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Newspaper Page Text
.. . Handsome $250.00 Motorcycle Given Away . * * J. H. MISKIMEN and THE YELLOWSTONE MONITOR will give away, absolutely without cost, the DIXIE FLYER shown below. This is open to anyone, and nomination blanks may be obtained at the MONITOR office, J. H. MISKIMEN'S store or cut from this ad. This will be the most interesting advertising proposition ever held in Dawson County, and everyone has an equal opportunity to secure this MOTORCYCLE. D How to get Vote Tickets How to get Vote Tickets With every purchase made at J. H. MISKIMEN'S store With every yearIy subsciption to The Y votes will be given-100 VOTES FOR EVERY DOLLAR'S tor, accompanied by $2 in cash, 25 O WORTH PURCHASED, or 6,000 votes on the dollar will This applies to back subcriptions, an ye be given on trade tickets. Votes in the same proportion many as you desire. You can aiso get will also be given to persons paying accounts. If any of ing-6.000 votes for each dollar paid on e: cur friends need anything in CLOTHING, GENTS FUR- job printing. All leading merchants in (n NISHINGS, SHOES, JEWELRY, PHONOGRAPHS The Yellowstone Monitor, and they will and SEWING MACHINES or anything carried by an up- the votes when they pay any of their accoun to-date store, get them to patronize J. H. MISKIMEN way to get votes is to get subscriptions to : and give you their votes. Now is the time to get busy. Grae D schedule of votes is so much greater for riz1s The earlier you start the more advantage you will have anything else. You will be surprised how in finai count. First-$250 Dixie Flyer Motorcycle. subscriptions to The Monitor if you try. Cut out Coupon below and present or mail to J. H. Second-$50 In Trade Tickets; Good for Merchandise any time. Miskimen or The Monitor Office. Third-$25 Suit or Overceat, or trade tickets. Fourth-Lady's or Gentleman's Watch, warranted 20 years. Fifth-24-pree set Golden Wedding Brand Silverware. o Sixth-S14 Hand Bag. rand Miotorcycle Prize Voting Contest Seventh-12 pairs Holeproot Hos. NOM INATION BLAN K oKe CUTnd THIS l CO PON iOUT A tn BRINtO No.,nRULES OF CONTEST GOOD FOR 5,000 VOTES CUT THIS COUPON OUT AND BRING TO No. 1, names of Contestants will not be known. 2, No names of candidates I hereby accept the nomination aa will be published. 3. Every Contestant gets 5,000 votes to start with. 4, Every DixIe Flyer Motorcycle. J. H. M iskimen's Store Contestant gets a number. 5, Standing by Numbers published weekly in o Please place these 5000 votes to my Mo tor. 6, All votes must be brought in Wednesday for recording. 7, Votes must NOT be written on. 8, Tie votes in packages with Contestant's number and amount NAME.............. . . . It Will Count 25 Votes on top slip. 9, Color of Certificates will be changed each month and must be recor- POST OFFICE............ ded before change. 10, Votes are transferable only before recording. 11, Contes tant having largest number of votes wins Motorcycle. THIS IS SURELY A PRES ENT WORTH WORKING FOR. $5.00 IN G011) Will be to the one bringing in the largest number of New Subsrber o Renwas to the Monto L~~I 0 ~ ~ ~ o'lk 01'2o c ~ ~ ~ The HouseFly And B. B. One of the characteristics of the present-day campaign for the preven tion of diseasq is the homely, practical way in which facts are being placed before the public. Many of our state boards-through bulletins-are doing excellent work in this direction. As a result, some popular ideas are being sadly shaken. The little house-fly, for instance, has been for years the subject of household poetry, and has been referred to as the harmless and innocent companion of man. The bedbug, on the contrary, has been looked on with speechless aversion. He has no social standing. Even the mention of his name has not been con sidered good form in our best circles, while the least suspicion of a speaking acquaintance with him has been re garded with horror. In the May num ber of the Bulletin of the North Caro lina State Board of health, Dr. Cyrus Thompson, in an article on "Flies and Filth,'" says: "Now as a matter of unprejudiced fact, barring the sting of the bite and the odor of the en counter; the bedbug is a much more eligible companion than the house-fly, whether of bed or of board. But if bedbugs, comparatively cleanly of habit, crawled all over our plates, table and food just as the house-flies crawl, fresh from the foulest filth of pestilential kind, who could eat or even sit at the table for a moment? I am not making a plea for the eleva tion of the social status of my noc turnal friend, who loves darkness rather than light; but I am declaring that his deeds are not nearly so evil and destructive as those of the house fly." Put this statement before every Amerean housekeeper, and the doom of the typhoid fly iv sealed, up The Journal of the American Medical Asso. oiation~ The bedbug has been, for generations, the abomination of the bousewife, and the object of her nur. lenting warfare. Once cnvince Amer ican women that th fly is more loath. some and dangeroes then the bedbug and the ravages of this a and Sithadlstribute will be avr. Cubs Lose To Miles In a rather loosely played game at Miles City last Sunday, the Colonial Cubs lost to Miles City by the close score of 5 to 4. Parker and Bartlett were the bat tery for the Cubs and did good work. Only one earned