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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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PAGE FOUR THE GREAT DROUGHT The year 1934 is the driest and hottest that has Deen recorded for; 70 years. The great west of the 1 United States Is passing through. experiences that are terrible. The United States weather bur- | eau says draughts, hurricanes and; cyclones are caused by continued disturbances of circulation of the ■air. These phenomenal conditions upset all weather calculations. The president proposes to use all his power with the government to help farmers and other suf ferers. Already about 2.500.000 head of cattle have been purchased, most of them In Montana, and an agricultural department statement says that more than 90.7 per cent of all beef animals bought in this state, which would otherwise have died from thirst or starved, have been saved and turned into meat. Likely another 2.500.000 bead of cattle will be purchased by the government, and the Agricultural Adjustment Administration in a recent statement tells how these drought cattle are being handled by the big packers and converted Into canned and frozen beef for relief purposes. The plan is simi lar to that carried out with pigs that were slaughtered by the mil lions. The present program will continue the policy of controlling supply and demand, and relief and full co-operation by the govern ment. In full confidence that the “new order” is better than the “old way” the president is resisting public criticism of his policies. It is easy to agree with Hearst (but only once in a great while) when he decided for “his half-of all-the-people" that "President Roosevelt has a complicated and highly technical job to perform.” Anyhow, all our hearts are beat ing in sympathy for the drought suffers. There will be time enough to discuss Roosevelt’s pro gram later on. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS OF BIG HORN COUNTY. MONTANA (Continued from Pace Three) The minutes of the previous nn et inc were read and approved. The board continued to examine applications and consult the tax rolls. The board received the application of John H. Davis of Sioux City. lowa, which was nresented bv H. W. Bun ston. as authorized agent and attor ney for said John H. Davis, for a re duction in valuation of all of See. 2 T. IN. R. 30E. . The board reduced the valuation of the improvements to 31000.00. The application of Chase Ijwrence for a reduction in the valuation if improvements on W2SE4 Sec. 24 T. 4S. 32E. was received by the board, and the valuation of said improve ments was reduced to 3500.00. The application of Chase Inwrence for a reduction in valuation of the west 40 feet of Dots 7 & 8 Blk. 13, O. T. Hardin: west 50 feet of I.ots 7 & 8 Block 4 Third Addn. to town of Hardin: Lot 1. Blk. 20. Fourth Addn. to Hardin and Lot 14. Blk 11. Highland Park Addn. to - he town ot Hardin, was rejected by th? board. There being no further onsiness. the board adjourned to meet Jiilv 28. 1934 . APPROVED: B. H. McCARTY. Chairman. * HARRY E. COX. County Clerk. EQUALIZATION TERM July 28th. 1934. Hardin. Montana. The board met this da” all mem bers beiner present. including the •county clerk. The minutes of the previous meet* ine were read and approved. The board continued to examine applications and to consult the tax rblls. There being? no further business. Enjoy Your Labor Day Trip on New Goodyears Stopping to change tires in heavy traffic spoils a holiday—not to mention the risk. Better put on new Goodyears— World's most popular tires—then your car will be safely equipped also for the fall and winter to follow. Today's prices J are low—take advantage of them! Come 7L7 in, let us fix you up—at! sizes—all prices. 4 Sensational spEEDvrAy NEW Thick tough Cen- 1 JMHRRMftKI ter Traction lIX tread—FullOver- IjQl size —Built with Supertwist Cord IVI IXIhHI .. z V 30x3'4 "4.40 4-40-21 $4*95 GOODYEAR '5.20 ALL-WEATHERIMIWE '■■■"“ >4O See it! Let us explain 4.75-19 why de- 5.00-19 *6-05 ltvers*3%MoreMiles Pr|c „ , uh^;t , o cf Real Non-Skid. change without . .. . notice State Costs more to build u •d<Mtlonal’ but no more to buy! PUBLIC’S FIRST CHOICE TIRES FOR 19 YEARS BARDffI AUTO 4 SUPPLY CO. Phone 200 Hardin, Mont. I the board adjourned tn meet July 10. 