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GREAT FALLS TRIBUXE. GREAT FAILS TRIBUNE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES.T One cop) 7 year, (in advan e) ..........I ..E . On:e Ii tno 1;week... $2.S 3.1. 4. $ 6. $ 9.1 $ 12 One cop; 3 {'flt s.... .......... 1, n t~e man CO)t( 6. 7. 1tr j 15. 25. bpeciian o months 7. 8. 10. 15. 30. 55. Strirlyin advance. 6mnh . 1. 1. 8. 5. 10 The circulation of the Ttines' in Northern lmnea 9 10: 25. 5 5. 0 Montana is guarantietd t, exceed that of any pa- ___- Buiess notices in reading matter, 25 cents per pubishedi in the territory.RLAYDper line. Address : \h:l cononctions1 to L tie OT VOL. 1. GREAT FALLS, MONlT ANA TERRITORY, S1A'1TURD~AY SEPTEMBER 27, I88NO5.prliefo rti 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 BF1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 FIRST NATIONAL BANK. E. G.85 188518 851881885 * Montan Natona an 1884I O 188 E. G. MAOLAY. 1 1885 I88 188. 5 ise OF HELENA, MT 1884 1884 1885 1885 OF IEE NA., MONT., Paid-Up Ctal.$300,00C 1884 1884 1884 18841884 1884 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 Surplus and Profit....... ......................... . 250,000 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 188518851885188518851885 ORGANIZED NOVEMBER, 1882. Individual Deposites................................2,000,000 Government Deposits.............................. 100,000 . A. BROADWATER,..... ... . nt S. A. HAUSER, President DIRECTORS: rl G. CLARKEV..i....... sien A. J. DAVIS, Vice-Pres S. A. Honser, A. M. Holter, J. M. Ming, SHARPE Cahie E. W. KNIGHT, Cashier. E. 11. Knight, T. H. Kleinsclumdt, JOln GFaUNITEDSTAE EOIOY T. H. Kleinschmidt, Asst-Ca C. Curtin, R. L. Hamilton, C. P. Higgins, Paid-Up Capital, - - - - $250,000.00 A. J. Davis, H. M. Parchen, T. C. Power. MANUFACTURE AND KEEP IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF istA~usa 'st s en~t~o5,MANFATUR ADKEPINTOK AL INDOFSurplus and Profits, - - - - 50,000.00 Associated Banks: tNti ot ona, MsouNational, MEou Total Capital and Surplus, $750.00 S. C. ASHRY, B. F. POTTS, N. H. WEBSTER, HERMAN IANS, S. H. CROUNS!, H. 7 GALZN, A General Banking Business Transacted. Rough A N1 Lum er, R. B. HARRISON, 0. W. CANNON AND A. H. WILDER, OF ST. P.UL. _____________________________ESTA.BLISPIED 1S7'7. A . J. Davidson, h Sheepskin DRESSED FINISHING LUMBER The Minn98p1i ANepki DTACHDFLOINnery SDNG1i 1'y InnAND MATCHED FLOORING LATH AND SHINGLES. T M neplsTn~~ cl w ________________HELENA HIDES. SHEEP PELT FURS. TALLOW. SOLE UU JUJUFOR HIL'S_ ( CONCRD' HRNESS All sof MoldiGinseng and Seneca Root. Chaps, Bits, SpursS Chps Bts pusEt.d ~ ddI0, 103 & 105 Second St North, - Minnieapolis, Minn NOLEMONANA GEN FO HIL'S ELEBATF COCORD HANESS I * *Shipznents solitecd. vvrite for Oirou'a.ra. GREAT FALLS is located at the Falls of the Missouri which furnish the greatest available water power on the Con tinent. Is within 7 miles of the most extensive Coal and Iron district in the West, immediately beyond which are rich Silver and Copper districts. It lays tributary the best agricultural and grazing part of the Territory, and the pineries of the Upper Missouri and tributaries. It has made more progress in the past 8 months in proportion to its size than any other place in Montana, and is especially adapted by its natural resources and geographical position to become the leading manufacturing center between Minneapolis and the Pacific. The trip to Great Falls will amply repay tourists by the beauty of the scenery on the way, and they will find here the most magnificent series of waterfalls in the world, while the surrounding country is rich in picturesque scenery. To those wishing to improve property, lots will be sold at very reasonable prices. Fcr particulars;address, H. 0. CHOWEN, AGENT. L GT L CATARACT ROLLER PjLLRGREATFALLS, ____________ BEST HOTEL IN THE CITYI FULL ROLLER PROCESS FULL ROLLER PROCESS RI0ames Gibb, Proprietor. FULL ROLLER PRFCESS FULL ROLLER PROCESS Boarding by the Day oi Week. Travelers Will Find Good Accommodations F PRO C ESS. FULL ROLLER PROCESS FULL ROLLER PROCESS M . SI LVERIV A N, FULL ROLLER PROCESS~ FULL ROLLER PROCESS OT ER L. WALL, PROP. ProIprieo P HELENA ARMORY\TX To be Completed With Latest Improved Ma p e LEN\A chinery