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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
1 »■ 1 » LONG DISTAN TELEPHONE RATES 1 I > f i 1 Effective December 1, 1927 on all calls from points in the territory of The Mountain States * Telephone and Telegraph Company to points in the territory of any other associated Bell Company. * • J fit A. Reductions in Rates to Distant Points The greater the distance, the greater the reduction, for example, from Phoenix to Boston the basic station-to-station rate for three minutes is reduced from £10.00 to £8.00; from Denver to Bow £7.75 to £6.50; from Boise to Miami, £10J0 to £8.25; from Helena to New York, £8.60 to £7.00; from El Paso to New York, £8.40 to £7.00; from Santa Fe to Boston, £8,35 to £6.75; from Salt Lake Gty to Boston, £9.30 to £7.50; from Cheyenne to Bo* ton, £7.70 to £6.25. ton. ■ V ■ .1 , , Many Evening Rates Reduced The evening rates (applying from 7 p, m. to 8:30 p. m.) between the points affected «rill be reduced to a level about half «ray b* tween the night rates and the new day rates. In order to mini mize congestion during the night hours the night rates now in use after 8:30 p. m. will be held at approximately their present levels. Service Features Retained The improvements in service features made la« year—longer evening and night discount periods, reversal privilege on station toatation calls, etc.—remain in effect. r .i-» These new reductions will save the telephone users ai the United States an additional £1,500,000 annually. tm /«a ittmIt n mggm hktt ymm trritt. ttUfhomt m adl M Mr lawnt Offiet * The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. SPECIAL SALE We are closing out all ii WHITE SEWING MACHINES 40 % DISCOUNT T*. I South Bend Malleable Steel Ranges 20% DISCOUNT y , .'it ,y SALE ENDS DECEMBER 24TH Oliver-Stout Implement Co. Bozeman and Belgrade tv 7. im Holiday Fares a r j Christmas at Home! Especially low fares and convenient train service bring "Christmas at Home" within the reach of everyone. Spend the holidays at home for fare and one-half for round trip! / Tickets on sale December 16,17,20, 21, 22,23,24 and 25. Return unit January 5, 1928. Rates to all points in Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Minimum round trip fare $1.00. Go home for -Christmas and New year's. This is your opportunity' H l Ask Your Agent! Northern Pacific Ry. (Si4> "first of the Northern Transcontinentals" MM COMING FOR FARM-HOME WEEK i Farmers and farm women of Mon tana will gather at Montana State college for the annual Farm and Home v o_k, 2 to 7. This week of" programs at the college is a series of meetings and conventions, with educa tional programs and discussions of important agricultural problems of this state. The Montana Farm bureau will hold its annual convention on Monday fcnd Tuesday, January 2 and 3. A program of special interest to farm women will start on Tuesday and continue through to Friday even ing, :A number of home economics subjects are included on this program and some special speakers are engag ■ One of the largest meetings of the week will be that of the Montana Potato Improvement association, which meets on Wednesday and Thursday. Various livestock meetings, prog rams -and conventions will be held from Tuesday afternoon to Saturday afternoon. A Holstein sale is to be held on the last afternoon. Men interested in tractor wheat farming will hear special discussions on Wednesday and Thursday. There will be a special program on soil survey and land utilization on Friday. The veterinary department of th« college will conduct some special lectures and demonstrations on Thurs day and Friday. Special railroad rates of one ard one-third fare for the round trip are allowed on all Montana railroads for this meeting. The reduced rates are on the open plan. Extension service workers in Mon tana vdll be in Bozeman for most of the Farm and Home week program, their own annual cpnference coming a week later. ed. HEARST CHARGES FALSE, DECLARES MEX GOVERNMENT Washington.