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PAGE EIGHT Window glass manufacturers In Bel gium declare that the bottom of the depression was touched several months ago and that an improvement in busi ness is on the way. ar TV a HOTEL, Butte Naw hnpn Mont - XIVH 1 lUIVU with aU outside Bates: *2.00 and up. rooms. Masks Government Bonds Grata HUGHES & COMPANY • Third Street North GBSAT FALLS, MONTANA S.O. HUSETH Optometrist and Optician GREAT FALLS, MONTANA No Headache Now in Five Minutes 1- rTHE BIG TAX CASE IS UP A AND IVE GOT A SPLITTING HEADACHE. I CANT EVEN J I TRY TO TH IN K ! J If WHY DON'T YOU TAKE > I TWO BAYER ASPIRI N V (tablets, they'll KNOCK YOUR HEADACHE ) IN A JIFFY. A Discovery that’s Bringing Here is quicker relief from pain—the fastest safe relief, it is said, ever known. This is due to a scientific discovery by which BAYER Aspirin starts “taking hold” of pain a few minutes after taking. The illustration of the glass here tells the story. A Bayer tablet starts to disintegrate or dissolve —go to work —almost instantly. This means quick relief from pain—fewer lost hours from headache, neuritis, rheumatism. And safe relief. For genuine Bayer Aspirin does not harm the heart. When you buy, see that you get the genuine Bayer Aspirin. The best wayis never to ask for aspirin by the name “aspirin” alone. But if you want Bayer Aspirin’s quick relief always to say “BAYER Aspirin.” PEERLESS MONTANA TESTED SEEDS Your Best Assurance for A SURE CROP Send Us Your Farm Garden Seed Requirements OUR QUOTATIONS WILL SAVE YOU MONEY OUR PEERLESS MONTANA TESTED SEEDS WILL SAVE YOU WORRY AND GIVE YOU THE BEST Write for our 1934 Yearbook Sent to You g . F REE State Nursery & Seed Company HELENA, MONTANA g Serving Montana for 44 Years. mStSLiSh TREASURE STATE FAW ARD LIVESTOCK Asparagus and rhubarb are among the earliest of spring vegetables. Re moval of last year’s tops from the as paragus bed and thorough working of the surface soil are in order as soon as spring opens. Spading the soil about rhubarb plants to a depth of five inches and working in a liberal supply of partly decayed manure will improve growing conditions. However, manure should not be left directly over the crowns. Cu'ticura tor rimpry races. To remove pimples and blackheads smear them with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off in five minutes with Cuti cura Soap and hot water. Once cleat keep your skin clear by using them for dally toilet purposes. Don’t fail to in- Omir Cuticnra Talcum. Advertisement 2. (A FEW MINUTES later) GRAND, HEADACHES \ (COMPLETELY GONE - THANKS Ito you and your lesson,/ — v ABOUT WELL HOW DO > BAYER YOU FEELNOW, Sr® ZrnnL Faster Relief to Millio WHY BAYER ASPIRIN £ V WORKS SO FAST V Drop a Bayer Tablet WIT » n a glass of water. I I Til Note that BEFORE —rdF—J# it touches bottom, it p-W— has starte d to d* s ~ Vc 1 Cl integrate. ! I m IW What it does in this n In W glass it does in your l i gw stomach. Hence its ! h O fast action, yj Does Not Harm the Heart THE HARDIN TRIBUNE-HERALD Bank for CoOperatives Making Loans to Western Agencies SOFTENING HARD WATER CHEAPLY EXPENSIVE TO USE SOAP IN HARD WATER WITHOUT FIRST SOFT ENING WITH CHEMICALS (Montana State College) When soap is placed in hard water a part is first used to soften the water and the remainder is then available for cleansing purposes, says W. M. Cobleigh, dean of the college of engineering at Montana State col lege, and head of the chemical en gineering department. That is why, he explains, it becomes so expensive to use soap without a water softener in districts where water is hard. Soap is used because it helps to take out dirt. If a bar of soap is all that is necessary to use with a washing where the water is soft it is altogether too little when used in hard water, for in spite of all that can be done, the soap will be used first to soften the water and the remainder will be the portion used for cleansing. Cobleigh explains this as follows: "Hardness of water is caused by the salts, calcium and magnesium which are dissolved in the water. These salts decompose the soap when soap is add ed to the water. When the water has been softened what soap remains is used for cleansing. In water having a total hardness of 200 parts of calcium carbonate per million parts of water it would take a whole pound of soap to soften it.” To overcome this difficulty and save money on the soap bill. Cobleigh sug gests using trisodium phosphate which he says is an excellent water softener. It can be used to soften water which is used in the laundry, dishwashing and the bath. Very little of the trisodium phosphate is needed. A heaping teaspoon of this chemical will soften five gallons of water having a hardness of about 200 parts of calcium carbonate per million parts of water. Where it isn’t known how hard the water is, the exact amount of tri-sodium phosphate can be determined by a simple test, Cob leigh explains. To make this test measure out the usual amount of water needed for, say the washing. Add to this water a cer tain measured amount