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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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PAGE FOUR EVERYTHING IN READINESS TO OPEN NEW WORLD'S FAIR Century of Progress at Chicago, Will Reopen Saturday, May 26. To celebrate fittingly the open ing of the new World's Fair at Chicago on May 26, more than 10,000 military marchers led by Maj.-Gen Roy D. Keehn. as grand marshal, will parade, according to plans completed by the man agement of the exposition. The ceremony will be as brief as is sonsistent with the impor tance of the occasion. With the exception of university bands, ihe parade will consist entirely of units of a military nature. In addition to cups and medals, prizes totaling SIO,OOO will be awarded florists making the best displays of cut flowers in the hor ticultural exhibit on Northerly island. Planting is actively un der way in the four acres of gardens. The Society of American Florists is sponsoring the exhibit. The farmer’s difficult lot will be made easier if the Interna tional Harvester company's new exhibit at the fair is a true glimpse of the future of agri ture. A driverless, radio-con trolled tractor will plow and har row in daily demonstrations in an open area adjacent to the foods and agriculture building on Northerly island. Miracle guns that shoot light on instead of off. and ultra-violet rays that reveal invisible colors are among the many amazing novelties to bo demonstrated in the General Electric company's ''House of Magic.” The rest of the exhibit has been divided into a series of demon tration rooms where visitors will see experi ments in pure science which were the forerunners of modern elec trical devices. An added exhibit to the Sears. Roebuck company display at the main entrance to the fair grounds is a model house of the type that can be bought in sections and erected by the buyer. It will con tain five rooms, showing the be ginning of a sixth, and will be furnished completely with house hold goods made by the company. The popularity of lake trips with visitors to last year's A Century of Progress Exposition has caused officials of the fair to make arrangements for adequate steamship service for all kinds of lake trips. All-expense tickets to the fair, including hotel reservations, ad mission to the grounds, a Chicago sightseeing tour, and transporta tion to and from the railway sta tion. have again been arranged by the American Express com pany. More than 100.000 persons took advantage of this conven ient. trouble-saving plan for see ing the exposition. The tours run as low as $7.50 per day per person. Merrymakers will find new' thrills, new rides, new fun houses and new restaraunts along the brand new Midway section on Northerly island, where five acres have been set aside just south of the Adler Planetarium and con tinuing to the end of the states The Senior C. E. of the Congre gational church entertained the C. E. of the Crow Agency Baptist church at a picnic supper at Black Lodge Falls, last Sunday af ternoon. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY 10 a. m. Sunday school. This is Missionary Sunday. There will be a missionary talk. 11 a. m. Morning worship. The pastor will preach and the choir will sing an anthem. “Er isto" by Schumann will be the offertory duet by Mrs. Maddox and Mrs. Hannant. All are welcome who wish to worship here. 6:30 p. m. The Senior C. E. will make plans for sending a delega tion to the summer assembly at Camp Mimanagish on the Boulder, at next Sunday’s meeting. REV. N. E. HANNANT. Pastor. NOTICE — SECONH INST XI I.MEN f 1933 TAXES IIEI.IXOI EXT MAX' 31. 1934 NOTICE is hereby civen 1’ ut *he second installment of the 1933 tuxes Bic Horn Conntv. Montana, are now due and navable. and unless mud on or before five o’clock n. m. Mav 31. 1931. will be mmo delbmnent Walter hammer. Conntv Trcusu’er I’ub. Mav 1. 11. 18. 23. 1931 sheriffs sui: HARRIET DATE. Plaintiff. PHILLIP BItOOKS AND GRACE M BROOKS, bls wife. 1 fefeudants. TO HE SOLD AT SH ERI FF s s A I On the 2nd dav of .lune A. I>. 133 1. at Two o’clock n. m.. at the front door of the court house at Hardin. County of Bic Horn. State of Mon tana. the followinc described real property. to-wit: Lot Seven (7). and the South Half of the Southwest Quarter (SI4SWL) and the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Thlrtv-five (35) in Townshiu Two <i> North of Rance Thirtv three (33) East M. P. M.. (less one acre alone the north line of said premises for roadway) containing 151.04 acres, more or leas, toeethcr with 100 shares of the capital stock of the Bic Horn Low Line Ditch Company. a corD^y a |! o^ ANCE Sheriff. Bic Hom* County. Montana. Dated May 10. A. D. 1014. GUINN A MADDOX. Attorneys for Plain ttft. Pub. Mar 11. 11. 15. June 1. 