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nmr, june b, mm regulsh eyioM Jane 4th. Hardin. Montan*. The hoard vat thia dkr to regular lowtaa* ‘membera?* R*ELMcC« ’’’•X? minute. of the nreviow meet ing ware read and anoaovad. The fallowing claims wore exam ined and annroved. warrants haring been issued in nasment of : rA^S^“^V i ‘ “““ m- WUtanFT Bcott.'"denuty cierk and recorder ;— 137.56 Inaa McDowell, deputy clerk and recorder s 11X64 HdwHn CUnIC LubUtt Beegital BuDding nuMunai fitted L. H. Labbitt, M. D. D. M. Strane. M. D; Office Phone IM T. H. BURKE - E.E. COLLINS BURKE aCOLUNS LAWYERS i Hardin Office Day.: Ist Tuesday. Ist add 3rd Thursdays of each month and every Saturday. « STANLEY A. YERGEY —XNBURANCBr- Equttable Uto Assurance Society of the United States Aetna Fire Insurance Oe. Office in Find Natl Bank Bldg. LUGY WINN HOSPITAL Foramriy LABBITT HOSPITAL Obstetrical Work a Specialty PHONE 100 law Wkm B. N. HARDIN HOSPITAL Modern — Steam Heated COMMUNITY INSTITUTION Mrs. Lucille Dow, R. Reasonable Rates Phone 95-W DR. VERNON W. WOLF Osteopathic Physician Country and Night Calls Promptly Answered Office in Rooms over Postoffice Phon B Bardin, Moat Nnnnnnannnttnu Dr. L. E. Haverffeld Physician and Surgeon : OShe-Sumran E tock Office Phom M Residence Phom IM it»it« a a a aaaaaaaaa BR.RANSIER DENTIST X-Ray Work EXAMINATION FREE Phans I SalHvan Bieck Pine Slab Wood WATER WELLDRILUNG PUMPS AND REPAIRS SOLDERING PHONE 124 ffeaxlachesflßM t . ■ Neuralgia Nt writ is Backache Rheumatism Lumbago ~>< \ "I Sciatica Hereto Smiling Rdief... Most of your suffering from common every-day aches and pains is unnecessary and unwise. Unnecessary, because Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills relieve quickly and without unpleasant after effects; unwise, because pein makes your physical condition worse instead of better. One pill .usually brings relief in a few minutes. If you suffer from any of the disorders listed above, take Dr. Miles* Anti-Pain Pills. If they do not give you greater relief in leas time than anything else you have used, go to your druggist and get your money back. A package of Dr. MOes’Anti-Pain Pflb tawaodtataembi net, pocket, or hapd-bag moans fewer dBHMMMML aches snd pains. 25 for 25 Cents ' UM ’ , ■ . M.. : Walter Hammer, county trees .. urer e — 110.04 Bart Oster, donate tree surer. 137.50 Dorothy Reinig. clerk, traas- __ „ urer „ 75.00 Fred A Millar, county W"? 136.06 John L. Scott. deeute arteeeor 137.50 Sam McDowall, donut/assessor 100.40 A. J. Kelberg, deputy assessor 100.00 C. B. Faley, deputy sewer 53.13 Cecil A. Brotheraen. manager HISS Annabelle Rose, deputy clerk of district court 0.00 C. A Prater, court stenographer 33.00 M. Hawkins, court stenoc- Bud 1 IsLSo John B. Shreve, deputy sheriff 35.00 Edison Cook, deputy sheriff— 30.00 C. C. Guinn county attorney 43.60 Helen Howell, stenographer (county attorney) 47.50 LE. Haverfield, health offi- cer 35.00 Lillie A. MacLeod, county aunt. of schools 150.00 June McAllister, stenoc. co. supt. of schools 47.50 POOR FUND Dr. L. E. Haverfield, county physician 25.00 LIBRARY Hasel Rennie, county librarian 100.04 Bessie B. Ruaeell. assistant li- brarian 50.40 L R. Whipple, janitor 10.00 The following claims were exam ined and approved and warrants or dered drawn on their respective funds in payment of the same: GENERAL FUND Hardin Tribune-Herald, orint- SUMMOIto In the District Court of the Thir teenth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Big Horn. ROSALIE PERKINS. Plaintiff. ARTHUR PERKINS. Defendant. THE STATE OF MONTANA SENDS GREETING TO THE ABOVE DE FENDANT: You are hereby summoned to answer tne complaint in this action which is filed In the office of the clerk of this court, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaint iff’s attorneys within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the dav of service: and In case of vour failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. The said action is brought to secure a divorce by the plaintiff from the defendant off the grounds of deser tion. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said court this 24th dav of May. 1934. (Seal) R. P. ROSS. Clerk. GUINN * MADDOX. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Pub. June 1. A 15. 22. 1934. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and bv virtue of the power of sale contained in Item Fortv-Four of the last will and testament of Frank M. Heinrich, deceased, said last will and testament was admitted to pro bate bv the District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Big Horn. on. November 22nd. 1928. authorizing the under signed as executors, to sell anv part or all of the property of the estate of said deceased, the undersigned, as executors of said estate, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, subject to confirmation bv the above mentioned court, the following de scribed real property, to-wit: East half (EH) of the Northeast auarter (NEU). Northeast Quarter (NEU) of the Southeast Quarter (SEU) of Section thirty-five (35): North half (NU) and Northwest Quarter (NWU) of the Southwest Quarter (BWU) of Section thirtv-six (36). Township eight (8) South of Ranee thirty fdiir (84Y East of the Montana Principal Meridian, together with all water rights appurtenant thereto. Said sale will be made on Satur day. the SOth dav of June. A. D. 1914. at the hour of one o’clock o. m. of that dav. at the front door of the courthouse in the city of Hardin. Bia Horn Countv. Montana. The terms of said sale will be: not less than one-half of the nurchase orice in cash and the balance to be secured by a first mortaare upon the prem iers sec Urine notes for the balance of the nurchase price, which notes shall bear interest at the rate of seven <?%> per cent per annum and be due not more than two years from the date of sale. The purchaser Is reoulred to Dav ten (10) per cent of the purchase price at the time of sale, and the balance of Payment on con firmation Ot the sale by above de scribed court. The estate will fur nish abstract bfoueht down to date at no i MATT H. TSCHIRGI. Executors of ,the last ail I'Md testa ment of Frank M. ’Heinrich, de- IS. 11. 11. IMS. THE HARDIN TNI ■U N E- H KRA LD Ing and publishing 254.45 Mountain States Tel. * Tel. Co., service and tolls 77.46 Sibley Drue Co., supplies — 15.66 T. D. French, drayage 3.34 James J. Brett, examiner's fees 175.64 A- m » e * <e <dep. .... ’coT 1.45 Cliff A. Randall, office woriT.. 44.60 C. 8. Patterson, criminal mile- » _ age „. 11.65 F. R. Baney. mileage 7.76 Fred Gibson, criminal mileage 7.4 J Charles A. Corkins. J. P. fees 21.06 Third St Investment Co., rent of county Quarters . 456.66 Montana Power Co., service.... 29.65 Hardin Drug Co., supplies .... 14.35 L. E. Haverfield, examination of insane 5.60 House of the Good Shepherd, care of inmates 20.0*. Florence Crittenton Home, care of inmates 38.35 City Water Dept, services, jail 5.70 Hora Oil A Gas Dev. Co.. ## Hardin C Merrantiie'Co.'.'suppiies L 5 8 Burke & Collins, defense of prisoner „ 25.00 R. L Roberts, service 1.50 Lillie A. MacLeod, mileage .... 77.67 Mrs. J. B. Janney, examina tions 5.60 Mrs. Alexander Anderson, ex- Ruth Ferguson, examinations. 5.00 Mrs. Ed Tetschner. examina tions — 5.60 Erle Parker, examinations .... 5.00 Lura Prest Strand, examina tions 23.50 (Continued on Page Four) Two nice showers, a few hours apart, visited this section, Tues day night, refreshing the vegeta tion. It has been cloudy, most of the week. CALL FOR BONDS —Notice is hereby given that the «* bonds of School Dis trict No. 17-H. Big Horn County, j <or Daym,Bt on _ Bonds numbered 21 to 26. inclu sive. of the issue of Jan. 15. 1021. to Jan. 15. 1941. Payable at the county treasurer's office at Hardin. Montana. Dated June 4. 1934. WALTER HAMMER. _ . _ County Treasurer. Pub. June 8. 15. 22. 29. 1924. •250.00 3350.00 For the arrest end conviction of LIVESTOCK AND WOOL THIEVES And of Violators of Other Laws Hereinafter Mentioned MW he paid by BIG HORN COUNTY LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION The Big Horn County Livestock Association offers a reward of 3350.00 for information leading to the appre hension and conviction of any person or persons for ths larceny of any livestock or wool owned by any paid up membe? of this Association er the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons for arson in the burning of any property belonging to any paid-up member of this Associa tion or for the commlsuion of an ag gravated assault upon any employes of any paid-up member of this Asso- Nation wails in the discharge of hh luty by any person while engaged ia my attempt to commit any said lar ceny or arson. . Such offer of reward shall apply to any such crims committed at any time upon or beti een the Ist day of January, 1934, and the Ist day of January, 1936. PROVIDED, HOWEVER. That in formation upou which such reward may be claimed must be Imparted to the County Attorney or the Sheriff of the county in which the crime was committed or to a member the executive committee of the Big Hom County Livestock Association not later than January 1, 1935. PROVWED FURTHER That where inch information is given to any of the above persons by two or more persons, simultaneously, then thia re ward shall be proportioned share and ■hare alike to such persons giving •uch information, PROVIDED FURTHER That noof neer of this State nor the owner of the property against whom such eruns was committed Shall bo eligible to claim or to receive such reward. JOHN P. TURNER, Secretary. John A, Lovelace »- Democrat for U. S. Senate short term Will support President Rosso volt’s recovery program. Will leglslats to- Put Agriculture on equality with other Industries. ' To croato permanent public works Including water storage projects and adequate employ ment tor