Mu. E;:aca i 3:_z1as , is the an
thoriu agent f ibo Tun~ix:4 to so
l1i subscrip >, job work and ad
ve"risin All contrac s lildo by
limi 'ill be faithfully carriod oat by
this ofthce.
Jons CmIX:AMA, :ike poor Lo. niust
ilELENA tis not Only tile Wealirnest
b at the healthiest city of its size in
TilE Dillon Tribune man has a hab
£t of getting unreasonably ugly and
disagreeable when things don't go to
c it him. He relieved h~~ui'slf of 000
tLhso tantrums last weok 1w sihootirig
(Of a wrillering ( ?) parauraphi about
Great Falls. Don't ha childish.
Tizs new pi')Stil eard~s l( Issed
aro lmalvels of noatnios 'n1 ar"
present a ninch bottor o'1o're
than their liidlcanors. T1i a -. e
cnl: the th;ird styie ot lu-til cardL '
sued by I he Uniited State c-,nce th 'ir
odopiing, a nan'2ar of xi'''. ''
Many is the mon that wishe hI
wife's best bonnet woull ren wi' in
style as long as postal cmrs
UNLEss }lrOvidtieDo intervcn anhi
behalf, Loui~s Riel was laon---'d' -tr
(lay by order of the dominncors
for the part he took in the la'e rho
in that coonirv. Much can 1"' -''1
for Riel inl extenuation o' tbe" run'
for which he wa5 adj~u2.g' 'mgilnta
condemned. H~e has mni-l wa'rm
friends nail sy mpltijOrers nMa tn
who will long rena-mber aim nly
and amoonr$ -i pf'opl ho wil li0100e
fouthi Ie ceriho Led as a inty u hseo
life was saefce in - od e'use. Tie I
effect his exooution a 'A have is boun'a'
to be felt for 1 irs to co-m'- anu in
the end ima' p ouve -5-i aton- to the
wollfare and po ce of the ndin
CoNoREnsSrAL MILLS Of te-,.. _ ms
to have taken up the tar if question
where Morrison dropped it. le has
in preparation a bill for prest:'ation
to Congress. which provides for 1he
removal of duties upeon eve rtling
except what he can>iQ rs the l uries
of life--that is food, cluot 'iin and
manufactures which are in (u 1 a
use by the poorer clay-as of l-.jpe.
The dutits on silk nd nih tins ali'," -
vets Will 1)e retained. 1at that on
woolen goods. ci tton . lin.en and
other fanrIes of ordinary use will he
removed or greatly reuaced. 'here
scorns to be no idea of pot st(on iii
Mr. Mills' scheme. and uo itn is re
garded in that light: his prini ile be
ing to secure revenue e('nfg tI s0p
ply the needs of Inc goverinmeet on
such articles as cannot be c(i ll r d
the necessaries of life.
THE cowvard, and unrovked ml s
sacre of a nuiuber of Chinese laborers
by white nmn at Rock hprni ý,
Wyo., recently, is to be rigret -*e
and every man implicated in it s'io jd
be severely punished. If this Latr
is allowed to rest, it wili incite other
deeds of violence. The effects of the
affair has already mnade tse f in
Montana. Butte and Anaconda are
considering the advisabili of rid
ding their respective places of these
pests, but are using judgnment in the
matter, and are not likely to resort to
low cowardice in order to bring about
the desired effect. Great Falls has
decreed that no Chinaman shall be
allowed a foothold within its precincts
by preemnptormaliv firing out the only
almond-eyed Celestial in the town.
