Newspaper Page Text
inn three w neo Items of Interest From the Files of the Avant-Courier . (Saturday, December 15, 1894.) The Centennial saloon, run by T. J. Healey, was closed Monday on an at tachment for $200, Mrs. Sharman was sitting up the first of the week and is getting along as well as anyone could expect. Thursday was a red-letter day at the office of the clerk of the district court. He took in $44.50 in fees be fore noon. . Our merchants are just beginning ■ to realize a marked improvement in j business on account of the approach ing holidays. I John McManus has full sight of both eyes now. He had one eye oper ated on in July last and the other a week ago. He returns home today a happy man. Six months ago he was almost totally bind. Yesterday John McConnell and son, William, purchased the fine farm of Jarvis Akin, just west of town. The consideration was $5.000. A. W. Tanner went east a few days ago, taking with him a large number of gems from his placer on Pole creek. He expects to have a thousand or more of the best rubies and other precious stones cut and put on the market. M. J. Eukes had 31 acres in hard Ties For Xmas Always an Appropriate p 8 o Gift % o o B a o COLORFUL PATTERNS A dazzling variety of ties for his Xmas Gift! The brightest most colorful* and cheeriest ties you ever saw. Buy him at least a half dozen. They're worth it! o a o o B I P O O B P a L * o o P •o p o o IN FINER GRADES . « P O 95 o s p Beautiful silk ties in more exclusive patterns. These are the finer grades of silk and are splendid values at the price. Look them over. Q O A n p In 2 Great Groups $ 1.00 $ 1.75 Bovee and Paddock a 8 B a a B o o g o o o B o 8 Men's and Boys' Furnishings 33 West Main Bozeman, Montana g ■a /I •/ ; 0 e *•4 Uo. . (V. V V 7 \ Tl r THE ARCADE * Tobacco — Cigars Bowling, Billiards and Pool I. ......... 371 WAYS NOT TO DO IT AN expert figures there are 371 ways to fail in business. Some people seem to try them all—but NO failure has ever been caused by too much money in bank. The man w&o keeps his money in our Bank, keeps himself out of our Bankrupt Courts. I Gallatin Trust & Savings Bank 4 Bozeman, Montana MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM t # ... wheat this vear, from which he harv ested 1,260 bushels, and average of 40 and two-thirds bushels per acre. In club wheat he had 25 acres which aver aged 37 bushels to the acre. He had 40 acres in oats from which the yield 2,838 bushels, an average of 70 bushels to the acre. All were raised without irrigation. was Meeting of the Eastern Montana • M. and S. Company. The stockholders of the Eastern Montana Mining and Smelter company jj e id their annual meeting on Monday even jng a t Judge McPherson's office, There were 11,555 phares of .stock represented. Secretary McPherson made report of the condition of af fairs with recommendations. The fol lowing trustees were elected for the ensuing vear: A. D. McPherson, W. W. Alderson, L. S, Willson, E. D. Ferguson, Walter Cooper, J. S. Mend enhall and Matt W. Alderson. Trifled With Their Heart-Strings. Considerable of the flutter was created in the settlement of colored people in this city the first of the week by the arrival of Mrs. C. H. Brumfield, have been a matter causing compar atively little commotion, but it seems that Mr. Brumfield since his arrival here from Helena has been palming himself off as an unmarried, but mar riagable, man and has been paying considerable attention to the attract Ordinarily this would. of ful as itv at of a ive and* eligible colored damsels, even having gone so far as to propose mar riage to some of them. Fortunately none of them happened to fall in love with him or there would have been some wool pulling before this. It is presumed that Mrs. Brum field will see that her hubby stays in nights hereafter and behave him self like any other obedient, loving and docile benedict. Bids for the Construction of the Hatchery Building. Bidders in Bozeman have received notice from Washington that the fol lowing bids were received for the con* struction of the hatchery building near this city; P. T. Morris $7,135; W. H. Babcock $8,996; Warburton and Bessey $9,178; J. F. Hogan (Butte) $12,000; John T. McClellan $12,320. Mr. Morris, being the low est bidder, has been awarded the con tract. » Crooked Work of the County Commissioners. (An editorial.) If we are correctly informed the county commissioners of this county are still hard at work, endeavoring by every scheme they can devise to plunge the county still further into debt, and in every possible way to act contrary to the wishes and best inter ests of the bonafide residents and tax payers of the county. On the bond proposition they have been defeated no