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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY t, 1334 KIDDIES’ KORNER « s»nnnnnttnnnna 2A NEWS, HARDIN My grandpa Atkins is visiting 'Us for a few days this week. WALLACE SCHOER Last Sunday we went to the Pine Ridge to see the chipmunks. They are surely cute. ELLEN JEAN VICKERS Our room is making valentines lor the little boys and girls in the Orphan’s Home. FRANK CRYDER 3B NEWS, HARDIN My birthday was last Wednes day. I was nine years old. WHJLIAM STODDARD We finished our Health Readers last week. We are having five words in spelling every day now. We made Eskimo books last month. ARTHUR STEWART We had our. pictures taken last week. IRENE ARNDT We have four little pigs at home. They are black and white. EDDY HERT My sister came up from Ran chester last week and stayed until Sunday. Last week we made Health booklets at school. BETTY SCHILLREFF 4B NEWS, HARDIN Many of the children in our room took the toxoid this week so they won’t get diphtheria. The nurse has inspected our throats every day. Benny Gress had such a sore arm that he had to stay home. My little sister, Betty, and my cousin, Dale Hudson, came to school to get the toxoid. ALMA MABE We are sorry so many pupils are out of school. Richard Byrd has diphtheria. John Bequette, Iren Heagle and Chester Pomer inke are quarantined for scarlet fever. Mary Louise Landrie was trying to walk on a barrel and fell off and hurt her back. RAY MILLER A man stayed at our house one night. He was taking some sheep to Hardin to sell. He gave me a lamb ten days old. Now it is sixteen days old. I have to feed him from a bottle. OMER HUDSON A friend and I took our dogs and went hunting Saturday after noon. We went down to the Big Horn river. All we saw was a cow so we spent our time throwing stones at the cakes of ice. JOE JAMES As I was going home from school one day this week, I saw a black and orange butterfly. It seemed strange to see a butterfly in Feb ruary, He seemed to be enjoying the warm sunshine. robert McCarthy 4A NEWS, HARDIN Every Friday, we have a spell down. We line up along the wall, the teacher gives us words to spell. The captains for this week are Janice and Betty Belle. DONALD KALBERG We are making valentines this week. I have made some pretty ones. The other boys and girls are making some very pretty ones, too. RUTH GEORGE Miss O’Day is our school nurse. She came to our room yesterday. She said the boys and girls in our room were very healthy. Ev eryone in 4A are her health of ficers. We are all trying to keep well. We will report all cases of sickness to Miss O’Day. JEAN KELLEY We are having an “extra help” class after school every night. Miss Sullivan is helping the children who were out of school to catch up with their work. We are going very fast. LYSLE HAVERFIELD We have our room decorated for this month. We have flags and pictures of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. We also have valentine baskets and men. DORIS Bal IJ ।ER I have a little dog. One night he was sleeping behind the stove. Mother called him. He did not hear her. Mother took a little stick and made him wake up and go outside. MARTHA MICHAEL Yesterday I put some cans on my feet. I was chasing Irene. She went in the house. I like to wear cans. They are high. They make noise when I walk. GARHARD SCHMUNK Jean Kuehn has been out of school two days. We hope she does not get scarlet fever. If she takes good care of herself we know she will get well. A LOUISE MILLER This week it said in “Our Weekly Reader” that the person who wrote the best poem about nature would win a prize. Some of the 4A pupils are trying very hard to win it. We are all very busy writ ing poems. JANICE KELLEY Miss Sullivan is reading us a book of the boy scouts. Tt is very Interesting. It is about four boy scouts. They went up north to look for a trinket called "The Little Brass God.” He had a will inside of his abdomen. While these boy scouts are up north try ing to find it a big snow storm comes up. They get lost. They then find a cave. They find a man sitting there asleep. The story is very exciting. BETTY BELLE BEIRDNEAU My father is cutting wood this week. There are five men at work on the wood. The buzzsaw cuts the wood. It goes around fast. As soon as the wood is cut we will chop it. Then I will have to help pile it up. ARTHUR SCHAFER I have a big black cat. I called him Mir. Black. Nearly every morning he comes and scratches at the door. When I let him in I say "hello." Then he meows and goes in and sits by the stove. When I take him on my lap he purrs for me. AUDRIE JOHN I was playing “Punch the Ice Box.” I was running to hide. I turned a summersault in the walk. We were all running to hide. I fell down on the walk and hurt my head. Dooley Pauley fell on my head and made it feel like rollers instead of a head. I will be lucky if I don’t get killed to day. BETTY STOCKER (Crowded out last week). 