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FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1934 “TOMBOY TESS’* I guv best op » I I I L LANDLORD#.. I Try “BEST OUT WEST” FLOUR . . .you, too, will probaby like it best of all. Fluffy, even textured cakes — delicious bread — and other baked foods of tas tiness are assured. At your grocer’s. > LOCAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Donges were in town yesterday from Sarpy. E. B. Rossiter, Billings insur ance man, was in Hardin Thurs day afternoon. Now is the time to check your auto battery before cold weather. MORRISONS CONOCO SERVICE. Ed Kopac is busily engaged in seeding between 4,000 and 5,000 acres on the Woody bench to winter wheat. At Billings, Sept. 21. license to wed was issued to Emil Kir schemann, 22, and Elvina Ru dolph, 21, both of Hardin. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Haynie were in town yesterday from their Sarpy ranch. They report six inches of snow at their place. R. C. A. Radio tubes. Have your old tubes tested free. 35-ts MORRISONS CONOCO SERVICE. An order by Attorney General Nagle, closing down all gambling games and devices throughout the state, has caused considerable commotion in some quarters. The beet harvest started in earnest, Thursday morning, when a string of beet wagons and trucks began hauling beets to the various dumps. Mrs. A. M. Crilly, accompanied by her niece, Miss Lily Davis and Miss Wilma Neely of Sheridan, Wyo., left Saturday morning on train No. 42 for the World’s fair at Chicago. They expect to re turn Sunday evening. PIANO PLAYERS—Iook over the 1 large stock of latest piano music at Bylund’s Jewelry Store. 40-2 C. W. Murray returned a few days ago from Fort Peck, where he was employed on government work the past couple of months. He reports thousands of men at work on the big dam and that the country for miles around is a veritable hive of industry. SEPTEMBER SPECIAL i wwy I WILL BE BILLED IN THREE PAYMENTS THE MONTANA POWER COMPANY By Sheridan Flouring Millis, Inc. Charles R. Foley was in town Saturday from Kirby. Rev. John Frost of Pryor was a Hardin visitor, Wednesday. Former State Senator J. H. Harry M. Allen, aged 78, who in the early days of Hardin owned and operated a lumber yard in Hardin, died Wednesday at his Billings home, following a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Webb Weir of Rapid City, S. D„ who were called here to attend the funeral, Wed nesday aftdmoon of last week, of the former’s mother, returned home the following day. Mr. and MTs. Si Patterson of Helena, who were called here- by the Illness and death of the lat ter’s mother, Mrs. S. L. Wler. re turned to their home in the Capi tal City, Sunday. Dr. Riesland, the eye sight specialist, may be consulted for finest optical service at reasonable prices at Hardin Hotel, all day Oct. 1 and to 3 p. m. Oct 2. 35-5 Bill Bailey, after spending six months in the western part of the state, working for the State High way commission at Helena, Kail spell, Missoula and other points, returned home Monday evening. Robert A. Roush came over from the Roush ranch in the Decker section, Saturday, and re turned Sunday, accompanied by his wife and two children, who have been visiting the past five weeks at the home of Mr. Roush's narents. Judge and Mrs. A. H. Roush. George W. Rockwell, who with his sister, Mrs. Grace Miller of Colone, S. D„ is owner of the Rockwell building, home of the Hardin Tribune-Herald and of several pieces of Hardin residen tial property, as well as an irri gated farm north of town, ar rived on Tuesday evening’s train from the east and is spending a counle of days here looking after business interests. T H E HAH O< * f RI 8U N « . HERALD A blaze caused by an over heated flu in the room of the night man at the Mission case, gave the fire department a run, Tuesday evening about seven. The blaze was quickly extnguished with slight damage. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Roberts enroute home to Sheridan from a trip to Denver and Greybull, stopped off at Hardin from Saturday to Monday to visit the family of their daughter, Mrs. Robert Rhinehart. While working at the city hall. Thursday of last week, A. B. Therme, one of the old-time plasterers of Hardin, fell from a scaffold and fractured the ulna of the left arm, necessitating the carrying of that member in a sling for some weeks to come. He Is reported as getting along as well as could be expected, and will be able to resume his duties in a short time. FOB RBir. FOR SALE. ETC. FOR SALE—CoaI Heatrola—H. B. Dyer, east Rockwell house, half blk. west of library. 39-1 CALKING PUTTY for sale. 15 gallons, all or part at 81.75 per gal. Apply at Hotel Becker. ts FOR SALE—Small hen house and woven wire. Inquire Tribune- Herald oflßbe or Mrs. Win. E. Cor kins. I have a customer for a 5- roorn, modern house, priced right. Ip M. M. BROOKS. FOR SALE—Ton Velie Truck —priced right. Inquire 3rd St. Candy Store. 35-ts FOR RENT—4O acres, irrigated. Joins Hardin northeast.— A. OEH LER", Billings. IT-2p IRRIGATED FARMS for Sale. Big Horn, Yellowstone, Stillwater, Park, Madison a;n d Gallatin Counties. 10%, balance 10 years, 0% interest.—A. OEHLER, 2923 2nd Ave. North, Billings. 17-2-p Beauty Culture Recognized School of BEAUTY CULTURE offers complete course mccarroll beauty school 7 East Granite St. Butte, Mont. Everybody's talkingabout the New G-3 Goodyear Alt- Weather—latest edition, of world's largest selling tire for 19 years. Have YOU seen It— had its great new features ex plained? Gome in—we'll be glad to give you the whole story. HARDIN AUTO CO. HARDIN, MONT. The Senior Christian Endeavor of the Congregational church held their first fall party at the church parlors, Wednesday even ing. Thirty-six were present and all had a very happy time. The committee in charge of arrange ments comprised Maxine Martin, Naomi Cool and Yvonne Kalberg. Edward Lawlor returned Tues day evening from a business trip to the Cut Bank oil field, where he is heavily interested. He re ports the weather four below zero at Cut Bank. He returned by way of Helena, where he saw Fred M. Lipp and other former Hardlnites. Mrs. Burl Scott, who has been seriously in at her home at Crow Agency, several months, was on Sunday brought to Hardin by Mr. Scott and their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Redmon, and win remain here at the Redmon home until she is able to attend to her household duties. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science services at Pine Lodge, Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Subject, ‘‘Reality’’ Sunday school at 10 o’clock. The public is cordially invited' to at tend. | REPUBLICAN RALLY I JUDGE STANLEY E. ! FELT | ' REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE | , FOR CONGRESS I ’ Will ADDRESS THE VOTERS AT I WARREN HALL I HARDEN I Monday, Oct. 1 ~B'P. M. | DURING THE AFTERNOON JUDGE FELT WILL VISIT j WYOLA, LODGE GRASS AND) CROW AGENCY MAKE HOTEL BECKER YOUR. HOME We are making attractive rates to permanent' guests. Keep in Touch When You're Away T ELE PHON E McDonald V CASH AND CARRY PRICES EFFECTIVE FDI. & SATURDAY, SEPT 28 & 29 COFFEE kose brand i-lb. package ig c SWANSDOWN CAKEFLOUR 29c POPCORN 5 POUNDS 2Kc guaranteed to pop Wholewheat FLOUR « l b sack OR GRAHAM OVALTINE OOc REGULAR 50c SIZE %>« «£OA 1/2 roW ® O' CORN FLAKES 2 PKGS. FORI X c FLAVOR PERFECT saw, svsw FRESH COCOANUT 1 POUND LONG SHRED VWW FREE DELIVERY ON $5.00 ORDERS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY 10 a. m. Sunday school. Mis sionary Sunday. Prompt attend ance is desired. All children who are not members of other schools are welcome. 