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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
PAGE FOUR ttnnnnannssaasaßß LODGE GRASS ttttattanattattßttUßßtt Tex Glover of Cody was a Lodge Grass caUer, Monday. Mrs. Eva Knapp spent several days In Billings, last week. Miss Marjorie Ranger and R. P. Roundtree were Sheridan callers, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Pease and daughter were Billings callers, Wednesday. Leslie Hartley of Cleveland. Ohio, Is a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Adams. Mrs. Zimmerman and Billy Ruth returned from a trip to Texas, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Forman and Miss Elsie -Brock were Sheridan callers, Monday. Miss Clara Olds left last week on a trip to Seattle, where she will visit her brother. Miss Neva Brockway is spending a few days in Billings with her cousin, Montana MoGonegal. V Mr. and lifts. Fern Owen and Mrs. Marie Bailey attended to business in Lodge Grass, Tuesday. T. H. BURKE E> E. COLLINS BURKK a GWJJNg LAWYERS . Hardin Office Davo: Ist Tuesday. let and Xrd Thursdays of each month and every Saturday. Y OdßeebT«Mt WH Baric BWg. wctwwmhosw qiyarij WITT WRdgWHU Waft a SpeotHW MMWII MB Loes Wbm «. R. HARMNB&SPfTAL COMMUNITY INSTTFUTIOPi Nr* < RdWMwaMa Rates Flmsm *5-W ML VWERBR W. WMF Mb rwaM Office in Esa— ever Poctaffiee Phea n - Hard*. MM >BB*B>RtSBSBI •TntTTt EXAMINATION *ene • aaMuan Mack tomswum—woes—< E.A.LAMMBERS M.UMHNG - GAS WITYING Ptee Stab Weed WATKRWBLL DRILLING PUMPS AND REPAIRS SDLDBBING PHONE IM ■' j'? ;■ .•*%•; ' ! ’ Neuritit |J|j|||||g« Backache Rheumatism Sciatica Here*Smiling Relief. .. • Meat of your suffering from common every-day aches and mateo-ie uaneceaaary and unvise. Unnecessary, because Dr. MUeo' TlilM frill Pills relieve quickly and without unpleasant after eflacta; unwise, because pain makes your physical condition worse dpptaad of better. Ooe pili usually brings relief in a few minutes. * * yen sufcr from any of the disorders Hstsd above, take Dr. MAOS' Dari Ws»n Pills, H they do not give you greater relief in |qs jhw> anything else you have used, go to your druggist - sBwWBEFmd aseney back. t Anostawe <rf Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Ptlh in yowr —dir inn cabi **■****• mMna SJ -W Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes of I Sherdan, spent Sunday at the I home of her sister, Mrs. Cal Buck , ingbam. ‘ Mrs. F. A. McVae, Mrs. Clarence । and sons, Donald, Walter and ■ Clarence, were Billings callers, Wednesday. Mrs. A. G. Westwood and Geral dine entertained the Ladies' Aid ,in the social room of the Baptist (church, Thursday. Miss Montana McGonegal of Billings, was a house guest of Miss Dolores Thompson, several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Johnston and children, of Laurel, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Forman. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson left Monday lor a trip through Yellowstone park and Grand Te ton national park. Mrs. Jim Holly and children and Mrs. Vern Thompson, and children spent the week-end at the Gardner cabin in the canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bouton and children and Mrs. Carrie Baldwin were guests. Sunday, at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown at ■Dayton. Loyd Blowe broke his shoulder and two ribs, Saturday night, in a car accident. Lynn Severance took him to Hardin. Sunday, for medical attention. Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Swaby and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Corkins and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Swaby of Hardin, left Friday, for a trip through Yellowstone park. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Davis and family, of Hathaway, were in the Lodge Grass vicinity, recently. Hardin CiMc ******* Hospital Building raw L. H. Labbitt, M. D. D. M. Strang, M. D. Office Plume 100 NOTICE OF SALE In the Wtostet Court of Um- Thlr terath Judicial DkUrk-t of the State of Montana in and for the County IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS B. WOODLEY. De- Notice to hereby civen that our ■uant to the Order of Sale of real estate Maned bv the Judae ot the above entitled court on July 5. I»S4. the undersimed. the administrator of the estate of Thomas B. Woodley, deceased. Will on July l«th. IXX4. sell at orivate sale to the hichest bidder unon the terms hereinafter stated, the followinr real nrooerty belonrina to the said estate, to-wit: East one-half of the Northwest Quarter (E 44 NWU >. North one-half of the Southwest Quarter (NUSWU). Section twelve <ll.l. Townshio nine (•' South of Hanae thirty-four (141 East in Bia Horn County. Montana. The terms of the sale will be as follows: The assumotlon bv the pur chaser of the mortaase now arainst the said nremises wMch asarerates anoroximatelv X 2250.00. the further sum of <500.00 cash, and the sum of not less than *ISS.