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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1934 KIDDIES’ KORNER ■••■••■••■■•■a 4A NEWS, BARDIN We have three little ponies. One is brown, one is black and one is gray. The black one has a funny head. CARL DORN We are going to have a May picnic today. The band is going to play. The primary building is go ing to have a program for us. Af ter the picnic we are going to the high school to see the Drill Team perform. JEAN KELLEY My mother came home from Great Saturday evening. Sunday evening we went on a picnic. My daddy got hamburger and pop. We had a nice time. Af terward I had a soda. JEAN KUEHN I am playing in the band today in the park. After the picnic we are going to the high school and watch the big boys perform. ALVIN TORSKE My little brother died two weeks ago. His name is James, but we call him Jimmy. He was a happy boy. He was 3 years and 10 months old. He had diphtheria. JOSEPH CODENYS Margaret was coming over to my house Sunday. She was walk ing by the shed. My dog bit her. It is a very bad wound. It bled very bad. She had to have it wrapped up. My dog is going out in the country in a few days. We hope Margaret’s leg gets well very soon. LOUISE MILLER We are playing marbles. The tournament is started. The win ners in our room are Lysle,- Law rence and I. Lysle played Bobbie Kenyon. Bobbie won. Lawrence has to play James Doan and I have to play John Zeir. VICTOR YERGER My sister Kathryn went to Bozeman last week. She brought Jean and I each a ring. They have our initials on them. JANICE KELLEY Two weeks ago I went to Buf falo, Wyo. I have a little friend. His name is George. On the hill we built a club. We named it the Bloody Skull. JAMES SIMMONS We were up in the hay loft. We saw the mother cat come up. We followed her. We saw two little kittens. One was grey with a white stripe around its neck. The other one is all grey. They haven’t got their eyes open yet. LAWRENCE KEOBBE I am reading a book called The Baby Twins.” It is very good Bert Bobsy had an accident with Nick Dodge and spilled twenty five quarts of berries. LORENE BARRETT We have three young rabbits. They are three weeks old. Their eyes are beginning to open. They are very cute. They are crawling around now. We also have a new born colt. It is five days old. It is a very cute one. WILLIAM BLANSKY I am the first winner in our room for the marble tournament. Victor and Lawrence got second. I had to play Bobby Kenyon. He is in the 6th grade. He won. LYSLE HAVERFIELD I had a birthday party last Wednesday night. There were fourteen of us all together. I got some very nice presents. After I had looked at them we all went to the show. Before the show we each got a paddle pop. We all had a very nice time. BETTY BELLE BEIRDNEAU Monday we went to the country. There were two boys. They had a horse. Bill and I rode first. Then we let it have some feed. David and my brother got on. David wanted to ride. He took the rope off. He tried to put on the bridle. He could not do it. The horse would not lift his head. They chased it. The horse ran away. We could not catch it that night. GERHARD SCHMUNK 2A NEWS, HARDIN My grandmother and grand father Sadler and my two aunts T eachers You can earn several hundred dollars this summer, and you can secure a better position and a larger salary for the coming year. Complete information will be mailed on receipt of a three cent stamp. Send for it to-day. Rural Schools and City Schools Summer Work and School Year Positions CONTINENTAL TEACHERS AGENCY, INC. 1850 Downing St. Denver, Colo. Coven the ENTIRE United States ‘‘Thanks for sending me so many good positions to apply for, over 30 during the first five days I was enrolled."