labor. To finance small business at low oast Will strive constantly for reha bilitation of silver, unomploy: mint insurance and old ago pen- Montana's Welfareflrst— dweys (Paid PpHUoel Mv.) PRICES OF MM FOBD ▼-• CARS AND TRUCKS ABE CUT Passenger Can Down to MS Commercial Can, YrweJu, Dre* to M». Detroit, MJch., June M-Reduc tions of gio to SIS in list prices M 1934 Ford V-S pa—Niger can yd |lO to S3O in list prices of Ford V-8 cantnoctel earn and tfwks were annotmed last week by the Ford Motor Oomany, effec tt»e JYlday, June IS. Ford prices had remained un changed since the introduction of the 1934 Ford V-S, last December, W>e Ford Motor Company not having participated in the recent Mneral automotive price increase. The reductions announced are, therefore, a decrease in the orig inal prices. The price reduction on the standard and de luxe Tudor Se aam, most popular individual models in point of sales, is sls. ™ces of other standard and de luxe body types were reduced $lO, wocept prices of the Roadster, Phaeton and Cabriolet, de luxe types, which remain unchanged Both standard and de luxe pas senger cars have the same V-8 engine and 112-inch' wheelbase chassis. Body types for both are identical except for the de luxe equipment. Mrs. Helen Sullivan has re turned from a ten days’ visit in Missoula at the home of her youngest daughter, Mrs. Billy Likes, who motored her mother home and Saturday mewning re turned, her sister, Miss Eleanor Sullivan returning with her. RQRDfVIICM REOUCED,. * ■ • Effective Friday, June 15, prices on Ford V-8 Passenger Cars, Trucks and Commercial Cars were reduced $lO to S2O. These reductions repre sent new low prices on 1934 models, as there have been no Ford price increases this year. FORD H PASSENGER CARS (Itt-M wtatae) WITH STANDARD WITH DE LUXE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT TUDOR SEDAN . . . . $520 $560 COUPE 505 545 FORDOR SEDAN ... 575 615 VICTORIA ....... 600 "CABRIOLET 590 •ROADSTER 525 •PHAETON . . . . . . 550 *The*e price* remain unchanged FORD H TRUCKS AND COMMERCIAL CARS ✓ Commercial Car Chassis— ll2-inch wheelbase . $350 I Truck Chassis— l3l-inch wheelbase ....... 485 I Truck Chassis— ls7-inch wheelbase 510 Stake Truck (Closed Cab) 131-inch wheelbase . • 650 | Stake Truck (Closed Cab) 157-inch wheelbase • • 715 I In addition to above, price* were aleo reduced on other Commercial Car* and Truck type* from sl9 to $29 ALL PRICES F. 0.8. DETROIT FORD MOTOR COMPANY BUSINESS CONDITIONS ARE ON UFWARD TREND Barvey 8. Firestone Announces Rig Profft in MM Agatas! Heavy Lam ta MB. That business is picktag up over the country is evidenced by the following summary by Harvey 8. Firestone, chairman of the Firestone Tire A Rubber com pany: . Operation of the parent and all Firestone service stores, for the subsidiary companies, including six months ending April 30, 1934, after deducting depreciation, in terest, Liberian development ex penditures and federal taxes, re sulted in a, profit of $1,521,745. This compares with a loss of sl,- 578,000 for the same period last year. “During the past year we in creased our wages 30 percent. As published by the national in dustrial conference board in their May bulletin, the nffiber industry pays the highest rate of wages of any industry not requiring ap prentice period as illustarted be low: Lumber industry, 47.1 cents; agricultural Imp Dements, 58.9 cents; steel industry, 805 cents; automobiles, 68.1 cents; rubber, 76.1 cents. The average for all Industries is 56.1 cents. “The wages in the rubber in dustry are now higher than they were in the peak of 1929. “During the first six months, our Akron payrolls showed an increase of 103 percent compared with the same period last year, our employment records show an increase of 53 percent, or over 4,000 additional pecgile on the payroll as against a year ago. “During the depression the rub ber industry never operated below 45 percent of capacity compared with 1939 production, while the steel Industry operated as low as 16 percent. “Our dollar sales for the six months period show an increase of 58 percent compared with the same period last year. CANDIDATE FOR *ENATE ABUD RERUME CAMPAIGN John A. Lovelace Bas Recovered From Injuries Received ta Auto irritant. Boaeman, June 20—After having been confined to his home for more than a week recuperating from shock and injuries sustained in an auto accident near Helena, Sunday, June 10, John A. Love lace, candidate for the Demo cratic nomination for the U. 8. senate for -the two-year period, is again able to be out and will immeditely resume his campaign which was interrupted by the ac cident in which he sustained numerous cute and bruises about the. face and bod Or. He expects to get into the field in a few days and will cover those portions of the state not previously visited by him. RHRRRBRNttttltlttt MOVING FARM WOMEN’S MARKET To Bean Block, June 30 NRNttttNßttlttlNNß PAGE THREE