3A—Hardin Dear Aunt Betty: We are having an arithmetic contest. I have gotten four tens. I have beaten every boy in our room. Your friend, HAROLD JENSEN. Dear Aunt Betty: We are making a health booklet. Yesterday we made the covers to it. We colored some health girls and some health boys. Your friend, ESTHER SCHAAK. Dear Aunt Betty: Tuesday evening I went out to Madylene Beall’s and stayed all night. Before we went to bed, Martha and Helen Beall popped some pop-corn while Madylene and I wrote her sister in Billings. That afternoon, when we got home from school, we played “Hide-and- Go-Seek” and “Punch-the-Ice- Box.” When we had gotten off of the bus, Madylene told me that they had a little pig. So, when we got home and changed our clothes we went to see the little pig. When I saw it, it was about the biggest hog in the northwest. Sincerely yours, MARILYN KELLY. Dear Aunt Betty: We are making health books. We color lots of pictures for them. Yesterday we made our covers for them. We have learned to multi ply in arithmetic. We are running arithmetic races on a big chart. We start with the twos and go to the nines. If we miss, some body will take our place. Your friend, DOROTHY HAMMER. Dear Aunt Betty: My mother went to Billings last Friday. My daddy and I went Sunday. I had a nice time. I went to Armand Thompson”s house. We played cowboy, and with cars and marbles. My moth er got some valentines and a Val entine box of candy. Your friend, DEAN HUSS. Dear Boys and Girls: We are glad to get so much news from the 4A room in Hardin. The 3B and 2A rooms didn’t do so well this week, and where are you 2B and 3A people? Isn’t it nice to have the sun shine and the mud about all gone? Now I would like to see a real good snow storm so we could have enough snow to build snow forts and snowmen, wouldn’t you? Are any of our schools having Lincoln or Washington programs this month? If so we would like to hear about them. I’m sure many schools and rooms are having valentine boxes. Write and tell us how yours is made and about the valentines you make. Affectionately, AUNT BETTY CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the neighbors and friends for their assistance and sympathy in our bereavement in the death of our husband, father, brother and uncle, Eugene Longears; especially do we wish to thank his fellow workers in the CCC, the Rev. C. A.- Bentley, for his ministrations, and all those who sent flowers. MRS. MAGGIE LONGEARS and Children. BEN LONGEARS PRETTY PAINT EDITH LONGEARS ROSE WILSON MRS OTHER MEDICINE and Family. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE is hereby "iven that the undersigned will on the 15th dav of Anril. 1934. annlv to the Conntv Treasurer of Bis: Horn Countv. Mon tana, for a tax deed to the following described property, to-wit: All Section 28. Two. is. R 32E— -640 acres. All Section 33. Twp. IS. R 32E— -640 acres. _ Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. SI4NW, Sec. 4. Twp. 28. R 32E—489.40 acres. Amount due *8.647.07. Dated February 9. 1934. HARRY E. COX. Countv Clerk. Bis Horn Countv. Montana. Pub. Feb. 9. I*. 19*4. ADDUcant ’ THB TRIBUNe-HERALO ORDINANCE NO. 1S» AN ORDINANCE to Enforce the "Montana Beer Act": ProbißlH"? AH Acts or Omissions Prohibited or Declared Unlawful bv the Mon tana Beer Act." or bv the Regula tions of the State Board of Eaual ization thereunder, exceot and save those Relating to Persons Maintain inir or Ooerating anv Railroad Car or Train as a Common Carrier tor the Transnortation of Passengers: Imoosing Duties on the Citv Attor ney. Chief of Police. Police Magis trate and Police Officers of the Citv of Hardin. Montana, and Ex tending Their Jurisdiction to Li cense and Regulate Places of Business Where Beer is Sold: Pro viding for the Disoosltion of Fines and License Fees: Repealing Ordi nance No. 181 and Ordinances and Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith: and Declaring this Or dinance to be an Emergency Meas ure. BE IT ORDAINED BT THE COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF HARDIN. MONTANA: SECTION 1. DUTY OF CITY OF FICERS TO ENFORCE "MONTANA BEER ACT." The ritv of Hardin hereby recognises the right, among others, reserved bv the "Montana Beer Act” to the several cities and incoroorated towns of this State to enact ordinances for the enforcement of said Act. To that end the penal provisions of the "Montana Beer Act” are hereby adonted as the law of this city: and the oolice court of this citv is hereby vested with the lurisdictlon and the duty is hereby imposed upon the Citv Attorney. Chief of Police. Police Magistrate and Police Officers of this citv to en force the same. SECTION 2. PROHIBITING ALL. EXCEPT CERTAIN. *<TS OR OMIS SIONS PROHIBITED BY THE "MON TANA BEER ACT.” OR BY REGU LATIONS OF STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION THEREUNDER. All acts or omissions, exceot and save those relating to oersons maintaining or operating anv railroad car or train as a common carrier for the trans portation of passengers which are prohibited or declared unlawful by the." Montana Beer Act” or by such regulations as may be made bv the State Board ofEqualization which shall have the full force and effect of law. are hereby prohibited and declared unlawful. SECTION ?