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FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1934 “TOMBOY TESS” By Sheridan Flouring Mills, Inc. T peever. L L WB’roc'oon tSpuMB? I m W School BUCKSFfcCES “Duck” uncertain baking results . . . specify “BEST OUT WEST” Biscuit Fleur, Waffle and Pancake Flour, as well as the regular flour. Tested and proven of the highest quality, your grocer sells these best products. LOCAL ITEMS The Hardin Lions club will hold a regular luncheon meeting at Pine Lodge, next Monday even ing at 6:30. 0 Attorney Thomas H. Burke was down from his Billings office Mon day, to look after business in his Hardin office. Calderwood’s carry a full line of school supplies. 36-1 0 E. J. Newman of Billings, rep resenting the Pressed Steel Tank Co. of Milwaukee, was a week-end visitor in Hardin. o Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Morris and children, William, Jr., and Vir ginia, were in town Wednesday from their Sarpy home after sup plies. Winter Rye at Sheridan Ele vator. 36-2 A reminder—Eli Rice, his band and floor show of eccentric dancers returning to Joyland next Tues., Sept. 18. Admission—Men, ladies 25 cents extra. It Hardin friends of Mr. and Mrs. Z. G. Hugin of Billings will be pleased to learn that they are the parents of a baby boy. born to them Tuesday, September 11 th. 0 For private Kindergarten see Mrs. Paul Schaller, or phone 16, Reasonable rates. P- 0 > P. B. Anderson, representing the Perma-Tyd Tie company of Den ver. manufacturers of a patent fastening necktie, was in Hardin Thursday, calling on dealers in his line. 0 Chas. Barrett and wife of Hob son, Montana, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Neilson, motor ed to Hardin, Friday, where they visited at the home of their son, H. G. Barrett. 0 — Dr. Riesland, the eye sight specialist, may be consulted for finest optical service at reasonable prices at Hardin Hotel, all day Oct. 1 and to 3 p. m. Oct 2. 35-5 0 Mr. and Mrs. D. Elmer Burger, ■who have been engaged in the livestock business near Pryor the past third of a century, were Har din visitors. Monday. They have just disposed of the bulk of their cattle because of a shortage of feed, due to the drought, keeping over just enough cattle to eat up the reserve hay they held over from last year. Announcement WE ARE NOW SHOWING MOST COMPLETE LINES OF LADIES’ AND MISSES’ WEARING APPAREL FOR WINTER EVERYTHING YOU WANT AT PRICES YOU DESIRE TO PAY— Ladies* Silk Dresses- In all new styles and materials, at $2-95 t° sl9'”’* Ladies* Winter Coats- Priced to suit your purse, at $9-90 to Ladies* Millinery- The new things at 49 c to $4-75. Misses* Winter Coats- Here you will find a nice assortment at $5«75 to $46-75 We shall be pleased to show you our selections. J. J. PING Ralph V. Scott left Saturday evening for Bozeman to be on hand, Monday morning, to assist Coach Dyche in training the Mon tana State College Bobcat eleven for the coming football season. 0 — R. C. A. Radio tubes. Have your old tubes tested free. 35-ts | MORRISONS CONOCO SERVICE. Frank T. Morgan, moving pic ture service man for the Western Electric company, was in Hardin, Saturday, from his headquarters in Billings, servicing the projec tion machine in the Harriet thea tre. 0 — Band members—see the new stock of Reeds, strings, pads, oil. picks, cork, etc., at Bylund’s Jewelry Store. 38-2 0 — A meeting for the purpose of completihg the organization of the Big Horn County Republican club is to be held in the City Hall, next Monday evening at 8:00 o’clock. See the advertisement on page 7. Now is the time to check your auto battery before cold weather. MORRISONS CONOCO SERVICE. 