1114. group. Joseph F. Sullivan, super intendent of the recovery plant of the diamond exhibit where the blue ground from the mines is washed and the diamonds caught, will have the unusual distinction of traveling 12.000 miles in order to go to work. He will arrive at the fair May 28. after having come halfway around the world from the Debeers Consolidated mines at Kimberly. South Africa. Although 300 gallons of water will flow each minute over an eight-foot mill wheel in the Black forest village, the appa ratus will actually be powered by an electric motor. The American Flyer company exhibit has been moved from the BSII E n S' neer ‘ n S facts prove It. Ex perience in building nearly ten ntii’ion cars confirms it. And the record of *?_ over Six owners removes any shadow of doubt about It: The only I J _ way to get real economy in a low-priced ■ I . y B *JI 1 |||| car to on SIX cylinders and |M I k HN SiX cylinders — no morel — because extra • cylinders mean extra cost for gas, oil, upkeep and parts. OVERHEAD valves— nothing for the same good reason that air planes use them. And speedboats. And racing . ’ S' ' s , » - ’•/ -' f They the MOST power of the LEAST gas. That's why overhead valves are the choice of leaders—and champions. SIX verhead US cyunders valves Swl CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., DETROIT, MICH. M ; | nothing else Compare Chevrolet’* low delivered price* and easy GJNJLC. terms. A General Moten Value. To C ' i: '\ CABLE- I SHOCK FULLY-ENCLOSED I CONTROLLED ■ PROOF I B ??JSL? Y KNEE-ACTION WHEELS I BRAKES ■ STEERING ■ FISHER — emxe «Dnßmaeaaß<r KALBERG MOTOR COMPANY HARDIN, MONT. Your Chevrolet dealer invites you to write the best essay of fifty words or less and win a 1934 Chevrolet Sedan. Open to everyone. Get entry blank from your nearest Chevrolet dealer. THE HARDIN TRIBUNE-HERALD Enchanted Island to more com modious quarters in the Travel and Transport building in order to be with the real trains. Ad ditional switch controls will be provided for the benefit of the children, who were often elbowed aside last year, by adults eager ’o operate the world’s largest miniature railway system. St M'loX' lOR ri BLICATION In tin' Court of the Thir- t< rnth Ju Hcial District of the M.itr of Montana, in am! for the Coiinlv of Bi- Hom. iHARi.KS K E»»LEY. Plaintiff. VS. < \rj. i:\xkix iTBi.Tc admims- T’:.\T<‘H 'S XHMINISTRATOK < H’’ THi : I’ST ATE <»E XAXt'f E. SHAXE. 1 "viiS’ «i. and LON < ’ SHW! . o'? r a -st* known as L. • ?HANE. and al! other oersons. un known. claiming or who might claim ... . trri'.l title, estate, or interest • . or lion or encumbrance upon. :h r *al nropertv described_in the t-.nn. luint. or anv thereof, adverse -.d.iint’frs own-rshio. or any c!-‘u 1 unon nlaintiff s title thereto, .db-thfr such claim or nossible < ! “ ii hr present or contingent, in <•' anv claim or nossible claim <»•■ dower, inchoate or accrued. De n/ants. THE STATE O|<’ MONTANA TO THE above NAMED DEFENDANTS \vo to \I.L OTHKK PKKSONS 1 NK NO WN: <;»’E ETI.NG: You ne hereby summoned to an- e- t: e comnlaint : ' this action which is filed in the office.of the clerk of this court, and to file vour answer und serve a conv thereof uoon the t.:.i ir.t: .f’s attorney within twenty davs after th • service of this summons. »x --<‘lusiv of the dav of service: and in cos vour failure to annear or an <v. - ■U i •’•ment be taken against v3u bv default, for the relief de. manded in the comnlaint. This ac ‘ tion is brought for the numose of 'quieting title in the nlaintiff to the land situated in Big Horn County. Montana, and described as follows: Northwest ouarter of Sec tion Twenty-five (25). Townshio Six t 6) South. Hauge Thirtv-nine (39) East M. P. M WITNESS mv hand and the seal of said court this 26th dav of April. 1 93 4. (Seal) R. P. ROSS. Clerk. GI’INN * MADDOX. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Pub. Mav 11. 18. 25. June 1. 1 934. NOTICE OF ( JOSF OF KEGLSTRATION Not h e is hereby given that, the rcuistriition for the Primary Nomi nating Election to be held on Tues day. the 17th dav of 1934. will close on Saturday. J me 2nd. 193 4. at ■’ n ’ ,U - V Al! electors are hereby notified that if they live within ton miles of the court house in Hardin, thev must FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1934 register bv appearing before the couutv clerk at his oliice on anv day except legal holidays betv.-een the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 o. m. Anv elector living more . tan ten miles from the court house may reg ister bv apnearing before anv notary public or justice of the peace within the countv. or bv annearinsr before the deputy registrar appointed by the board of countv commissioners to register electors in liis own precinct. Electors are advised that if they voted at the general election which wn« held on Tuesday. November Bth. 1932. thev need not re-register. Other wise to be eligible to vote at the coming election, thev must register ns above provided f°" Vnv elector hnvlnv mved th" precinct where orieinallv registered must have his rearistration transferred to the precinct in which he now lives. Dated at Hardin. Montana, this 26th I,lav of Abril. 1931. I HARRY E. COX. ■ Countv Clerk and Ex-officio Recistrar I of Bic Horn Countv. Montana. Pub. Anr. 27. Mav 4-11-18-25. June 1