• PENALTIES IN "MONTANA BEER ACT” IN PART ADOPTED AND IN PART MODI FIED. Violations of Section 8 of said act for failure of anv brewer, as in said Act defined, to make the re turn to the Board, as in said Act de defined. provided for in Section 7 of said Act. and violations of Section 16 of said Act for failure of anv whole saler. as in said Act defined, to make the return to said Board, provided for in Section 15 of said Act. are sub feet to the penalties nrovi'’ed in the Montana Beer Act”: violations of Section 8 of said Act for refusal ot anv such brewer to allow such exam ination. as provided for in Section 7 of said Act. or for failure to make an accurate return according to the manner in said Act prescribed: are subiect to a fine of not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars ( $300.00 ) • vio lations of Section 16 of said Act for refusal ot anv such wholesaler to al low such examinations, as provided for in Section 15 of said Act. or for tailure to make an accurate return according to the manner in said Act orcscnoed. are subiect t-> a fine of not exceeding Three Hundred Dol lars ($300.00): and violations of anv other provisions of said Act shall sub iect the person convicted hereunder to imprisonment in the citv jail or * aR for not more than ninety A? 0 ' ™? vs ' .V to a fine °f not more than Three Hundred Dollars (S3OO 00) or both. SECTION 4. CONCURRENCE WI TH FEDERAL LAWS. The City of Hardin hereby recognizes that its power to enforce the "Montana Beer Act and to license the places of business where beer is sold, is de pendent upon the duly enacted legis lation of the Congress of the United States declaring beer of an alcoholic content of three and two-tenths per to be nonintoxicating: and further, if such leerislation so passed bv Congress should hereafter be repealed, or amended to the ex tent of declaring beer of an alcoholic ess than three per cent wei *ht to be intoxicating, ordinance shall become in effective. SECTION 5. CONCURRENCE WITH STATE LAWS The Citv of Hardin herebv recognizes that its t’ower to enforce the “Montana Beer Act and to license and regulate Places ol business where beer is sold, should at all times be exercised in full concurrence with the exercise of the like nover of the Legislative As scmblv of the State of Montana: and to that end. whenever the Legislative Assemblv of the State of Montana shall amend or repail the "Montana Act. ’ then the provisions of this ordinance shall apply thereto: but nothing in this paragraph con tained shall be construed as an ab rogation on the , -t of this citv of its right under the "Montana Beer i to license and regulate places or business where beer is sold, pro vided that such regulatory license bv tins city imposed shall be reasonable and not in excess of the amount im posed bv the State of Montana. And to the same end. whenever the State Board of Eaualization of the State of Montana shall amend or repeal anv regulations which it shall make, or shall make anv new or supplement arv regulations, under the “Montana •250.00 52R0.04 For the arrest and conviction of LIVESTOCK AND WOOL THIEVES And of Violators of Other Laws Hereinafter Mentioned Will be paid by BIG HORN COUNTY LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION The Big Horn County Livestock Association offers a reward of *250.00 for information leading to the appre hension and conviction of any. person or persons for the larceny of any livestock or wool owned by any paid up member of this Association or the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons for arson in the burning of any property belonging to any paid-up member of this Associa tion or for the commission of an ag gravated assault upon any employee of any paid-up member of thia Asso ciation walls In the discharge of hW luty by any person while engaged la >ny attempt to commit any said lar ceny or arson. Such offer of reward shall apply to any such crime committed at ary time upon or bett een the Ist day of January, 1933, and the Ist day of January, 1934. PROVIDED, HOWEVER. That in formation upon which such reward may be claimed must be imparted to the County Attorney or the Sheriff of the county in which the crime was committed or to a member of the executive committee of the Big Horn County