0 Mrs. Lucy Winn, superintendent of the Lucy Winn hospital, re turned Friday night from a several days auto tour of the Yellowstone National Park. Tuesday noon she left by auto for Los Augeles for a few weeks' vacation. Coleman gasoline 3-burner range, was SSB, closing out price, $24. EDER HARDWARE CO. The Methodist Ladies' Aid will meet next Thursday afternoon at 1:30. at the church parlors and from there the ladies will be motored to the country home or Mrs. Charles Ferguson, south of town, for the regular meeting. For private Kindergarten see Mrs. Paul Schaller, or phone 16, Reasonable rates. P- Last Tuesday at sun down Rosh Hoshona, the Hebrew New Year, ending three days of worship, came to a close. Next Tuesday is Yom Kippur, the day of at tonement, one of the most sacred holidays in the Jewish calendar. 0 The Baptist Missionary Society will meet at the home of Mrs. W. E. G. Humphries next Thursday afternoon, Sept. 20th, at 2::30. Mesdames Humphries, Rhinehart, Cammock and Finlayson will have charge of the program, “Missions." “The Orricks and Their Work in South America.” THE HARBIN TR| B U NE - M £ ft AL O R. C. Tarrant, Cut Bank oil producer, passed through Hardin yesterday en route from Sheridan, Wyo., to the oil field. o Winter Rye at Sheridan Ele vator. 36-2 Boyd F. Baldwin, a member of the faculty of the high school at Sidney, was a week-end visitor in Hardin. Articles of incorporation of the W-yola Baptist church were filed with the county clerk and re corder today. J. R. Sammons of Billings, state representative of the Fyr-Fyter Co., distributors of fire-fighting ap paratus. was in Hardin Tuesday. o Winter Rye at Sheridan Ele vator. 36-2 0 Mrs. Chas. C. Guinn, teacher of piano, will accept pupils commenc ing Sept. 1. Fully accredited by State Board of Education. Ip The Two Leggins Home Demon stration club will meet at the home of Mrs. Ernest Walker Sep tember 21. at 2 o’clock. Every one is cordially invited, and please bring some more of your favorite recipes. n A brother of Harry H. Stimp son of Halfway, accompanied by his wife and children, recently ar rived at the Stimpson ranch frqm their dryland farm near Glendive.' and may decide to locate here permanently. 0 The annual Indiana picnic will be held at the Crow Agency park, next Sunday at noon. Several Hoosier disciples of Isaac Walton are leaving Hardin, Saturday morning and if they have good luck, the picnickers will have fried trout as part of the menu. Bill Hagler, representing the Re tail Drug Association of Helena, was in Hardin Thursday on one of his periodical visits. He says it is a pleasure to spend a night in Hardin, which has as good hotels and as comfortable beds as can be found in cities much larger than Hardin. Migratory Bird Hunting stamps are on sale at the Hardin post office. Postmaster Joe M. Astle in forms the Tribune-Herald. In or der to obtain them, application must be made at the postoffice; the stamp must be put on license by the postmaster, or one of his clerks, at the time of purchase. When no license is required, ap nlicant will sign a certificate to that effect and stamp will be at tached to certificate. Now You Can Wear FALSE TEETH With Real Comfort PASTEETH. a new. pleasant powder, keeps teeth firmly set. Deodorizes. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. To eat and laugh in comfort just sprinkle a little FASTEETH on vour nlates. Get it todav at Sibhv Drug Co. and other drug stores. adv. FOR RENT, FOR SALE, ETC. FOR RENT—Upstairs apartment. Mrs. J. R. Campbell. 36-2 FOR SALE—CoaI at mine, on Davis creek.—PHILIP HEALING. 1 CALKING PUTTY for sale. 15 gallons, all or part at $1.75 per gal. Apply at Hotel Becker. •ts TOMATOES for Sale, both ripe and green, per bu.—BILL BRYAN. ts FOR SALE—Ii/z Ton Velie Truck —priced right. Inquire 3rd St. Candy Store. 