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GREAT FALLS TR-IBUJNE. P~tli:lt ETEri SailEdaIyat Great Falls, M.T WILL HANKS, PUuLISnIR. NOTICE. MR. GEORGE BUDINGTON is the au thorized agent of the TRIBSNE to sO licit subscription, job work and ad vertising. All contracts made by him will be faithfully carried out by this office. For the benefit of our Eastern readers we would state that accorg' ing to the report of our Governor, Montana has a population of 100,000 to 110,000. Last year, the mineral product of the Territory was $20,250, 000, and the value of beef and wool exported, amounted to $6,000,000. There were 900,000 cattle, 1,200,000 sheep, and 120,000 horses subsisting throughout the year upon our ranges. That part of the territory where most of this live stock ranges, seven years ago was covered with buffalo and was the hunting ground of numer ous tribes of Indians. It also em braces a vast amount of the richest wheat land in the north-west. The New York correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer. interviewed Governer Hauser on the subject of Montana, lately, and the governor re plied as follows: It was never more prosperous in all the time I have been there. We have more -dividend paying mines than any other territory in the country. The growth is mar velous!" ."You will soon be knock ing at the doors of congress for ad mission as a state?" . "That is what it looks like. I presume we could get through this winter if we should tie up with Dakota. That territory is republican and ours is democraiic. If the two were presented together they might go through. I don't see how Dakota can be refused in any event. Mr. Chauncy M. Depew says of Mr. Vanderbilt: "He was always a very hard worker, and his large frame and his immense physique were the results { of the work he did on his farm on h Staten Island. When he was twenty one his father gave him the farm and made him earn his own living on it. He did so until he was forty-three. He used to get up at four o'clock, every day, and he has told me that he has often come to the city and was back on his farm ploughing by seven o o'clock. When he went to the New ' York Central at the age of forty-three he knew nothing about railroads, and I had to work very hard. He was the simplest of eaters and never drank anything except an occasional glass of claret, nor did he ever use tobacco. t He was intensly fond of a horse, and I was one of the best drivers that ever I lived. He became by study one of the best judges of pictures in this country, as is testified by his gallery which undoubtedly contains the best t collection of modern paintings in the I world." t UNLUC(KY POINT. Speaking of the recent collission on the Northern Pacific, a correspondent of the Walla Walla Statesman says: "Unlucky Point, where the collission occurred, has long been regarded by the train men on the Rocky Mountain division as an unlucky place. Even before the railroad was built--away back in the early staging days--the stage and freight teams used to meet with accidents at that place. The first day the track was laid around the point a man by the name of Sweeney had his head cut off slick and clean by being run over by the cars. When the work was being blasted Osborne, conductor of the work train was also killedthere." IN A TIGHT PLACE. A peculiar accident is recorded as happening to a passenger train on the Oregon & California railroad in Oregon, last week. It ran into a tun nel this side of Delta. but found its exit at the fartherend completely bar red by land slide. Backing up to extricate itself from the unpleasant predicament, a land slide was found to have as completely blockaded the entrance at this end after the train went in. The train, with its load of human beings, had to remain prson ers for the night, until a train hand succeeded in crawling out and going for help in the morning. AFFAIRS IT SALT LAKE. Says the Alts: Affairs in Salt Lake have settled down to a square race between religious and irreligious lewdness. The local Mormon courts are after too gay Gentiles and the federal courts are dishing out justice to the too married Mormons. We notice, however, the substantial dif ference that when an adulterous Gentile gets in jail his friends do not give him a picnic and soothe his slumbers with a brass band. Maryland is to have a new county made out of pieces of Prince George's, Anne Arundel, Howard and Moi gomery. Diptheria is spreading in New York, and it is frightfully malignant. WASHINGTON LETTER. [From our Regular Correspondent.] WASHINGTON,Dec. 12, 1885. The Forty-Ninth Congress is now five days old. Its opening scenes were repetions of those at other open ings for years past. Eager crowds rushed to the Capitol, undetermined whether to lend their presence to the Senate or the House of IRepresent atives. There were many handshak ings among the old Members, and as usual, the new ones were conspicuous for their self-conscious attempts to appear statesmanlike and at ease. The