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HTEL wanted at STIPE, ont. Eih; Pages ume ___ __ ___ GLENDIVE, MONTANA, THURSDAY. SEPT. 1, 1910 Eight Pages OUR AIM: TO PUBLISH A NEWSPAPER. ..... -- - - --U"" ~".- - ... - i. ,..,, • _, . .... ,1 =. ,,.. . .. i. --- .. .,l, .. ----,-~- m.. . . ,mmm ,mamm miI. . . 1)N ITIUNS ,t:" R IN STATE ituati'° a gton, However, Far from r.N :ut of the Danger Zone. and this ..e.ral- over fesi . ved by At Helena ,to .91 of e . ives the at has been t it was not : ::-Helena. ra:ning hard ,: H... C. Cul :.ii: ssage from ,. . . .. .. at Clinton it that the A:other report S, .. ,, ieen raining .. ' : two days. ,'. '.ý..: 1::,· .-....:.i.<<' throughout :i. ;ingle excep 'coding to re ;,. : ,rnor Norris Little Boulder ig Timiber, an:rmterial to i, lre Compa . , . ift early this :. i ..,eceived from " .hat the fire V S proportions : the troops *' logress and aoining prop S .man, which S Gallatin na S,: alled, the S. -Ivr vontrol. tihn Fen 'w : Fury : -nliitions in V Western : :' encourag .,.... .. :: ,, : : t any tim e rain was of :: quench the . , ve the fire It gives us pleasure to announce that we have just received our fall line of Shoes of which we are justly proud. The American Gentleman Shoes for dress wear are in a class by themselves--individual in style and effect. The flexibility of the eo'es makes _them comfortable, the superior quality durable, and the smartness of shape attractive. *T i i 1 Prices, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. Hunkidori Shoes for hard wear are unlike most Shoes made for work Shoes---they .. .. are made for comfort as well as wear. They are light in weight, but unsurpassed in quality and finish-fully guaranteed. Men's Suits and Overcoats for fall and winter. ST"StylOur Leather Goods and Curio Department has just been S"StyIe in H osiery? replenished. We have an exceedingly strong line of Handbags IL , ER T A IN H ! and purses in genuine alligator, imitation alligator, French calf and Snade i i. -HOSIERlY--The Quai&y Hose with a Guarantee, Trae ar te mae t~7aio.'s latest colorings, They are as hard to wear out a~ sealskin at prices up to $25.00. The beautiuf to look upon. Slart.~ e t one guaranteed hosiery that are stylish, bcomr: and They wear, ,wuear, WEAR. PAIRS, uranteed for Six Mont THE tipek, Prop. S a.. orBet service. A. . 4 PAIRS guarateed for Th. ..ree Mon . W e aee Exctusive Agents, servce ...~t~is~ $100 HE B E HVE, . J.Stiek,-rop fighters a brief breathing spell. To day, when the rangers believed they had the situation well in hand, the fire broke out with renewed fury and to night Chief Warden Simons is plan ning a campaign even more extensive than the one waged last week. Forty In Hospitals Washington, Aug. 29.-Forty em ployes of the forest service are in hos pitals as a result of injuries received in fighting fires in the Northwest. Many are dead and some have been blinded in their endeavors to check the flames. The information was received by the forest service from the deputy for ester at Missoula, Mont. He asked whether the government could pay the hospital expenses of the injured men. He was informed that this could not be done. Under an order issued by Secretary Wilson of the department of agriculture, the forestry employes are entitled to medical supplies, but it was stated specifically that this should rot include surgical attendance or hos pital fees. Forest officers take little encourage ment from the reports from the North west received at the bureau during the lay. Although a number of fires are said to be under control, the fact that they are still burning causes no little alarm, as a repetition of last Satur cay's hurricane might result in the flames breaking out anew. The weath er bureau's report, however, says that heavy rains are prevalent in the stricken district. Hay For Sale For sale, good prairie hay, baled and loaded on cars at Sentinel Butte, North Dakota Make inquir ies to the undersigned. LEWIS F. CRAWFORD, 26tf Sentinel Butte, N. D. PROCLAMATION State of Montana, Executive Department, Helena, August 24, 1910. To the Citizens of Montana: The time is drawing near for the Fifth Dry Farming Congress and Ex position in Spokane. The Expositior will open Monday, Oct. 3, at 1( o'clock, and will last one week. ThE Congress will open Monday evening and close Thursday evening. Montana should be well represented by strong delegations from the various organizations entitled to representa tion from the farming sections of our state, either by delegates from county commissioners and farmers organiza tions, from cities, or as personal mem bers of the Congress. Montana showed to the world at the fourth Dry Farming Congress and Ex position at Billings last October, that she was the leader in the dry farming movement. Let us keep the pace this year. The local committee assures me that attractive rates will be made into Spokane, and as Montana as a state is interested in the working out of this problem, I believe that as Governor, I know of no more important move ment before our people, and I here with appeal to you to begin the as sembling of exhibits and the appoint ment of delegates. You may correspond, if you please, directly with the Secretary of the Congress, Mr. John T. Burns at Spo kane, and he v'ill be glad to send in formation, premium lists, etc., when requested to do so. Very respectfully yours, EDWIN L. NORRIS, Governor. Dry Farmed Wheat Is Best Spokane, Wash., Aug. 29.