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FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1934 :: HARRIET THEATRE " Firm ay-sah rday. march o h; JACKIE CCOFER In ■’THE LONE COWBOY” Story by WILL JAMES of PRYOR, MONT. SUNDAY-MONDAY, MARCH 11-12 JOHN BBLES - MARGARET SULUVAN in "ONLY YESTERDAY" TUES.. WED.. TH I RS.. MARCH 13-11-15 ALICE IN WONDERLAND With an All-Star Cast Don’t Miss It! COJH?<G—WILL ROGERS IN “DR. BULL” Hardin Tribune-Herald OFFICIAL PAPER OF BIG HORN COUNTY BY HARDIN TRIBI' »E-Hi:KUI» PRESS R. A. VICKERS. C. A. CORKINS. Editors ai> Manases SUBSCRIPT ION RATES One war in advance. SXuU: Six Months. «I.5O: Three Months. *I.OO Socaa? asud Persona] Mrs. J. W. Rowland entertained for members of her card club at her home, Thursday afternoon. Prizes for the game were awarded Mrs. Ira Cochran and Mrs. C. A. Wolcott. The 75th birthday anniversary of Mrs. H. A. Shaw was the in spiration for a pleasant surprise party at the Shaw ranch home, six miles north of Hardin, Wed nesday of last week, when a num ber of the neighbor ladies gath ered to spend the afternoon, the hours of which were passed in formally in social intercourse. Mrs. Shaw was showered with kitchen gifts and the day ended with the serving of a lunch fur nished by the self-invited guests, the main item of which was two large birthday cakes. Those par ticipating were Mrs. H. J. Bowers. Mrs. Chase Lawrence. Mrs. Merle Bowers, Mrs. Dewey Walker, Mrs. Ed Lawrence. Mrs. M. Cavanaugh and the honor guest. Mrs. Sam Ragland and Miss lola Moore were joint hostesses, Friday evening. March 2. at the W. B. Moore home on North Benca, to a shower in honor of Miss Alta Moore, who is soon to become th? bride of Cecil Wagner of South Bench. The evening was spent with music and social con versa- |bUY PAINT NOW —SAVE MONEY M* M® j — rif our home wnSlfll like new I with washable INTERIOR GLOSS EL F SAVE BV PAINTING NG® Y r OL'R paint brush is a magic wand that makes drab walls and woodwork turn bright and colorful. It’s so easy. Try du Pont Interior Gloss on bathroom and kitchen. See its lustrous finish. Even one coat covers SAUNDERS LUMBER CO. HARDIN, MONT. | PAINTS ENAMELS VARNISHES DUCO tion. Miss Moore was the recipient of many beautltul and useful gifts. A delicious lunch was served at a late hour. Those present were Mrs. Bert Slater. Mrs. Sivcrt Torske. Mrs. Art Koebbe. Mrs. Vern Melville, Mrs. Wm. Cox, Mrs. Mary Wagner. Mrs. Nils OMun, Mrs. James Schoer. Mrs. Noah Goodell. Mrs. George S. McDowell, Mrs. Harry Atkins, Mrs. Joe Mor rison, Mr’s. Tom Hammer. Mrs. Guy Atkins. Mrs. Roy Riley, Mrs. W. B. Moore, Misses Judy and Rose Wagner, Miss Inza McDowell. Miss Hannah Batty and the honor guest. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mor ris. who are operating for tne owners the Omar E. Bearss stock ranch on Sarpy, about forty miles northeast of Hardin, entertained a number of neighbors and friends Saturday evening. Dancing was the diversion. At midnight a tempting lunch was served, after which dancing was resumed and continued until a late hour. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Almon Walborn. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Per ry, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Brown and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Litton. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Berns and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnard and family, Mr. and Mrs. Homer S. Allen. Daisy and Leslie, Misses Marcella and Lois Landon, Lynn Berry. Ernest Litton, Sam Redding. Floyd Patterson. Clar ence Gillis and Richard Blakeley. well. Washes easily. A big buy at any time. More eco nomical than ever at pres ent low price. Choose your tints here. THE HA R O I N TRIBU NE • H ERA L D HALFWAY Carey Mabe is butchering today i Wednesday ’ ■ We are thankful fo r the fine mow that fell Monday night. The Ryan Twins took Sunday dinner at the C. V. Mabe home. Shelby Hodges spent Saturday tight with Jewel Phillips on Mrs. Hndcon's place. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wagner Aete out from Hardin. Sunday, and attended church services. Mrs. Slim Sorenson and daugh ter Montana visited the H. B. Hudson home, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mis. Happy Humphrey made a short call at the H. B. Hudson home. Tuesday evening. Mrs. Chas. Faw is spending the week at the home of her brother, John Faw and famJy. near Har ain. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hudson ind son Dale visited at the C. V. Forney heme, also at St. Xavier, Thursday. J. L. Blackburn went to Billings, one day last week, to consult a physician. He is somewhat better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Brennen and daughter Betty are making their home with J. L. Blackburn and son Clinton, at present. Miss Williams has as yet been unable to return from Great Falls, so our evangelistic meetings have been postponed until her return. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Hodges and son Berl went to Billings. Satur day. thence to Pompeys Pillar to visit relatives, returning Sunday evening. The community buzz saw has been humming the past week. H. B. Hudson, Happy Humphrey, Mrs. J. T. Hudson, Harry H. Stimpson and Earl Gray having their sum mer supply of wood sawed up. The crew hope to finish the round by the last of the week. The Ryan Twins were with us as per schedule. Sunday, and preached a good sermon, clearing up satisfactorily several questions of interest to new converts, as well as older Christians. Rev. Wenaland will be with us next Sunday, March 11, if nothing unforseen happens, and we fiope for a full house. Don't forget about that new bench clear across the back of the school house. Sam Ragland was host to the husbands of the ladies attending the shower at the Moore home, Friday evening. Several other men of North Bench were also present. The evening was spent with cards and a delicious lunch was served at midnight. Mrs. Carl Rankin was hostess to the Past Worthy Matrons club at her home. Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Bowers and daughter Pauline spent last Sun day at the home of Mr. Bowers’ grandparents near Lodge Grass. •250.00 •2S(I.(N For the arrest and conviction of LIVESTOCK AND WOOL THIEVES And of Violators of Other laws Hereinafter Mentioned Will be paid hr BIG HORN COUNTY LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION The Big Horn County Livestock Association offers a reward of $250.00 for Information leading to the appre hension and conviction of any person or persons for the larceny of any livestock or wool owned by any paid up member of this Association or the apprehension and conviction of any person or peisons for arson In the burning of any property belonging to any paid-up member of this Associa tion or for the commission of an ag gravated assault upon any employee of any paid-up member of this Agso ■iation wail? in the discharge of hit 'uty by any person while engaged is .ny attempt to commit any said lar ceny or arson. Such offer of reward shall apply to any such crime committed at any time upon or bet- »en the Ist day of January. 1 933. and the Ist day of January. 1934. PROVIDED. HOWEVER. That in formation upon which such reward may be claimed must be imparted to the County Attorney or the Sheriff of the county in which the crime was committed or to a member of th" executive committee of the Big Hori, County Livestock Association not later than January 1. 1934. PROVIDED FURTHER That where tuch Information is given to any or rhe above persons by two or more atmultaneounly. then this re word shall be proportioned share and <hare alike to such persons giving -uch information. PROVIDED FURTHER That no of ficer of this State nor the owner of the property against whom such crime was committed shall be eligible to claim or to receive such reward. JOHN P TURNER. Secretary. TEX WRECKING SHOP USED PARTS FOR ALL CARS At Yj Price — Cut Rate Service At OLD CAMPBELL BARN Hardin Montana DR. RANSIER DENTIST X-Ray Work EXAMINATION FREE Phene • Sullivan Bieck LODGE GRASS Bill Miller was a Lodge Grass ca’ler, Monday. Lynn E. Severance was a Hardin caller, Monday evening. C. A. Gardner was attending to business in Helena, this week. Porter Kennedy was a business caller in Lodge Grass, Monday. Mrs. Frances Cornwell attended to business in Sheridan, Tuesday. Buck Jackson, father of Mrs. Bill Crosby, is ill with pneumonia. Matt Tschirgi and Frank were Lodge Grass callers, Sunday, from Wyola. W. R. Roundtree and Bud Mc- Kinney made a trip to Camp Pass, Sunday. Mi', and Mrs. B. A. Zimmerman were business callers in Hardin, Monday. Jim McDonald of Ranchester at tended to business in Lodge Grass, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson made a business trip to Hardin, Monday. Rev. W. A. Petzoldt returned last week from a lecture tour on the west coast. Miss Dye of Broadview spent the week-end in Lodge Grass, vis iting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Smith and son Allie macle a business trip to Hardin. Monday. Mrs. Miller of Hardin has been a house guest at the home of Mi', and Mrs. W. A. Crosby. Jack Stevens spent Thursday and Friday with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richards en tertained Miss Dye and David Murray at dinner, Sunday. Mrs. Frances Owen and Mrs. Marie Bailey of the S U ranch spent Monday in Lodge Grass. Mrs. Bill Miller and Dorothy of Lodge Grass creek attended to business in Lodge Grass, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs .Domonic Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens spent Thursday and Friday in Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Nelson and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Zimmer man and Billy Ruth spent Sun day in Sheridan. Mr. and Mrs. Footitt and Fran ces, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pattyn and Burt made a business trip to Myers, Thursday. Mrs. Ira Chipman of Sweet Grass is a house guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles Carr and Mr. Carr. Mrs. Jay Sharp and Eileen, Mrs. C. A. Gardner and Virginia Jean and Mrs. Frances Cornwell spent Sunday in Sheridan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Givens, Mar jorie and Billy were Sunday din ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Forman. Mrs. Jim