Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, JULY M, 1884 »W8a8«#S««#WW««« WYOLA NEWS Mr. and Mre. Jim Brown were W>oM callers, Tuesday. C. R. Btabonth attended to business in wyoia, Monday. Mrs. Leila Wattenburg returned Monday evening from Livingston. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Montgomery came down from Hardin, Tuesday, to vote. Tbe new bridge over the Little Horn river in tbe canyon, has boon Clay Wiley has been visiting at tbe home of his brother Ewln Wiley and Mrs. Wiley. Ray Powers returned Tuesday after spending the past week with his cattle on the mountain. Mr. and Ms. Henry Small of Crow Agency spent the week-end at their cabin in tbe canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones of Busby spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newhouse. Mr. and Mrs. Lindberge of Kansas are spending the summer at' the Withington cabin in the canyon. < Mrs. E. C. Robinson and Mrs. Berry Roberts spent Friday and Saturday at the Blankenship home at Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Morse and 'children of Hardin spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Davis. Miss Margaret Kyger of Ponca City, Okla., arrived Wednesday and is a house .guest of her aunt, Mrs. Henry Ulrich and Mr. Ulrich. Mrs. Otto Waldschmidt, Violet, Clara and Evelyn Schaubel and Clara Tschirgi attended .the dance at the Cricket Camp, last Wednes- day' evening. The Good Will dub enjoyed a swimming party Friday evening, . at the . Jack- Rabbit Crossing. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Eggart .and Mrs. Bob'* Newhouse accompanied ..the -group," • .. Mr. ;aps Mra--Marion Wlckliff of BiUlngs, -are guests at the home of Mr. Wlckliff’s'‘sister, Mrs; Bert . Schack, and. Mr. Schack. While down they will attend the Sheri dap rpdeo. Mr. -and Mrs, Frank Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Ebner. Taylor and Mar tha,. and Fred Burks were guests at a surprise birthday party Mrs. Charles Hopper gave for Charles. Hardin Clinic Labbitt Hospital Building GLASSES FITTED L. H. Labbitt, M. D. *D. M. Strain M. D. ' Office Phone 100 T. H. BURKE E.E. COLLINS BURKE & COLLINS . LAWYERS Gay Buildlnr. Hardin . Securities Buildin*. Billinas Hardin Office Davs: Ist Tuesday. Ist and 3rd Thursdays of each month and every Saturday. STANLEY A. YERGEY —INSURANCE— Equitable Life Assurance Society ofthe United States Aeta* Hie Insurance Co. Office in First Natl Bant Bldg. LUCY WINN HOSPITAL Formerly LABBITT HOSPITAL Obstetrical Work is Specialty PHONE 100 Lucy Winn R. N. HARDIN HOSPITAL Modern — Steam Heated COMMUNITY INSTITUTION Mrs. Lucille Dow, R. Reasonable Rates Phone 95-W DR. VERNON W. WOLF Osteopathic Physictan Country and Night Calle Promptly Answered . Office .in Rooms over Postoffice Phen M - Hardin, Moat nuuttununununu Dr. L. E. Haverfield Physician and Surgeon 01m BuWlwi Block Office Phene M Residence Phene IM aUtttt tt »tt tt tt it tt tt it tt it tt DR.RANSIER DENTIST X-Ray Work EXAMINATION FREE Phone * Sullivan Rieck E. A. LAMMERS PLUMBOra ‘-HAS FITTING '. PineSlpbWeod WATER WBLLDKILUNG PUMPS AND REPAIRS SOLDERING PHONE 114 hrse raftebt crurob SEBV3CEB NEXT SUNDAY 10:00 Bunday school. 11:00 Morning womhip; sermon, “What Is Wrong With tbe Church?’’ Special music. 7:00 B. Y. P. U. 0:00 Evening service; sermon, “Who’s in tbe Kingdom?” We have services each Sunday and we are glad to have any one attend. We aim to help all who need help. We wish to serve. REV. HOWARD CAIN, Pastor. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science services at Pine Lodge, Sunday morning at Sunday school at 10 o’clock. The 11 o’clock. Subject, “Life.” The public is cordially invited to at- The M. E. Ladies’ Aid met Thursday of last week at the M. E; parsonage with Mrs. John Bennett as hostess. After the business meeting a social session was had and hmch was served. Owing to the hot weather the aid will be In vacation until further Big Horn county. IBs head notice. Good Roads ia Canada « Motorists In Canada can travel'on surfaced roads a total equal to almost four times the circumference of tbe earth. Miss Arina Christiansen-of Oma ha, with Gate and Howard De Witt, of Rushville,' Nebr., spent several days with Miss Christian sen’s brother, Chris Christiansen and Mrs. Christiansen at their cabin in the canyon. Hectic Days- < ; ■■Sleepless Nights|li|| * * * fIHHHHUH TOO MUCH work, too much mental- strain, too - much worry • ... .then “NERVES”. How they torture you. tire you, keep you awake nights! - “NERVES” make you irritable, restless; give you Headache, Indigestion... .“NERVES” make you look and feel 01d... .weaken resistance and pave the way for serious nervous or organic trouble. J. M. Foster, a druggist, suffered tortures from Over-wrought Nerves. He had dozens of so called “Nerve Remedies” in his store. One by one he tried them without relief until.... But let Mr. Foster tell his experience in his own words. I THE WHOLE COUNTRY We’ve'never seen huge success—car owners vj /X/ have flocked in and bought Y K ¥ G-3’s these last ten weeks. rj flfl And G-3 users report the tire is better than we claim! ... Buy no tires before you Q see this wonderful new G-3 Goodyear All-Weather. 