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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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PAGE SIX :: HARRIET THEATRE - FRIDAY - SATURDAY, JULY 6 - 7 EDWAxRD EVERETT HORTON in “THE POOR RICH" SUNDAY - MONDAY, JULY S - 9 GEORGE ARLISS in "THE HOUSE OF ROTHCHILD" ALSO ‘ MICKEY MOUSE" TUESDAY - WED. - THURS., JULY 10-11-12 GRETA GARBO In "QUEEN CHRISTINA" COMING SOON— WILL ROGERS IN “David Harum” ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF LAST SESSION CONGRESS Many Important Measures Were Added to Statutes During Long Session. The major accomplishments of the second session of the 73rd congress are: 1. Made record appropriations of $5,200,000,000, more than half of which was set aside for aid to the destitute. The sum amounts to S4O for every man, woman and child in the United States. 2. Passed the stock market con trol bringing the nation’s securi ties exchanges under federal regu lation. 3. Passed reciprocal tariff bill authorizing president to reduce or increase tariffs 50 per cent and make “Yankee" trade agree ments with other nations. 4. Passed gold reserve act re ducing gold content of the dol lar to 59.06 cents and establish ing a $2,000,000,000 stabilization fund by setting the price of gold at $35 an ounce. 5. Passed silver purchase bill authorizing nationalization of sil ver and establishing a bimetallic reserve composed of 25 percent silver and 75 percent gold. Use of legislation is discretionary. 6. Passed general revenue bill providing for taxation revenue of $417,000,000 annually. 7. Passed communications con trol bill placing the nation's radio, telephone and telegraph systems under federal regulation. 8. Passed administration air mail bill establishing a new policy of air mail contract awards and appointing a commission to study the matter and report back to the next congress with recom mendations for correcting legisla tion. 9. Passed treaty navy construc tion bill authorizing building of fleet to strength prescribed by London naval treaty. 10. Passed farm relief measures = TO THE VOTERS OF BIG HORN COUNTY: We are now undergoing a period of reconstruction and I believe you will agree that it is the duty of every citizen to get their J shoulder to the wheel and help. Our government is trying to assist in getting us back on our II feet and assisting with large amounts of capital for roads, schools. L irrigation systems, etc., and it largely depends on the board of County r Commissioners to put up a fight and get whatever is at all possible I for the benefit of our county and taxpayers and a lift to our unem- U ployed without it all coming out of the coffers of Big Horn County. j I believe a Commissioner should be conscientious in line with oui 1 new deal, have business ability and a fighting spirit to fight for what funds are available tor construction and not take no for an answer. ’ I believe we should live within our income and use all possible measures of economy but with economy good, sound judgment should prevail. I have no set hobby to enforce or no certain community to bet [ ter and believe in spreading our county funds where they belong. Am interested in farming and live stock to the extent of being one of the larger taxpayers in the western part of the county. I have had 14 years’ experience in dealing with the public as a • Stat 3 Humane officer and do assure the taxpayers that all personal benefits will be laid aside and work for the taxpayers’ benefit. lam 43 years of age, married, have four daughters from 10 to . 20 years of age that have graduated from high school and attending ' the public schools at Pryor and have been for years. Punched cows in Big Horn county when it was part of Yellowstone and for the last 8 years have lived and operated a stork ranch in Pryor Gap, Big Horn County. . The west end of our county has to my belief never had a repre sentative in county affairs and I don’t feel that the voters will be selfish and refuse to support a west end man for County Commis , nioner. It is almost Impossible to personally visit you in the short time left, but will assure the voters that I will be grateful for their con sideration and support at the Primary election July 17. HARRY T. MANN, Pryor. Mont Candidate for County Commissioner on Democratic Ticket. PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT I —Bankhead cotton act to curtail ’ cotton production to 10,000,000 I bales for one year; measure bringing cattle under the agri culture adjustment act; bill plac ing sugar production and impor tations on quota basis. 11. Passed Home Owners Loan corporation bill guaranteeing the bonds of the HOLC and provid ing $200,900,000 for rehabilitation and modernization. 12. Crime bills—giving federal government power to act and punish cases of organized crime iby invoking the interstate com- I merce, mail and national bank ing laws. 13. Passed bill giving Phillip pine islands independence. 14. Passed bankruptcy acts— providing for adjustment of mu nicipal and corporation debts through revision of the present bankruptcy laws. 15. Passed a bill extending for one year temporary provisions of federal deposits Insurance bill and increasing government guarantee of deposits from $2,500 to $5,000. 16. Passed regular appropria tion bills. 17. Passed administration sub stitute labor resolution aimed at halting the threatened steel strike and averting other industrial con flicts. This was “must” on Presi dent Roosevelt’s list. 18. Passed bill to pay com pensation to widows and children of war veterans who served Nov. 12. 