The New Northwest. in the following
lines echos our sentiments in the mat
ter, and we believe that of every true
"Let us be rid of Chinese labor,
but let it be done legally and with
supreme respect for the lives and
property of those who are poor arnd
weak, Nothing will justify assassin
TimE Secretary of the Interior has
issued an order prohibiting the Mon
tana Improvement company from cut
ting ally more timber on government
land. The company is one of the
wealthiest and most important of any
operating in Montana. Mr. Bonner, i
president of the company, and a well
known business man of the Territory, 1
while en route to Washington to have 1
a "medicine talk-' with the Secretary,
was interviewed by a Pioneer Press
representative, and that journal com
ments editorially upon it thusly: t
"According to President Bonner, of
the Montana Improvement company. I
the new ruling of the interior depart
mont regarding the cutting of timber
on government mineral lands, will re
suit most unfortunately for the chief
industry of Montana. The demands t
of the many mines of the territory are
very great, so great, indeed, that the I
saw mills have all they can do to meet
them. Should the order be enforced, c
Mr. Bonner claims that the mills
would be compelled to stop and the f
Mines to shut down. He asserts.
moreover, that the Northern Pacific t
has no interest whatever in the im
provement company, and does not I
discriminate in its favor as regards f
rates. Doubtless the interior depart- 1
ment is laboring under a misappre
hension of the facts in the case, and
when made to comprehend the full P
effect of the order will hesitate be- I
fore enforcing i1."
1 1i i are Y oirt xing up in the
.u aL, mn fecturing and mon
conteis of the east. TI.' great sur
Jiptus of over S200,I00I.tJ0O is seckin
i'venO1ituLt Ca.0tiouslv, it is true.
Tje im]upetors irn jI Ilers report an
earlier and ia'a r trade than for a
n1u. f. t'' y}'ariV jest. Nimoo1 idle Iln Pactol(its throughont the
i- country hax 1" ri ' nt-d opeiations
-The eros in na01 lo all sections are
by excellent, and tihe g rii l opinion is,
bý the turning 1oin: has been passed.
and that the lo oming year will see all
industries in a fainrly pamerous con
ist (;ion. Ii ntan0 a has felt the effecis
of this depresion 'vi oely. She was
nut in a 1'siiion t.> relieve herseolf,
est ' t
n 'exv Lt Ii practi '14 the most strin
t gent ecn. .ich :iell nigh Ior
deleid on privation. She Ivas pr odIi
b- in" practically none othe l1:ece-sarics
ad of life, ,ich as flour. bacco. butter.
to eggs, ceeoe. etc., lbat was her
O our in i o her lacon aoi d
ng'_' haussI~ Iin Chiicago-:, and: otiher' stage)fs
it froln e(qua~ll ' (ilsant .The LA:
Ytil1 conCsOqt ece a il0i"ng such a
iriocednre as that '{otana got a
double dose of "mpress ion." As
loopes laipd r.+~ing ti ; ht('r, and near
O ly all thd cu-aial "1 W e WTerritory ble-l
ing mxvde i aes slopie the'<
1, pogle beg n to udrn that such ]