'You Gob—No Extra Cost: 43% Mor. Mile* of real non- S‘-.-J •kid safety . . . Flatter Wider Tread ... More Center Traction (14% more non-skid blocks)... Heavier Tougher.Trcad (average 7 « still amZyS: Bp of 2 lbs. more rubber) .. .Super twist Cord (supports heavier tread safely) ISSm ke laCHMMI run ii । ... Hm*- -QM»I • Another ' HARDIN AUTO and RS swco. ' Prtaumb^M«k2m < wMkMt H*mu. Smuu ' —Heu udm imu It mn .iMMiiuHnmmatanmuMmMißmimHUHtanHMßummnJ ■ FOURSQUABB <MUBCB - Come where tbe BHoIP to preach ed from cover to cored in tbe old fashioned way. Services as follows: Bunday school, 10:00, a da* far you. Morning worship, x Bunday evening, 7:45; aUbject, “The Gospel Call.” Special musical program. Tuesday evening, 7:40, deeper teaching. ■ Friday evening, 7:40, evangelis tic service. Come, a hearty welcome awaits you. _ DYAN TWINS, Plant G»«w« Frost Caterpillar The aweto, a New Zealand Cater pillar, develops with a parasitic fUngut In Its body that eventually causes a vegetable plant, sometimes eight inches in height, to grow from the back of its neck. The Word “Impeachment” The meaning of the word “impeach ment" Is accusation, and to say that a President was Impeached means that he was accused of certain acts by a method laid down in the Constitution. Andrew Johnson was so impeached, but was acquitted. Hoag Kong Hong Kong is an Island about 11 miles long, two to five miles,wide, and about'27 miles in circumference, and lies off the coast of Kwangtung prov ince at the mouth of the Canton river. It is a British Crown colony, of which the city of .Victoria is the capital, and was ceded to the British by the Chinese in 1841. Hong Kong harbor Is one of the finest and most -beauti ful In the- world, having an area of 10 square miles. " ■ "I think Dr. Miles’ Nervine is the best nerve medicine made, and that q better one cannot be made. Dr. Miles' Nervine was the only medi cine on the shelf or in the prescription case that put me on my feet." J. M. Foster, Druggist Marysville, Ohio. T DR. MILES’ \ervine V LIGiUIO THE HARBIN T Rl ■ u Nt-H ■ R ALB BIG BORN COUNTY NOW IN TOM DROUGHT AREA Relief Leans May Be Made to Farmers to Purchase Feed Fer Livestock. A telegram received by tbe Har din Tribune-Herald from U. B. Senator B. K. Wheeler at Wash ington, announces that Big Hom county has been added to the list of counties placed in the pri mary drought area in which re lief loans may be made through the farm credit administration to farmers to purchase feed tor live stock and for production of for age crops. The farm credit administration announces that 64 additional counties in six states have been added to the list of primary emergency drought counties. The additions were made in -Cali fornia, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, Idaho and Montana. Feed and forage loans in primary drought areas, which now include all of North and South Dakota and parts of 16 other states, are be ing made from a portion of a $525,000,000 fund appropriated by congress. The loans are being made to applicants threatened with loss of their stock because, of drought and who, are unable to obtain credit from other sources. The new emergency loans are not to be confused with the feed and forage loans which will be made in emergency drought coun ties. These new loans just an nounced, can be made only in the following counties: Big Horn, Car bon, Daniels, Golden Valley, Mus selshell, Park, Petroleum, Phillips, Richland, Roosevelt, Sheridan, Stillwater, Sweetgrass, Treasure, Valley, Wheatland and- Yellow stone. These are the counties designated.. by. the Federal - gov ernment as secondary drought counties. : £n these 17 counties the maxi mum amount ■ whjch may be loaned under the new emergency loan regulations for each class of farm - animals is as follows: feed for work stock $4.0(1 per head per month;, for cattle $3.00;' for hogs, $1.00; and for sheep and goats, 75 cents. All loans will be ad vanced in one payment and may not be made for a feeding period extending beyond September 1, 1934. All loans for feed for live stock and for summer fallow must be secured by a first lien on livestock fed or the crops financed. - Ili® «M|*ACTKNI tops a 22-year record of engineering progress 4 that makes Chevrolet the best riding car in the knema inwMfiMmjn low-price field ' ■ ■ FIRST v —J|HL>q Year after year, .it’s been the same ta *■ low price HnM wMi AMjjjjpiF Mory . Cbevrolet first with the ™ E “IMTARIW NEWEST and BEST! Self-starter! Sliding gear tram- NRST with the SLIDING mission! Modern streamlined design! And now, this OSAR TRANSMISSION year, comes the climax of Che