Livestock Association not later than January 1, 1934. PROVIDED FURTHER That where ■uch Information is given to any of the above persons by two or more persons, slmultaneeurdy, then this re ward shall be proportioned share and ’hare alike to such persons giving moh information. PROVIDED FURTHER That no of- Hcer of this State nor the owner of tts property against whom such CTlme was committed shall bo eligible to claim or to receive such reward. . JOHN P. TURNKB. Beer Act” or under anv act amenda tory thereof or supplementary there to. then the provisions of this Ordi nance shall apply thereto. SECTION 6. CONCURRENCE WITH LOCAL OPTION. The City of Hardin hereby recognizes that its Power to enforce the "Montana Beer Act and to license the places of busi ness where beer is sold is dependent upon the electors qf Big Horn County in the exercise of~he right accorded them bv said Act to determine whether or not the sale of beer, as therein provided for. shall be per mitted within the limits of said countv: and to that end. if such elec tors should determine. as therein provided, that the sale of beer, as therein provided for. shall not be per mitted within the limits of said countv. then this Ordinance shall stand suspended and inoperative un and unless such electors reverse tneir decision: and as often as. ana upon every reversal of decision, this Ordinance shall stand either effective or suspended and Inoperative in con currence with the vote of the elec- X°™ aDon the question of whether or not the sale of beer, as in said act Drovided. shall be permitted within the limits of said countv. .SECTION 7. “MONTANA BEER ACT" DEFINED. The phrase "Mon tana Beer Act" as used herein is de fmed„aa chapter 106 of the Laws of the Twenty-third Legislative Assem bly. and the amendments thereto of the State of Montana, entitled. “An Act to provide for the Licensing and Regulation of the Manufacture. Sale “nd Distribution of Beer and Other "* m uar Fermented Beverages, and for the Raising and Disposition of Rev enue Therefrom.” CITY LICENSE RE WIREMENT AND AMOUNT OF LICENSE FEES. That under and by virtue of the Dower granted to the c ;PL councils of the cities and towns of this state, and in aid of the police power and regulations of the Citv of Hardin. Montana, and in exercise of the authority reserved bv the "Mon tana Beer Act” to the cities and in corporated towns of this state, it is hereby ordained that any person, who “® B ‘ res enga-~ in the business of selling beer in said citv under the provisions of said Act in the char eF j °I daces hereinafter men tioned. and as defined bv said Act shall, notwithstanding the fact that the person conducting such place has obtained a license from the State Board of Eaualization. first apply for and obtain a license therefor from sal< l cRv - as herein provided, and if such license is granted shall pay therefor an annual license fee as fol lows: Each retailer. One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00): Each factory or establishment of a brewery for the making of beer which sells the same. One Hundred Twentv-five ($125.00) Dollars and not more than Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00): Each wholesaler. Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00): Each club Fifty Dollars ($50.00). AH licenses issued in anv vear shall expire on the 31st dav of December at midnight of such vear. Provided. that a transfer of anv such license mav be made on appli cation to the citv council, accom ramed bv satisfactory evidence of an approval of the transfer of the li cense issued bv the State Board of Equalization of the State of Montana for such business: and. Provided, however, the transfer of said license is annroved bv a maioritv vote ot the citv council and approved bv the mayor. Provided, further. that nothing her »m shall be construed to entitle anv licensee hereunder to anv refund of anv portion of the license fee in the event of his discontinuing- such business or the suspension or revo cation of his license, prior to the ex piration of such vear. SECTION 9. SPECIAL PERMIT. Any Fair Association or Corporation maintaining- or operating a place for the exhibition of livestock or agri cultural or horticultural products, or for the exhibition of races or rodeos, charging an admission fen thereto, shall be entitled to a special permit to sell beer to the patrons of such’ exhibition to be consumed within the exhibition enclosure. Application for and issuance of such permit shall be made in the same manner as appli cation for and issuance of licenses are made as provided for in Sections 8. 10 and 11 hereof, and the permit fee shall be at the rate of Ten ($10.00) Dollars per dav with a minimum fee of Twentv-five ($25.00) Dollars. SECTION 10. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. Every person required bv this ordinance to obtain a license must, before commencing such busi ness. file with the Citv Treasurer an application in writing, directed to the Council of the Citv of Hardin. Mon tana. Such application shall be in substantially’ the same form as the form which mav be prescribed bv the State Board of Eaualization of the State of Montana to carry out the provisions of the “Montana Beer Act” for a like business under said Act. and must be accompanied bv satisfactory evidence that the appli cant is the owner and holder of a subsisting license or permit issued bv said Board under the provisions of said Act for the same business and the same location for which appli cation for citv license is being made. Such application must be accom panied with the license fee prescribed in the preceding sections specified for the business applied for. and. if such applicant is an agent, such applicant must accompany such application with principal’s acknowledgement of such agenev. SECTION 11. ISSUANCE AND REVOCATION BY CITY COUNCIL OF LICENSE. ENDORSEMENT AND Broader Horizons Many business men are learning that new mar kets can be reached suc cessfully by telephone. By alternating telephone calls with personal visits to other towns you can contact many new cus tomers inexpensively. If you are purchasing, you often can get better prices or quicker deliv ery by telephoning. Whatever the occasion, a telephone call is prac tically as satisfactory as being there in person. The Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. FILING. Upon the filing of the ap plication prescribed in Sections 8 and 10 of this ordinance, accompanied by the evidence required by said sections, and upon payment of the required license fee. the Citv Treasurer shall immediately deliver such application and evidence to the City Clerk, who thereupon shall present the applica tion to the Citv Council at the next regular meeting of said body. If the Citv Council shall deem it best for the public interest so to do. it may bv resolution passed by an affirma- JL ve majority vote of all members of the Citv Council and approved bv the Mavor and attested bv the Citv Clerk authorize the issuance of any license herein provided for or refuse to is sue or to grant the renewal of anv license theretofore issued and no li cense shall be renewed until applica tion for renewal has been made and approved bv an affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the Citv Council and approved bv the Mavor. And the Citv Council hereby express ly reserves the rirht bv resolution or an affirmative vote of the maioritv members of the Citv Council to re voke any and all such licenses as mav be issued as herein provided, when it snail be deemed best for the public interest so to do. If said City Council shall approve any applica tion hereunder, the Citv Clerk shall issue and deliver to the applicant a license to carry on the business for which the applicant owns and holds a subsisting license, or permit, issued bv the State Board of Equalization of the State of Montana, for the business, and at the nlace therein described, if the same does not vary from that mentioned in such applica tion. Such license shall be in sub stantially the same *orm as the li cense. or permit, issued to such ap plicant for such business at such lo cation bv said Board, and the same shall refer to this ordinance bv its number and as the “Hardin. Mon tana. Beer Ordinance.” The Citv Clerk shall endorse upon each re plication. and accompanying docu ments. if any. in his office, and shall keep an appropriate index thereof, which shall show the date filed, the name of the applicant, the character and location of the business, and an appropriate reference to the file number, if anv. bv which said ap plication. and accompanying docu ments. if anv. mav be found. SECTION 12. NO LICENSE TO IS SUE FOR LOCATION IN RESI DENCE DISTRICT. No license shall be issued for anv of such businesses if the same is to be conducted in a residence district of this citv. SECTION 13. DISPLAY OF LI CENSE. Anv and all licenses issued under the provisions of this Ordi nance shall be. at all times, promi nently displayed in the place of busi ness of such licensee. SECTION 14. HOUSE OF BUSI NESS. Except as otherwise in this paragraph provided. the privileges granted bv anv and all licenses is sued under this Ordinance are sus pended and inoperative, and shall re main suspended and inoperative be tween the hour of Twelve o’clock midnight and the hour of Six o’clock. A. M. of the next dav: provided that such general suspension and inopera tiveness shall not anolv to the de livery of beer bv the brewers to com mon carriers for shipment or from brewers to wholesalers. Provided, further that anv licensee hereunder where beer is sold, dispensed or con sumed shall not have anv