36-ts FOR SALE—At a bargain, three room dwelling. Inquire this office. 33-tt FOUND—A lone key in case. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this notice. C. H. Thompson, head of the Thompson Grease company, a con cern which recently moved to Bill ings from Fort Worth, Texas, ac companied by H. W. Pickett, who will be sales manager for the new concern, was in Hardin last even ing. This company handles auto and heavy duty greases. c Charles R. Foley, postmaster, merchant and U. S. commissioner at Kirby, in the Rosebud valley, accompanied by Mrs. Foley, mot ored over to Hardin, Tuesday for supplies. After attending to busi ness. they visited friends here until late evening, when they re turned to their Kirby home. Supt. Robert Yellowtail of the Crow Indian reservation is in re ceipt of instructions from the In dian department at Washington, D - C.. to advertise for bids for grazing leases on all tribal and incomoetent Indian lands on the Crow Indian reservation. Adver tisements to this effect will be nublished as soon as the copy can be prepared. W. w. Corkins of Inglewood. California, and Theadosia Parcell, his grandaughter. of Joliet. Mon tana. visited at the home of C. A. Corkins. junior editor of the Tribune-Herald on last Fridav. en route home from a visit in South Dakota. Mr. Corkins celebrated his 81st birthday while in South Da kota and is still hale and hearty, having driven his own automobile from his California home on his annual trip here. T. H. BURKE E. E. COLLINS BURKE & COLLINS LAWYERS Gav Buildine. Hardin Securities Buildiner. Billing* Hardin Office Davs: Ist Tuesday. Ist and 3rd Thursdavs of each month and every Saturday. STANLEY A. YERGEY —INSURANCE— Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States Aetna Fire Insurance Co. Office In First Natl Bank Bldg. Hardin Clinic Labbitt Hospital Building GLASSES FITTED L. H. Labbitt, M. D. D. M. Strang, M. D. Office Phone 100 LUCY WINN HOSPITAL Formerly BABBITT HOSPITAL Obstetrical Work a Specialty PHONE 100 Lucy Winn R. N. HARDIN HOSPITAL Modem — Steam Heated COMMUNITY INSTITUTION Mrs. Lucille Dow, R. N.„Supl Reasonable Rates Phone 95-W DR. VERNON W. WOLF Osteopathic Physician Country and Night Calls Promptly Answered Office in Rooms over Postoffice Phon 22 Hardin, Mont aa::aaaa a a a a a « Dr. L. E. Haverfield Physician and Surgeon Office—Sullivan Block Office Phone 84 Residence Pbone 184 a a a a a a a aaaaaaaaa E.A. LAMMERS PLUMBING ■ GAS FITTING Pine Slab Wood WATER WELL DRILLING PUMPS AND REPAIRS SOLDERING PHONE 124 DR. RANSIER DENTIST X-Ray Work EXAMINATION FREE Pbone * Sullivan B*ock COLEMAN Gasoline RANGES Eder Hardware Are You Missing Social Contacts With Friends? Pays to Have Your Own TELEPHON E McDonald V CASH AND CARRY PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI. & SAT., SEPT. 14 & 15 CHERRIES <Ked Pitted) O CANS QI C HOME BRAND — No. 2 Size Can SPINACH fancy o CANS QQc HOME BRAND — No. 2hi size cans OO PALMOLIVE BEADS 2 PKGS. Qc FOR WASHING FINE FABRICS & COOKIES (SOFT TOPS) QQc PINEAPPLE half slices cam IQ c No. 2i , Size Can—l LB. 14 OZ. GRAPE JUICE QUART BOTTLE HOME BRAND V OV ' ORDERS OF $5.00 OR OVER DELIVERED FREE SPECIAL SEPTEMBER OFFER EDISON MAZDA LAMP PRICE SCHEDULE INSIDE FROST 15 Watt .... 20c Each > £ 25 Watt .... 20c Each 1 10 Watt .... 20c Each FOR 00 Watt .... 20c Each ' $T| 08 75 Watt .... 20c Each j 100 Watt 25c Each_6 for $1.35 CLEAR COLORED LAMPS 150 Watt, 50c Farh —0 for $2.70 Red, Blue, Green, Yellow 200 Watt. 7Oc Fach—o for $3.78 Flame Tint. Ivory. Old K<he 300 Watt. $1.15 Farh—o for $0.21 j 25 Watt, 25c Fach—6 for $1.35 ROUGH SFRVICF—Inside Frost—so Watt, 37c Fach—o for $2.00 Ixunps May Be Assorted in Ix»ts of 6 to Get the 6 Ix>t Price THE MONTANA POWER COMPANY PAGE SEVEN