1918. 19. Passed $580,000,000 direct loans to industry bill to finance private corporations. 20. Passed credit unions bill permitting establishment of small co-operative savings and loan association in a specific neigh borhood or in a given industry. ♦ Charles W. Stocker, field man for the Sheridan district of the Holly Sugar Corporation, with Mrs. Stocker, motored here the first of the week to take in the Hardin Lions Stampede. THE HARDIN TRIBUNE-HERALD I Political I I Arr I । J STATE REPRESENTATIVE I wish to announce my candi dacy for State Representative on the’ Republican ticket subject to the will of the voters at the pri marv election. July 17. 1934. Your j ’-/3or will be appreciated. ■ 25-' E. L. JACOBSON STATE REPRESENTATIVE Having filed for the nomina- I tion for State Representative on i the Republican ticket. I will ap , preciate the support of the voters at the primary election, Tuesday, I 17.’ 1934. ROBERT A. VICKERS. * FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE i Elect a Democrat. • 24-5-p OMAR E. BEARSS ! STATE REPRESENTATIVE i I wish to announce my candi- I dacy for nomination on the Demo ! cratic ticket for representative in j the legislature from Big Horn ; county to succeed myself. Your I sttuuort will be appreciated. i 21-' ROBERT J. MILLER |FOR COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election, on the Republican ticket, for the office of County Clerk and Recorder, subject to the will of the voters at the pri mary election to be held Tuesday, July 17. 1934. If nominated and re-elected I will continue to conduct the af fairs of the office efficiently, eco nomically and courteously. HARRY E. COX. FOR COUNTYCLERK Having had several years exper ience in various types of office work, including that of assistant to the County Clerk and Recorder, I feel that I am qualified to per form the duties pertaining to such office. Therefore, I offer myself as a candidate for County Clerk and Recorder of Big Horn County, Montana, on the Repub lican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the Primary elec tion, July 17th, 1934. 25- M. RUTH TANNER FOR COUNTY TREASURER I wish to announce my can didacy on the Republican ticket for nomination to the office of county treasurer of Big Horn county, Montana, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election, Tuesday, July 17, 1934. I will appreciate your vote. 19- BERT SLATER. FOR COUNTY TREASURER I hereby announce my candi dacy on the Democratic ticket for the nomination and election to the office of treasurer of Big Horn county. Montana. I heartily solic it your support which will be greatly appreciated. 24-5-p W. E. G. HUMPHRIES FOR COUNTY SHERIFF I wish to announce my candi dacy. on the Republican ticket, for the office of County Sheriff, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election to be held Tuesday, July 17, 1934. If nominated and elected, the deputies I appoint will be taxpay ers in Big Horn county. 52 - JOHN H. KIFER FOR SHERIFF For the earnest consideration of the voters at the Republican primaries, I most respectfully sub mit my name as a candidate for the nomination for the office of Sheriff of this county. Loyalty to all. Favors to none. I solicit your support. 2i- same, McDowell FOR SHERIFF I wish to announce that I have filed for the Republican nomina tion for sheriff of Big Horn county at the primary election July 17, 1934. I will appreciate the support of the voters. 25 ~ J. A. PERRY ♦ FOR SHERIFF I wish to announce my candi dacy for sheriff on the Republi can ticket in the Primary election July 17. I will appreciate your support and will give my best ef forts to the office if elected. 25- E. A. (AL) STEEN FOR SHERIFF I am a candidate for Sheriff of Big Horn county at the Demo cratic primary. Will appreciate your vote and if nominated, your continued support at the general election. J. w. WASSON. Stomach Sas _ . QaedawetAniaiinre quiet. • 1F wltme — Noatlac. client cat BOkM WWE low ttoa yw oft iKaaraa safe. FOR SHERIFF I wish to announce my candi dacy on the Democratic ticket for the nomination to the office of Sheriff of Big Horn County, sub ject to the will of the voters at the primary election, Tuesday, July 17th. 1934. Your vote will be appreciated. If nominated and elected I will pledge myself to run the office with strict economy, honesty, fair ness and courtesy to all. This is mv first time to run for any office. JESSE H. CRISWELL. ♦ FOR SHERIFF I wish to announce my candi dacy for nomination on the Dem ocratic ticket for Sheriff of Big Horn county, Montana. I will aopreciate your support. CLAUDE SMITH. * FOR SHERIFF I wish to announce my candi dacy for nomination on the Demo cratic ticket for sheriff of Big Horn county. Your support will be appreciated. 20- H. E. VANCE FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY I desire to serve Big Horn Coun ty as County Attorney. My name will appear on the Republican primary Ballot. Your support will be appreciated. D. L. EGNEW. FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY I hereby announce myself as a candidate on the Republican tick et for the office of County At torney of Big Horn county, sub ject to the will of the voters at the primary election Tuesday, July 17th. Your support will be ap preciated. 21- BERT W. KRONMILLER ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce my candi dacy for County Attorney on the Democratic ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election on July 17, 1934. Your vote will be appreciated. 