Written fofrthe Tribune by Y. H. TIMS.
Oldham and. Mrs. Faimer had been
friends ever since she discovered that he
-was a son of a former girlhood acquaint
ance and it has been one of her hobbies
to have him for a son-in-law. Allie had
been frequently spoken to by her mother
in praise of John Oldham, his careful
mess extolled, his prudence praised and
his farm and money in the bank referred
to. But Allie had never given her moth
er any reason to believe that she admired
Oldham, but on the contrary had upon one
occasion said:
'" ehn Oldham is a man without a soul;
-such a man as that can never be my hus
.Mrs. Farmer gently reproved her daugh
ter, or such an unchristian like remark
and warned her neyer to say any mortal
was soulless. The mother albeit a profess
ed christian had a strong vein of manner
.in her composition and was much inclined
to be mercenary. Though she never spoke
of it again to Allie, her plan was to marry
her to John Oldham and then when they
were settled upon the farm she would
quietly insinuate herself into the young
family and assert that directive power
upon the farm of which she believed her
self capable; then Joel Farmer might pros
ecute his mining to his heart's content.
Hetty had numerous admirers, among
whom had been Oldham, but the younger
daughter had once given him such a spite
ful rebuff that he had dropped out of the
list and in his cold distant manner, trans
ferred his admiration to the elder and
more sensible sister, who in turn gave him
no encouragement but treated him with a
reserved and respectful courtesy.
Allan had made frequent trips to Boul
der and to the places in the vicinity. Upon
one of these visits on a balmy Saturday af
ternoon seated side by side, Allan gave ut
terance to the desire of his heart, and the
agreement was made between them.
Allie had heard and Allan acknowledg
ed he had been a rather wild youngster,
in fact since he had resided in Dry'Gulch
he had been out with the boys, and on one
or~wo occasions had indulged in a rather
protracted drinking bout with them.
Allie promised to be his wife with one
"You must promise me, Allan, never to
take another drink of whiskey or anything
He prbmised, and the contract was seal
ed with a kiss.
As Allan Blake rode home next day he
built castles as he never before had erect
ed; even went into the details of the home
he would build, made mental provision
.for every little convenience which was to
:add to the comfort of his loved one; resolv
ed to work as he had never worked be
Withir a will he entered into his mining
investment, became economical, even neg
lected his assaying business to' give per
:sonal attention to his mine which he had
named the "A. F. A." in honor of her who
would become his life partner.
Though his business relations with the
town of Boulder had waned and he did
but little assaying except for himself, he
did not fail to ride over to see Allie on
Saturdays quite often. He kept his prom
ise to her religeously and though the day
was not.yet fived, upon, was still consult
ing with his love regarding household af
Though Allan Blake was an expert in
:mining matters, he appeared to be blind
as far as the A. F. B. was concerned and
.did not profit by the knowledge which he
~clearly and ably gave to Joel Farmer. In
his enthusiastic prosecution of his darling
project he sacrificed everything, even sold
his cabin and assaying implements to a
new-comer, staid up on ,the mountain 'at
his claim, cooked for two men who work
ed for him and worked full time with
them besides. His small capital was
,dwindling down so that he had to seek as
.sistance from his friends to carry on the
work and pay the men. Blake was honest
,and it hurt him to be in debt. One day
the keeper of the, livery, stable in Dry
GuIch offered him a good price for his
saddle horse and he sold him, took the
money, paid Boyd and others and with a
small remainder bought provisions and
provisions for his mine. Themlhe,though
it showed mineral. did not produce it in
,sufficient quant;ties to pay.. His assays2
showed pretty well, but like many another
,miner he could not for the life ,of bil
take a fair and general sample. His _in
fatioation had complete posseasion of ili
and bid fair to bankrupt and .r. n im.1
iBoyd believing that his better jud enut
was blinded, advised h eo legI up "It
-lake iaghed and aaid, "'uL lome out
all right, Boyd;" and so dismissed the idea
of letting up.