11 a. m. Morning worship. This service will be enriched by a vocal solo by Mrs. Plamback; the anthem. “Seek Ye the Lord,” by the choir, and “Arie,” by Mo zart, as an organ-piano offertory by Mesdames Hannant and Mad dox. The pastor will preach on “Christ Meeting Our Need.” The public is cordially invited to at tend. 6 p.m. Senior C. E. Another basic element in character, “Hon esty” will be the lesson theme to be presented by Maxine Martin and Naomi Cool. These lessons are interesting and profitable "“FALSE TEETH Rock, Slide or Slip?' FA ST HETH. a new. greatly improved powder to be sprinkled on upper or Towir plates, holds false teeth firm and comfortable. Can not slide, slip, rock or pop-out. No erumniy. gooev. pasty taste or foeHns. Makes breath sweet and pleasant. Get FASTEETH today at Sibley Drue* Co. or any Rood drucr store. ad. PAGE FIVE and all high school young folks who wish to enjoy these discus sions are welcome. 4 p.m. Monday, Junior C.E. The lesson will be on “Plans for Our C. E. Work,” led by Hazel Morse. REV. N .E. HANNANT, Pastor. Mrs. A. H. Bowman is at the home of her sister, Mirs. McMoran, where she is receiving medical treatment for a badly infected hand. COAL BIDS WANTED Big Hom County Relief Admin istration requests bids on' or be fore Sept. 30. 1934, covering coal for use by relief people. In nam ing bids, state price at mine, and price delivered to the' home in Hardin and Lodge Grass. 38-2 DAVE J. HAGERTY, Acting Administrator. eawt.oo taao.oo Fbr <he arrest and coovtetton of LIVESTOCK AND WOOL lIUEVES And of Violators of Other Laws Hereinafter Mentioned WB be paid by Wta HORN COUNTY LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION The Bi* Horn County Livestock Aneoeiatlon offers a reward ofOZSO.OO for Information leadin* to the appre hension and conviction of any person or persons for the larceny of any livestock or wool owned by any paid up member of this Association or tbs apprehension and conviction of any person or persons for arson tn the burning of any property' belonging to any paid-up member of this Associa tion or for the commiatdon of an a*- grarated assault upon any employee of any paid-up member of this Asso tiatlon walls In the discharge of his luty by any person while engaged la my attempt to commit any sold lar ceny or arson; Such offer of reward' shall apply to any such crime committed' at any time upon or bett een the Ist day of January, 1934. and the Ist dtiy of January, 1935. PROVTDHD. HOWEVER. That In formation upon which such reward may be claimed must be Imparted to the County Attorney or the Sheriff of the county In which the crime was committed or to a member of ths executive committee of the Bl* Hom County Livestock Association not later than January 1. 1936; PROVIDED FURTHER That where »uch Information Is *tven to as* of the above persons by two or more persons, stmultaneeuuly, then this ra ws rd shall be proportioned share and •hare alike to such persons string «uch Information, PROVIDED FURTHER That no of ficer of this State nor the owner of the property against whom such crime was committed shall be oUdblo to claim or to receive such reward. JOHN P. TURNER. Seerncarv. T. H. BURKE E.E. COLUMS BURKWtaCQUxIN* LAWYERS Gey Building. Hardin Securities Bulldin*. BUUnas Hardin Office Dave: Ist Tuesday. Ist and 3rd Thursdays of each month and every Saturday. STANLEY A. YERGEY —INSURANCE— Equitable Life Asaurance Society oT the United State* Aetas Fire Imuranoe C*. Office in First Natl Bank Bldg. Hardin Clilnic LabbHt Hospital Building GLASSES FITTED L. H. Labbitt, M. D. D. M. Strang', M. Di Office Phone- 100 LUCY WINN HOSPITAL Formerly LABBFFT HOSPITAL Obstetrical Work a Specialty PHONE 100 Lucr Winn R. N. HARDIN HOSPITAL Modem — Steam Heated COMMUNITY INSTITUTION Mrs. Lucille Dow, R. N^ A supf Reasonable Rates Phone 95-W DR. VERNON W. WOLF Osteopathic Physician Country and Night Calls Promptly Answered Office in Rooms over Postoffice Phon 22 ... - Hardin, Mank »«««««»ssnana Dr. L. E. Haverfield Physician and Surgeon Office—Sullivan Block Office Phone 84 Residence Phone 184 nunaattaaannaasaa E.A. LAMMERS PLUMBING - GAS FITTING Pine Slab Wood WATER/VELL DRILLING PUMPS AND REPAIRS SOLDERING PHONE 124 DR.RANSIER DENTIST X-Ray Work EXAMINATION FREE M ■ BuDtrua RM