session began with 320 Repre sentatives present and 61 Senators. This is considered excellent attend ance for the first day. Speaker Carlisle took his seat as presiding officer at one end of the Capitol, and Senator Sherman at the other. In the Senate, the sombre drapery around the Chamber, in memory of Vice-President Hendricks, contrasted markedly with the gay floral gifts which covered the desks of many Senators, and the vari-colored costum es in the galleries. The first day was taken up by the House in organizing, swearing in the Members, and drawing seats. As c< usual at the lottery of seats, the i Members retired behind the circle of a desks and waited impatiently. like 'so c many school boys, while a blindfolded page drew from a box the numbered tl marbles which corresponded to the o numbers attached to their names. ri The second day's session was de- i voted principally to the reading of the President's message in both the n Senate and the House. It occupied 0 one hour and forty minutes. It was C a mnch longer document than was a expected. Senators listened attentive- tl ly to the message, and the President's o course in devoting more than one P fifth of it to the review of the silver 9 question was commented upon. The absence of any recommendation re specting the internal revenue was criticised. Approval of the Mexican comnnercial treaty was received with d surprise. The absence of any argu- al ment for subsidies was a disappoint- al ment in the lobby. The Indian policy A was approved by these interested in tc the civilization of the red man. pl The President's treatment of the be Mormon question met with almost pi unanimous approval. It created of some stir among the representatives ti of the Mormon church in this city. Si As soon as that part of the message th was read, Delegate Caine of Utah, pi Sran out into the lobby and held a F hurried consultation with the man m who is understood here to be the ce Mormon lobby agent. Then Mr. si: Caine hastily prepared a dispatch to th the Mayor of Salt Lake City, telling so him that the President was inflexible w, in support of the anti-polygamy laws. or During the reading of the message th in the House, scarcely a Member left T his seat for the first hour, but when ti the reading went into the second st hour, seats began to be vacated on ar the Republican side of the Hall. to Comments upon the message were m varied and characteristic. When fu Mr. Randall was asked how he liked or it, he replied "Very much. Very vi much." Representative Long of G Massachusetts, said: "Of course Ilike m it, it's long." The Republican MIem- th ber~ generally said; "It is sound al: and clear on Silver and Civil Service, wi but on the Tariff, vague and unsatis- or factory." On the whole it may be d said that there is nothing in the docu- in ment to precipitate a conflict among wa the Democrats in opposition to the Executive. The Congress which began this week has an opporturity to make for itself a great name. How far it will improve its chances can be told better I when it adjourns next summer. < Weighty subjects call for settlement. 1 Beside those questions alluded to l above in connection with the message i may be mentioned the protection of I the public domain, foreign immi gration, the succession to the Presi- I dency, railroad legislation, the treat- h Ziient of the private claimant, ai national bankrupt law, strengthening 1 the Navy, and a dozen other import ant matters. The Senate has already t set several of these measures in t motion. The House also has received I a flood of bills, old and new, but no real work must be expected of that I body until it can revise its working 1 rules. This may consume all the i time prior to the Holiday vacation. t 'THE NORTHWESTERN RAiLd)J. . John Danskin, who has just re- s turned fron a trip as far east as ] Omaha, brings word that the North- t western railroad building west, will 1 be completed to the Malheur country, c Ore, inside of the next two years, says I the Boise (Idaho) Statesman. He says that work on the line is still r being pushed forward and that the t company expects to run their cars into Fort Fetterman by the first of June next year. Mr. Danskin says that it is the talk among stockmen through Nebraska and Wyoming, C who are interested in railroad build- t ing, that it is the intention of the c Northwestern company to tap the C stock country north of the Union i Pacific, now withoutrailroad facilities, CHRISTMAS GCOS! A Fine Selection of Choice CANDIES, TOYS, DOLLS. NUTS Jewelry, APPLES, Pears, Etc A Christmas Present for Everybody! Call and Examine Goods and Prices at Beachley Brothers & Hickory, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. coming west so as to reach the stock interests of Powder river, Wind river and Big Horn river countries, and crossing the Snake river above Eagle Rock, in Idaho, and from thence west through the Wood river country and over Camas prairie and down Boise river to Boise City; thence west cross ing