1931. APPROVED: B. H. McCARTY. Chairman. I ATTEST: HARRY E.' COX. County Clerk. . EQUALIZATION TERM Julv 30th. 1934. Hardin. Montana, i Tiie board met this day. ail mvm bers beinn present. including the countv clerk. I t •' i.ciitesof the previous meet inc were read and approved. The board continued to examine applications and to consult the tax rolls. in the application of Arthur L. Hammond for a reduction in vulua ti »n of improvements on S?c. 10 T. 2N. R. 33E.. the board red nr -• : • improvements from 11000 to S7OO. There being no further business, the board adjourned to meet Julv 31. 1934. 1 APPROVED: B. H. McCARTY. Chairman. I ATTEST: HARRY E. COX. County Clerk. , EQEAIJZATION TERM , । Julv *3lst 193 4. Hardin. Montana. The board met this dav. ail mcm | bers being present, including; the ,; countv clerk. The minutes of the previous Jing were read and approv'd. , I The board continued lo examine I anniivat ons and to cms <>i h< l.<x ; rolls. li The application of F. J. and J. < . [ Kopriva for a reduction in valuation lof improvements on Lots 8 and 9. Blk. 8. Original Town of Hardin was •taken under advisement and a hear , ing was set for August 11. 1931. * There being no further business. • the board adjourned to meet August [ 1. 1934. , APPROVED: B. H. McCARTY. Chairman. I ATTEST: HARRY E. COX. Countv Clerk. EQUALIZATION TERM > ■ ■ -— i August I. 1934. Hardin. Montana. ' The board met this day. all mem- • bers being present, including the countv clerk. The minutes of the previous meet* ' ing were read and approved. The board continued to examine , appHctions and to consult the tax t I’here being no further business. [ the hoard adjourned to meet August i 2. 1934. ATTEST: HARRY E. COX Countv Clerk. . APPROVED: ' B. H. McCARTY. Chairman. ‘ ATTEST: HARRY E. COX. County Clerk. EQUALIZATION TERM “ August 2nd. 1934. Hardin. Mont. The board met this dav. all mem bers being; present, including; the countv clerk. The minutes of the previous meet ing; were read and approved. The board continued to examine applications and to consult the tax rolls. Tnere being; no further business, the board adjourned to meet as a regular board August 6. 193 4. APPROVED: B. H. McCARTY. Chairman. ATTEST: HARRY E. COX. Countv Clerk. EQUALIZATION TERM August 9. 1934. Hardin. Montana. The board met this dav. all mem bers being present. including the county clerk. The minutes of the nrevious meet ing were read and approved. The board continued to examine applications and to consult the tax rolls. The applications of W. E. Warren for a redaction in valuation of vari ous lands in Big Horn County was received bv the be < and a hearing was set for Au- • 11. 1934. The hearing on applications of the Federal Land Bank of Spokane. Washington, asking for a reduction in valuation of the following de scribed lands and improvements: Lots 1. 2. Sec. 5. T IS. R. 33E: SW4NW*. NW4SW4. Lot 5 Sec. 3: Lot 1. S - NE4. E2SE4 Sec. 4 T. IS. R. 33E: W2SW4. S2NW4. S2NW4 Sec. 4 T. IS. R. 33E: S2SW4 Sea. 12. N2N2. SW4NW4. S 2 of Sec. 13. SE4 Sec. 14: E 2 Sec. 23. N 2. SW4 Sec. 24. N 2. N2S2. S2SE4 of Sec. 25. NE4 of Sec. 26: all in T. 3N. R. 33E: Lots 1 and 4. SE4SW4 of Sec. 18. lots 1. 2. 3. E2NW4. NE4SW4 of Sec. 19: and that part of SW4NE4. and NW4SE4 of Sec. 19. lying W of the Two Leg gins Land and Improvement Co. canal: Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. E2NW4. NE4- SW4 of Sec. 30: and that part of SW4NE4 ot the W2SE4 and ot the CH£ HAROIN TR Hu N£H I R ALO BEWWI of Sec. 30: lying N and W of said canal, all in T. 3N. R. 84E. M. P. M. EXCEPT Beg. at SW cor. of NE4NE4 of Sec. 30 in T. JN. R. 34E. M. P. M and run. th. W K JL th. S 16 degrees 25 minutes W 424 ft., th. S 32 degrees 15 minutes W 428 ft th. $ 25 minutes W 378 fU. th. S 38 degrees 50 minutes E 718 ft., th N 1678 ft. to pi. of beginning, and Lots I. 5, SW4N W 4 NWHWJ; of See. I: Lots 1. 5. b of Sec. 5. T -2S. R. 33E. M. P M. was taken up bv the board. Mr. M. B. I ateS, agent. 'appearing in behalf or the said bed lerul Land Bank, and after examining ithe tax rolls the board rejected Jame. The application of Hazel P. -4Uch ardson. presented bv H. U. Small, as agent for a reduction in valuation of Lot 4. Blk. 4 Stevenson’s Addn. to the Town ot Lodge Grass was reject-.’ ed bv the board. There being no further business, the board adlourm d to me-1 August >lO. 1934. I API HOVED: „ „ r B. H. MeCAKTY. chairman. ATTEST: « ... , HARRY E. COX. Countv Clerk. EOI’ALIZA’, ION TERM August 10. 