Newspaper Page Text
HUBAY, JUNK », UM NNNNKNNNNNNNNNNW WYOLA NEWS, ■BBBa*»»Bßttttttßtt* Belton Evan* attended to buri ae— in Wyola. Monday. Mr. and Mr*. Hank Arnold were Sheridan caller,, BnnMy. The highway construction crew .have moved to Aberdeen. Carl Davis of Parkman was a badness caller in Wyola, Friday. Mas Martha Taylor and Fred Burks were Sheridan callers, Tues day. • H. P. Davis spent the week-end in Hardin at the Everett Mono home. E. L. Jacobson and John A. Per ry of Hardin were Wyola callers, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mont gocnery were Sheridan callers, Saturday. * Wks. A. J. Sheets, Ruth and CALL FOB BONDS .—Notice is hereby riven that the followinr 6% bonds of School Dis trict No. 17-H. Bl* Horn County. Montana, are called for oaymont on July IS. 1284: Bonds numbered 21 to 26. inclu sive. of the issue of Jan. 15. 1221. to Jan. IS. 1241. Payable at the county treasurer's office at Hardin. Montana. Dated June 4. 1284. _ „ WALTER HAMMER. Countv Treasurer. CALL FOR WARRANTS Notice is hereby riven that the followinr Bir Horn County. Montana, registered warrants are called for vavment July 2. 1284. on which date interest. thereon ceases: Countv General Fund warrants reg istered from Nov. 16 to'Dec. 10. 1232. inclusive. Road Fund warrants Nos. 10630 to 10712. inclusive, and .. . AH Road Fund warrants registered on and after-Dec. 12. 1233. to June 15. 1284. Bridge Fund warrants' Nos. 2792 to 2810. inclusive, and . .. School District .No. ■24 •• registered warrants, as follows: Noe. 197. 196. 203. 207. 194. 195 and ‘2OO. Dated June 14. 1934. WALTER HAMMER. Countv Treasurer. NOTICE Frfß BIDS FOR TRANS PORTATION OF PUPILS On or before one o'clock n. m. on Monday. July 2. 1934. the Board of Trustees of School District 17H. Big Horn County. Montana.. will .receive sealed bids for the transnort&uon of dudlls to and from the nubile schools of said district, located at Hardin. Crow Agencv and St. Xavier, over the following described routes: THE NORTH ROUTE: The route to be followed when conditions nermit will be from Har din north to the end of Federal Aid Protect road, west to Beck's corner, north bv the former site of the Al falfa Center school house to the H. W. Bunston cut-off. east to the gravel road, thence by gravel road to Har din. When travel on the west sec tion of the above described route is imnossible. the route to be followed will be over'the gravel road between Hardin and the W. A. Sawyer ranch. Bids for this route will be for auto buses. All bidders must state defin itelv the make, condition and canac itv of eouinment for use on this route. THE SOUTH ROUTE: This route will include the trans portation of all pupils of school age entitled to transportation in District 17H residing between St. Xavier and Hardin, including all high school pu pils along this entire route, who will be transported to the district high school in Hardin, with the. exception of those children now entitled to transportation on the Ogborn-St. Xa vier route. This route will follow the gravel road from St. Xavier to the Two Leggin bridge, from, there to the Dr. Perry farm: from the Dr. Perry farm the route will take such course as will best serve the community west of the gravel road and as far north as the farm now occupied by J. C. Elder. From that point the route will continue over the gravel road into Hardin. Blds on this route will be for auto buses. All bidders must state definitely the make, con dition and capacity of eoulpment in tended for use on thia route. The Board reserves the right to reduce this route from the Two Leggin bridge to Hardin if necessary, or to reduce the capacity of the bus to a sufficient else to accommodate only the high school pupils from St Xa vier to the Two Leggin bridge, and all children (including high school) from the Two Leggin bridge to Har din. THE C. B. HIGHWAY ROUTE: This route includes the transporta tion of all school children living be tween Hardin and the district Une south of Benteen. Grade school chil dren from the district line to Crow Agency and from Dunmore to Crow Agency will attend the Crow Agency school. From Dunmore to Hardin the grade school punils will attend the Hardin grade schools. High school pupils along this entire route will be transoorted to the district high school in Hardin. All