and Ready to Run on the Coming Crop. hitits, FTibah & tigariet Z Orders for Lumber and Building Material Promptly Filled Main Street, - Iolona PRICES TO SUI T THE TIMES. S'S. WHITTIER, WATCH AND CLOCK A Complete Stock ofMurphy, Maclay ompany, A Complete Stack of ARPENTER & ER StapleERCATS 8i1de' Job Work PromlptlyAttenoal to Fllc Ho d Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Men's Furnishing Goods, Wines, Liquors & Cigars AND REPAIRING. GROCERIES. Schuttler Wagons, Farming Machinery, Barbed Wire, Stoves and Tinware. ' And Material. oreat Falls, - Mont. GREAT FALLS, MONT. GiveMeaCall DEVINE'S HOTEL, SUN RIVER, - - - - MONTANA Best meals and Most comfortable rooms of any Hotel between Benton and Helena. Piano in Par lor for use of guests. RATES--Room and Board per Day, $1.50 Parties Travelling Will Please Not Hesitate to Wake me at atiny - Hour of the Night. JOHN DEVINE, - PROPRIETOR FI1ST NATIONAL BANT, Of Fort Benton, Montana. CAPITAL...........................................$100,000.00 SURPLUS, 1$70,000.00 Wm. G. CONRAD.................Pres ED. MACLAY,............... Cashier Joax W. POWER.............Vice- " R. A. LURE,............Ass't " CRISS & HARVEY, Blacksmiths AND Repairers. Horse Shoeing a Spebialty. We desire to thank our friends for past favors and will be thank ful for a liberal remembrance in the future. Subscribe For the Great FallsW A. M. HOLTER& BRO., IA GREAT ALLS LANING ILL. Sash, Door and Blind Factory. SIDING LUMBER LATH ANP SHIN bE, FLOORING 0ardware Sc Bilding Material. Iy Chas. Wegner, - - - Agent. C Lumber Yard at Sun River Crossing Lumber Yard at Johnstown, JR THoMAS RosE. AGENT. ED DAVIS, AGENT. ' PATENTS 0 Obtained, and all PATENT BUSINESS at home or abroad attended to for MODERATE FEES. Our office is opposite the U.S. Patent Office, and we can obtain patentain less time than those * remote from WASHINGTON. Send MODEL OR DRAWING. We advise as to .a tentability free of chrrge; and we CHARGE 0t FEE UNES PATENT IS ALLOWED. We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div., and to officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and references to actual clients in your own State or county, write to C. A. SNOW & CO. OppositePatentOffice, Washington, 1D1.C. GCARTER & CLAYBEFRG, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office: Main St., Foot of Broadway, Helena. M.T. 2-14y Ursuline Convent' -OF THE- IOT..Y F'AMILY. Near Ft Shaw, M. T., The Ursuline Nuns have lately opened a school at St. Peter's Mission for the young girls of the coun Evadvantage for acquiring a cor pt ecainis afforded by this institution Terms: 810 per month; Tuition free. Music Lessons $o a month. For further particulars apply to Rev Mother M. Amadeno Superior, FT SHAW, Morr A boarding school for boys has also been opened at the same Mission under directionofthe Tesuit "E'a ,there The object of this iustitutios is to afford means of solid mental and moral educa. tion for the boys TERMS: Tuition free. Board $10 per month Apply to BEY J. DA.,IAI 83. TeF BEAW Owr Agusta Exchange! Craig & Sturman, Props. Fiust Brands of Liquors, Choice Imported Cigars, Fine Old ,Brandy and Whisky, Extra XXXX Wines, Etc., Etc. Good Billiard Table And Private lub roomGM. Agnsta. o. PHIL. GIBSON, Rial Estate and Insuace Agt. NOTARY PUBLIC. Corner I st Avenue, North and 4th Street. CQ1E.&T PATaaBs Imparts a thorough and practical education in ai Commercial branches. The advantakee of this institution are equal to any of the East i'll 1 erc Commercial Colleges. Tuition no higher ý-F,1I41,iA e I7,ele, than other first-class College. The same text books and manner of instructions are used here as in the leading Bryant & Stratton Commer AND ENGLISH TRAINING SCHOOL. ca colleges in the vUnted States. Penman giving rates. course of study, and other information will' be seat to any address on applicatiion to H. T. Engeihorn or E. 0. Railsback, Principals, Helena. Send for new circulars, R S. Hale Co.. (HALE'S NEW BLOCK), SHELDENA, Wholesale and Retail Doealr n N A Drgs Cielcl adeice Fancy Toilet Articles, Paints, Otis & Brushes. And allgoods to be found In a thoroughly stocked stoeP eilarattentiouwiveuto from countr phscians and custoens. Al warraseterd asnlaaisd of tse beat quality .Z 3'i r.1 ot, > °he ld