Holly returned from Billings, Thursday, and will take a ten-day treatment before her operation next week. Miss Virginia Gardner was an over-night house guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sheets, at Wyola, Saturday evening. The condition of Mayor John Ryan is improving and he is ex pected home from Rochester, Minn., the end of this week. Mrs. C. L. Adams and Mrs. Harry Bouton entertained the La dies’ Aid. Thursday, in the social room of the Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Clanin, Mrs. A. M. Stevenson, Dorothy Lee and Alfred spent Sunday at the ranch with A. M. Stevenson and Sam. DR. G. A. BAKER Physician and Surgeon Res. Phone 153—Office Phone 4* Office over Big Hom Co. Bank Offiice Hours— -10:00 to 12:00 a. m. 2:00 to 4:GO & 7:00 to S’fWpjn L. H. LAB BITT Physician and Surgeon GLASSES FITTED Office in Labbitt Hospital Building Phones Office 100 - - - Residence 202 DR. VERNON W. WOLF Osteopathic Physician Country and Night Calls Promptly Answered Office In Rooms over Postoffice Phon; 22 -- - - Hardin, Mont LUCY WINN HOSPITAL Formerly BABBITT HOSPITAL Obstetrical Work a Specialty PHONE 100 Lucy Winn R. N. HARDIN HOSPITAL Modern — Steam Heated COMMUNITY INSTITUTION Mrs. Lucille Dow, R. Reasonable Rates Phone 95-W ■ a n n nnunnunnua Dr. L. E. Haverfield Physician and Surgeon Office—Sullivan Stock Office Phene M Residence Phone IM Mr. and Mrs. George Youst and son George, of Beliry, spent the week-end at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Jack Richards and Mr. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller enter tained twelve at dinner, Sunday, in honor of their daughter Dor othy's birthday and also, Frank Goe’s birthday. C. L. Adams left Sunday to spend several weeks at the Vet erans’ hospital in Helena. Grover Eberly will manage the drug store in Mr. Adams’ absence. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Eggart en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ewin Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyd, Miss Katherine Keir and Miss Agnes Knutson at dinner, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Zeleny of Lame Deer and Mr. and Mrs. My ron Lyndes and Standford were week-end house guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lyndes. Mrs. C. A. Gardner entertained Mrs. Hazel Richardson. Mrs. Fran ces Cornwell, Mrs. Enoch Chris tiansen and Mrs. John Ryan at luncheon and contract, Wednes day. Miss Geraldine Westwood enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Orin Ben brooks, Mr. and Mi's. Carl Meister, Miss Florence Jenkins, Gerald Gormely and Junior Westwood at dinner, Saturday. Auction was en joyed during the evening. INSTRUCTIONS FILLING OUT CORN-HOG CONTRACTS County Agent Geo. W. Gustafson To Hold Series of Meetings Over the County. County Agent Geo. W. Gustaf son announces that farmers of Big Horn county may sign Corn- Hog contracts beginning next Monday, March 12. However, be fore signing farmers are asked to have all the information called for on the blanks which were given out at the community meet ings last week as follows: Ist—Preliminary work sheet. 2nd—Disposal sheets, showing to whom farmer sold pigs, together with sale tickets, receipts or any other evidence of sale in 1932-33. 3rd—Map of farm drawn on the blank for that purpose, with legal description of land. 4th—ls you have raised more than ten acres of corn 1932-33 (average), bring history of field that you wish to take out of pro duction in 1934. sth—Don’t fill out your contract. Unless you have complete infor mation called for above, your contract cannot be filled out. Come to any of the following places on the date named and bring with you all papers bearing THIS qour to true SALE ITEMS FOR SAT. AND MON., MAR. 10 & 12 SUPREME SALADS _ c No. 2 PANTRY SAIMON 7-SO- SEEDLESS RAISINS FOUR POUNDS FOR PEANUT BUTTER I POUND -1-0 CADmkIEC DEL MONTE Tomato & Mustard SARDINES pQR OQc 1-POUND OVAL CANS . . . A COCOA Msc 2iE23 c WHEAT FLAKES p “ n ; LARGE PACKAGE CORN FLAKES PACKAGE MO MOUNTAIN BLEND 1 POUND 1® C HARDIN MERC. CO. CHAMBERS GASH GROG. INDEPENDENTLY OWNED * PERSONALLY OPERATED on the Corn-hog contracts. If the landlord shares in the hogs, ne must show disposal, with evidence of sales. Schedule of Meetings Wvola—Monday, March 12. p. m. Lodge Grass—Tuesday, March 13, 10 a. m. St. Xavier—Wednesday, March 14, 10 a. m. Hardin—Thursday. March 15 and Friday, March 16. at 10 a. m., each dav. Spring Creek School — Saturday, March 17, 10 a. m. Decker —Monday, March 19, 1:00 p. m. E.A. LAMMFPS PLUMBING - GAS FITTING Pine Slab Wood WATER WELL DRILLING PUMPS AND REPAIRS SOLDERING PHONE 124 STANLEY A. YERGEY —INSURANCE— Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States Aetna Fire Insurance Co. Office in First Natl Bank Bldg. May We Ask You™ WAJHEN the weather is ’ " bad, isn’t a tele phone a mighty handy convenience to save trips ? Isn’t it worth a lot to know that you’re always in touch with friends and relatives when you have a telephone? It costs but a few cents a day to have one. Any employee will take your order. * The Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. PAGE SIX