'i'ir i l e , ' of 2oi11' Ili.Si l1' S woould
;. ' ier ('t). ý 'lh t'y h''''n to see tiat they 1
w1-1'-a ha e to ii odld;' soliaihirenit to l
ns tipl'' the demcoaels of the T½. itory,"
in ;- 1 St:t's as Chey 1uld t1ro'1,0
is it.her-ise ihe- IV. - . 1 er be 1e to 1
`' V i Ienga t' lwselves from the irip '
_`, in whiclh d10y -wmre hlwd. They ha!ve' 1
i+! n("tL'd upun1 tlhis i ncui and t
Id 1this tear. Minnleap~olis lti=ýlrs and
' Ciicap prk pach ' rs w''11 wonder'
iL( why theni tradi, e in Iv, a;l fl.L
Ilmt len vii' ý,o pe'in--ipill - :.-aet year th'ty r
Svil ""' 'il rol. for h. that'
* LIwo M'tllou "t\ i Ie mile to pl- 1
0 1 i' c il IL1 the 11)1ur nil li on r'1u_±'(e
" to s[jp.y her dnlints, and wjthiin
jo t xtdcd ilpois 5Mhz'r nd j
1E U P i' _t l :Mt' Iý L_ Li+ _. 1}i t .<' " ai
'. (Ahici'g' hoan.' will lx' looked apon a1 >
in a CLri 1iV in moL :taun. not as a ne
tI CeSlity. LlontalliIlL li1 )01011 benet-hede
1i: this deression iu e t'lin she re- ai
,sl{110-:. It has in fart been a b~lesellng t1
in ui"-gu"'. a-n ni', that Ahe is o1 t
the high road to n'i'L'jjit, can stL p 0
1n1a oniat and " ool: 1-i1" to the time
x nhen everybody isi1 -- hI -at cutid not t
O1' 1pr1oc1,1 "uccoml ' This ha' it
ILL ,> e exploide'. MIuiItaai' " ro es a ! 5 t
01 £!':_ir (tuantity of woodt to tale acre t<
n iiLn a- o'her state or tenil'itory in a
the .ILL'i1, and I'' catilvatioig the va- ti
rIy I e. t 'ite'd to the climate, can i
protduce"' w'at of a 101lit; ojai to hi
thal grown in any other section, as
1 has e 'n p'rXven to the satisfaction of ti
f.111 eall uiia..i"ý and tn'prejudi'ed ti
e'ro-is who have taken: any interest of
*in its u-l : , 1 t!... It was then iun)
dto"tand that the v'lilex- were the 1c
only 1:uas oi.c would Iproduce any- i
thing i't bunch grass. The oenchll
lnd 'erc cl 'Cidlers1 mttile. This the- 1i
exy has e'en jilt' indcso eftiectn tl1
Fill; to, that =t is only flo'v III! then of
that F man can I' found but that will au
S ' led.o their s51p'l'iority over the (1
Valleys < grain t't)aoducers. atld that
too, 3; itkoutt irrigation niin 1a1l Iin
atnces. This is whre Montamni has
Lrftdb the' htnxi tim1es. It hasf
aee the moans of dL'xeloprng her ag-n
.CQe umal ie'orirces slightly. and
orov' ing beyond a doubIt that this in- t
I nstryi destined to outriva] all N.
other Within her herders. But for
t1i15 :Joit'Lni's vast areai of valoablo 00t
Lirniuttural iatnds Would have yielded se;
to th10 commaonwxeaith only their value
as 1aodacers of bunch grass. th
A SEVEaE cyclone swept across the
state of Ohio last week, carrying with
it death and destruction. The fury -
of the storm seemed to center at
Washington Court House, where a
number of lives were lost and a large
amount of property destroyed.
TuE NeW No thwest, one of the
ables newspapers published in Mon
tana, strongly opposes the scheme of I
hawking our surplus prisoners out to
other states and territories.
[From our Reguier Correspondent.]
W AsIImsrON, Sept. 4, 1885.