— An Illinois Teacher. SCHOOL OFFICIALS:—We can put you in touch with the very finest teachers. Our service is free to you. and two cousins came over from Forsyth, Saturday. We had a nice visit. They went home Sunday. PEGGY LORAINE SADLER Ella Mae Davis brought me a tennis racquet and a ball. She brought my sister some finger-nail polish, too. MONTANA ECKROY We went to the park, Wednes day and had a nice picnic. We had lemonade and ice cream with our lunch. OSOAR DENTON I brought my little brother to school for the picnic, Wednesday. RICHARD HORN I went to Sheridan last Sunday. On the way back we ran over a porcupine and we had two flat tires. While I was at Sheridan I went down the slides. WILLARD SMITH Tuesday night Pauline and I went out hanging May baskets. We had a good time. Bn J.IE MARIE CUNNINGHAM I hung eleven May baskets and got six on Tuesday evening. I gave Donna Marie Cochran, Patsy Elarth, Joan Elarth and Billy, each one. EARL CAMMOCK We got eight little pigs last night. They are one day old. GEORGE DORN 3A NEWS, HARDIN Dear Aunt Betty: Wednesday the whole school is going on a picnic. They are going over to the park. We have to bring our own lunch. The school is going to get ice cream and lemonade. I am not going to drink lemonade. I am going to bring a pint of milk. Your friend, RALPH STRAND Dear Aunt Betty: Next Saturday my father said he might take my airplane out of the garage and fix it. It takes about a half a day to fix it. If the school has a parade this year I will ride my airplane in it. Your friend, HAROLD JENSEN Dear Aunt Betty: Sunday morning we went to east Rosebud Lake. Then we went to Columbus, Mont. I sure had fun. We saw some rock dog’s and some little fawns. Wednesday the school is having a picnic in the park. The band is going to play for us. We have to sing a health song too. We have to bring five cents and a lunch. The five cents is for the ice cream and lemon ade. I will hang my May baskets tonight. Your friend. CALVIN WOLCOTT Dear Aunt Betty: We are going to have a picnic over in the park tomorrow. My mother, father and I are going to Billings. I have a dollar bill to spend. I am going to buy a car and a book. Your friend, DEAN HUSS Dear Aunt Betty: I am learning the tables. Esther Reichel was first to learn them and for a reward Mrs. Evenson gave her some cards that you cut out and put spools under so they will go. We are just learning our tables up to the nines. Sincerely yours, MARILYN KELLY Dear Aunt Betty: We are going to have a picnic May 2nd. Miss O’Day is giving it. We bring our own lunch with us and a cup and nickel. We get free ice cream and lemonade. We made some May baskets. Sincerely yours, BETTY BANE Dear Aunt Betty: Wednesday we are going to have a picnic. We have to have a song learned. It is a pretty song, I think. It is a pretty song when you get it learned. We are going to have lomonade and ice cream. It is going to be in the park. You have to bring a nickel or a dime to school. Ralph Strand and I have a wheelbarrow. It is half his and half mine. This summer I am going out to my grandfather’s. Your friend, HOWARD WAGNER Dear Boys and Girls: We have lots of news from THt HARRI* T R I ■ UNE . H ERA L D ST. XAVIER sattßttttßßttnttSttn Jasper Long went to Pryor on business, Monday. A. A. Anderson of Pryor was a St. Xavier caller, Friday. Clarke Nation made a business trip to Billings, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Krone were Billings visitors, Saturday. Mrs. J. E. Keough entertained at a bridge luncheon, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Robertson attended the show in Hardin, Sunday. Mrs. Scally and daughter Ann of Crow Agency visited with friends at St. Xavier, Saturday. Charles Blum has engaged an extra gang of men to clear the ditches for summer irrigation. A good time was reported by the large crowd that attended the dance held at the Lower Soap Creek school, Saturday night. The beet growers in this vicin ity were greatly relieved to receive their contracts and to start plant ing this week. Word was received here that Turk Greenough was one of the riders chosen for the rodeo show the 4A people in Hardin this week. I wish we might hear from more of our country cousins. That must have been a nice picnic you people in Hardin had Wednesday, and it turned out nice by noon time, too, so you could go to the park without fear of getting wet. Only a few weeks more, now, and school will be out. I hope you all pass up to the next grade. That marble tournament in Hardin sounds interesting. Tell us more about it. How do you