transpor tation on this route will be bv auto buses and will be let as one contract. AU bidders must state definitely the make, condition and capacity of equipment intended for use on this route. OGBORN-ST. XAVIER ROUTE: This route includes the transpor tation of the school ouoils of the Ogborn community, from points on the main highway nearest their re spective homes. to the St. Xavier school and return each day that school is in session. Bids should state clearly the kind and capacity of the eouioment which bidder will use if successful in his bld. Bids on this route will be for auto bus. Bids should-read a certain amount per dav for each day that school is 1R The state industrial accident board requires that one percent (lefe) of each driver’s salary be deducted each month to nay for Industrial accident Insurance. Each contractor will also be asked to take out iointly with the Board of Trustees Property Damage and Public Liability Insurance to cover any and all risks which there may be in the transportation of ou °lAll drivers of buses must be 'ap proved bv the board of trustees. The board reserves the right to de crease or increase or change the route of different bus lines in a way the school trustees mav consider beneficial to the transportation sys tem. and mav adjust the compensa tion on the basis of changed mileage. The board reserves the right to cancel all transportation . contracts upon to days notice tn writing when ever the funds available for the pur pose of transportation shall become bidders are .asked to call at the Clerk’s office In case fur ther informatiogL4s desired. Bids on all We above routes are to The board roervwi the rtaht to re- Robert BMm were Sheridan call ers, Tuesday. Miss Mildred Trussell is a house guest at the home of Mr. and Itos. C. B. Btarina. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Axstead are the parents of a son, born Mon day, at their home. Mas Evegene Davis was a house guest. Friday evening, at the homa of Mas Martha Taylor. Mias Evelyn Bowen of Denver io a house guest ait the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bwin Wiley- The condition of Mn. George Tschirgi, who has been ill at the Antler ranch, is very much fen proved. . WWjiFIIPHK Mr. and Mrs, Chris Christiansen and Mr. and Mrs. James Bell at tended to business in ‘ Billings, Friday. Mr. and Mn. A. J. Sheets, Ruth and Robert Hahn were dinner guests, Monday evening, at the J. R. Boyd home. Mn. Hany Robinson and son Larry returned to Billings, Sunday, after spending the past week at the E. C. Robinson home. Bill Chapman made , a business trip to Riverton, Wednesday. Mn. James Bell took . his. place in the post offibe during his absence. Mrs. Chris Christiansen, Mn. Henry Ulrich, Mrs. Harry Tan neyhfil and Mrs: Alva Montgomery attended the circus in Sheridan; Tuesday. ■Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnold and Mr? and Mrs. Tony Fankovich" at tended the Burlington Veterans dinner dance at Story, Friday evening. ; ’7 • . . is< Claude Wham had the mis fortune. to break his. ankle, Thurs day, while ’ roping a horse.' He was taken .to Sheridan for medi calattention, NOTICE OF DELINQUENT TAX - - SADE • Notice is. hereby given that on Fri day. July 18. 1284. in front of the county treasurer’s office in Hardin. Big Horn County. Montana, all Prop erty—unon which delina.uent taxes for the year 1933 are a. lien will be sold at nubile auction, unless, nrlortosaid time said delinauent. taxes, together, with interest. Densities, and costs due thereon are uaid. A comnlete dellnauent list of 'All persons and nropertv in the county now. owing taxes, is on file in the of fice of tne county treasurer. WALTER HAMMER. , - ; Countv Treasurer. Pub. June 15. 22. 29.. July 6. 1934. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and bv virtue of the cower Of sale contained in Item Forty-Fdur of the last will and testament of Frank M. Heinrich, deceased, said last .will and testament was admitted to oro bate bv the District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and fop the Countv of Big Horn', on November 22nd. 1928. authorizing the under signed as executors, to sell anv Dart or all of the oronertv of the estate of said deceased, the undersigned, as executors of said estate, will sell at oublic auction to the highest bidder, subject to confirmation bv the above mentioned court, the following de scribed real nronertv. to-wit: East half <E%) of the Northeast Quarter (NEK). Northeast Quarter (NE 14 1 of the Southeast Quarter (SEII) of Section thirtv-five (351: North half (N%) and Northwest Quarter (NWU) of the Southwest' Quarter (SWU) of Section thirtv-six (36). Townshlo eight (8) South of Range thirty four (84) East of the Montana Princioal Meridian, together with all water rights- annurtenant thereto. Said sale will be made on. Satur day. the 30th dav of June. A. D. 1984. at the hour of one o’clock d. m. of that dav. at the front door of the courthouse -in the city of Hardin. Big Horn Countv. Montana. The terms of said sale will be: not lees than one-half of the purchase, price in cash and the balance to be secured by a first mortgage upon the drem ises securing notes for the balance of the purchase price, which notes shall bear interest at the rate of seven <7%) per cent ner annum and be due not more than two years from the date of sale. 1 The purchaser is reoulred to Dav ten (10) per cent of the purchase price at the time es sale, and the balance of the cash pavment on con firmation of the sale by above de scribed court. The estate will fur nish abstract bronrht down to date at no exoeribe to the purchaser. FORD E. HOVBT. MATT H. TSCHIRGI. Executors of the last will and testa ment of Frank M. Heinrich, de ceased. *850.00 *250.00 For the arrest aad conviction of LIVESTOCK AND WOOL THIEVES And of Vtoistom of Other Laws Hereinafter Mentioned Wil be paid by 810 HORN COUNTY LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION The Bi* Horn County Livestock Association offers a reward of 8858.00 for information leading to the appre hension and conviction of any person or persons for the larceny of any livestock or wool owned by any paid up member of this Association or the apprehension and conviction of any person or persona for arson in the burning of any property belonging to any paid-up member of this Associa tion or for the commission of an ag gravated assault upon any employee of any paid-up member of this Aseo -tiation walls in the discharge of hit luty by any person while engaged la my attempt to commit any said lar ceny or arson. Such offer of reward shall apply to any such crime committed at any time upon or bet) een the Ist day of January, 1284, and the Ist day of January, 1935. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That in formation upou which-ouch reward may be claimed must be’lmparted to the County Attorney or the Sheriff of the county in which the crime was committed or to a member ot the executive committee of the Big Hom County Livestock Association not later than January 1, 1285. FROTHED FURTHER That where nick information la given to any of the above persona by two or more persona, simultaneously, then this re ward Shall be proportioned share and *mm* alite to ouch persona giving hi ch tnfcmnatlon, PROVIDED FURTHER That te of- Scer st this State nor the owner of the property wte—MM* to stem sr to Uidn —oh THE HARD!" TRIBUNE-HERALD Jto. and Mrt. Joe Ore— of Min neapolis, and Mn. Wta. V. Chap man were guests, Wednesday, of Mn. A. J. Sheets at their cabin in the canyon. Ito. and Itos. Ed Miller of BUl togs, Itos. J. A. Tout of Belfry and Mia Ruth Miller of Hardin spent Thursday with Mr. and Mn. Chas. Montgomery. MT. and Mn. Bob Newhouse, Miss Mildred Trussell and Mark Keracher enjoyed a trip thru Ten sleep canyon and returned by the Shell creek road, Bunday. Mr. and Mn. Hansel Holman are the proud parents, of a daugh ter, bom June 19, at the ranch of Mr. and Mn. E. C. Woodley. She has been given the name of Elisa beth Carol. Mrs. Harry Robinson and Larry of Billings and Mn. E. C. Robin son and James were house giiests, Friday and Saturday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Blankenship on the Rosebud. Cliff Randall and Walter Riggs of Hardin made a business trip to Wyola, Wednesday. They inspec ted the road over the west side of the river. The road; is to be graded, and will later be graveled by the relief workers. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schaubel en tertained at a birthday party, Friday evening, for their daugh ter' Evelyn. Games were played and refreshments were served at the close of the evening. ‘ Their guests were Miss Myrna Abrogast, Miss Violet Waldschmidt, Misses Muriel, Jean and Mary Lou Foltz and Miss Carol McCaughn of Lodge Grass. ' ASSESSMENT NOTICE The Bia Horn Low Line Ditch. Co.. ’ Hardin. Montana NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meetina: of the-Director* of the BU Horn Low Line Ditch Co.. held on June 1. 1934. an- assessment of 80 cents ner share was levied upon the capital stock- of the corporation, due and bayable to the Secretary at Har din. Mont.. June 15. 1934. Anv stock udm which assessment shall remain unsaid on Julv 16. 1934. will, be delinquent, and will be ad vertised for sale at public auction, arid unless pavment ts. made - before, will be sold on Auk. .16. 1934. to oav the . delinauent assessment.' together sirith' the cost of advertlstnc and lex oense of sale. . H. A. WILLIAMS. • - ■ Secretary, Paris Green at 21- .v EDER HARDWARE CO. Avoid False Teeth Dropping or Slipping You needn’t fear false teeth drou- Dinx or sllDDinK If you’ll sorinkle a little Fasteeth on vour elates each moraine. Gives all dav comfort and teeth hold tieht. Deodorizes. No eum mv. nastv. taste or. feeline. Get Fas teeth from Siblev Drue Co. or your drueeist. Three sizes. A -m j-James E* Murray Democratic Candidate ■3., , for U. S. Senate to succeed the late Thomas J. Walsh For Farmers — Will support a program for ' construction of small dams and reservoirs In farm area Will support Montana’s sugar beet Industry, snd oppose leg islation aimed to limit or cur tail Montana sugar production. For Labor — For the right'of Labor to be represented on all relief and other boards where labor in terests are affected. For unemployment Insurance and old age pensions. . , For the right of labor to or ganise without Interference and for collective bargaining. For Veterans— For carrying out all govern ment pledges. For Miners — For rehabilitation of allver and improvement and development of mining, large and email. For Roosevelt — And the “New Deal* One Hun dred Per cent For Montana — Montana men on Montana projects, stale or federal. HALFWAY « » « U tt 88 B » E E » 88 88 88 88 8 Pierce Hodges vigited at the Howard Ketthler home, Bunday. Mrs. Pierce Hodges and family entertained relatives from Billings, Sunday. Earl o n y and Howard Stimp son helped Happy Humphrey put up hay, Tuesday. Mk. and Mn. Potts and daugh ter and Mn. Mendo— of Custer, took Tuesday supper at the Bap py Humphrey home. Mr. and Mn. Manuel Kautsnan and little son, of near St. Xavier, spent Sunday with Mn. Kautz man's brother, Johnny Quilling and family. Our neighbors who have pasture land rented for their range cattle are having great difficulty in keeping said cattle on the upper side of the ditch. They persist in invading the irrigated fields of the valley. Mrs. Wendland. accompanied the Reverend out to preaching ser vices, Sunday. The crowd was not quite as large as usual, but what there were listened to a good ser mon, and those who were seeking enjoyment elsewhere were losers. Mrs. Stella Mabe and three girls, Mrs. Bina‘Hudson and son Dale, Mrs. Alonzo Wolf, Mrs. Birdie Quilling and children, Mrs. J. T. Hudson and Mrs. Happy Humphrey were out hunting gooseberries, Tuesday afternoon. The gooseberries were scarce and MEN staked tneir fortunes SMASHED WORLD RECORDS Fit ■iif . - SAFEST . tire -JKiJMHm FIRESTORE ; ever Tui six ■ i»->»rr muni KggjcMy Bl ILT Jr : ' Vs "1 JFhE New nrwtoac Speed If futpauutata depcadalde eerriee it J* .- ■ ■M a provided for the S 3 driven who ■ CTBMIIIA started in the torturous 500-mile I *।" grind at Indianiipoli. May M. I Tld. uew tire hm a widn uvnd M <— habicf contovirp deeper bom-muo* , I * Far fifum more and tougher rubber, ghisg ■ «~ » you more tian 50% longer ■ see-mile M Betidn bring Safety Prolttlid M x * c ?' __ -- ou the outride it b Safety PriUetad R ™“ Il on the inside. Eight addMenal Q rsonciMN 11 pounds of pure* absorbed '2 „ II by every one hundred pounds of • S * r * — e<,rd ’- '~ ■— ,1 If edditional rubber is co ■ w- I placed that it surrounds every ! I > r —»■ I cotton fiber inside esery cord in ‘ I ply. This is accomplished by ■ I soaking the eords in liquid rubber >■ . I by a Firestone patented process. I .Urn tww"" I T«a —I peomrs,Gum-Dippia*, ■ ♦ mi I i* not need in any other tire buUt. M rfrts WasNacsw I Heat eeased by internal friction ■ uTo) «oH«»ov I oottoa fibers destroys Urea ■ ni-asrie Cm «•••'♦** I eeaam separation and blowoala, ■ 11J<73>8 1 Cam-Dipping counteracts ■ -ttkaut vm | friction and heat—provides greater ■ u> Ur* usvHv- I adheriea and binds the eotloa aisd ■ — Mint gl—Min I rubber together into oae cohesive ■ «g (CONMff I «f greeter strength, rise ring ■ I cer owners of the greatest Safety, ■ , — . M the BMaM» I Protection and Economy that it ia ■ * Truck I possible for human ingenuity to ■ pTU- •mw —I build into a tire. ■ te-ceut rccerd •/ 47 1 The most amazing proof of ■ bears. 