«O on October Ist. 1014. <125.00 on January. Ist. 10X5. XXOO.OO on Mav 22nd. 10X5. and a similar sum of OXOO.OO on the 22nd day of each Mav thereafter until the full nurchase orice has been said, with interest on all deferred nav menta at the rate of five (61 percent per annum: all of the above deferred payments to be secured bv a real es tate mortnure unon the premises subject onlv to the first mortrsure now upon the same: bids must be in writing and delivered to the under- Maned at his rertdenoe near Wyola Montana, net l?ter than the date of. The purchaser must deposit at' least ten fio> oer cent of the amount of the .bld at the time as sale and the balance unon coottouiation of the Court provided that If a mortsase to taken for the balance of the pur chase arlce that the notes and mort eaae. securinc the same, be executed and delivered upon the confirmation of the sale bv the Court. Dated July sth. A. D JMi. , E. C. WOODLEY. Administrator of the estate of Thomas B Woodley, deceased. Pub. July «. IX. I>M. Nauralpia Neuritis Backache fH( HARBIN TRIBUNB-HERALD looking for pasture to lease. Mr. : Davis is a brother of Arthur Davis ■of Wyola. The Honorable Scott Leavitt of Great Falls has accepted an Invi tation to deliver an address on the occasion of laying the corner etone of the church building, Sun day. July 15th. Mr. Leavitt will speak on “Foundations and Vital Issues of Government." This will Cake place at Wyola. The funeral of Mrs. Wilbur Dethlesoh was held Sunday at the Chivers Memorial church. Rev. Anna Petzoldt was in charge of the service. The Legion trio of Hardin, accompanied by Mrs. Dan Maddox, sang several lovely se lections. The pall bearers were. Robert J. Miller. Jim Holly, C. A. Gardner, Mr. Stanton of Crow Agency, P. R. Farman and E. L. Kelley of Hardin. Mrs. Dethlef son was then taken to Sheridan for burial. William M. Green, who for the past 19 years has been a resident of Lodge Grass, died at the Sheri dan hospital, Sunday, at the age of 55 years. He is survived by a widow and 12 children, seven daughters—Mrs. H. P. Todd of lowa. Fern, Eleanor, Myrtle, Iris and Betty, of Lodge Grass, and Mrs. Floyd Pippen of Sheridan, and five sons—Fred. Walter, Charles and William, of Lodge Grass, and John Green, of Cali fornia. The arrangements for the funeral have not yet been made. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY 19:00 Sunday school. 11:00 Morning worship. Ser mon, “The Talents." 7:00 &Y.P.U. 8:00 Evening services; segmop,' “The Source of the Believers* Hope." S” 1 There will be special music both' morning and evening. Come and worship with us. REV. HOWARD OAHt, Pastor. Paris Green gt 31- RDER HARDWARE CO. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL-ESTATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE’ OF GEORGE W. BARTLETT. De ceased. ” ‘ Notice to hereby elven, that. In our suance ot an order duly made bv said court on Uie 6th day of July. IM4. in the matter of the estate of Georare W. Bartlett, deceased, the under-s stoned. Administrator of said estate. , "l n JSfl Drir ate sale, to the high- I est bidder, uoon the terms and con ditions hereinafter mentioned, and' subject to confirmation bv said court,' on or after the 2«th day of July. 1114. all the rtoht. title, interest of the es tate of the said Georee W. Bartlett deceased, at the time of his death., in and to the followine described orooertv. to-wit: The South half (8U) of Lots Num ber Etehteen and Nineteen (IX A IS> of Hardin Sub-division of the Citr of Hardin. Bto Horn County. Mon tana. At least ten ner eent (It'S,) of the nurchase money must be naid before time of the eale and the balance on confirmation of sale. All bids or offers must be in writ inr and mav be left at the office of Bert W. Kronmiller. Administrator of said estate, at Hardin. Montana, or mav be filed In the office of the clerk of this court at any-time after U>e tint oubUcation of <his notice, and before the magina of the sale. Dated at Hardin. Montana, this Sth day of July. I<X4. , B?HT W. KRONMILLER. Administrator of the Estate of Georse _ W. Bartlett, deceased. Pub. July 4. IX. 2>. lUI. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION [ In the DUtgrt -CeuM of the Thir of Bic Bcm. i LUCILLE R- GROSS, also known as LUCILLE ROSE GROSS. Plaintiff. H „ E /kn®™ as ’ HARRY E? BOWMAN. and EFFIE M. BOWMAN. his wife: A. H. BOWMAN and ANNA H. BOW MAN. hia wife: GLADYS HEIN RICH. Executrix of the Estate of William Helnrich.deceaaed: FRANK B. GROBS and HAZEL BAKER GROSS, hia wife: CARL W. GROSS, husband of LUCILLE R. GROSS. Otherwise known as LUCILLE ROSE GROSS: ROBERT YELLOWTAIL, administrator of the Estate of Clara Spotted Horae or Mrs. Robert Yellowtail, deceased: and all other persons, unknown, claiming or who might claim any right, title, estate, or interest in. or lien or encum brance upon, the real property de scribed in the complaint, or anv thereof, adverse to plaintiff’s ow nership. or anv cloud noon plaint iff's title thereto, whether such claim or possible claim be present or contingent. Including any claim or possible claim or dower, incho ate .or accrued. Defendants. THE STATE OF MONTANA TO THE ABOVE - NAMED DEFENDANTS AND TO ALL OTHER PERSONS UNKNOWN: GREETING: You are hereby summoned to an swer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a cony of which is herewith served upon vou. and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiff’s attorney within twenty (Hi days after the service of thia siimmons. exclusive of the day of service: and in case of your failure to appear or answer, iudsment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in this complaint. This action is brought for the purpose of Quieting title in the plaintiff to thv land s:tu •*«l J" »*« Horn County. Montana, end described as follows: The north half of theasutheast quar ter of Meetion Twenty-one and all that part of the northwest quarter of the southwest Quarter of Section Twenty two tan* west of the County Road as the same is naw laid out and estab “MfC •*" **2,*£f** *** mid north- A M*a**x. Attorney f dP \lxJThe WEEK'S NUVSI CATCH FOB A MILLION DOLLAR { I SMALL BOY—Charles PIECK—If the United 7, weighing should resume minting gel^gt^yv « -** pounds, ■ and If It should ! A' ’ Wr hooked this cldo to coin ’ : V W 20 * ,MU " 4 *•* dollar gold alocoa^^^H^^^L' T *" d ‘ h »« * what onoV^* H *fGi ' landed H sin- would look like. It toH mln- toe. » Inched uteo. and would wo। ’■ 7 ’ 9 r ' i 1 PACENAKEg > TTVy'MMW 1 - - SWWN - Tho LaEolle oCremn- ■ “"• d PPWtoW**'- whisk lad the ■ *•moas ig 1 si MW Qodeaol a I a Motor* B-Udto* at a Century MaMlirall.' rail EPEEBETKR — MtosV. $ streamlined train is tha ZepOS-! Un, new being built by G*dyoa.- Zen. ■ polin th* Ra-LiadJ . a 4A*ninut* between Boytoni and Providence. Unusual features InJ e’nto a oower unit at each *mL and 1 rubber throughout as shock abeorberaJ you de H Ilka ' *’**'*’ te Mart* of mN* shews 4»ar Unanhneue ooehigg method* tM tomovul df Major | N RENO—Mr*.'curtto B. Ms' General SenjemlnD.Foulole Ball, toughter of the Pneal time grrtty wol? * •**» *L**±? V * Sr *"‘* ** ••»•***•< *<- toontowotoes. ■ ... I w.»4.. ediaaglug her FUgNT **• InyeoßgadNyoammlt- Rm. to eugaatod. Bb* 4* T p--—-vr-fl-riwAw Mavia*a(Cer. l«ae mg t- sAmmr with Aar to* ahH- —w-ffgj- J toney end mtomanaganont drea, Atotie and ■umie. ■ MEN-WON|SN: Over 18, under M, good iMßlth. who can qualify, DRASTIC PRKiRBXRMONS UP TO BRING j J CMNMOVr ’ 5 lo the record low price of HEW IEIICEI NICES STANDARD MODELS "uswEmumsi import Roadster IMS fl* 35*7737. './cm m Coupe , CM 29 MASTER MODELS Spurt Roadster... ...•••••••••• 9M M Cea* IM M Town Sedan MS fl Sedan Ml IS Coups 9M M Spout Coupe CM M Sw4BQ DWtilWy. ..evesssssssssosssss 433 45 COMMERCIAL CAM CMMOBMOIbI ovooaoboeoe« BBS '33 Utility Long Cteeste .- .7 SU 99 Dual Long Ctesfie 9M SC Utßicy fßuuni. sad Cob MI M DtaslCtaneis and Cab....» .IM M UIMMy Loeg rhuou end Cob Mg M Due 1 Long Chassis and Qsb C 29 M CouMneedqiyiMMl IM M Spectai rimmmrtalWuiei. IM M JUIMu PM* "I • n—i rwh end AM M IMLanfSbandMete Mk MP M to DU VEcapcles caaued by death, iretiremept, expanMon. travdl- WAlMtojlOTOt to fog. Write W ERM for penonai Intervle. Box Ml thia paper. Ipd M 65 AND IM. 9. O. B. PUNT. MICHIO AM Reductions amounting to as meuth as amat sub stantial price eats announced in the ime pcioefiaUAia yepr—have dropped Chev rolet's base yrioe to a new low figure of >465. Just compare thia price—compare any Chevrolet price—with tteae of otter caas. 'Then ootqpare what you get far what yqn pay! Then’ll be no queetkm is yiuririnil which see to buy. Chevrolet <An patented Katt tetian —end often do anti The aaata thfa« brakMu fram. ochM |k ar pay tote w*H. i tWWMWNMBtoSmtoaMAra.' FRIDAY, JULY A 19M