know who you have to play with next, Victor? We don’t all understand just how you do it all. Tell us all about it. Affectionately. AUNT BETTY > I THIS FAMOUS \ . .. WINNING COMBINATION OF FEATURES other tow-priced car -J Tt was a great rccord of I KNFF APTIAN UIUFFI Q fullv enclosed leadership that Chevrolet IlllUf HU I IVU nIICLLw AND WEATHERPROOF made in 1933. . . . And this year, it’s even greater. Sales are already thousands of cars ■ ' , 1 I B B' MM ahead of last year. Production is the largest industry. And every day, from state after state, comes the same report on regie- 9| ' 1 trations: Chevrolet is leading all others! What’s the reason for this success? The pictures tell , . - the story. Chevrolet is the only low-priced HORSEPOWER — CABLE-CONTROLLED car with this winning combination of five 80 MILESJPEJfcHOUR y ~ . features. Chevrolet is the only manufacturer _„ ~ who can say: j ; vW BODIES BY FISHER I | ? ’ ■ STEERING __ __| CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., DETROIT. MICH. vA' Compare Chevrolet's low delivered prices and easy G. M. A. C. terms. A General Motors Value ' ■ - ' ' ■ • ; ■ • - < <M;..' ■ SAVE WITH A CHEVROLET SIX which will sail for London, in a few days. Old Coyote, one of the few re maining Custer scouts, passed away Sunday morning, at the Crow Agency hospital. The funer al services were held at St. Xavier, Monday, with Rev. C. L. Owens in charge. Music pupils of St. Xavier, with the help of the little folks of the primary room of the St. Xavier school, furnished a pleasant hour of entertainment for the crowd attending the music recital, Fri day afternoon. The program and pupils taking part were as fol lows: “The Birdies’ Ball” (a song) by all; “On Parade,” Helen MacGreg or, by Troy McGarity; "Diddle Dumpling,” “Little Grey Owl,” John Williams, by Joseph Deichl; “Why Have School?” (a recita tion), Junior Krone; “Little Drops of Water,” “Lucy Locket,” John Williams, by Lucille Deichl; “Sing Lee, China Boy,” Katherine Live ly; dance, Robert Half; song, Joseph Deichl; piano accompani ment, Carr McGarity; “A Frolic,” Mae Eileen Erb, by Katherine Deichl: “Old Spinning Wheel,” “Twenty-one Years,” by Aimer Orchestra; “Kittens,” John Wil liams, by Robert Half; “The Clock.” John Williams, by Lucille Deichl; “April Showers,” JohnWil- department of the interior L- LAND OFFICE AT BILLINGS. MONTANA. APRIL 4th. 1934 NOTICE is hereby riven that John Houston, of Decker. Montana, who. 2" May 18th. 1928. made Additional -raising Homestead Entry. No ai?. 7 / fo . r ®WI4 Section 34: NWU SEI4 Section 27. Township 7 South Range 40 East. M. P. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Three year Proof, to establish claim . land above described, before . Pe terson. U. S. Commissioner, at Birnev. Mont., on the 17th dav of Mav. 1934. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank „ Buzika. Joe Ruzika. Jim Voita. Sumner L. Dahl, all of Decker. Montana. _ . HARRT W. HILL. Register. First oublication Anr ! > 13. 1934 Last DUblication Mav 11. 1934. DEALER ADVCRmSCMEMT KALBERG MOTOR CO. HARDIN, MONT. Hams, by Billie Joe Adams; “Who Stole Birdie’s Nest?” (an exercise), by Arlene Winn, Mathew Cloud, James Beauchann, John Beau chann, James Snively, Una Rose Spotted, Edwin Eppens; “Gallop ing,” “Goosey, Goosey Gander,” John Williams, by Robert Half; Marxaphone solo, Joseph Deichl; “The Scissors Grinder,” Mae Eileen Erb, by Carr McGarity; “What Can the Matter Be?” John Wil liams, by Joseph Deichl; “A Sleepy Song,” Louise Wright, by Yours for Better w 0 Living la| SI Budweiser N KING OF BOTTLED BEER gng Order by the Case for your Home ANHEUSER-BUSCH * r ST. LOUIS NASH-FINCH COMPANY, Distributors BILLINGS, MONTANA Lucille Deichl, accompanied by Catherine Deichl; “Don Dande lion” (a recitation), Billie Joe Adams; “An Indian War Dance,” Lotta Belden, dance by Robert Half, piano accompaniment, Troy McGarity; “Graceful Lady,” Cedric Lemont, Katherine Deichl; “Cir cus Day” (a piano trio), Esther Benson, by Katherine Deichl, Troy MteGarity, Carr McGarity; “Moth er Love” (a song). The music pu pils; “Sweet Jennie Lee,” “Home Sweet Home.” The Aimer Orchestra. PAGE THREE