The cool weather of the past few
days has brought many Washington- s
ians back from sea shore and mount
ain. The President is expected in a
few days and by the first of October,
Everybody, as she humbly calls her
self, will be back in the city. The
Secretary of the Interior is the only r
Cabinet officer who has remained in
town the summer through. His health c
appears to be excellent; he is looking I
fresh and ruddy, and is evidently a
much stronger man than he was dur
ing the first few weeks of the present d
administration. He is made of pretty i]
tough fibre for the number of office e
seekers he is compelled to see every
day is very large, and his work is ex- d
ceedingly harrassing. a
Secretary Bayard has been absent tu
from the State Department very lit
tle. He has occasionally made a fly- A
ing trip to his home in Wilmington,
Delaware, but nearly every day has
found him at his desk. While at his
home in Wilmington last Sunday he
had for his guest Mr Keilley, the
Minister of the U. S. to Austria. Mr. n
Keiley though our repsentative in. i
law, is not in fact, for the ruler of ff
Austria refuses to receive him, and
- the mission it vacant to all intents
- aid 'rspo les. Whether his resigna
ction v ill ie accepted and the vacancy
fl led by o no her appointment seems
in w ubt. At all events no such
ctL:us. is likely to occur at an early
day. Until something of the kind
dune the United States will have no
Miniuter to Austria. The question
naturally arises vxhettler the country
stiners any detriment from the ab
sene of a representative at Vienna
If we can get along for months with
out a Minister, why not for years, and
why not forever. If we need no
li\uin'ter to Austria what is the use of
eepin'g up diploumatic relations with
Iuss-a, Italy, Prance, Prussia or in
deid with aliy foreign country. Di
tlumacy is indeed as much of a thing
of the pjo:st as Kaight-erranty. It cut
a very im- ~portant figure in European
p 1itics a hundred, or even fifty years
ago, but joiurnlisi with its hand
uaiens, ste:an and electricity. has
P ft i o-fashioned Diplomacy in the
lurh. , Jile there may be an excuse
for kee1Oi'iPi an the traditional 4iplo
niatic r to as letwe'-n the di lterent
a;e'et can'I -of the old world, there
id no use(' r us to "u-ntaoitn peinsive
e-,tabli:"hmlenits in Europe'an capitals.
.T(` fo aii'g miisters acereditt'd to
chis country" are the idlest set of. meal
in' aginatdle. They confine their di
plea a'c to mil tations and scandaloms
intrlig-uis. Only a few days ago one
of them was arrested fur insulting a
lady in a store on 7th Street. lie was
released as soon as it was known that
he wa+ an attache of a foreign l'ga
tion, 'r xaCCordig to ea rule of infer
natio'al liw, tie representatives of
C _eig'ni con'ts cal not he imprisoned.
S~eredtary Alaninlig has just retuIrn
ed to the city. Since the Ith of March
he has been at his de k far more
hu -s a day than Secretaries average,
but will' his bot efforts he finds him
self -v: nat}'eid in the accumulation of
aim't"ers. Hids reason for retaining
"sit'' Scmreh ry Ceon. who is a1
pretty stif sort of a ie --abiican, is
si'ply l-'ecause of Coon's grnat famil
iaity witi the every day routine of
the Departmnmut. In that way Coon's
twenty mmars experience is priceless
ani so lie stlays, ahhough Manning is
no great stickler for civil service re
to atd would have put a Democrat
in Coon's chair months ago if he
e-iid be spare!. As it is the two are
tg dtler for a long time each day.
and before he makes any removals in
the e21'ce Manning always consults 7
'ih C on, inakid g the latter, spite of '
'ils pocl ies. in the smaller patronage
aciii the Department, more intltu'n
tial than an; ither man. The redue
tion of the public debt for the month
of August was $2A.7i,032. The ag
-regate -eduction of the public debt
for the mooths cf July and August is
annout -'1 (it.0t) short of the redi c
lien reported for the samue months
last year. lreasure'r Jordan says
the heavy drafts upon the Treasmuy
for pensions is 1wat lessens the
auount that can be applied to the re
unction of the public debt.
JA_ 11EST (.1.: NE[t lX. NEW"S.
Soine of the Long Branch hotels
will remain open until October 1.
The American Historical associa
tion is in session at Saratoga Springs,
N. Y.
Savannah, Ga., has put up X2,000,
000 worth of buildings thus far this
Gen. John A. Logan will attend
the Knights Templar tournament at
Atlantic City.
It is a Washington rumor that John
Roach intends to enter the U. S. sen
ate from Delaware.
The American Social Science asso
ciation were in session at Saratoga
last week to consider the subject of
public health.
Miss Sheflield of Allentown, Pa.,
fora year and a half has slept twenty
hours every day. She is the picture
of health.
Democratic journals criticize Minis
ter Phelps with some severity for his
devotion to post-prandial rhetoric in
The school fund in West Virginia
is short $80,000, and a number of
schools have had their terms shorten
ed in consequence.