the Snake river again into the Malheur country and over the Cascade mountains to Yaquina bay, the objective point on the Pacific coast. Of course Mr. Danskin's statements are based largely on hearsay, but there is no doubt as to the correctness of the fact that the Northwestern is pushing west to the coast and the only question is as to the route. THE MORMON ('AMP. The Salt Lake Tribune of recent date, in regard to the situation of affairs, editorially says: The best answer is a brief statement of facts. As the Edmunds law has been execu ted, the rage and hate of the Mormon people have increased. The fury has been daily intensifiel by the Mormon press, which has pictured the Federal officers as the scum of the earth and the execution of the law a persecution Since the affair of July 4th, open threats of the Mormon press and preachers, assaults on the houses of Federal officers, beating of deputy marshals, were but steps leading to a certain point. The attempted assas sination of Marshal Collin brought the climax, which threatened violence so imminent that many believed it would come. The Deseret News cried out asking how much longer befcre the people would be aroused to fury. Two days later the Herald declared that the publihc mind, wrought up to such a pitch, would be dangerous in any other community, and proceeded to describe the deputy marshal as a murderer, and as far as possible further inflamed the populace. The outside Mormon press was quite as violent. In such an emergency, Governor Murray, backed by a great many citizens, stated to the President the facts; also that the Federal offici als and non-Mormons were utterly without protection in the face of an organized host. He asked that or ders be given General McCook to insure tranquility. What was done was mere prudence. _----- N. P. LAND CASES. Representative Paysen, of Illinois says the settlers out west are need lessly alarmed on. account of the decision of the Supreme Court, and that technically the titles of railroad land which have been sold by the rail road companies to the settlers, but have not yet been patented, still rest in the United States. The decision has been construed to mean that the settlers who have so purchased have no valid title to their lands and may be deprived of them at any time. This is not the case. The title that the government holds to lands by this decision is that the lands are to be held to secure the cost of the sur vey and may be acquired at any time by the settlers by paying for the sur vey of their lands. The railroad com panies will then have to make good the cost to them. The Court sug gested that that the bill might be passed by Congress, forfeiting the lanas not patented within a time stated after the passage of the act. Paysen is going to introduce a bill in the House which was offered by him last year and passed, but failed in the Senate through amendments. This provides for the forfeiture of lands upon which the cost of the survey has not been paid within sixty days after the holders have received notice. INSIAN CLAIMS. The assistant attorney general has deliv'red the following opinion, of in terest to claimants .r Indian depre dations: "In order to. entitle any claim for Indian depredations to be investigated in persuance to the pro visions of the act 94 March 3, 1885 k such claim must either have originat ,r ed since the revised statutes repeal d ing the three years limitation act of Le 1831, went into operation, or else, if it t originated before that time it d must have been presented within ;e three years after the commission of ;- the injury which constitutes the basis e of said claim." There are about four e thousand of these claims, represent 0 ing about 10,000,000. t.-- -o. The non-polygamous Mormons are it increasng very rapidly in Now Eng land. is Buffalo is preparing an 1,800 tob y oggan slide, to he lighted by electricity - South Carolina negroes are emi grating to Arkansas because of the poor crops and high rents. Judge Chenowith, of the treasury it department, has an ambition to be f come governor of Texas. The physicians of Wilkesbarre, Pa., have formed a blacklist of patients who do not pay their bills. n The position of minister resident at - s Sian, worth $5000, goes a-begging. i The climate i; very unhealthy. There will be a great Liberal de monsiration against Sir John Mac donald at Crystal City, MIanitoba, to day. f Chauncey Depew says that Vander bilt left nearly $300,000,000, instead - of $200,000,000, as generally stated. A. C. (Gordon, editor of the New SBrunswick (N. J.) Times, is to be appointed United States miarshal of t that district. Chevalier Antoine Kontski, for I many years pianist to Kaiser Wilhelm, is playing to select New York Saudiences. I 1 POIDIER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvei of purity strength and wholesomeness. More economica than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low teat, shor weight, alum or phosphrte powders. Soldonly in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDZR CO.. 107 Wall at., New York. PATENTS Obtained, and all PATENT BUSINESS at home or abroad attended to for MODERATE FEES. Our offics is opposite the U. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain patents in less time than those remote from WASHINGTON. Send MODEL OR DRAWING. We advise as to patentability free of chrrge: and we CHARGE NO FEE UNLESS PATENT IS ALLOWED. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div., and tK, officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and references to actual clients in your own State or county, write to C. A. SNOW & CO., OppositePatenhOffice, Washington, 'Di.C. Al Dupee RANGE: South ForkSun River. l, O. Address.Flerence, M. T. JOHN W. WADE, Civil Engineer U. S. Dep. Mineral Surveyor. Special attention given to land surveying and irrigating canals. HELENA, MONT. CHARLES ( GRIFFITH EDMUND INGERSOLL County Surveyor GRIFFITH & INGERSOLL, Civil Engineers & Dell, U. S. Mineral & Lanni Surveyors, Irrigating ditches and ranch surveys a specialtg. OFFICES: GREAT FALLS & sENTON. DR. A. F, FOOTE, DENTIST, Broadway, - - - Helena, Mont. ABOVE HERALD OFFICE) ST- LOUIS HOTEL And Bon Toni Restaurant, Main Street, Helena FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. S- Slusher, - - Proprietor. HELENA Phiogir aphic Institute and ENGLISH TRAINING SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED 1883, Reopened September 1, 1555 A Practical School for young men and women ('OURSE OF STUDY: Commercial, Stenography, Typewriting, Pen Art. Architectural Drawing and Preparatory or English -Book Keeping by Actual Business Practice. Penmanship and Art I)epartment in charge of one of the finest Penmen in the United States Send i cents fbr beautiful specimens of his work direct from the pen, EVENING SESSIONS From October to April. Tuition no higher thau in first-class eastern institutions -'rSend for New Circular (free) giving course of study, &c. Address, H. T. ENGELHORN, or IP E. O. RAILSBAK, PINCIPALS Cor 6th Ave & Main Sts. HELENA New Barber Shop! Mr. Moore, Prop Shaving, Shampooing and Hair Cut ting, Etc. Shop in building formerly occupi pied by the Laundry. Great Falls, Mont. Dan Nettekoven, FORT SHAW, REPAIRS ALL KINDS OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC A SPECIALTY OF WATCH REP4IRING. He has the Latest and most improved machinery that is used in the Waltham American Watch Factory, for making every piece belonging to a watch SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Herman Wildekopf, ]ouse, Sign and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. Kalsomining and Frescoing A SPECIALTY. Interior Decorating and Paper-Hang ing done to order. Great Falls, - - Mont Mules or Sale! The undersigned offers for sale, or will trade for cattle )One Spann of Good Mles. For further information apply to ANN DOCKERY, Great Falls..1 William H .VcVay dames - mcKa McKay Brothers, Contractors and Builders. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Brick, Stone, Lime & General B UIDING MATERIAL. Great Falls, - - Montana .. . -. - Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, BERKENBUEL & QUAIL, P ops. Main Street, - - Sun River Beachley Bros. & Hickory, General News Dealersiand Station ers CalilEe ts,[HNt ouacl oEcigars an Smokers:' Articles. Prices to Suit t'he Times. GREAT FALLS, ?IONT. Great Falls Blacksmith Shop, WM. J. PRATT, PROP. BlLACS1TlNI'G Ar, lEPA1RING OF All KINDS. I am prepared to do any class of work in my line, and in a most thorough & workmanlike manner. All work done on short notice. I tIDISEASES OF THIE FEET TREATED [UCCESSFHLLYJ Livery. Druft and Mule Shoeing. Cor. 1st & 3d Sts. - - Great Fall Wrm. Warner, PROPRIETOR Great Falls Hotel, Boarding by the,-Day or Week Li:ery & Feed Stable in. Connection CHARGES REASONABLE. GREAT FALLS cM AloT MAEI %ET C, N. Dickinson, .Prop. A Choice Liue of Meats Kept Constantly on Hand. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Ranch For SaleI Ursuline Convent I ---OF THE- HOLY FAMEILY. 12 Miles above Augusta on the The U~rstli h . atlytond a sch' o South Fork at St. Peter's Mission for the young girls of the country. Ever advantage for acquiring a com plete education is afforded by this institution 150)Tons of Hay-il Stack Terms: $10 per month; Tuition L000 Fencing Poles, free. Music Lessons $5 a month. 2000 Fencing Pol, Forfurther particulars apply to Rev Mother M. Anadeno 8uperior, 150 House Logs. FT sAW, MoaT the r . A boirding school for bos ha also been opened Finest Range in te Territor. at the same ion under directionofthe --Price $2,000,-- Z'e8'ait r'atb.t.e= The object of this Iustitution isto afford Call or address this ofice. ts solid mental and moral educa TERMS: Tuition free. Board$10 per month Apply to BREY J. DA MIA, & 3. MRS. W. W. EVANS, f lW, Mo4ý seaistresa alid Fli I81 gP ROMP LFE, " I rT in Ipe Attornoyat-Law, iA.Sl T UAR LyT Lt) r Oatt .. i'wt lan itd ontries of Cutting and Fitting a Specialty. t o t sun River, . t_