of trisodium phosphate. Test it for softness with soap. It if isn’t soft add another mea sured amount of the chemical softener. Keep this up until the soap test shows the water has been softened. A little experience will soon show the amount necessary. Just enough should be add ed to make the water soft, Cobleigh recommends. Do not use water that has been sof tened with trisodium phosphate for drinking purposes, Cobleigh cautions. This softener imparts caustic alkalin ity to softened water and such water is undesirable for drinking. Stamp Collectors Profit by Army’s Carrying of Mail Commercial llyers may not enjoy the entrance into the air mail flying field, but stamp collectors are exulting, ac cording to W. T. Ferguson, traffic man ager of the National Parks Airways. Ferguson said he knew of several philatelists who profited by the army's emergency air mail. These philatelists purchased a num ber of stamps, placed them on envelopes and sent them to various post offices to be sent to them by return mail on the first army flight. Ferguson said he was informed that some of the stamps might in time be worth $lO to S2O. France is losing her tourist traffic, the number of visitors falling from 1,- 911,107 in 1929 to 994,358 last year. Choice OF THOUSANDS of POULTRY RAISERS Make money with Maplo Dales — they bring you highest quality at lowest prices. Maple Dale breeding flocks are top notch quality, pure bred, Northern, free range, farm flocks of extra strength, Vigor and vitality. Order Direct From TWa lAdvertiseMeat ww we Wi. ww* ■ ■ wvuu ■ IWO 99% ALIVE DELIVERY 0. C. White A Bus Leghorns — 100, 86.75 500, <33 1000, S6O 0. C. Reds; Brd. A If. Rocks; Wy Wyaa; Bf. Orpa, 100, <7.75 500, BSB 1000, 078 A,, cried (AH Heavy) — 100, 88.75 500, 033 1000, 068 AiiXd (Mixed) — 100, 88-50 SOO, 833 1000, 884 TERMS: 25% «Uk Mdar, kaluea Miv Wan Aifaaat. Ewa kalahad «a*h Si aaMaa at ms adewa. OMratia, Mar Caaaanial BalAar a. Meat f. «. k. AsaUa. Mlaa. MAFLF !>*•• Box 53, AUSTIN, MINN. The Spokane Bank for Co-Opera tives made its first loan Feb. 8 of *6,- 000 to a small association of farmers on the Pacific coast marketing their garden truck direct to consumers. The bank officially began operating on Dec. 15, 1933. For the first half of February, rec ords show loans totaling SIOB,BOO have been made to cooperative organizations of Washington, Montana, Oregon and Idaho. Altogether 22 formal applications have been filed in the four states, com prising the Twelfth district, ten from Washington, three from Oregon, five from Idaho and four from Montana. These applications cover the handling by farmer organizations, of dairy, fruit, grain, meat, vegetables, and horticul tural products and also farm supplies. Application forms have been requested by many other co-operative associations throughout the district which are now being prepared for submission to the bank. The bank for co-operatives makes loans only to qualified co-operative as sociations, its function being to loan money to agricultural associations for their own uses, but not for the asso ciation to reloan to its members. Other units of the farm credit administration are designed for the service of the in dividual. Under the lav.’, all co-oper ative associations borrowing from the Spokane bank for co-operatives are re quired to own at the time the loan Is made, stock of the bank in the amount of SIOO for every $2,000 or fraction thereof of the amount of the loan. In other words, on a loan of SIO,OOO the stock requirement would be SSOO. There are two types of loans made by the co-operative bank. The facili ties loan is for the construction or ac quisition, or refinancing the cost of construction or acquisition of marketing facilities for preparing, handling, stor ing. processing or merchandising farm products. This type of loan may be made for a term of years at an interest rate of 41-2 per cent per annum. The effective merchandising loan is made to supply funds for current operations and it is contemplated the loan will be repaid out of current income, nils type of loans carries an interest rate of 4 per cent per annum and is usually made for the short term of a year or less. The classification of a loan is deter mined by the purpose for which the funds are to be used rather than by the manner in which repayment of the loan is secured. Forbidden to Solicit CWA Cases Solicitation of CWA compensation cases by lawyers is prohibited by regu lations of the U. S. employes’ compen sation commission, J. W. Hughes, state CWA compensation clerk, was advised recently. Such cases are handled by the commission and any claims fpr legal or other services rendered in connection with them are subject to that body’s approval. Maximum compensation al lowances as fixed by the revised regu lations are: $5.75 weekly, $25 monthly, or a total of $3,500. Winter Wheat Outlook Good With the crop having made a good start last fall, the winter wheat outlook in Yellowstone county, County Agent R. B. McKee said, is the best in four years. The well developed plants, he added, will