The first newspaper in Alaska Ter
ritory, the Alaskan, will be issued
October 1. Gov. Swineford is to be a
regular contributor to its columns.
Bishop Clawson, of the Mormon
church, is in California, looking up a
place for a large settlement of the
polygamous saints, numbering 15,000.
Postmaster General Vilas has or
dered a close examination of the work
ing of the New York postoffice, and
every detail is now under scrutiny.
The Liberal Reformers in Canada
demand that the members of the sen
ate shall be elected by the people, and
that the franchise act be repealed.
Dr. Talmage is coming home on the
Amania in company with Theodore
Thomas, Manager Amberg, Mme.
Modjeska, Marcus Mayer, and M.
Quartz crystal was found last week
near Auburn, Me., with hay and straw
imbedded in it. Geologists are in a
fearful state of igind about the stuff.
The Utica, N. Y., steam cotton mills
and the Mohawk Valley mills, em
pinging about one thousand hands,
have resumed work. The have been
s idle for a month.
Ze Zn .uarez, the Spanish consul
general at New York, officially de
nies the story that Limband Sanchez,
the C(Jban insurgent, Lad gained a
battle over the Spani.,h troons.
Speaking of the death penalty, the
Toronto Mail says: "The experience
of Minnesota is worthy of the atten
tion of those who hold that the death
} penalty should be ahelished."
Advices received from the sugar
v producing parishes of Louisiana are
to the effect that the cane crop prom
- ises a larger yield than that of 1834.
A Pittsburg dispatch says that ex
cept in eight pits, the strike of miners
is general in the frst three pools. The
men in the fourth pool are still at
Cant. Hail, of the United States
secret service, says that the story of
the discovery at a point on the Illi
nois :hore, opposite Clarksville, Mo.,
of $1)0,000 in '5, $10 and ;2U.coun
terfeit bills, on the Traders' National
Bunk. Chia go. is untrue.
The New York Commercial Bulle
tin estimates the fire losses in the
Untiled States and Canada during the
month of August at 85.500C,00. This
is a decided imttrovemnent upon for
amer records, the average aggregate of
are loss in August for ten years past
being ` 7T.0.t0. 0.
Mary Miller killed her child by
throwing it under a railway locomo
tive at Buffalo, New York. She then
tried to conmuit suicide by throwing
herself under the train. Her artn
was crushed badly. She will recover.
B. J. Kilpatrick being chosen presi
John W. Porter. editor of the Ports
month (Va.) Enterprise, assaulted J.
D. Brady of Petersburg in Norfolk
last week. They were separated. The
trouble grew out of a published attack
and counter attacks.
Work is in progress on the Chig
nC1to shin catnal, seven miles long, -
connecting the waters of the Gulf of
St. Lawrence with those of the Bay
o& Fundy. The cut will save vessels
the long trip round the peninsular of
Nova Scotia.
J. Griftlith Westbrook, a young law
student in Kingston. N. Y., ran away
and took his mother's bank book and
drew some money before leaving. It
is sin posed be went to New York with
a comely young Irish girl named
Mary Uyland.
To Wheat Growers!
PholloIiaplize IiStitiote and
Reopened Septerther 1, 1M85
A 1'raetiic l he ool for yoong man and women
COi ljlE t):1 STUDY:
Commercial, tcenofraphy, Typewriting. Pen
Art, Architectural Drawing and Preparatory oz
-Boak Kc ig by Actual Business Practice.
Pehnm nship aud Art Department in charge of
one of the finest Penmen in the United States
Send G cents for baoutiful specimen$ of his work (
direct from the pen,
From October to April. Tuition no higher than
in first-class eastern institutions
" 'd for . ew Circular (free) giving eoorse
ofstudy, Ac. Address,
['or 6th Ave & Main Bts. HELENA
An A 1. good White Skirt, full width,
French faced sleeves, everlasting back
stay, linen bosom and bands, overstitch
50c. each, 6 for $3.00
COLLARS, 15c. CUFFS, 200. L
best quality linen, extra heavy, 4-ply.
