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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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FMPAY; WW IV UM • ;• .• -r. *• • ‘-WO * ‘‘ BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE.. For COMMUNITY, STATE M and NATION... If state consumption of home products were cut'off today, valuable crops would go to waste. Many-fac tones would close their doors .. . industry would languish, unemployment would mount rapidly. Home WA' patronageis responsible in the main for activities carried on today, but the rule works both ways. 4 '.. Increase-consumption and conditions, will improve. Community growth, progress and prosperity may- be measured in direct proportion to loyalty shown state-made goods and products. . This places the. responsibility for advancement upon the individual. .. all of us are interested and J ‘ all of us should respond. We help, individually and collectively, when we insist upon state-made goods; we benefit by ex- • panding payrolls for the state and the creation of still larger markets, and the building of a greater Jr ‘ . . .-• •' • > state and nation. ' ’ . ■ • ■ , ' . ■ ; ■ ■ ■ ’■ ■' .■ ■ t.. • ~ HOTEL BECKER . WM. A. BECKER, Prop. HARDIN’S LEADING HOTEL We are making attractive rates, to permanent guests. 1 ' ' 1 . ■ USE NATURAE GAS, A HARDIN PRODUCT—THE MOST ECONOMICAL FUEL FOR . COOKING AND HEATING. I®EP YOUR MONEY AT HOME. BIG HORN OIL & GAS DEV. CO. FISCHBACH’S Odorless Cleaners - Tailors ONE-DAY SERVICE PHONE 1«1-W - - - HARDIN, MONT. HARDIN MEAT MARKET JOHN L. SWINDLE, Proprietor THE BEST FOR LESS PHONE lit FARMERS UNION ASSOCIATION TRADE WITH YOUR OWN HOME CO-OPERATIVE LITENING GASOLINE, HANCOCK 6ILS * GREASES FARMERS UNION OILS J. A. KOEBBE, Pre*. K. A. LEWIS, Mgr. CHAMBERS CASH GROCERY THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR YOUR TABLE PHONE M - - - - - - • - FREE DELIVERY . » SIBLEY DRUG COMPANY —YOUR REXALL STORE— “SERVICE WITH A SMILE” P I N G’S WHERE RELIABLE MERCHANDISE IS REASONABLY PRICED v ■ Calderwood Plumbing & Heating CRANE AND STANDARD , FIXTURES INQUIRE FOR OUR PAYMENT PLAN 11,1 " 111 ' . ■ Baldwin Lumber & Hardware Co. CROW AGENCY, MONTANA PAINTS — OILS — BRUSHES FISHING TACKLE — AMMUNITION . - FIRST NATIONAL BANK DEPOSITS GUARANTEED HELP US BUILD BIG HORN COUNTY KALBERG MOTOR COMPANY CHEVROLET — OLDSMOBILE Sales & Service HAHW ........ . . MONTANA TRY YOUR ROME TOWN FIRST *H* H ARMIN TRIAUMK-HERALP ' ■ GET ALONG “LITTLE DOLLAR,” GET ALONG ■ ' If you are interested and headed for a roundup of the best places to. trade, come directly to the business firms , listed in the community booster, campaign . . . you will go no farther. Your little dollars will buy a big lot of goods or services ... now or any day . . . with a guar antee that counts. You will find most of these firms are patronizing wholesale houses who are located in the state which jn turn are boosting state-made goods : affecting every community either in the finished product or the raw material. COME TO HARDIN — STOP ALL DAY * EAT YOUR MEALS AT SAVOY CAFE ' MRS. HARVEY JONES, ii i i I . GAS€ O - O P MONTANA OWNED AND OPERATED ZENITH TIRES — AUTO ACCESSORIES V , EDWARD SELL, Manager COOK WITH ELECTRICITY THE CLEAN MODERN WAY , - The Montana Power Co. - FRANK S. MORRISON CONOCO SERVICE — GREASING & WASHING LET US CALL FOR YOUR CAR ; M c GA RI T Y • St. Xavier, Montana ' TRY THE HOME TOWN FIRST BIG HORN IMPLEMENT CO. FARM MACHINERY • McOORMICK-DEERING FARM MACHINERY INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS — SPEED QUEEN WASHERS ■—.■■TP. 1 ”... ...... .. -.1.... .. ... . 1 ■■ GROCERY SERVICE FIRST — QUALITY ALWAYS PHONE 88 THE CLUB CAFE . “The Beat CoKee in Town” -A GOOD PLACE TO GET A GOOD MEAL HARDIN BAKERY SLICED OR UNSLICED BLUE RIBBON BREAD AT ANY GOOD GROCERY THE BIG HORN GARAGE : sales Chrysler & Plymouth service HARDIN. . - ,- - - - - ■ MONTANA; DORNEY’S PLACE ; , . LITENING GAS * - A MONTANA PRODUCT ‘ ’ • • WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS " . THE MISSION GARAGE IS ST. XAVIER, MONTANA —ZENITH TIRES— . BLACKSMITHING - WELDING - GAS - OIL - ACCESSORIES CROW MERCANTILE CO. . GENERAL MERCHANDISE “WE SERVE THE RESERVATION” ’ With QUALITY GOODS HARDIN LUMBER COMPANY EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING „ A FULE EINE MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS A VARNISHES —PHONE »3— HARDIN AUTO & SUPPLY CO. Both Sides FORD of Street AUTOMOTIVE SERVICERS . - ■ ■ . "■ BOY’S CORDUROY PANTS—AII new colors and com plete run of sizes—$1.98 and s£.4B GOLDEN RULE SAFEWAY STORES! 'DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT WASTE OCCIDENT ELEVATOR CO. DEALERS IN ALE KINDS OF ■, • GRAINS, FEEDS, AND BEANS , \ Hardin - - . Montana STOCKMAN’S BILLIARDS CANDIES — SOFT DRINKS CIGARS — TOBACCO BLUE FRONT GARAGE Crow Agency, Montana GAS — OIL — ACCESSORIES REPAIRING - GOODYEAR TIRES J M. BURNS CROW AGENCY, MONTANA MAGAZINES — CANDY — TOBACCO —Meet Your Friends Hero- ■ Camp Custer Service Station COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE DEALERS IN STUDEBAKER — DODGE — PLYMOUTH PAGE THREE ...