1934 Hardin. Montana. The board met this dav. all mc-m --ibers being present. Including the I countv clerk. • I The minutes of the previous meet ing were read ana approved. The board continued to examine •applications and to consult the tax ■ The heart*’ was held on the ap plication of H. M. Hammond for a ! reduction in valuation on the follow ! ing described lands: W2SE4. SW 4. N ;of that part west of county rpad । Sec. 1: Lots 1. 2. 3. < SL4NL4. NW4 Sec. 2 T. IN. R- 31E.: Sec. 11; W2W2SEL SE4SE4 Ser. 12. N 2 Sec. 13. T. IN. R. 31E. Mr. Hammond was present and after consulting the tax rolls the board reduced valuation of said lands to $2 per acre. The hearing on application of Mabel E. Pace for reduction in acreage of Sec. 28. T. BS. R. 35E. was taken un bv the board. Mr. Henrv G. Camp bell appearing as agent. The board after examining olats of said land re duced same twenty acres. There being no further business the board adjourned to meet August 11. 1934. APPROVED. B. H. MrCXETY. Chairman. ATTEST: HARRY E. COX. Countv Clerk. EQUALIZATION TERM August 11. 1934. Hardin. Montana. The board met this dav. all mem bers being present. including the countv clerk. The minutes of the nrevious meet ing were read **~d approved. The board continued to examine ap plications and to consult the tax rolls. The hearing on r onlication of Gu” Logan for reduction in valuation of COMETO THE BIG RODEO Sept. 3-4-5-6, 1934 Horse traces - Relay Races ...Agricultural EXHIBITS... Also Indian Beadwork and Arts ■ । Big Prizes - Big Time OLDJIMI TRIBAL CEREMONIES ' " . —■ ■ ■■■ ——— I | ——■———— Dancing Each Blite Bi a Ix»t3 It >md t; In Blk. 11. Highland Pa>k Addn.. Hurdtn. was taken un. T. D. French aooeuring as agvnL Af ter an examination of the tax rolls, the said application was denied. The hearing on anollcation of E. G. Logan for reductfon in Valuation of Lota ( & 9 Sec ». T. 2S. R. WB: Lota I Sec. 4. T. IS. R 3JE: Lota 10 A 1J SE4NE4 See 1 T. 18 R. SIE. was held. Mr. C. H. Butler. at>nearlng as agent. After examination of the tax rolls, the board reduced the valu. SIE. to 1400.00-f £ aSL, ' The hearing w-x held on applica tion of F. .1. * J C. Konriva for re duction in valuation of imnrovementa or, Lots 8 & 9. Blk. S. O. T. Hardin. J. c; Kovriva appearing, and the re quest for reduction was denied. The application .of Mattie McDon-, aid for reduction; in valuation of Lot’ 5 Blk- 13. O. T. Hardin was denied bv tie board. The hearing on application of W. E. Warren for reduction in valuation on the following- described lands and Improvements was taken up. Mr. W. E. Warren bein- present: Lot 8 Sec. 8; N2BW4 Sec. 26: Lota 5. 8. 7. 8. E2E2 Sec. S«: T. IS. R. 33 E.: E2NE4. N2BEL Sec. 12. N2NE4. NE4NW4 Sec. 13’T. 28. R. 336: Wt- SE4 Sec. 19: Lots. « and 7. E2SW4 Sec. 30: E2SW4. SW4SE4 Sec. 31; T. IS. R. 34E: SE4NW4. N2S2; Sec. 5 T. 2S. R. 34E: Jx>ts 5, 6. 7. 8. SW4- NW4 Sec. 6: E 2 sic.' 7: SEINE* Sec. 18 T. 2S. R. SIE; SW4. WSNEI. E - NWI Sec. 8 T. 18. R. 33E: SEIBWI Sec. 7 T. 28. R. SIE: XSNWI Sec. 18. T. 2S. E. SIE: Lot 3 sec. T 1 T. IS. R. 3IE; Lot I Sec. 31 T. IS. R. 31E.: N2NEI Sec. 9: N2NB. SEINE* | Sec. 10: Ix>t 2 Sec. 11 T. 38. R. 33E: SWINW4. Lot 8 Sec. 5: S2SW* Sec. 18 T. 2S. R. 3«E: SW4NE* Sec. 10 T. 3S. K. 34E: SE4SE4 Sec. 13: NE4. N2SE4 Sec.' 24 T. 2S. R.33E: Lot 5. Sec. 15: S2NE4. SE4NW4 Sec. 16: SE4S-W* Sec. 21 T. 3S. R. 33E: NE4- SW4 Sec. 21 T. IS. R. 34E: SE4NW4. N2SWL SW4SW4 Sec. 33. T. 4S. R. 31E.: NW4SE4. W2NE4. N2SW4. NW4 Sec. 12 T. 4S- R. 30: S2S2NE4. BE4 Sec- 3* T. 48. R. 29E: W2SW4. W2E2SW4 Sec 35 T. 4S. R. 29H; SE4. S2S2NE4 Sec. 1 T. 6S. R. 29E: SE4NE4 Sec. 10 T. SS. R., 32F< SE4- <Continued bn Rage Six) —• . ■ Habit* of Bra'r TeMam Bra r ToMutu la if queer fellow. In daytime tie 'hl'dea- and aleefxt. When the aim has fallen and the dense for eeta are still, he likeb beat to travel. Anywhere, almoat everywhere, he will gn In search of food. Into the apple orchard he may wander provided there are no persimmon treea nearby. He aiao feeds on locuats and wild graiies and satieties his appetite on any wild fruit within convenient distance of his resting place. u. 3. BULLETIN ON VARIOUS DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLIES ■■-.