Allie kept the secret of her engagement
to Allan from her mother till the winter
vacation, and then when she returned
home she told it.
Mrs. Farmer was displeased and did not
fail to so inform her daughter, decrying
Allan's mining venture, and winding up
with a tirade against all men who followed
mining for a living or a fortune. Allie
heard it all in a silence which was omin
ous of her set determination to follow the
promptings of her heart's affections. It
was of no use for Mrs. Farmer to cite
John Oldham's circumstances or pecun
iary advantages, Allie's only reply was,
" I love Allan Blake." Was not Allan
working night and day for the means to
furnish and build a home for her? Was
he not sending her comforting, cheering,
eloquent words by ever letter, and had he
not told her that the day could not be
very far off when, as her husband,. he
would be rich and relieve her of the dis
agreeable duties which she was perform
ing. She knew how kind, thoughtful and
liberal he had been to her, and she was
willing to keep on at the little school at
Boulder and wait. Allan had plainly told
her that he would not allow her to toil as
his wife; that his wife must start in life
without that drudgery which a poor man's
wife must do; that when he could own
and furnish a nice house and liberally
provide for her comfort and ease, then
they would be married.
Winter passed, spring and summer had
come and gone, and the autumn leaves
were falling. Allie, without a murniur,
had fulfilled her duties as schoolmarm at
Boulder. Was loved by the children, ad
mired by sore than one unmarried man,
and was highly respected and kindly
treated by the parents of thejittle ones
under her charge. She had a quiet and
cozy home with the Cases and was per
fectly reconciled to her surroundings,
finding a hopeful joy in the prospect of
becoming Allan Blake's wife. Allan's
weekly letters were a comfort and a pleas
ure. Her own, maidenly modest, were
written with a feeling of trustfulness upon
his strength and wisdom, which, in turn,
gave him renewed vigor to withstand the
ill fortune which was daily accumulating
upon him.
Matters were coming to a crisis with
Blake. Credit was not being given him
with so ready a grace as formerly. In
stead of employing two men, ha was only
keeping one to help him, and to this man
be owed nearly two months' pay. He had
worked like a Trojan, and though the de
velopment had teen thoroughly done, the
vein was no wider nor the pay streak any
SLike many another man in like circum
stances, he was living on expectations and
hope. His faith did not lessen nor his
vigor abate. Never accustomed to failure,
he believed it only a matter of time when
he would succeed. Boyd was somewhat
perplexed and not a little annoyed when
Allan applied to him for a loan, with
which to pay a portion of the debt which he
owed his assistant. Boyd spoke very
plainly; told him that his claim was a de
lusion, that money was scarce, that he
º could hardly spare it, "but, Allan, you can
have a hundred just this once."
Blake's pride was touched, and he was
on the point of refusing the kindly prof
fered loan, when the reassuring tone and
manner of Boyd forced him to accept.
Yet-he could not forget "just this once."
It galled hiin, and though really and hon
estly thankful to his friend for the favor,
it made him feel a bitterness to which
hitherto he had been a stranger.
His affairs were now in a most precari
ous condition. He commenced to real
ize it.
Lying on his bunk in the cabin, with
fingers interlaced across his brow, he was
reviewing hlis situation. Engaged to be
married to a waiting, loving and expectant
young woman, whose qualities were all
that any honest, well-meaning man could
possibly desire. To her he had promised
a home. Devoid of aught but the pro
tecting and providing care of a strong arm
t and loving heart, How was it to be done ?
Where was the money from ?were
the questions he asked himself. There
came, no satisfactory reply to these self
put queries.
