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PAGE FOUR :: HARRIET THEATRE :: EWWWSWWSWWPWWWWVWWWWWWWWWWWBVUWWWWWWWWWWWWWe FRIDAY - SATURDAY. DEC. 2S-29 GEORGE RAFT - JEAN PARKER "LIMEHOUSE BLUES" ALSO BUCK JONES IN “GORDON OF GHOST CITY” SUNDAY - MONDAY, DEC. 30-31 SHIRLEY TEMPLE - GARY COOPER "NOW AND FOREVER" TUBS.. WED.. THURS. JAN. 1 - 2 - .1 MARLENE DETTRICH 'The SCARLET EMPRESS' COMING MAE WEST "■ vvMuvw ‘BELLE OF THE NINETIES” Ghe Hardin Tribune-Herald SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year in advance. SX3O: Six M ouths. SI.M: Three Months. >I.OO Published every Friday aud entered April 4, 1925. at the Postoffice at Hardin, Montana, for trans iulssUhi Uirougli tile mails as Swoml-Claaa matter under Act of Congress ot March 3, 1#79. OFFICIAL PAPER OF BIG HORN COUNTY BY HARDIN TR1B1! XE-HERA4J) PRESS R. A. VICKERr. C. A CORKINS. Editors an Managers nuunuuttuunununttu Social and Personal «8#8«B«88#8B8#«« Charles Egnew, a student al Intermountain College at Helena, is home to spend the holidays with his parents. Attorney and Mrs. D. L. Egnew and sister. Miss Nina Ruth. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Terpening and Beverly Ann motored to Bill ings, Monday and spent Christmas with Mrs. Terpening's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Paulson. Mr. Terpening returned Tuesday ev ening but Mrs. Terpening and the baby will remain until after New Year's. Hail the Glad New Year With a Lucky Mince Meat Spice Cake ' * * ■ I’l U ML* ' ■pv"'£ ' 4 I« > w J - "-'WBr 5> •; • • ' ■■ : Celebrate the glad New Year with economical to make with a WHETHER you hail 1935 with a jovial midnight supper or a New Year's afternoon open bouse, a lucky fruit cake Is the proper ac companiment to your toast to good fortune in the days that come. Here is an easy recipe that is as economi cal as it is delicious. (You write predictions on bits of paper and thrust them into the under side of the cake after it is baked, so that one will come In each slice.) Good Fortune Fruit Loaf % (• OM packaa* <tr» mines meal and H cup water bolted almost dry % cup butter ar other thortsnlM 1 cw awar 1 •«* 1% cups flour 3 taatpaans baking powder 1 teciaana •trinamun H toaapow nutmog asrza-" Break mince meat into pieces. Add cold water. Place over heat and stir until all lumps are thoroughly broken up. Bring to brisk boll: con time boiling tor three mtnutes. or until mixture is practically dry. Al law to oooL Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, and beat vigorously until smooth and crenmy Mr. and Mrs. Roy O. Chambers and little daughter, motored to Forsyth and spent Christmas with relatives and friends. 0 Mrs. D. M. Strang left Satur day morning for Pomona, Calif., to spend the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Glea son. She was joined there by her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson oi Hollywood, and her son, Robert Strang, a student at the Uni versity of California, at Berkeley. Mr. Anderson is a cartoonist at the Walt Disney Mickey Mouse studios in Hollywood. Mrs. Strang will be absent about six weeks. this lucky fruit cake; It's easy snd package of dry mince meat. Add cooled mince meat Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder, spices and salt, and sift again. Add alternately with milk to first mix ture. Pour Into greased square cake pan IS inch). Bake about 40 min utes in a moderate oven (350 de grees E i. Cherry Brandy Ice Cream | 1/3 *UD •weeteceO tundensed milk Vg cuu **ter 16 laree maraschino rherriet. finely choppwd ' ! leanftoon brandy or Brandy ntract 1 rup whipping ereara Blend sweetened condensed milk and water thoroughly. Add mara schino cherries which have been finely chopped, and brandy or brandy extract- Chill. Whip cream to cus tard-Ilka consistency and told Into chilled mixture. Pour into freezing pan. Place in freezing unit. After mixture has frozen to a stiff mush lone to two hours) remove from re frigerator. Scrape mixture from sides sad bottom of pan. Beat two minutes. Smooth out and replace In freezing unit for one hour or until frozen for serving. (Two to five . hours, total freezing time.) Serves j six. THE HARDIN TR| B u N E - H E R ALO (fSBB«#BKSIiSSBBBS LODGE GRASS 0888888888888888 Hubert Woodard is now clerking in the local post