less than three times before the district court, but continuing to set at defiance the will of the people, they continue to fight the taxpayers with the public funds and now talk of appealing the case, that has been repeatedly decided : against them, to the supreme court of the state. In the meantime it is learnd that the $30,000 in county warrants, issued to a Bozeman bank on an alleged loan of money to that amount, are still out and ostensibly drawing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum; and that when the county treasurer the other day requested the presentation of said warrants for cancellation, interest thereon was demanded amounting to upwards of $1,000 which the county commissioners and the county attorney advised the treasurer to pay. That he did not comply with their suggestions and voluntary ad vice in the premises we think is great 1 ly to the treasurer's credit; for, as j stated, the holder of the warrants has been in possession of both the money j and the illegal obligations from the ! day the latter were issued. The Avant Courier has repeatedly called public attention to this appar ently crooked transaction and espec ially to the fact that the said war rants were issued without either public necessity or authority of law, and yet as far as we can ascertain there has been no effort made on the part of the county commissioners to retrace their illegal steps, or to undo the wrong they committed by issuing warrants on a fictitious ground of indebtedness. Attention has been called to the re markable fact that the bank has all along been permitted to retain both the money and the warrants—obli gations which on their face call for over $2,000 a year interest. The en tire transaction from beginning to end appears to be so palpably wrong, so « Ouch! Rub Backache, Stiffness, Lumbago Bub Pain from back with «mall trial bottle of old St. Jacobs Oil." it Back hurt you? Can't straighten up without feeling sudden pains, sharp aches and twinges ? Now listen I That'* lumbago, sciatica or maybe from a strain, and you'll get relief the moment you rub your back with sooth ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil." Nothing else takes out soreness, lame ness and stiffness so quickly. You simply rub it on your back and out comes the pain. It is harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Limber upl Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store, and after using it just once, you'll forget that you ever had backache, lumbago or sciatica, because your back will never hurt or cause any more ffdsery. It never disappoints and has been rec ommended for 60 years. / HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG Nobody Can Tell When You Darken Gray, Faded Hair With Sage Tea Grandmother kept hcr hoir beauti fully darkened, glossy with a brew of Saxe T and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this sim ple mixture was applied with wonder ful effect. By asking ■ht any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound," you will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, all ready to use, at very little cost. This sim ple.mtxture can be depended upon to resfere natural color and beauty to the hair. Well-known druggists say everybody Wyeth's Soge and Sulphur Com 1 now because it darkens so natur uses w^eui s sage ana auipnur com pound now because it darkens so natur ally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied—it's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; af ter another application or two, it is re stored to its natural color and looks glossy, soft and beautiful. unbusinesslike, unusual, unjust and so manifestly crooked as to be incapable any defense; and it 's a matter of surprise to many of our most thought citizens that a grand jury has not long ago been instructed to take cognizance of it and give the entire subject such a thought investigation its importance and alleged illegal- ! merits. In regard to this particular subject, least, either the entire proceed ings of the county commissioners are radically wrong, a manifest violation all whclesopie business principles and methods and, to say the least, covert attempt to circumvent the plain provisions and restrictions of law, or else the calmest judgment of best-informed citizens of the com munity is at fault and utterly un reliable. S51 Helena, Montana, Office of Federal Prohibition Administrator, Dec. 10th 1927. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing described property to-wit: One Studebaker Coupe, Engine No. 20442-4 Serial No. 1135149 seized from one Albert C. Burns at or near Logan, Montana, for the reason that the said property was being used by the said Albert C. Burns or another person in violation of the Internal Revenue and n « u n n tx » » h » « « » 55 n B LEG ALS « » - n , . A other laws of the United States and « n » » » « » tt » n n a NOTICE OF FORFEITURE ___________________ 1 ~~ «»g* I _♦ ! Business and Professional « Directory of Bozeman - WANT-AD RATES Four times per word. Per line, per month...., Minimum_ One time, per word. Two times, per word- .03 Three times, per word.04 .02 .05 .10 .25 |80 When In Need of First-class Job Printing THE BOZEMAN COURIER 43 West Main B. F. HOLCOMB Certified Public Accountant Expert Income Tax Service Audits Systems Installed Examinations 412 Commercial NatT Bank Bldg. Phone 731 £ DR. W. E. DEAN Osteopathic Physician Office Phone 132-W Res. Phone 132-J Commercial National Bank Bldg. DR. W. C. DAWES Osteopathic Physician and Obstetrician Graduate American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Martin Block 37 West Main Phone 371 AUTO TOPS REPAIRED When you need your Auto Tops Repaired or New Tops put on, just drive to— MORTON'S SHOE SHOP 30 S. Willson (Central) Ave. Our Prices are Always Reasonable i GEO. C. DAVENPORT U. S. COMMISSIONER Land Filings and Proofs Office Michigan Block Bozeman, Montana PURE MILK ' H. H. Call i2 F 12 RAILWAY NORTHERN PACIFIC Going Went No. 1—North Coast Ltd. No. 3— N. P. Express .... No. 41—Local . No. 219—Local .. .4:00 a. in.' .3:66 p. m* .2;55p. m^i .3:15 p. mi; , Going E^ast No. 2—North Coast Ltd No. 4—Atlantic Express. No. 42—Miss. Valley Ltd... 1:32 a. m No.' 220—Local .11:0Ga, 2:62 p. m.* 1:17 a, m, particularly in violation of Sections! 3460 and of the Revised Statutes of the United States is forfeited to the United States and will be sold under the provisions of Section 8460 of the Revised Statutes of the United States and any person claiming the above described property is hereby notified to appear before me at the office of the Federal Prohibition Administrator in Helena, Montana and file his claim as provided by law within 30 days from the date of the first publication of this notice, Carl Jackson, * Prohibition Administrator By E. E. Collins, Attorney, Bureau of Prohibition. (First publication Dec. 16, 1927) (Last publication Dec. 30, 1927)' STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that. the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of The Commercial National Bank of Bozeman, Montana, will be held at its office in Bozeman, Montana at 4:00 o'clock P. M. January 10th, 1928 for the election of directors and such other business as may come before it. * J. H. BAKER, Cashier (First publication Dec. 16, 1927) (Last publication Jan. 6, 1928) - J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION - Department of the Interior, U. Land Office at Billings, Montana, December 5, 1927. • NOTICE is hereby given that, George W. McLean, of Norris, Mon tana, who, on February 21, 1922, made original stock-raising homestead try No. 026340, formerly Bozeman 015765 for Lot 12 Sec. 19 and Lots LESLIE E. GAGE Optometrist Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted Manfg. Optician Glasses repaired and broken lenses replaced the same day. Phone 425-W 20 S. Black E. F. BUNKER Attorney-at-Law — Notary Public Commercial Bank Building Bozeman, Montana. j _ _ Kinds of Heavy Hauling I ' f Special attention tin 1 MÜP» i|||i— j I PICTURE FRAMING | BONN ICE COMPANY Coal, Ice and Dry Wood Insnst on a hard grade of Coal, which means long fire holding qualities 601 South Church Phone 312 A FURNITURE REPAIRING Some Good Bargains in Refinished FURNITURE t; W. E. RIDER 229 East Main Street :1-* .ibUIIiO: .r.'"!.. W. T. HOGG •J 3 .1 11 Vf Transfer and Storage Baggage, Piano, Safe,' and An ! ing of household goods. We also unload cars of coaL 25 N. Tracy Ave. Phone 34> Vi We specialize in framing of all kinds. U :( / ALEXANDER ART CO. L -Mu jU A AND CRRÂCw - JETER ÆMtWw&'M ■HH . — 111 ! 1 : »|if t ÖI . t A_Li_ nTTwt L CHGO., MILW. & ST. PAUL I Westboud—Depart« o. 32 o. 34r-Daily except Sun.4:00 p. m. So. 16—Daily OlyMp«« teaw ,«TS 5 Three Forks...6;66i). rau '• Eaatbound— Arriyi*'- Î * ^ No. 31—Daily .. $o. ?3—Daily except Sun.6:05 p.m. , 16—Daily Olympian, leaves . \ -, v .8:05 a. m. M ••j* » % ■ 4 , ■% ■BOBS 7, 8, 9, 10 Section 30, Township 3 S., Range 1 E., Principal Meridian, Mon tana has filed notice of intention to Make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore George C. Davenport, a United States Commissioner, at Bozeman, Montana, on the 20th day of January, ! 1928. 