have a better chance of withstanding spring winds and soil blowing. Anaconda Phosphate Tripled Alfalfa Yields on This Farm ’• \ ' y A . Most Montana soils are deficient v ' in AVAILABLE phosphate. Al . JOmMMI salsa is a hog for phosphate. Three tons of alfalfa per acre ~ ' ' ~ take from the soil phosphorus ' equal to 70 pounds of Treble ' Superphosphate. .. Profitable crops cannot be no anaconda raised over a period of years PHOSPHATE phosphate unless food is r d fa Alfalfa from 1-10 acre plots, second catting, on Savia & Larsen farm, Bynum. * Montana. Tests conducted by Montana State College Experiment Station. the SOU. Besides increasing yields the application of phosphate increases nodule development, caus ing greater nitrogen fixation in the soil. The Montana State College Experiment Station found that the application of phosphate fertilizer INCREASED THE PHOSPHATE CONTENT OR BONE BUILDING SUB STANCE OF HAY 16.4 PER CENT. This year try Anaconda Phosphate on ONLY one half of your field (Bag to the acre), and WATCH THE DIFFERENCE. Then Use Phosphate on Everything You Grow ANACONDA TREBLE SUPERPHOSPHATE 45 Percent Available. Distributed by: Bozeman Feed and Grain Co., Bozeman. Graham & Ross Mercantile Co., Great Falls. Kalispell Mercantile Co., Kalispell. 11. Earl Clack Co., Havre. Sold by Leading Dealers A Montana-Made Product of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company. Anaconda, Montana. WINTERING EWES AND THEIR COST EXPERIMENTS BEING CONDUCTED AT STATE COLLEGE TO DETER MINE BEST METHOD (MONTANA STATE COLLEGE) The profits secured in handling breeding sheep are influenced by the cost of wintering the ewes. From the breeder’s point of view the most sat isfactory ration is one that supplies, at a minimum cost the nutrients nec essary for maintaining the ewe and for lamb and wool production, accord ing to findings made by the State College animal husbandry depart ment. This department of the State col lege is now conducting an experiment which will provide more definite in formation on economical and satisfac tory rations for wintering breeding ewes. Over 900 head of grade Ram bouillets are being used and for ex perimental purposes are divided into four uniform lots. Four rations are being tried. One lot of ewes is receiving three pounds of alfalfa hay per head per day. Another lot is being full fed alfalfa hay and right now is consuming four and three fourths pounds per head daily. A third lot is receiving two pounds of al falfa hay and five-twelfths pound of dried beet pulp per head per day. The amount of dried beet pulp is determin ed by the gains made by the ewes re ceiving the three pounds of alfalfa hay daily, the object being to have both lots gain the same. This dried beet pulp test will show its replacement value in terms of alfalfa hay. A fourth lot of ewes is receiving three pounds of alfalfa hay per head daily and a mineral mixture of one-half salt and one-half dicalcium phosphate. All the other lots of ewes have access to salt. The ewes were weighed individually at the beginning of the test. Lot weights will be taken at 28-day inter vals, the final weight of each ewe at the close of the test will be secured and in addition her fleece weight and the weight of her lamb at birth and weaning time. The results of this experiment in cluding the four separate tests will in dicate: the effect of limiting the feed on the maintenance of the ewe, and her lamb and wool production; the value of dried beet pulp in a ration for ewes fed a limited amount of alfalfa hay; and the value of a mineral mix ture high in phosphorus compared to salt alone. This Strong Mutual Savings Institution invites you to investigate its many excellent plans for your savings and investments. Save and Invest Your Money With The “SECURITY” And Be Safe. SECURITY BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Home Office: Billings, Montana. Farmers Elevator Co., Lewistown. Miles & Ulmer Co., Mlles City Montana Mercantile Co., Dillon. Missoula Mercantile Co., Missoula. State Nursery & Seed Co., Helena. Friday, March 9, 1934. Grazing Tract 25,000 Acres at *8 Per Acre AGRICULTURAL LANDS in the Clark’s Fork Valley, terms of 10 per cent down, balance 10 yearly payment*, bearing 6 percent interest For Further Information Write BLACKFOOT LAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Drawer 1243 Missoula, Mont. BOULDER Hot Springs Hotel Montana's Greatest Health and Pleasure Resort o— — The Boulder Hot Springs waters, held by manv to be the best in the state, are most effective in curing RHEUMATISM LIVER, BOWEL and KIDNEY TROUBLE Competent Masseur in Attendance. -—o WINTER RATES NOW IN EFFECT. Board, Room and Bath, $18.50 PER WEEK. o Write for Literature. J. A. FARLEY, Manager, Boulder Hot Springs, Montana f BLACKLEG IBACTERIN 46% Greater Immunity thin any concentrated liquid • If supply you with Cutter Blackleg Bacterin write for quantity discounts, CUTTERS r -.riv BfßKfltY CAI IFOR NIA SPOT CASH PAID FOR dressed Poultry FRESH EGGS PROMPT RETURNS, HONEST WEIGHTS SUN PRODUCE CO. HELENA, MONTANA