-Dry farmed wheat is declared by one of the largest concerns in the north west to be superior to grain grown on irrigated lands. L. P. Wood of Billings, Mont, manager of the Rus sel-Miller Milling company of North Dakota, writes as follows to John T. Burns, secretary of the Dry Farming Congress. "In this vicinity the dry farming sections have shown up most favor ably during the season, when it is considered that this summer has b3en the hottest and driest that has been seen here in many years. The quality of the dry farmed wheat is excellent, and this we have deter mined by very careful laboratory tests. "For milling purposes the dry farmed wheat is a great deal more uniform in quality and quantity of the gluten is more uniform. This year's grade has been shown to con tain from 37 to 47 per cent of good quality of gluten, while the irriga ted wheat runs from 30 to 40 per cent and the quality of gluten is very uncertain. "The variety of wheat best adapt ed to dry farming in this district is the hard Turkey Red, as it matures quicker than spring wheat and does not have the drouth conditions to contend with so long. This variety of wheat is excellent milling grain when ready for market. However, the farmers should consult their lo cal millers as to the wheat that is best to raise in their vicinity." Mr. Burns says this is the first time a miller has frankly admitted the superiority of wheat grown by dry farmed methods, adding: "Numerous tests will be made at the International exposition in con nection with the Dry Farming Con gress in Spokane, the week of Octo 3, to further demonstrate the advan tages of dry-farmed wheat over grain grown in districts where irri gation is practised." Northwestern Inventors The following patents were issued this week to Northwestern inventors. Reported by D. Swift & Co., Patent Lawyers, Washington, D. C., who will furnish any of our readers with copies of the same for ten cents each. MONT. H. Schroder, Butte, Smoke washer; 0. Germain, Havre, Signal lantern; L. Jauergin, Mayers burg, Trap; V. Mattehaus, Helena, Hair filler. IDAHO. D. Cosner, Lenore, wag on reach. WASH. T. Evans, Centralia, Hose coupling; M. Hilgret, Spokane, Trousers supporter; E. L. Holmes, Seattle, Gas governor; F. J. Leigh, Seattle, Railway car compartment and folding table thereof; E. A. McClung, Dayton, Current motor. CARTER REPLIES TO PINCHOT Gives Facts Which Seem to Throw Additional Light on National Forest Situation. Helena, Aug. 29.--United States Senator Thomas H. Carter, replying to a recent interview of Gifford Pin chot, tonight made this statement: "Mr. Gifford Pinchot, late chief forester, has rushed into print to shift responsibility for the distress ing forest fires that have devastated so much of the western country. He could not but realize that the causes leading to the disaster which has overtaken the forests of the west would be investigated, and he well knows that investigation will show that the default rests chiefly with himself. He says that Heyburn, Mondell and Carter are responsible because they opposed appropriations for forest protection. The fact is that the gentlemen named opposed the misapplication of the funds ap propriated for forest protection. Reductions in appropriations were never urged except as to moneys be ing applied by Mr. Pinchot to pur poses apart from forest protection. Since 1896 congress has appropriated $19,984,680 for the forestry service. In addition to that princely amount, the forestry service collected for timber and use of the forests, with out direct appropriation by con gress, a sum which I believe will ag gregate about $5,000,000. It was the plain intent of congress and the country that the money thus appro priated, collected and used should be employed to safeguard the grow ing timber on the public domain within the limits of forest reserva tions. "The records of the office over which Mr. Pinchot presided will show that of the congressional ap propriations only $1,875,000 was used for improvements of the na tional forests, whereas the extraor dinary sum of $17,213,060 was used for general expenses. In addition and not included in general expen ses appears a salary list of $796,620. It will be perceived that about 90 per cent of all the money appropria ted was used for general expenses, including the payments for lectures, the payment of editorial writers and reporters, the maintenance of a bureau of publicity and the general exploitation of Mr. Pinchot and his absurd campaign for the presidency of the United States. "I venture to say that the expen ditures of the forestry bureau un der Mr. Pinchot, when critically ex amined, will show the most amazing misuse of public funds that ever oc curred in the history of this govern ment. If an officer charged with providing naval equipment or army stores or the preparation for war in any form had been found guilty of only investing about 10 per cent of the money entrusted to him for the purpose in view, he would, in the time of war, be court-martialed and shot. In the aggregate approx imately $25,000,000 were entrusted to Pinchot's bureau, and it now turns out that no adequate provision was made to enable the foresters or the people to stay the ravages of fire. "Under the Pinchot policy the settlers were ruthlessly driven from their homes in the forest regions; the mining prospectors were prose cuted and persecuted until explora tion for hidden mines became bur densome. The settlers, prospectors and miners constituted a splendid firefighting force within the for ests. "Their expulsion involved start ling acts of injustice and tyranny, and their absence from the forests in the days of need left the unguard ed timber an easy prey to the flames. The handful of forest rang ers did the best they could, but they could do little because the money appropriated to prepare for fire fighting had been misapplied under the administration of Gifford Pinchot." Fancy stationery for sale at the Monitor Office.