His eyes were now open to the situation
he was in. No longer the trusted ass:ayer
of Dry Gulch, no long;,r the favorite of
the district, without - far her `credit, with
out the warm.sympathy he once had in the
community, What should he do? Was it
right for him to keep alive the spark 6f
hope In ,the br~st of her whb was no
longer a girl,-bn t a woman, whose evrery
yar might be brinin g herinearer to that
solitary condition commonly called "an
old maid"? Ceritainly-ao.. Why should
he in his hol ely mpvered cos
dition holtd out hope tp ther. $e rehned
.that be was doing wrong-wrong to her
.he ld dearer than 4l else on earth. H$e
loveder--ys; ebut would his love adsalt
A. M. HOLTER, Pres M. M. HOLTER, Vics-Pres J. W. McLeod, Sec & Treas
Holter Lumber-Co
Incorporated. Capital, $100,000.
SO88 . Also in Collllectiollon: Great Falls Iallig Mill. "i81?
Lumber, Flooring, Siding, Shingles, Lath, Doors,
Windows, Lime and Building Material.
W. P. Burcher, Agt. for Yard at Sun River Crossing.
of dragging her down to poverty and suf
fering-no. In duty to her, and in fair
ness to himself, he must free her from the
obligations mutually taken on the hillside
at Boulder. And yet, how could it be
done. What excuse, what pretext would
she hear. He sat with bended head for a
long time, then with a wearied and tired
sigh he lay down with his mind-fully
made up.
Look Out for Them.
There are two women in the city who
have recently arrived from Canada on a
tour through the West, "combining busi
ness with pleasure." An instance of their
mode of business was related to.a reporter
yesterday, which may save others from
being duped. They have a lot of dress
patterns with them, which they are ex
hibiting to ladies in this city. One lady
was offered a package of dress goods,
which was supposed to contain sixteen
yards. This the two traveling women told
her was worth $33, but they would let her
have it for $15, which was accepted and
the money paid. A short time afterwards
the goods were measured in one of our
dry goods stores, when it was found that
there wasn't quite five yards in all the
piece.-Butte Inter Mountain.
Miss N. B. Cummins, now the librarian
of the department of justice at Washing
ton, is a daughter of a tormer justice (f
the supreme court of Pennsylvania, and is
regarded as one of the best authorities on
law books in the country. She is literally
an encyclopedia of reports, rendering in
valuable aid to the lawyers who use the
extensive library of that department.
58 Chamber of Commerce,. St. Paul
Special attention given to land entries of all
kinds and to contests in the land office
u S Deputy Mineral Surveyor
Helena and Great Falls
Attorney at Law.
Gives special attention to
Business in the U S 1.and
Broadway, - - T Helena, Mont
J. D. McINTmaa, CHAs.McINTIRz,
Chief Engineer Sun R. Canal. Co. Surveyor
Attorney-at-Law, I
And Notary Public.
Will practice in all courts of the territory.
Special attention given to real estateand mining
Great Falls, Mont.
Boarding. School- for -Boys.
Under the Dfrection of the Fathers of ttl
Will oopi W elts Sepitm r 1, 18
tiafo . Leurd uzmo. Fo, in
tiýDl~il7d&aw. DA
Fresh Dts, Patent ledicines, Stationey, all and
Oils, Glass Lamps, Cigars, Etc., Etc.
Prescriptions Carefully Compou oded at
all Hours.
Eclipse Livery Stable.
Corral and Accommodations for Feeding.
The Largest and Best Stable in Great Falls
We have a cook and bunk house, together with
cooking utensils for the free use of patrons.
'Park IIotel,
The Only First-Class Hotel in the City.
Open Day and Night.
Bar and Billiard Room
In Connection, Stocked With the Finest Brands of Liquors and Cigars
D. C. Ehrhart, Prop.
Saddle, Work and Driving
Address, CHAS. BREWSTER, Tanrm, Morr.
Range-Smith River
Great- Falls - Exchange,
Fine Wines, Liquors and UCigrs. BILLIARD and P00Table. :
the mouth of Sun River is now
running. A nrew wagon road con
necting with this Ferry whibh in
tersects the4Hee.. na roadnearagleO
Rock, and effects a saving irr distance ofTEN MILES etween
Great Falls and Helena. The road is plain and good.
E c e Tonswia st-. t~