-rt Shows Hardness nf Water in 670 Places in the Country—Can Be Had for 15 cents. ' ll " The chemical couf.osltion of the I>’:dUc water supplies of 670 places, which serve 56,000,000 con-; dimmers is shown In a M-pagei table in Water-Supply paper 658 of'the Geological Survey, United States Departriient Hf this Interior; just issued. The' supply systems ate described briefly in the table m to source and treatment. The accompanylhg text carries a brief discussion of the treatment of pub lic, Industrial, and domestic sup plies, witbout reference to ques tions relating to sanitation and health.'' Ite data tor the Individ ual supplies are summarized In sev:r>: iables, especially withe rei “’••ince io hardi.*« •. man in dicates the weighted average hard ness by states of the supplies for which analyses are given. This paper is for sale by the Superin tendent of Documents. Govern ment Printing Office, Washington, D. C., for 15 cents. Magawium Allay* Lighter Magnesium alloys; very strong and workable, st* ohe-thltd lighter than alloys of alnmlmmi. ■ » n- 'c -hi CHAPTER 83 An Act to Submit to the *bulaificd Electors of the State of Montana an Amendment to Article 12 of the Constitution of the State of Mon tana. Relating to Revenue and Tax ation. Adding Thereto a New Sec tion. Providing for the Lew and Collection by the State of Taxes t'oon Incomes and the Distribution of Said Taxes to the Public Schools and to the State Government. Be It Enacted by the Legislative As sembly of the State of Montana: Section 1. That the Constitution of the State of Montana be amended as hereinafter nrovided and thqt the ouestion of such amendment be sub mitted to the qualified electors of the State of Montana for their annroval or rejection at the general election to be held in. November. 1934. Section 2. That the Constitution of the State of Montana he. and the same is hereby amended bv adding thereto a new section to be’ known FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1934 and designated as Section 1 (a) of Article 12. reudibe: aa follows: “Section 1 (a) of Article 12. The Legislative Assembly mav lew and collect taxes unon incomes of oer sons. firms and corporations for the Durnose ot renlacinc oronertv taxes. These income taxes wnv be gradu- - ated and nroeresslve and shall be dis tribnted to the nubile schools aud to the State Government.” Section 3. Seoarate official ballots shall be nrovided at the general elec tion to be held in November. 1934. which • shall have nrlnted . thereon “PROPERTY TAX RELIEF AMEND MENT.” foUowed bv all of Section 1-Ca) of Article. 12 of the CoueUtu tton of the State of Montana as nro nosed bv. this Act. There shall also be nrlnted ou said official ballots, be low the said Section, sauares and the words, as follows;: « .. o rrri,. For the foregoing amendment I to the Constitution. □ Against the foregoing amendment to the Constitution. • Each elector, who annroves this amendment shall, m-’k an “X" in the first square above nrlnted and each elector who re jects it .shall mark an .“X”- in the second suuare., • girl Section 4. The votes cast for and against 'this amendment above oro oosed, shall be counted canvassed and determined bv such officials, and in Such manner as orovided bv lav*, and if a maiorttv of all votes cast at such election 'for and -■ against such amendment shall be in favor of such amendment, the Governor ot the State shall so declare bv nubile oroc lamatlon and the amendment shall be in full force and effect as a nart of the Constitution from and after the date of such nroclamatlon. Section 5. Alt .acts and carts of acts In conflict herewith are hereby rebealed Section 6. This Act shall be In full force and effect from and after Its nassage and anoroval. Anbroved March 7. 1933. United States of America 1 Sss. State of Montana I I. Sam W. Mitchell. Secretary of State of the State of Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct conv 'ot an act entitled: "An Act to. Submit to the Qualified Electors of the State of Montana an Amendment to Article 12 of the Constitution of the State of Montana. Relating to Revenue and Taxation. Adding Thereto a New Sec tion.. Providing for the Lew and Col lection by the State of Taxes .Unon Incomes and the Distribution of Said Taxes to the , Public . Schools and to the State Government.” IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and af fixed the Great Seal ot the State of Montano, at Helena, the Canltal. this 25th dav of Julv. 193*. SAM W. MITCHELL. (Seal) Secretary of State. Pu>' Aug 10. — Nov. 2. 193*.