—In what was termed as a "final and categorical" statement, the Mexican embassy recently declar ed that the documents printed in Hearst newspapers, relative to alleged international activities of Mexico, are forgeries and tend to grossly misin- ] form the people oi the United States. The statement also claimed that the Mexican government knew of the existence of the forged documents that are now being used long before their u publication began. The Mexican government was ad vised that said documents were going to be used in the way they are being used now; they were offered for sale to the Mexican government, but the government refused to be blackmailed. Mexico and the Mexican govern ment have not and never had any colonizing material nor territorial in terests in Nicaragua. The Mexican government has not and never has had any interest in the proposed construction by the United States o: a transoceanic canal ip Nica ragua. "The Mexican government has no secret treaty in existence with any country. «( a »• GIVES $1,000,000 TO CRIPPLED CHILDREN New York.—One million dollars of his fortune has been set as : ie by Abram E. Fitkin, of Allenhursc, N. J., a member of Altair Lodge No. 601, A. F. and A. M., Brooklyn, for the erection and endowment of a hospital home for crippled children, according to the Masonic Outlook. The home is to be dedicated as "The Raleigh Memorial institute" and will commemorate the deen interest which Mr. Fitkin's deceased son, Raleigh, manifested in the work of missions. The building, to be erected in Shewsbury township, N. J., on the state highway, will have two dormi tory wings, the central part of the structure to be devoted to administra tive offices. It is hope of Mr, Fit kin to improve the physical condition of crippled children, and at the same time to give them a thorough educa tion and thus aid them in making the most of life. Salts Fine for Aching Kidneys When Back Hurts Flush Your Kidneys as You Clean Your Bowels î Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, sometimes get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occa sionally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, add stomach, sleeplessness and aH sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kidneys active and clean and the moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidn region begin drinking lots of water. Also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water be fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. Ibis famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Hthia, and is intended to flush clogged kid neys and help stimulate them to activ , ity. It also helps neutralize the acids ir&tbe urine so they no longer irritate, thus helping to relieve bladder dis orders. s Jad Salts is inexpensitfc ; makes a delightful effervescent Hthia water drink •which everyoody should take noyfr and then to help keep their kidneys clean. A well-known local drug vis t says he sell» lots of Jad Salts to folks wuo be lieve in trying to correct kidney itouWe \ while it is only trouble. S ey =S— 1 .X >. ( I r si Î Electrical Gifts Are Always Welcome! * T'- ■ ' Our assortment of electric irons, percolators, etc., is greater than ever this year. And very low priced, indeed. ♦* ' . ' f r ft ELECTRIC WAFFLE IRON ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR ELECTRIC IRON $8.00 t„ $15.00 $8.50 to $22.50 D. H. BUDD CO. $3.60 TO $7.75 Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal and Electrical Work 30 West Main Phone 300 • -, yCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX^^ 1C TON i i M ON THE ALFRED MINDER RANCH 4 MILES WEST OF BOZEMAN ON THE HUFFÎNE LANE, OPPOSITE THE REA SCHOOL HOUSE ON Tuesday, Dec ■ SAIE STARTS 11 »'CLOCK SHARP FREE LUNCH AT NOON .î S'. ■P Farming Machinery, etc. ;h Horses - « l>i* t > One new John Deere Overshot Stacker Two Deering Mowers One new Common Sense Bob No. 3 Two sets heavy work harness Two Farm Wagons One 2V 2 H. P. Gas Engine, Waterloo Boy About 3 dozen Barred Rock Chickens . • One Team work Horses 8 and 9 years old weight 2800 7 ■ ■ One Team work Mares 7 and 8 years old weight 2750. One Bay Mare 8 years old, weight 1300 • t* 65 Head of Dairy Cattle A, 30 HEAD OF MILK COWS 20 Milking Now 19 COMING TWO-YEAR-OLD HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 15 CALVES 1 THREE-YEAR OLD i HOL STEIN BULL 1 REGISTERED GURNSE Y BULL 4 YEARS OLD 75 Four and Five Year old Rambouiliett Ewes CASH TERMS ER, Owner ALFRED TOM GILKERSON L. C. BERGEN. Clerk A