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m What Bozeman Builds Builds Bozeman •r» #» « >~ -V ■ •* I I i Community Hotel Executive Committee Why Is Our New Hotel Considered a ♦jr -3 Investment? Safe EUGENE GRAF, Chairman Bon Ton Bakery L. W. TRUITT, Vice-Chairman Simpson-Truitt Co., Insurance L. E. HATHAWAY, Secretary Secretary Chamber of Commerce E. J. PARKIN, Treasurer Waite-Parkin Co., Insurance M. J. ABBEY State Supervisor of Agriculture R. G. BAXTER Rancher and Stockman F. A. BOEDECKER Manager Ellen Theater D. H. BUDD President D. H. Budd Co. er DEAN CHAFFIN Manager Chevrolet Sales & Service J. R. CHAMBERS Manager Chambers-Fisher Co. HARVEY H. COX Cox-Poetter Drug Company GEORGE DAVENPORT Federal Commissioner R. H. DEAN Gallatin Lumber Company RAY HOLLOWAY Holloway's Clothing Store ROY M. KEISTER Attorney at Law C. S. KENYON Kenyon-Noble Lumber Co. J. L. KETTERER Manager Gas Station J. A. LOVELACE Wholesale Grocer EARL S. MARSHALL Earl S. Marshall, Furniture E. E. McMAHON Simpson-Truitt Co., Insurance M. J. O'CONNELL Gallatin Laundry R. B. OLIVER Oliver-Stout Implement Co. GEORGE Y. PATTEN Attorney at Law L. K. PENCE L. K. Pence Garage A. T. RALSTON Manager Monarch Lumber Co. WM. H. REIF Manager Montana Power Co. C. W. SWEET Ex-Mayor of Bozeman T. H. SEARS Sec'y-Treasurer Republican-Courier NELSON STORY, JR. Capitalist A. E. WESTLAKE Dairyman FRED F. WILLSON Architect * V The hotel business is like any other business; the success of any business, whether it be a store, office building, or bank, depends upon certain business fundamentals. 1. EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT. 2. BUILDING IN KEEPING WITH NEEDS. 3. PROPER COST OF CONSTRUCTION 4. v GOOD ARCHITECTURE—i. e., SO ARRANGED AS TO HAVE ECONOMY OF OPERATION. 5. GOOD LOCATION. 6. PROPER FINANCING, NO PROMOTION OR «WATERED" STOCK. After many months of careful preparation and study, our Community Hotel Committee announces to the public that it believes that our modern hotel is a good investment, because: 1. We had a careful survey made of hotel needs in our city and this survey is being followed to the letter. 2. We will have a successful hotel operator and management. 3. We will not over-build, but are following the survey and will not exceed the required needs of our city. j , t - 4. We will not build a monument; the cost of the construction will be the minimum for the maximum returns. 5. We have obtained experienced hotel specialists and engineers to design our hotel;* , 6. The site is regarded as the best from the investors' and hotel opera tor's standpoint. i *!. Modern hotels based on these ordinary business fundamentals do pay excellent returns on the investment. This investment is regarded as safe because it is represented by a substantial hotel building erected in the center of a growing community. ,9 ' It is proposed to have the hotel operated by a thoroughly experienced and competent hotel N man. Two of the most reliable operators in the west have already expressed their desire to secure a contract for the operation of this hotel. The best offer will be accepted by the Board of Dir ectors. It is proposed to lease or contract for the operation, of the hotel on a basis which will provide for all maintenance and upkeep and for the payment of seven per cent interest on the investment, and in addition thereto, for the division of the surplus or net profit which may be available. • i / Help Boost - Buy Stock • N Not only a Safe Investment But a Civic Duty / * V' 4 / tt OPEN TELEPHONE LINES TO MEXICO Rate From Bozeman Is $12.25 For Three-minute Station to-station Call Telephone communication between the United States and several of the principal cities of Mexico was opened this morning at 8 o'clock, and it is now possible to talk from any Bell system point to Mexico City, Puebjo, Tampico, San Lewis, Potosi, Victoria, Saleillo, Monterey and Nuevo Laredo, according to an announcement by the American Telephone and Telegraph company and the International Tele phone and Telegraph corporation. The total length of the circuit be tween Washington, D. C., and Mexico City is 3,357 miles. The new service brings Mexico's capital city and her principal seaport, Tampico, and the capitals of some of her richest and most progressive states within the range of American telephone communication. The charge for a three-minute station-to-station call from Bozeman to Mexico City, it has been learned from District Man ager E. E. Stone of the local office, wil^ be $12,25. f The Mexican long distance lines have nearly all been built within the last year or two and are of thorough ly modern construction. The Bell to the Alpha Gamma Rfeo fraternity, and with his daughter, Muriel, would soon move into an apartment at the Bridger Arms. The Willson avenue property, which was built by the late Matt W. Alderson about 40 years ago, had been occupied by Mr. Pease for the last 16 years. The consideration was not made public, system already connects with the telephone systems of Canada, Cuba, and (by Radio Telephone) Great Bri tain. The new service adds Mexico to the list of countries within speaking distance of American telephone users. PEASE HOME SOLD. George D. Pease, city attorney, an nounced last week that he had sold his residence at 319 Willson avenue Subscribe for The Courier. PRESENTS $130,000 TO HIS EMPLOYES «JPJ m , «ï qa rwut * Making a gift of $130,000 to bis employes was toe unique way m, which F. K Maytag of the ^Maytog company of Newtoo, Iowa, celebrated his seventieth binthday, according f-LS u ® ra a receBt lssue oL the Ws house organ. Factory, office and branch em-, ployes who had been with the com-1 F. L. Maytag Chooses Unique Way of Celebrating His . 70th Birthday pany three years or more participated in the gift, which 'was made on the basis of $50 for each year of service. The sums were deposited in a sav ings bank to the credit of the em ployes, and in a personal fetter ac companying each pass book Mr. May tag expressed a wish "that this re main untouched for five years, my thought being that it may be held and added to as a nucleus of future prosperity for you. _ , OtherwiseMr. Maytag too, busy to celebrate Ms passing of the three^ score and ten mark On his birthday July 14, he foHowed the (usual routine of his work and was out the city looking after company affairs The gift to his employes .brought toe total of his phillan thropies within the last five years to more than $1,500,000. v v - , ._ ,* ^ « V f > th -, J™*?: | headquarters in Butte, has been sel écted for promotion to assistaant general manager of the Milwaukee's linea ^ of M obridge, S. D.. accord ing to word received here the first of the week. While Mr. Rummell's pro mo tion has not he*ki officially P nounced, it is understood it will be made public within a few days. Mr. RnmmeU's new headmiartpr« — - in Chicago.—-Three Forks N surr. RUMMELE TO BE PROMOTED an-