vrolet’s engineering leader - FIRST uMk the ship: the Knee-Action ride! No other ride in the world SAMI I GAS TANK can even compare with it—for comfort, stability, safety FIRST with and sheer downright enjoyment. It makes Chevrolet far MODERN DYNAMIC UNIS and away the best riding car in the low-price field. FIRST with • NO DRAFT VENTILATION CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Compare Otemteft low dotioeni price! and my G.M.A.C. swum A Genend Moton Kabe CHEVROLET®! . V KALBERG MOTOR CO. ■ HEW-' HARDIN, MONT. x: STATE TREASURY GAINS FROM LIQUOR PROFITS Reports From 65 Stores Shew a Net Profit of $154311.67. Hardiß, $327.66, Helena, July 14— (Special to the Hardin Tribune-Herald)—A net profit of $327.68 since its opening was shown by the Hardin liquor store, according to a report of the Montana Liquor control board for the period ending May 31, which was released here late last week. r Net profits up to May 31 from the 65 stores now in operation throughout the state totaled $154,- 311.07, the report showed. None of the stores which have been in operation a month or more failed to show a profit and only four of the fifteen which appear in the report for the first time with this report showed a loss. Butte still heads the list for the net profit, having contributed $22,913.70 to the one hundred fifty thousand dollar figure. Stores which showed a net profit of more than two thousand dollars up to May 31 are: Helena, $lB,- 803.88; Gfreat Nalls, $18,65731; Billings, $13,659.05; Missoula, $lO,- 204.30; Glasgow, $7,332.73; Miles City, $6371.96; Livingston, $4,- 01238; Anaconda, $3,884.52; Kalis- Its Great To Lose Fat and Fed Years Younger We picked, out this letter for fat folks to read to-day—read, ev ery word. . “I give .you my full permission to print this letter, I used Krus chen Salts for reducing. I lost 30 lbs.,, since I -have been taking it. I praise it to everybody I know that is fat. And* I also feel years younger.” Miss Edna Hunn, Al giers, La. A. jar of Kruschen Salts lasts 4 weeks and the cost is trifling. Are you taking. Salts to reduce or to please your palate? Just try Kruschen for a month —besides losing fat you’ll gain in physical attractiveness—skin grows clear—eyes sparkle with health. Take a half a teaspoonful -in a glass of hot water before break fast every morning—you feel cool er in hot weather—get it at Sib ley Drug Co. dr any drugstore in the world. . pen, $330132; Havre, $232239; Malta, $2,690.97; Boaeman, $3347.- $9; Shelby, $2315.75; Lewistown, $231410; Dillon, $2,00438. Anticipation of an income of nearly a million dollars per year from the sale of liquor was indi cated by the report. This will mean, it was pointed out, that nearly one-half million dollars per year will be allocated to the state relief fund and a like amount to the general fund of the state. This arrangement will be effective until February, 1935, when the funds now allocated to the re lief fund will be divided among the counties. Aided Wart Fatal It was under the taaeWafa of OoL Jared Mansfield (the surveyor of the town in Richland county, Ohio, that bears his name) that the famous mill, tary school at West Point got Ite start In the beginning years of the last cen tury. $850.00 *350.00 For the arrest and conviction to LTVESTOeR AND WOOL THIEVES And of Vioiatore of Other Laws Hereinafter Mtnllaned |)q |j_ 810 HOHN COUNTY LTOEBTOCK ASSOCIATION The Big Horn County Ltvesteck Association offers a reward of fitt.oe for information leading to the appre hension and conviction of any person or persons for the larceny' of any livestock or wool owned by any paid up member of this Association or the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons for arson in the burning of any property belonging to any paid-up member as. thia Associa tion or tor the commisuion of an ag gravated assault upon any-employee of any paid-up member of this Asso ciation waile in the discharge of his luty by any person while' engaged la my attempt to commit any said lar ceny or arson. ■ Such offer of reward shall apply to any such crime any time upon or betv een the let day of January, 1934, and the Ist day of January, 1936. ' PROVIDHD. HOWEVER, That In formatton upou which suitih ’ reward may be dalm<-d must be Imparted to the County Attorney' or the'Bheriff of the county In which the .crime was committed or to a member of the executive committee of the Big- Hora County Livestock Association not later than January 1, -1986; PROVIDED FURTHER That Where such information is given to' ahy of -the above persons by two br qioro persons, simultaneouidy, then this re wsrd shall be proportioned share and share alike to such persons giving such information. . PROVIDED FURTHER That no of ticer of this State nor the owner of the property against • whom tach crims was committed Shall be eligible to claim or to receive such reward. JOHN P. TURNER, .. Secretarv- PAGE THREE