ofßce. George O’Brien spent Christ mas with his family here, Ervin Cornwell is home from Missoula for the holidays. Marjorie Ranger was a Sheri dan shopper, last Saturday. Ira Chipman spent Christmas at the Charles Carr home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bond were Sheridan callers. Wednesday. Robert Brookins and family spent Christmas in Sheridan. Bill Reinhart is home from the Poly for the holiday vacation. Miss Kathryn Keir is visiting relatives in Helena, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson were Billings visitors, last Friday. David Murry is spending the holidays at his home in Bear creek. The Mahler triolets are home from the Poly for the holiday vacation. Mr. and Mis. R. J. Miller went to Sheridan. Sunday, returning Monday. m Mary Elizabeth Cornwell enter tained the Contract Bridge club, Wednesday. Jack Mason is helping at the Ryan barber shop during Mr. Ryan’s absence. The A. W. Gardner family were Christmas guests at the Kenneth Lewis home in Hardin. Sophia Weltner. Mrs. Helen Micklovich and son Pete were Hardin visitors, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Nelson and son Jack spent Christmas with relatives at Moorcroft, Wyo. Mrs. Frances Cornwell, Mary Elizabeth and Ervin spent last Saturday evening in Sheridan. Mayor and Mrs. John Ryan and P. R. Forman left Sunday morn ing for points in South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Wtm. Crosby and son Adrian were guests of rela tives in Sheridan, Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Chapman of Fargo, N. D., are visiting the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. N.‘ Billingsly. A Christmas tree and program was held at the Mission church, Monday evening, with a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chris tiansen of Hardin w<ere Christmas dinner guests at the E. Christian sen ranch home. L. H. Reed, who has been liv ing in the Gardner home the past month, is moving his family back to Buffalo, wyo., this week. A Christmas program and tree was held at the Little Brown church. Monday evening. One hundred sixtv well-filled bass of treats were distributed. Mrs. Keith MlcKinley went to Forsyth to spend the holidays with her husband, who has a mail route to operate every day of the year except Sundays. A ‘“no host” Christmas dinner nartv was held at the Cornwell home. Those present were the Cornwell and C A. Gardner fami nes. Mrs. Hazel Richardson and Jacqueline Prevost. Mr. and Mirs. Howard Johnson —“re Christmas dinner hosts to Mr and Mrs. R. -T. MlHe r , Mr. “nd Mrs. Curlv Wells. Mr. and Vri. Wnmc Rond. Lem Didelot an* Charles Kirbv. T. M. Strond of Baker has ac the notation as mechanic at the Custer Hiway earaee. and will move his wife and children horp. nevt month. Mr. Davis re e><med this position on account of ill health. The Senior C. E. last Thursday evening en loved a merry evening at the Congregational church, nlaviny rames. nulling' taffy and exchaneintr sifts. Thirty-four ivoro nresent. The natty was sponsored bv Miss Kurtz. Mrs Hannant and Mrs. Cool. THV wmcT waTnrnwav, U'V; op HARDIN—NnUr«' of Annual Mpo< ing of holders Not ire is hrrebv given that the •annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Hardin will be held at the office of the bank at Hardin. Mont, on Tuesday. Janu ary Bth. 1935. at ton o’clock a. m.. for the election of Directors and such other business as may come before the meeting. O. E. ANDERSON. Secretary. Pub, Dec 14. 21. 28.1934: Jan. 4 SIMMONS In the District Court of tlie Thir teenth Judicfnl District of the State of Montana, in and for the County of Big Horn. H. W. STODDARD. Plaintiff, vs. WINIFRED M. STODDARD. Defend ant. THIS STATE OF MONTANA SENDS GREETING TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: Yui are hereby summoned to an swer the coui plaint in this action which is filed in the office of the clerk of this court, and to file vour I answer and serve a conv thereof unon the nlaintlfTs attorneys within twenty da vs after the of this sum- mons. exclusive of the dav of serv ice: and in op-" of vour failure to a unear or answer, iudement will be taken against vou bv default for the relief demanded in the complaint. The said action is brought to ob tain a decree of divorce on the ground that defendant has willfully and with out cause deserted the plaintiff with out bis consent for more than one year last past» and for the custody of the minor children of said parties. WITNESS mv hand and the seal of said court this 13th dav of Decem ber. 1931. fSeaD R. P. ROSS. Clerk. SUTNN * MADDOX. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Hardin. Montana. Luo. Dec. 14. 21. 23. 1934. Jan. 4. Buusssassaaßßßßß KIDDSES’ KORNER 8888a«8««#««««88 Dear Aunt Betty: I live in the Sarpy country and go to the Wolf school. I am eight years old and in the sec ond grade. Miss LaVeme Her man is our teacher. We like her very much. We are having a Christmas program. I am a Jumping Jack in the program. Miss Herman has fixed our school room up very pretty. ARLENE LORETTA BROWN. Mcßae. Mont.. Dec. 18, 1934. The Holy Night The Holy Night was the night when Jesus was born. He was born in a stable in Bethlehem. Shepherds came to see Jesus. Angels told the shepherds that Jesus had been born In Bethle hem. A star led the shepherds to where Jesus lay. LENORA KOBOLD. Big Bend—Grade 2. Tiny Tim Tiny Tim was a little cripple boy. He went to church o n Christmas morning. He could not walk so his father. Bob Cratchet, carried him. The Crachits had a fine Christ mas dinner. Tiny Tim said, “God bless us every one.” LENORA KOBOLD. Big Bend—Grade 2. Dear Boys and Girls: Here are two nice little stories from the Big Bend school and an interesting letter from the Wolf school. They came in too late for us to get them in the paper last week. So far there has been nothing this week. If some news items come in before the paper is printed, we’ll try to get them in this week, but if they" are too late we’ll print them next week. In the last paper there were two news items from the second grade in Hardin that we did not print because there was no name signed to them. You must have your name to your news item each time. I wish we might have gone out to the Wolf school and at tended your Christmas program, Arlene, bld you have many vis itors? Let us see how many interest ing news items and letters we can have for our Korner next week. Get them in by Monday, if you can. Tell us all about your Christ mas and the gifts you received. Did ’you hang up your stocking? I always hang up mine. Then tell us what you plan to do on New Year’s day and if you make any good New Year reso lutions you might tell us about those, too. When does your vacation end? Some schools are having two weeks but I’ve heard many of the schools will reopen the second dav of the new year. Here is wishing you all the brtehtest and best vear for 1935 that you have ever known. Affectionately. AUNT BETTY. Miss Verna Smith, who is at tending the state universary at Missoula, is enjoying the Christ mas vacation at the north Craw ford avenue home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Smith. . NO WASTED CURRENT • NO SCORCHED CLOTHES Bl Coleman B I 1 KJ E L I C T K I C ikon THE Coleman Automatic A Iron *saves $2 to $5 a year on electric current. When It reaches the temperature ■t which the thermottat is set, the current is automatically cut off. It "coasts” or "free wheels” on stored heat. 40* of the time it la in use it consumes no electricity. This •aving on your electric bill goes on year .after year as long as you use your Coleman I This same auto matic action of the thermostat elim inates fas danger and scorching of clothes. Saves work ... does more than the ironing. The Coleman is beautifully do. signed and finished In super-chrom ium. Haa long tapering point, but* ton bevel and glass-smooth ironing surface. Cems in «nd are this b«—ttfiil iron. our stMeSM—e aboMt *• s—P it sm— yew. •fc-gtew*—-— EDER HARDWARE 08. 