21- CHARLES C. GUINN ♦ FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for county assessor on the Republican ticket at the primary election, July 17. Your support will be appreciated. HARVEY H. BARNETT. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I hereby announce my candi dacy on the Republican ticket for the office of county assessor. I will appreciate your vote at the primary election, July 17, 1934. If nominated and elected I will tomahawk your high taxes down to an equitable basis. I am positively against taxa tion of property to point of confiscation. RUSSELL WHITE BEAR ♦ FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I have tried to give you an equitable assessment the pastyear, and am a candidate again for county assessor on the Republican ticket. I will appreciate your sup port and if elected will continue to give all my best efforts. FRED E. MTT.T.RT? 22- County Assessor. * FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I hereby announce my candi dacy on the Republican ticket for the office of county assessor, sub ject to the will of the voters at the primary election to be held July 17, 1934. For an economical term and an impartial assessment. Your vote will be appreciated. A. C. SWEENEY. ♦ Electric range for sls. at EDER HDW. CO. “GREAT-- we’d like to go” •• • • pRIENDS suggest a ■ spur-of-the - moment party. They call those who can be reached quickly, by telephone. A telephone brings in vitations, runs many er rands, protects you in emergencies and is a constant convenience — all for a few cents a day. If you are without a telephone, why not get in touch with us today? •• • • Any emoloyee will take , tout order or call oar office. * The Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I wish to announce my candi dacy oh the Democratic ticket for the nomination to the of fice of county assessor of Big Horn county, Montana, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election, Tuesday, July 17, 1934. Your support will be appreciated. EARL CAMMOCK ♦ FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I wish to announce that “No body loves a quitter.” So H. B. (Mac) McDonald—Democrat— again is kindly soliciting your sup port at the primary election on Tuesday. July 17, for the above office. Holding a Commercial Di ploma from Valparaiso University. * —— FOR SUP'T OF SCHOOLS I hereby announce my candi dacy for Superintendent of Schools of Big Horn County, Montana, subject to the will of the Repub lican party at the Primary elec tion. July 17, 1934. Your support will be appreciat ed. LILLIE A. MACLEOD ♦ — FOR SUPT. SCHOOLS I, C. R. Stobaugh of St. Xavier, Montana, am a candidate of the Democratic party for the nomi nation for the office of County Superintendent of Schools of Big Horn County at the Primary nom inating election. Your vote will be appreciated. C. R. STOBAUGH, FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR I will appreciate your support at the Democratic Primary, July 17, 1934. 24 W. L. DILLON * FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR I am a candidate for re-election as County Surveyor on the Demo cratic ticket. As your County Surveyor I have tried to serve you faithfully. Don’t you think that “One good ‘term’ deserves another.” C. A. (CLIFF) RANDALL * We have Coal oil ranges for $15.95. EDER HARDWARE CO. 21 Volunteer Stores INDEPENDENTLY OWNED - PERSONALLY OPERATED SALE ITEMS FOR FRIDAY & SAT., JULY 6 AND 7 MACARONI & SPAGHETTI QUAKER A C 9 OZ. PACKAGE <> BAKING POWDER DB 2'/ 2 POUNDS 345 PEACHES “Mission" Yellow Cling or Sliced COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE POUND 3S< wheaties , [ c I A kJ “PARAGON” Strawberry QQc 38-OUNCE JAR OO ICE CREAM POWDER „ c PACKAGE “JELLO” CERTO “ BOTTLE MATCHES STRIKALITE Save Tops for Gum — CARTON ao c PEANUT BUTTER 2-POUND GL. PAIL Everything in Fruits and Vegetables Hardin Mire. Ci. Chambers Citi Gracery FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1934 MEAT ESSAY FIRST IN MON TANA IN NATIONAL EVENT Miss Phyllis Johnson of Big Timber Leads All Montana Contestants. Above is Miss Phyllis Johnson of Big Timber, Mont., whose es say, “Meat in the Low Cost Diet,” was first in the state of Montana in the eleventh annual meat story contest sponsored by the National Livestock and Meat Board. A total of 10,504 home economics students from 560 high schools of 47 states took part in this contest. Meals must meet several re quirements in these times, ac cording to Miss Johnson in her winning essay. The food must be nutritious; it must satisfy the ap petite, and it must furnish all body requirements, but at the same time it should be as econ omical as possible. "An advantage in buying meat,” Miss Johnson states, “is that there is a cut of meat to fit every bud get. Its value in the low-cost bud get is due to the fact that it is a good source of the food essentials, such as protein. Iron, phosphorus and vitamins. At the same time, it adds variety and flavor to a meal. Through the proper choice of meat, very appetizing and palatable meals can be served with a small expenditure of money.” FOR COUNTY CLERK I hereby announce my candidacy for County Clerk and Recorder on the Democratic ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election on July 17th, 1934. Your vote will be appre ciated. 2t LORRAINE REYBURN. ♦ FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE I hereby announce my candi dacy for Justice of the Peace on the Democratic ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the Primary Election on July 17, 1934. Your vote and support will be appreciated. 24- M. M. BROOKS