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GREAT FALLS TRIBUNE. GREAT FALLS TRIBUNE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One copy 1year, (in advance) ........ ..... 1: One copy 6 months Aweek... ...s... ... . ... 9. 1 12. Striman c t tly in ad Vince | . The ciclation ofs 15. 30.1 55 11hr Montana is gantmdn oexceed that of any pa- 'I _ _ -T-s- A i noi in ra. tt. 1 per published in the territory. pr1. Address FALLSmniaEGE TERRTORY ___O____T__ A 'dires llti6I U. tot sMoN YULA VOL. 1, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA TERRITORY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,, I885N..1 e adlcts pene ti ma FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF HELENA, MT.1 Paid-Up Capital..............................$300,00C Surplus and Profit............. ......250,000 Individual Deposites...........................2,000,000 Government Deposits............................ 100,000 S. A. HAUSER, President, DIRECTORS: A. J. DAVIS, Vice-Pres. S. A. Houser, A. M. Holter, J. M. Ming. E. W. KNIGHT, Cashies. E. W. Knight, T. H. Kleinschmidt, JoIn T. H. Kleinschmidt, Asst-Ca . Curtin, R. L. Hamilton, C. P. Higgins, Assoc i day Fr . MBans Parchen, T. C. Power. Associated Ban ks. ' 1st National, Butte. Total Capital and Surplus, $750,00 A General Banking Business Transacted. A. J. Davidson, SDealer i11 Co bHSdleH r Es L{N Chaps, Bits, Spurs, Etc. SOLE MONTANA AGENT FOR 1LILL'S CELEBRATED CONCORD' HARNESS. GREAT FALLS is located at the Falls of the Missouri which furnish the greatest available water power on the Con tinent. Is within 7 miles of the most extensive Coal and Iron district in the West, immediately beyond which are rich Silver and Copper districts. It lays tributary the best agricultural and grazing part of the Territory, and the pineries of the Upper Missouri and tributaries. It has made more progress in the past 8 months in proportion to its size than any other place in Montana, and is especially adapted by its natural resources and geographical position to become the leading manufacturing center between Minneapolis and the Pacific. The trip to Great Falls will amply repay tourists by the beauty of the scenery on the way, and they will find here the most magnificent series of waterfalls in the world, while the surrounding country is rich in picturesque scenery. To those wishing to improve property, lots will be sold at very reasonable prices. Fcr particulars address, H. 0. CHOWEN, AGENT. Suln River, Mont. LkRGENT IIO ELI. Sui2-r! James Gibb, Proprietor. Travelers Will Find Good Accommodations M. SILVERMAN, Proprietor H ELENA ARMORY Dealer in Ailininition. Fresh Fruits, Tobaco & Cigats Main Street, - HIelena S .S. WNHITTIER, AC N LC Murphy, Maclay & Company, A Complete Stock 01 A Co lete cARHmNTE & BBUlR. Stp~e GE N ERA L E C A N TS uiders'h o Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Men's Furnishing Goods, Wines, Liquors & Cigars, AND REPAIRING. GROCERI ES. Schuttler Wagons, Farming Machinery, Barbed Wire, Stoves and Tinware. M aterial. Great Falls, - Mont. GREAT FALLS, MONT. ROSE Give Me aCal DEVINE'S HOTEL, SUN RIVER, - - - - MONTANA! Best meals and Most comfortable rooms of any Hotel between Benton and Hetena. Piano in Par lor for use of guests. RATES--Room and Board per Day, $1.50O Parties Travelling Will Please Not Hesitate to Wake me at any j Hour of the Night. PROPRIETOR JOHN DEVINE, - - -POREO FIP$T NATIONAL BAN=, Of Fort Benton, Montana. CAPITAL............... ........................................$ 100,000.00 SURPLUS, !$70,000.00 Wu. G, CONRAD................Pres ED. MACLAY............C.. Cashier Jons W, POWER. ...........i:Oe " I R. A. LUKE ............As't " CRISS & HARVEY, Blacksmiths AND Repairers. Horse Shoeing a Spetcialty. We desire to thank our friends for past favors and will be thank ful for a liberal remembrance in the future. Subscribe For the Great Falls Weekly Tribuue. 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1884 1881 188b 1884 1884 1884 _ 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1884 1885 1885 1885 1884 1884 IRA MYER S. 1885 5 1885 I QQA 1 884 OO 13s E. G. MACLAY. 