Warranted. All new styles.
MI 850. W/ ite 3ShirtF
is warranted Wamsutta Muslin, 2100
linen in bosom, French sleeves, ever- C
lasting back stay, seams felled and
overstitched, cut full. The best Shirt
money can produce. C
Send a sample order.
aes ~ir 3-Pit
Absolutely Pure.
This powder n- ver varies. A marvei of
strength and who.esoni nes-. Lo2e ecomiii1a
than the ordinary kinds. and cannot hIi a'h iii ii
competition with tLie nmilitudrof low t--t, ih : r
weigit, alum or phlis ,ýrte t;owiders. St;hnly in
Cans. ROYAL BAI{ING POWDES (0.. 107 Wt all at.,
New York.
Civil Engineer
U. S. Iep.f Mincral Surveyor.
Sp V aeti l g;vmn to land urveyin~ and
urrinating canala.
HIP RoaE T5" F WpiA
Attorneys & Counselors
1end mitt nhlun given to Land and Mining
('labers and ('odiectioa::.
U. S. Cap. Mineral Surveyor.
('nmnty iurveynm
ý+ Civil Ellaileers & Dca. II. S.
Mineral & Land Surveyors,
Iruigating dltchirs and ranm]h unrvey a a specialty.
Broadway, - - Helana, Mont.
Alli Bol Tca Restaurant,
Main 6irect, Helena
S" Slusher, - - Proprietor.
The undersigned offers for sale, or
will trade for cattle
O Spalm of goad fhiikes.
For further information apply to-
Great Falls.
Imported XXXX Hennesy, 7 yars.
25 cents a drink.
XX Hennesy, 4 years old, 12. cts.
Extra Fine 4X French Brandy,
25 cents a drink.
Fine Domestic Wine 12', cents. Q
Imported and Domestic Cigars at
12& and 25 cents each.
THE-:- C10BUIA~k-:-!
George Richards, Pror.,
Livery, Feed and Sale
Stable in connection
Stages to the railroad and all p',i nin the
Great Falls, Mont.
Ah Wah, Proprietor.
Laundry Work Solicited. Satis
faction Guaranteed,
Helena &llentonStge Line
Coach for Helena leaves Sun Riv
er every evening at 8 o'clock,
except Sunday evening.
Coach for Fort Benton leaves Sun
River every morning at 4 o
clock, except Monday morning
J M POWERS, Manager
William H McKay F:mmF cKay
Mc ay Broters,
Con tactors and Builders.
oluesale and1 Th'iial Deal!ers in
I k, SiZ o, Lime &General
Great Fai s, - - Montana
4i .4
Lory, Feed ad Sale Stables,
Main Street, - - Sun River
eachley Bros. & Hickory,
General News Dealers and Stationers
Carllaes, Nate, Toamco, Cigars aol Smokers' Artilets.
Prices to Suit the Times.
Great Falls Blacksmith Shop,
I am prepared to do any class of work in ray line, and in a most thorough &
workmanlike manner. All work done on short notice.
Livery. Druft and Mule Siieeing.
Cor. 1st & 3d Sts. - - Great Fall
Wm. Wamer,
Greatu Fla*l 11 otel,
Boarding by the Day or Week
Livery Feed Stable in Connection
Successor to
Dealer in
Sird £r e, TAW re, Grallte
Iranware, Coal & Wood
Cook an ida g.
Force Pumps, Hose, Etc.
Tin Roofing and Spouting
A Specia :ty
Sun River, Mont
C, N. Dickinson,.Prop.
A Choice Line of Meat Kept Constaitly on iland.
Manufacturer F Av EerI,
And Dealer in: H A__________ Mnana Ter.