curtains, screens. movable blinds, shutters, paint, frost, dirt or other things that obstruct the view from the outside, or front entrance, of his or their building. SECTION 15 POLICE MAGIS TRATE TO REPORT CONVICTIONS HEREUNDER TO STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. In the case of the conviction of anv licensee here under of anv violation of this Ordi nance in the Police Court of this City, the Police Magistrate, shall, within ten (10) days thereafter, whether or not an appeal has been taken from the judgment of conviction, transmit to the State Board of Eaualization of the State of Montana a certified cony of the record of conviction. SECTION 16. REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF LICENSE. If anv license issued bv the State Board of Eaualization of the State of Mon tana. under the provisions of the “Montana Beer Act.” shall be re voked. or shall be suspended under the provisions of said Act. the com panion license issued under the pro vision of this Ordinance shall be au tomatically revoked or suspended for the same period, and in the event such action bv the State Board of Eaualization of the State of Mon tana shall, on anneal, be modified or set aside, the suspension or revoca tion of the license issued under the provisions of this Ordinance shall likewise be automatically affected: F’rovided. however, that in event the Citv Council has revoked and sus pended said license as heretofore pro vided. the said license shall remain revoked and suspended until renewed as provided in Section 10 hereof. SECTION 17. DUTY OF CITY TREASURER. The Citv Treasurer of the Citv of Hardin shall be charged with the collection of the licenses herein provided for. and application for license, accompanied bv the fee therefor, shall be filed with such Citv Treasurer of the Citv of Hardin. The Citv Treasurer shall prepare ail blanks for application and for li cense. and all books of account in connection therewith, and all ex pense in connection with the admin istration of this ordinance shall, so far as is possible, be charged against the funds collected under this ordi nance. SECTION 18. INSPECTION AND REGCLATION INOER POLICE POWER. Everv person firm, asso ciation or corporation licensed under the provisions of this ordinance, shall be subject to regulations, inspection, control and supervision under the general police power of the City of Hardin and all of the Ordinances now in force or which mav hereafter be adopted, in aid of such police newer or regulation: and each and everv such license shall be subject to sus pension and revocation as hereinbe fore provided. SECTION 19. EXERCISE OF GENERAL POLICE POWER—DIS TRIBPTION OF MONEYS COl LECTED It is herebv declared shat the business of selling beer within the Citv of Hardin. Montana. re crires special regulation, inspection, control and protection under the gen eral nolice power of said citv. and on account of such snecial service it is estimated that there is chargeable to such business all of the costs of administration and control of this Ordmt'ncv. That all of the funds naid or collected under the provis ions of this Ordinance shall be naid into the Citv Treasury to the credit of the Protection of Life and Prop ertv Fund. SECTION 20. CONSTITUTIONAL ITY. If anv section, subsection, sen tence. clause or phrase of this ordi nance shall be held to be in contraven tion of the Constitution of the United States or of the State of Montana, or invalid for anv reason, the inval iditv of such provisions shall in no manner affect the remaining por tions of this ordinance, but everv other section, sub-section, sentence, clause or nhrase shall be upheld as the legislative will of the Citv of Har din. Montana, to the same extent as though such unconstiutionalitv or in valid provisions had not been a part of this ordinance. SECTION 2 1. EMERGENCY MEASURE AND EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance is herebv declared to be an emergency measure and im mediately necessary for the preser vation of peace, health, and safetv. and this Ordinance and the provis ions hereof shall become effective im mediately upon its passage. approval and publication. SECTION 22. Ordinance No. 11l and a’l Ordinances and Darts of Or dinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. PASSED bv the Council of the City of Hardin. Montana, this 6th day of February. 1914. and approved bv the Mayor of said Citv this 6th day of February. 1934. APPROVED: J. E. McCarthy. Mayor. ATTEST: A. H. ROUSH. Cltv Clerk. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED NOTICE Is hereby riven that the understated will on the 15th dav of Aoril. 1934. aonlv to the Countv Treasurer of Bic Horn County. Mon tana. for a tax deed to the followtnc described oronertv. to-wit: Lot One (1) Homesites Sub-divis ion Bic Horn Countv. Montana. Amount due sl,lß Dated February 1. 