48 a>laui«s. 30 I (U, extra strength, safety and ■ ,•mad ra»dn« I dependability is the fact that every . ■ , ume. I one of the 3S drivers at Indianapolis ■ UM ami* ■—a** o I chose and bought Firestone High ■ —J Speed Tires. Race drivers KNOW I tire construction — they will not risk their live* or chance of victory - '' ‘ : on any other than Firestone. ■ ■ ii— At terrific speeds the cars ’ phrege Into the treacherous turns Bobber bus advanced —“J . M*««d against the — - scorching brick track—so hot die iww jSJSSg-ar Vas — ... haw ski. conceivable force works to tear the Yai yaa can Bay IBIS |o pieces, yet Firestone High , ■ . Speed Tires “eome baek" on tke g—lag new roestone straightaways. Not onee during the _ entire raee did a tire fail. Ipeed Ite at ear Surely this i* the most amazing proof ever known of Extra present law prices Strength. SAFETYand dependability. Call on the Firestone Service Dealer and snve ntonev. or Service Store nearest you L TODAY. Eonip your ear with New I l ———— —Jj Firestone High Speed Tires for 1934. See FbmSeno Air Beßeon Tire* mode nt the Firestone Foetmy end * KriMbWen BuiMing Forid’s Foir, CMcugo F Uri— 8e the Foiee o/ Firestone every Tl a v I Monday Jttgbt over JV. B. C-FLU No—orb. I . AIRMAIL ROUTES NOW AVAHABEE TO HARDIN On and After July 1 Connect Daily at Either Billings or Sheridan. There is now a daily airmail route from Billings to Denver by Sheridan, Wyo., and Cheyenne. Airmail letters mailed at Hardin will be placed on plane either out of Billings or Sheridan, thus placing patrons ot the Hardin postoffice oh a direct airmail line to all points. The postoffiice department has reduced the airmail letter rate from eight cents for the first ounce and 13 cents for each ad ditional ounce or fraction, to a straight rate of six cents for each ounce or fraction, thus more than putting the rate in two, effeetiive Sunday, July 1. There is also a daily airmail route from Billings west, reaching all points north and south. Mail planes leave Billings shortly after noon, daily. On the Billings-Denver route, planes cross the Big Horn valley between Hardin and the Big Hom canyon, to the south of St. Xavier. Jack Riggs, Cecil Ross, Frank Dorhberger and John Mielke left Sunday morning by auto on a week's tour of the Yellowstone National Park. the thorns plentiful, but they had a wonderful time including a blow-out and patching a tire. Mr. and Mn. Paul McDonald and children, Marine and Bobby, motored here Monday from Tulsa, Okla., on a several days’ visit at. the home of his father, W. E. McDonald, and aunts, Miss Mattie McDonald and Mn. Whiter L Riggs, Lorraine Reyburn and Jack Riggs. His paternal grandmother, Mn. Frances Pool, 82, who mate* her home with her daughter. Miss Mattie McDonald at the Kendrick house, is in very poor health, i;. There will be a public dance at the Wolf hall, in the Saipy sec tion, Saturday night, June 30, to which all candidates for of fice are invited > The Hardin Rebekah lodge de sires to thank all those who ifei any way helped to make the dj*- trict convention of June 23 a si|d cess. AU>HA REBEKAH LODGE NO. $6 By Committee. • • FRIED CHICKEN DINNERS i With All the Trimmings—- •• • • WHEN IN LODGE GRASS EAT AT THE NELSON CAFE ? 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE AGAINST ALL ROAD HAZARDS Effective today Fire stone guarantees their complete line of tires against all road hazards for twelve months. In addition,. Firestone gives pn4 dustry lifetime warj ranty against defects in workmanship .and materials. When tued in entn : merciol *be— fire* are gNar—rteed /or six mondbs. । e The following Firestone dealers • V . are prepared to serve you: .* Big ’ * Bom Gars|gi| HARDIN, MONT. PAGE THREE