run was made off Parker's delivery, the other four scores resulting from errors. Miles has a bunch of good classy players, and it is hoped to arrange one or more additional games before the end of the season. Americanism And The Red Flag Indicating a desire to learn more of the socialist movement, and pledging that he will investigate the subject impartially and without bias, the edi tor of a country newspaper in Eastern Montana writes to us very frankly un der date of April 30th. The editor in question concludes his letter as fol lows: "I can never adopt the socialist idea as long as they adopt the red flag as the symbol of their creed, nor do I believe any loyal American citizen can. The red flag is the emblem of anarchy, and as long as the socialist party flaunts that as their color they are doomed to defeat." If the country editor who writes the above will investigate the meaning of the red flag as impartially as he prom ises to investigate the principles of socialism, the chief obstacle to his conversion to socialism will be re moved, and speedily. The color red in the emblem of so. cialism represents not violence, war, murder nor a archy, but exactly the opposite. It is typical of the red blood of all humanity that fows through the arteries of the men and women of all countries, and represents the only world moen that has for its pur pose the international otherhood of ma. Socialism the world over stands as th.most powerful oppoeat co war ad national and iat moruinal disoder of ever .st. Anothe isv years of socialist growth, and wars will be ended forever. Less than a year ago war between England and Germany was averted because the socialists of Germany and England served notice on the trouble makers that five million workers of those countries would op pose war to the extent of a general and prolonged strike if necessary. Our editorial friend has accepted his ideas of socislism, and of the red flag not from a study of the socialist movement and the sociaeist philosophy, but from the ignorant and prejudiced mouthings of a venomous capitalistic press whose owners are vitally inter ested in misrepresenting and lying about the socialist movement. Country editors are generally dis posed to be fair and reasonable in all matters. As a rule they are free from capitalistic influences, and do their thinking for themselves. For that reason the country press is turning to socialism to a greater extent than ever before. Our editorial friend from the Mus selshell country will be fighting the battles of socialism as soon as he learns the meaning of the socialist philosophy. -Butte Socialist. Visiting cards of all sizes neatly printed at the Monitor Office. 'Phone 120. Why drag a dull disc over your land, when C. S. Johnston can sharpen them for you in first class shape? 8tf Insure your crops in a company that pays, the Waseca. Ask those who insured last year. E. Whitmer, Agent, 305 Beasley Block. l6tf Something special? The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer and this paper $2.00 for one year. Ask us what It means. Dr. Riesland, the eyesight spedial lst, well known for his superior skill in fitting eyes, will be at Hotel Jor dan, July 4 to 6. Donot faif to see him if you suffer with headaches or any ills due to Imperfect eyes. Re. member, wesring the wrong glasse is highly dangerous. Dr. Ricland fits qor aev rigs t thees grtwd the l" correctly. Consultatlog free, 18tt * 1911 by American Press Associatiom. MRS. WOODROW WILSON, WIFE OF THE NOMINEE. The New York World Thrice-a*Week Edition Praetlaly a Daly at the Prin of a Weely Re ether Newspaper i the wend gives so uoh at s few a piea. The great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record for im partiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-a-Week edition, which comes every other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-a-Week World also abounds in other strong beatures, serial stories, humor, mar kets, cartoons; in fact, evethi that is found in a first-class daily. TRE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S wegular subscription price is eaty 1,00 per year, and this pays for lMpapags. We ofer this unequaled newupaper -ao lhe YewsteSO Koalter toioorart f* ce year for p8.75. Local Grain Market Furnished each Thursday by the Eastern Montana Elevator Co. Wheat No. 1 Northern $ .93 No. 2 Northern .91 No. 3 Northern q89 No. 1 Durum .90A No. 2 Durum .88 Flax No. 1 1.85 No. 2 1.75 N.G. 1.65 Barley .90 Oats, per hundred 1.90 LOST One blue mare, three years old, branded n left thigh. Will pay $15 for he recovery or infor mation leading to the recove ry of said mare. DICK YOAS, 4tp19 Paxton, Mont. Teaming Of all kinds-light and heavy hauling. Either by day or contract. See me when you have a job of this kind. Prompt service. WALTER SORENSON Postlicc Bx 15. 301 River St FOR ALL KINDS OF (ONCR[IE WORK SEE FRED - BRUBAKER EXCAVAIIN AND TEAM WOR Podt O mie Box 491 Resieace 4 r 1 m street Boot and Shoe Repairing of Every Description When you want , rst-class work t'ivtv us ,t call GEO. JOHNS, Prop. Bell St. Opposite Cort Hou. Bill of Sale blaik on l ri at , Monitor o"ice. In I ont Forget U TO INCLUDE WITH THE I * OTHER GOOD THINGS I YOU PACK IN YOUR PICNIC BASKET M r IT WILL GREATLY ADD I TO THE PLEASURE OF $ YOUR OUTING +11 them Al ffammsrasse Said your orders to LOCAL BRMU GlendiveNo