1885 188188 1885 1884 1884 I 1885 1885 1884 1881 1884 1884 1884 1884 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 reat FaIs Lumber Company MANUFACTURE AND KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF Rough AND DRESSED Lumber, DRESSED I DLESSED OIDT1I FINISHING LUMBER AND MATCHED FLOORING ~ M 1~j LATH AND SHINGLES. All Kinds 9f Toiilding. O12des Filled JIirect Fiom the Saw, if Desired. CATARACT ROLLER MILL. FULL ROLLER PROCESS FULL ROLLER PROCESS FULL ROLLER PRFCESS FULL ROLLER PROCESS FULL ROLLER PROCESS. FULL ROLLER PROCESS FULL ROLLER PROCESS FULL ROLLER PROCESS FULL ROLLER PROCESS To be Completed With Latest Improved Ma i chinery and Ready to Run on the Coming Crop. Ch wens d ennirs n, - Proprietors A. M. HOLTER & BRO GREAT FALLS PLANING IL Sash, Door and Blind Factory. '18 SIDING FLOORING Hardare 8ý Building Material. Chas. Wegner, - - - Agent. Lumber Yard at Sun River Crossing , Lumber Yard at Johnstown, R Tuomus ROSE. AGENT.) S ED DAvia, AGenT. PAT E N T S Ursuline Convent hge ) Obtained, and all PATENT BUSINESS at.home -OF THE-- Crai & St or abroad attended to for MODERATE FEES. CLY C iAMILY.g& Stran, rops. Our offica is opposite the U. S. Patent Office. Near Ft Shaw, M. T., aremwe can obtaS atents in less time than those The Urenline Nuns have lately opened a school rSoen MOrEm ORHIGTN a t Sto Peter's Mission for the you~ng girls of theD t endtabDLt f, DRAWING. We advise ast oar.Ever advantage for acquiring a corn- ý 0AC patntailiy feeof cherge and we (GAJ1GE plete education is afforded by this institution Flet lrld ' E NESPTNaSALWD We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt, of Terms: $10 per month; Tuition M oney Orer Div., and to officials of the U. S. free. Music Lessons $b a month. Choice Imported Cigars, Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and CoieIptdCgas references to actual clients in your own State or For further~e particulars apply to county, write to ReiMthrM. Armadeno Superior, Fine Old Brandy and Whisky, C. A. SNOW & CO. 12 mw, MoNT OppositePatentOffice. Washington, tDIC. A boarding school for boys has also been opened Extra XXXX Wines, Etc., Etc. At the same Mission under directionofthe CARTER & CLAYBERG, ha tti afr Good Billiard Table means of solid mental aad moral educa ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, tion for the boys TTE rMS: Tuition free. Board $10 per month And Private Club rooms. Offie: Main St., Foot of Broadway, Helena. M.T. Apply to REV 7. DAMIANI .Bj. h 2-14y r xmMra ges ot GREAT FALLS, Mrs. Mary Dirking, Prop's gH o , BEST HOTEL IN THE CITY. Boarding by the Day or Week. OTTER CREEK MILL, C. L. WALL, PROP. --Lumber, LATH AND S lin1g8l. Orders for Lumber and Building Material Promptly Filled PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Montana National Bank OF' HELENA, MONT., ORGANIZED NOVEMBER, 1882. C. A. BROADWATER ............................................President A. G. CLARKE ................................................Vice-President E.SHARPE ................ ............ ............................Cashier UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Paid-Up Capital, - - - - $250,000.00 Surplus and Profits, - - - - 50,000.00 DIRECTORS: S. C. ASHBY, B. F. POTTS, N. H. WELSTER, HERMAN GANS, S. H. CROUNSE, H. F GALIN, B. B. HARRISON, C. W. CANNON AND A. H. WILDER, OF ST. PAUL. ESTABLISHED 1877. J..'.S. 1Vc1v IL L..Il\T du CC., PROPFIETORS OF The Minneapolis Sheepskin Tannery, AND DEALERS IN HIDES. SHEEP PELTS. FURS. TALLOW. Ginseng and Seneca Root. sheep Zle1t a specialty 101, 103 & 105 Second St North, - Minneapolis, Minn Shipmrents Soliteci. Write for Cirou!ars. PHIL. GIBSON, Real, Es1tat and Insurance Agent, NOTARY PUBLIC. Corner I st Avenue, North and 4th Street. Q EA.T FALaLS. Imparts a thorough and practical education in all commercial branches. The advantakes of this instituition are equal to any of the East 1 ern Commercial Colleges. Tuition no higher 0 than other first-class College. The same text. Cf Z~u ii66,lký inteledn Tryan sam Sa tto emrt V7 books and manner of instructions are used here ,7 as in the leading Bryant & Stratton Commer AND ENGLISH TRAINING SCHOOL Um in the United States. Penman. giving rate., course of study, and other information will be sent to any addres. on applicotion to 1H. T. Engeihorn or E. 0. Ralisback, Principals, Heleun. Send for now circulars,, R S. Hale & Co.. (HALE'S NEW BLOCK), 1HZLEN1A, MowrNTA2 H .ANA' ~Wholesale and Retail Dealers in MO T N DrugsI CiicIs udf Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils & Brushes. Anu all goods to be found in a thoroughly stocked drug store. Particular attentiongivento orders froan country physicians and custouers. All medieines warranted fresh and genuine and of the best quality Horse and Cattle condition powders; sheep dip, .o, 4 Orders by mail will receive prompt attention.