1114. HARRY E. COX Countv Clerk. Bic Horn County. Montana. „ _ AboUcant. Pub. Feb. 9. 18. 1914. NOTICE TO CWA CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all parties having claims for material or services furnished the Big Horn County Civil Works Board should immediately submit them in quad ruplicate, itemized completely as to date, description and prices, to the office in the court house, War din, Montana, as all such Holms must be submitted before Feb: 15, in order to receive attention. C. C. GUINN, Chairman. NOTICE Anyone having a contageous disease and not reporting it, or any person violating quarantine will be arrested. City and Co. Board of Health THREE-YEAR PROOF NOTICE D ? PA R T MENT OFTHE INTERIOR. U. S. LAND OFFICE AT Bn,- LINGS. MONTANA JAN. SI. IH4 18 herebv xiven that Jos ech„R“z*c.l‘a - ot Decker. Mont., who. I th- 1 927 ‘ made stock-raising a ,‘ homestead entry. No. 028595 for Lot 1. Section 1. Town- South - Rance 40 East. M P. Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make Three vear Proof, to es tablish claim ot the land above de scribed. before Charles R. Foley U ?i^ OI 5 mi3S l o, W- K ‘ rby - Mont., on the 16th dav of March. 1934. Claimant names as witnesses: Harrv nm U v. e !Y el S n^ r- Prank Ruzicka. Jim Voita. all of Decker. Mont HARRY W. HILL. Register First nub. Feb. 9. 1934 agister. Last oub. March 9. 1934. CALL FOR BIDS DistXl % Trustees of School ‘ 17i ? tvill receive sealed bids house and stable at the " Ot later than Pub. Feb. 9. C ' erk ’ SUMMONS ,n r Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District of the State ot Montana, in and for the County ot Hig Horn. SADIE PING MURDOCK. Plaintiff. vs. MURDOCK. Defendant. statE OF MONTANA SENDS TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: You are herebv summoned to an the comuiaint <n this aetion w hJch is filed in the office of the clerk of this court, and to file vour answer cot>v thereof unon the Plaintiff s attorney within twenty davs after the service of this summons, ex clusive of the dav of service: and in case of vour failure to anoear or an- W HI be taken against vou bv default, for the relief de majided in the complaint. The said action is brought to se cure a divorce bv the plaintiff from the defendant on the grounds of non support. WITNESS mv hand and the of said court this 13th dav of Janu ary. 1934. . R - p - ROSS. Clerk. GUINN & MADDOX. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Pub. Jan. 19. 26. Feb. 2. 9. 1934. NOTICE OF SALE OF LANDS ACQUIRED BY TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Countv Commissioners of Big Horn Countv. Montana, on the 10th dav of February. 1934. 'at two o’clock in the afternoon of said dav. at the front door of the court house at Hardin. Montana. under the provisions of Chanter €5 of tho Session Laws of Montana. 1933. will sell at public auction the following described propertv. together with anv and all improvements thereon or in anywise appertaining, for cash or on such terms as the Board r e Countv Commissioners mav approve and in ac cordance with law at a price not less than the fair market value thereof as heretofore determined and fixed bv the said Board of Countv’ Com missioners and hereinafter set out opposite each particular tract to. bo offered for sale, to-wit: Tract No. 191 A— SW%NWU Sec. 27. EUNEU Sec. 28. Twp. 2S. R. 32E. appraised at SI.OO per acre. Tract No. 191B—SW%NE% Sec. 26. Twp. IS. R 33E. appraised at $5.00 per acre. Tract No. 192 —B%SW% Sec. 5. NWU Sec. 8. Two. 9S. R 34E. ap praised at $1.50 per acre. Tract No. 193— NE% Sec. 10. Two. 6S. R 37E. appraised at $1.50 per acre. Tract No. 194— NV, Lot 7 Homesites Sub-division. Big Horn Countv. appraised at $7.50. Tract No. 195—N% Lot 6 Homesites Sub-division. Big Horn Countv. Montana, appraised at $7.50 Tract No. 196—Lot 5 Block 12. First to Hardin, appraised ai $5.00. Tract No. 197—Lot 5 Block 16. Sec ond Addition to Hardin, appraised at SIOO.OO. Tract No. 198—NEU. NWHSEU Sec. 33. Twp. SS. R 28E. appraised at $1.50 per acre. Tract No. 199—Lot 8 Block 15. Fourth Addition to Hardin, appraised at $5.00. Tract No. 200—WUSWU. EUSEU Sec. 12: NUNWU. NOEV* Sec. 13. Twp. 6S. R 40E. appraised at $1 00 per acre. Tract No. 201 —Lot 1 Block 12. High land Park Addition to Hardin, ap praised at SIO.OO. Tract No. 202 —Lot 2 Block 12. High land Park Addition to Hardin, ap praised at SIO.OO. The board reserves the right to re iect anv and all blds and to desig nate in each particular instance and for each particular tract whether the sale thereof shall be for cash or upon terms. By order of the Board of Countv Commissioners of Big Horn Countv. Montana. Dated January 12. 1934. HARRY E. COX. Countv Clerk and Recorder of Blr Horn Countv. Montana. Pub. Jan. 13. 19. 26. Feb. 2. 9.1934 PAGE THREE