8888888888888888 HALFWAY Pauline Mabe spent Friday night with Myrtle Stimpson. Miss Martha Faw visited at her parents’ home, Christmas Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland visited at the Mabe home, Sunday after noon. Several from Halfway attended the school Christmas program in Hardin. The Christmas program put on by the 4-H club was very good and enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. John Quilling and family visited Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hudson, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Quilling and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Kautzman. Mrs. Joe Faw and Spencer Blackburn of Billings, are spend ing the holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mirs. Ernest Walker and Annabelle visited with the Hudson family. Sunday afternoon. Miss Veta Hodges is spending I her Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Hodges. Mr. and Mirs. Glenn Hamilton and family spent Christmas day at Crow Agency with Mr. Hamil ton’s parents. Howard Wagner, being quaran tined away from home, spent the week-end with J. L. Blackburn and son Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Faw had as their Christmas guests Mr and Mrs. Guy Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Faw and Evelyn. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gray enter tained about twelve relatives at a Christmas dinner. Some were from Red Lodge and some from Billings. The club members received a nice, long letter from their presi dent, Mrs. Happy Humphrey, last week. We think she is rather anxious to be with us again. Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Stimp son entertained at Christmas din ner Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Quarn burg, Anna and Edna and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stimpson and family. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hudson en tertained at a Christmas dinner. On acount of the cold snap only eleven guests were present. Deco- T. H. BURKE E.E. COLLINS BURKE aCOLLINS LAWYERS Gut Buildhur. Hardin Securities Runding. BOHnes Hardin Office Days: Ist Tuesday. Ist and 3rd Thursdays ot each month and every Saturday. STANLEY A. YERGEY —INSURANCE— Equitable Life Assurance Society •f the United States Aetna Fire Insurance Co. Office in First Natl Bank Bldg. Hardin Clinic Labbitt Hospital Building GLASSES FITTED L. H. Labbitt, M. D. D. M. Strang, M. D. Office Phone 100 DR. VERNON W. WOLF Osteopathic Physician Country and Night Calls Promptly Answered Office on Ist Floor, Door 1 POSTOFFICE BUILDING Phon 22 -- . - Hardin. Mont naaßiiaflasaaiis Dr. L. E. Haverfield Physieiaii and Surgeon Office—Sullivan Bfock Office Phone M Residence Phone IM tt tt t: a a tt aaaannaaaa E.A. LAMMERS PLUMBING - GAS FITTING Pine Slab Wood WATER WELL DRILLING PUMPS AND REPAIRS SOLDERING PHONE 124 DR. RANSIER DENTIST X-Ray Work EXAMINATION FREE Phene • Sullivan B’ock NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of HARRY S. SCOTT. De ceased. Notice is hereby sriven bv the un dersixned Administratrix of the Es tate of Harry S. Scott deceased, to the creditors of and all persons havinx claims awlnst the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers within Four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said administratrix at the office of H. W. Bunston, Attorney, at Har din, In the County of Big Horn, state of Montana. Dated at Hardin. Mon Una. Decem ber gth. A. D._ IM4. . t>BARX. BCOTT LOUKEB. Administratrix of the Estate at Harry 8. Scott deceas'd. H. W; Bunston Hardin. Mont.. Atty, tar AdmlnlK*' atrfx. Pub. -Dec; >«. 21. l«. IM4: Jan. 4. - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1934 rations were carried out in green, white and silver. ei On account of the rainy days, only six club members were pres ent at the candy demonstration. However, we had three visitors. A box of candy was sent to each of our absent members, Mrs. John Hudson and Mrs. Happy Humph rey- ANNUAL FAMILY REUNION ________ The usual family reunion at Christmas time was enjoyed by the R. A. Vickers clan, Christmas Day, When the Hardin members of the family and connections to the number of 21 sat down to a turkey dinner with all the trim mings, prepared by Mrs. Vickers, who was assisted in the serving by the daugters and daughter-ln law. Those seated at the table were Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rowland, Mildred. Sonn-v and Falralee Ann; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle J. Tinttnger and Junior; Mr. and Mrs. J. Rus sell Vickers. Ellen Jean. Lois and Marian: Mr. and Mrs. S. B. No vark, Bernard and Beverlv Joyce: Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rowtand and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Vickers. For the arrest and conviction of LIVESTOCK AND WOOL THIEVES And of Violators of Other Laws Hereinafter Mentioned Wil be paid by BIG HORN COUNTY LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION The Bis Horn County Livestock Association offers a reward of 1250.00 for Information leading to the appre hension and conviction of any person or persons for the larceny of any livestock or wool owned by any paid up member of this Association or the apprehension and conviction ot any person or persona for arson tn the burning of any property belonging to any paid-up member of this Associa tion or for the commisuion of an ag gravated assault upon any employee of any paid-up member of this Asso dation walls tn the discharge of his iuty by any person white engaged Io my attempt to commit any said lar ceny or arson. Such offer of reward shall apply to any such crime committed at any time upon or betv sen the let day of January, 1934. and the let day of January. 1935. PROVIDED. HOWEVER. That In formation upo*> which such reward may be claimed must be. imparted to the County Attorney or the Sheriff Of the county tn which the ertme was committed or to a member of the executive committee of the Big Hom County Livestock Association not later than January 1. 1935. PROVIDED FURTHER That where rack Information Is given to any of the above persons by two or more persons, simultaneously, then this re ■ord shall be proportioned share and ■hare alike to such persons giving meh information. PROVIDED FURTHER That no of- Ocer of this State nor the owner of the property against whom such crime was committed shall be eligible to claim or to receive sueb reward. JOHN P. TURNER. Oecretarv Notice to creditors Estate of HATTIE FRASER. De ceased. Notice Is hereby riven bv the un dersigned Administrator of the Es tate of Hattie Fraser, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons hav intr claims acainst the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Administrator at the office of D. I- Ecnew. in Citv of Hardin, in the County of Bir Horn. State of Montana. Dated at Hardin. Montana. Decem ber 3rd. 1934. P. G. FRASER. Administrator of the Estate of Hattie Fraser, deceased. D. L. Renew. Hardin. Mont.. Attorney for Administrator. Pub. Dec. 7, 14, 21. 28. 1934. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of MARY P. BALL. Deceased. Notice is hereby civen bv the un dersixned Andrew J. Ball. Adminis trator of the Estate of Marv P. Balt, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons havinx claims axalnst the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Andrew J. Ball, at Lodce Grass, in the County of Bic Horn. State of Montana. Dated at Hardin. Montana, this 14th dav of Dec.. 1924. ANDREW J BALI. Administrator of the Estate, of Marv P. Ball, deceased. BERT W. KRONMn.LER. Attorney for Administrator. Pub. Dec. 21, 28. 1931. Jan. 4, 11. ORDER In the District Court of the lliirteenth Judicial District of the State of Montana, in and for the Counties of Yellowstone. Bic Horn. Carbon, Stillwater and Treasure. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED That the terms of the District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District of the State of Montana, for the year 19X5. shall convene and open in the Coun ties composing said Judicial District, on the followinc dates, to-wlt: Yellowstone County:—January 21, April 15. July I. October 21. Bix Horn County:—January 17, April 18. July 18. October 3. Carbon County—February 13. Mar 14. September 10. November 12. Stillwater County—January 16. April 17. July 17. October 16. Treasure County:— January 24. April 25. July 25. October 24. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That all matters of Naturalization shall be called for consideration In the differ ent counties, as follows: Yellowstone County—April 11 and October 14: Bic Horn County—April IS and October 3: Carbon Countv —April 13 and Oc tober 15: Stillwater County—Anril 13 and October 16: Treasure Countv—April 25 and October 25. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That the law and motion days will ba as follows: Yellowstone County, every Judicial Dav ot the month, except Saturdays: . Bix Horn County. Ist and grd Thursdays of each month: Carbon County. 2nd and 4th Tues days at eadt month: Stillwater County. Ird Wednesday of •ach montlL Treasure County. 4th Thursday of MCb Dated" this 6lh day of December. O. F. GODDARD, I • District Judxe.