1 Claimant names as witnesses: J. C. Bosworth, A. Creede McKee, Fred M. Trueworthy, R. E. Trueworthy, all of Norris, Montana, H. B. DRUM, Register (First publication Dec. 16 1927) . (Last publication Jan. 13, 1928) NOTICE FOR PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING OF MEDICAL AT TENDANCE FOR THE COUNTY POOR. m NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, the Board of County Commissioners of Gallatin County, Montana, will on _ ; poor, sick and infirm of the said , County in any place in Gallatin Coun ty, to the inmates of the County Jail, for the term beginning January 12th, j 1928, and ending January 12th, 1929. i Such services shall also include sur ! gical treatment of such poor and in firm inmates of the County Jail. Proposals must be addressed to the undersigned, "Clerk of the Board", marked "Sealed Proposal for fumish ing of Medicine and Medical attend ance to the County Poor", and must be in the possession of the Clerk on .or before the 10th day of January 11928 at 1:30 o'clock P. M., at which 6, j time bids will be opened. the 10th day of January, 1928, at 1:30 o'clock P. M., receive proposals from resident practicing physicians of said County to furnish medicine and med ical attendance and treatment to the I Contract to be awarded to the low responsible bidder. It has- been agreed that the successful bidder will receive the appointment of County Health Officer. The Board reserves the right to re any or all bids of any person whom in their judgment they deem unsuitable as a contractor. , -M By order of the Board of' County Commissioners. )■ •: u v% i ; ki :«■. J. H. HARRIS, Clerk of the Board. Dated at Bozeman, Montana/ this day of December, 1927. 11 (First publication Dec. 9, 1927) (Last publication Jan. 6, 1928);< .<! r n: THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF. MONTANA, 1 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GALLATIN. • - . Plaintiff, versus Alta Honeker, A. L. Honeker, Christ Niedenthalv Ràtie'T Niedenthal, E. J. Lange, E. J. Lang:, and their, and each of their heirs, known and unknown, and all other persons unknown, claiming or who might claim, any right/ititle, estate <£r interest in, or lien;;«* encumbrance upon, the real estate, <Éâ$Cribed in the above named action ,'■•fifVkUy thereof, adverse to plaintiff's. owpijership, dr any cloud upon plaintiff's title there to, whether suck^claim claim be present or contwj eluding any claim qf possible claims of dower, inchoate, or accrued. De fendants. ent, in Vf' - 3 ; „-For Publication ? ^'''Montana to Alta A. L. Honeker, Christ Sum mo The State Honeker, Niedenthal, Katie T. Niedenthal, E. J. Lange, E. J, Lang, and their, arfd each of thetjr teiF^jkjpoWn ; and un known, an<||' alL dtlferK; fcerrio known, claiming of who knight claim, any right, title, estate or interest ih, or lien or encumbrance upon, the real estate) j4e«crih^d in-tjie. above; named action, or t any thereof, adverse Eo plaintiff's 'fhvitéfehifJ^'ôr any'dlovfrl upon plaintiff's title thereto, whethdr such;'flain¥ «*• po^iblqi-fjpiipvbe pre sent or, contingent, including any plainV'or possible fflaim&'bf ffdwfer, in choate, or accrued, ; You are hereby summoned answer the Complaint in this acti jwhich is Clerk of this Court, a copy of whi iis herewith served jipon you, and ïile your^a'4jwéï and L serve a copy thereof lipoil-tnd plaintiff's attorney $vithin twènfÿ days' after the service j)f this summons, exdugivq of the day of servie^; tttid irf <(kse of^your failu * to appear or answer, judgme be >t»kOn âgahSst you by déftkülf for the relief demanded in the Complaint. This action involves the title to the folkwing described lands, to-wit: 1 > Forty-four L44)_f pp.t. in width nff of the east side of LoUEleven"( II) , . ÉI Bri M 40 ffiefc^B&Widfl* west side of Lot Twelve (12), all ip Rouse's Third Addition to the City of Bozeman in said County of Gal latin, State of Montana. % The nature of the relief sought bv the plaintiff is as follows^' * Plaintiff prays for a 1 decree of this Gosirb quieting thp- title^rthe plairN tiff ilk and Ho .therii^ijaftnlperein de scribed and^fcatufe determined thatHtj each oif them, an«t|<;j ^administrators i$ other peM| by fli^hrough Æk title, Hai m,, ns un of t wfl fcree it be liants anÇ heir heir\ tentative^ Ing unde$ no righk Ind in anQ 'to belong I be dete iefendan , and eac and unknowi^ d all other persons unknown, clainv gj or wb p mi.-rht cisim any righfe Kbn iMiit mi qmisr ~i—riTr r in, or lien o( mcumbtanOB-upon the real estate de» scribed in this action, or adverse to_ p s' of s am il f\V s a • 1 -4 ii any thereof UmtiffV be on* n «1 tSÔè f, lo'%aÂi :f land^b-Ä-' »gainst thsf plaintiff hét»i»;-'lliltî' r f<ifc« such othe^ and further relief as to the Court max as co$rVjthjs,8th day of Decern be ' D " 19 al) FRED LAY, Cleri| ames Wm. Moore, Deputy George D. Pease, Bozeman, Montana^ Attorney for Plaintiff. (First publication pber 9, 1927 her 30, 1927 as