; Ot V D $ a a a A Sturdy Boys' Stocking 50c pair Children's 34 Length Hose 50c pair $ 9 A full length ribbed stocking of good weight, for long wear. Elastic fojr comfort and easy to pull on. Black and cordovan. Triple knee! Price 50c the pair. Pretty new plaids and stripes in' children*® %-length, cuff top sport hose;, per pair only 50c. « Children's Cotton Stockings 25c pair Full Length Sport Hose .00 pair $ a A splendid good quality medium weight derby ribbed good stocking, in colors bis cuit, cordovan and black. Per pair only 25c. » Rayon and wool smart colored full length sport hose for children, the kind girls like;, per pair, $1.00. at an at Children's Cotton Stockings 15c pair $ Novelty Colored Sport Hose We also have a goodly display of fancy* hosiery m silk, wool, rayon, lisle and cotton striking color combinations, in either three-quarter or full length for girls. And good looking Golf Hose for boys. Priced from 69c to 85c the pair. A nice fine ribbed cotton stocking, that will give good service; a dandy for a school wear; all sizes in white and black. Per pair only 15c. * Basement Department One Derby Ribbed Stockings 35c 3 pairs for $1.00 A Full Line of School Supplies In Our Basement Salesroom Tablets y 5c, 10c, 16c. Pencils, 2 for 5c ; 5c, 10c. Refill Pencils, 26c to $1.00. Loose Leaf Covers, 15c to $1.00, Typewriter Paper, 100 sheets 25c. Other supplies, inks, pen point* paste, glue, erasers, crayons, pend clips, pen holders, rules, etc. A good quality, splendid wearing cotton derby ribbed stocking for children ; colors beige, champagne, brown and black; all Sizes ; per pair 35c, or 3 pairs for $1.00. 5 * Misses' Rayon Silk Hcse 59c pair ' A pretty misses' rayon silk hose made like mother's—-a dandy for dress wear; colors peach and blonde; per pair, 59c. ——— ■ & asaBvr ""nr. Livingston— Ci y will, nave eight blocks of strcjüM: on «*«st Side Your F*" nace What Is Its Condition % rx a. -uill * I: # rUS? MACS Is your furnace in shape to combat the chill winds of Fall and the icy blasts of Winter? Now is the time to make that new installation,, or tx» have your old plant properly repaired. Attention now* means coal saved and discomfort avoid ed later on. D. H. BUDD CO. Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal and Electrical Work Phone 300 30 W. Mass» g Anaconda—City pays $12,500 new 750-gallon pumper engine.