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THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR A. Nathan, "The Clothier," RIPPLE OF THE RAPIDS. A number of cots have been placed In the Park hotel. W. C. Lee of Otter creek was in town one day last week. Frank Damm of Sun River was in town one day this week. Rooms for rent in Brown's building. Enquire on the premises. 4t M. J. Canning, a Detroit commercial man, was in town Saturday. Phil. Gerlach has just received an in voice of fresh candies, nuts, etc. It A good sidewalk has been laid in front of the a_~ st ational Bank buildinr. J. N. Bridges' building on the corner of 3d avenue south and 2d street looms up., Gore & Ross have opened a hotel and restaurant in Remp & Keough's building. Special :&nt Gunn of the interior de partment mide his annual visit to this section this week. The Rocky Mountain Telegraph Com pany have secured office quarters in the TRIJUiSE building. Nel. Raymond has begun the erection of quite a large building, corner of 2d avenue south and 2d street. W. G. White and E. E. Copple of Jef ferson City, and J. M. Jeffers of Portland, Oregon, came in Saturday. Large stock of trimmed and nntrimmed hats received by express from Chicago this week at C. P. Thomson's. * The foundation of the Park hotel annex is complete d, and work upon the super struc'ure wil. begin at once. W. J. Pratt has a number of first-class two and three section harrows which he will sell at reason'able prices. It. A. Nathan came up from Benton Mon day. We understand Mr. N. contemplates removing his family here in the near future. Al. M1ilhern of Helena arrived here Saturday. Al. is one of the lucky ones who made investments in Great Falls real estate at an early 'date. An addition has been made on the Park hotel barber shop to accommodate the bathing apparatus, which the proprietor, T. It. Mayo, is putting in. W. H. Humphrey, a former resident of Sand Coulee, but who for the past year has had charge of a large cattle. outfit in the vicinity of Fort Maginnis, is in the city. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. and Miss McMillan of Mi.neapolis, mention of whose arrival was made in otr last is sue, will remain here during the sum mer. Dare White left on Monday's coach for a three months' visit in the states. Dave has resided in Montana for the past six teen years, and this is his first visit east during that period. Actual settlers are invited to takl up the valuable government land lying vacant along the line of the Suit River canals. For particulars, apply to or address J. D. McI'rrP.E, Great Falls. tf Chowen,Webster & Co. have begun work tipon the superstructure of their two story stone business building on the corner of Central avenue and 3d street, Ed. Canary has the contract for the stone work. Henry Kahlo of Toledo, Ohio, S. S. Lin ton of Minneapolis, W. H. Hackney of Grand Forks, Dak, and W. J. Sherwood of Bryan, Ohio, were among the arrivals on Wednesday's coach, who registered at the P ark. Adolph Roensch, the well-known seont, stationed at Ft. bShaw, and who gained coniderable nooriety by piloting the In di ts oners on theirtr thugh ne day this week. We regret to learn of a serious accient which befell the little son Lf John Con nely of the upper Shonkin. The little fellow was playing with a cartridge, when it exploded, a piece of the shell entering his eye and destroying the sight. Under Sheriff Ben. Webster came up from Benton 'uesday. Everybody is usually glad to see the genial Ben, but his warmest friends shied off when they saw him approaching upon this occasion. He was summoning the grand and petit jurors. We learn incidentially that a horde of the Ashland, Minn., lot boomers, will shortly start across the country, bound for Great Falls.. Come right along gentlemen -ve-will =~ *1 ec1 -e yox with open arms, but will not vouch for the condition of your purse when you get ready to return home. The work of stretching the wire on the Rocky Mountain telegraph line to this place was begun Wednesday, and will be completed in a few days, and the office opened. The wire used is a heavy copper one. Some little difficulty will be experi enced in getting the wire in position on the poles set in the river. Mr. Cunningham, the operator at Fort Shaw, will open the fice here, and remain for a short time. . Dr. H. H. Wayne. Eye ear and throat specialist of Helena will be professionally at the Park Hotel, at Great Falls, on Friday and Saturday May 13 and 14. tf To the Public. You .will find at my store a flue and nob by line of samples for sustom cuits. Call and examine and leave your order. HARRIS, The Clothier. Bishop Brewer's Appointments. Augusta, May 15. Ft. Shaw and Sun River, May 22. Great Falls, May 29. Ft. Assinaboine, June 5. Ft. Benton June 12. Explosives for the Tunnel. It has been an open secret for some time that Mr. J. F. Keating, the Montana agent of the California Giant Powder Compa nv had secured the contract for furnishing all the powder to parson, Keefe & Co. that will be needed-in blasting the tunnel through the Wicl es mountain, on the Helena and Butte line of the Mlontnaa Central. A. M. Hiolter & Bro., who a.:e the local agents of the same company, will handle the goods. Mr. Keating sc:t the contractors will use for over a :uiilinn pounds of different explosives in per .~'ai ing the work, and that the pov:dcr alone will cost over $200,000.-IIdina. ATrd,:. Our New Judge. Washington special: The pre;ide:st has decided to appoint Judg. c'onnell of Tennessee, chief justice of fMontana, in the place of Hon. Decius S. Wade, wh:_,, e term expired in- February, DelegateToole has been hI:re srongly u:ging a Montana man for the place, but the president in formed him that Judge VicConnell was so strongly recommended that he had de cided to give him the place, having full faith in his ability and integrity from the representations made in his behalf by the .Tennessee delegation, and many other friends urged him for the place. The president claimed that inasmuch as there were several Montana applicants he con cluded to appoint an outsider. An Interesting Land Case. An interesting decision was lately ren dered by Commissioner Sparks of tue gen eral land office in the matter of the pre emptionclaim of a man named Onillete to certain land in the Bitter Root valley. Onillette was an old ,naKhot able to make a home for iImself eelsewher. Heorigin :aly made decl~ary statement o.. 804 -for lad i. the ,Bitter :-Roo valley and, witlHout everlivnig upoit, mae deolar atory tatement No. 88 for land in the sae towneship. Upontis he ettle and ona lanR l Z r pr eeting ooes tocultivaton on c u pation and improvement. However it ap peared on record that Ouillette had made a former pre-emption claim, namely No. 304, and by the law he was prohibited from making any other or subsequent claim un der the pre-emption act. The local office, therefore, held No. 388 for cancellation and, No. 304 being gone from him, the - claimant was entirely knocked out of any claim. The facts in the case, including those relating personally to the claimant, were certified up to the general land office and, upon consideration, Commissioner Sparks directed that D. S. No. 383 be can celled and that D. S. No, 304 be amended to embrace the land originally claimed under No. 388 and that the claimant be permitted to make final proof on said land. 1 Thus Ouillette gets the land upon 'which ie mfide his hromw and th law-if not rig idly complied with, is at least not outrag ed. It was a nice thing to do and those who have set Commissioner Sparks down as the inveterate persecutor of settlers may be inclined by this instance, to change their minds.--Independent. Notice of Final Entry. Land Office at Helena, Mont I March 23, 1887 Notice is hereby given thatthe following-nam ed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final preof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the clerk of the 3d Judicial District Courtin and for Chotean county at Fort Benton on May 11th, 1887, viz: Andrew Erickson who made pre-emption D. S. No. 8111, for the lot 4 Sec. 4, Tp. 20 N. R. 3 east: S4 SW!ji NEt, SW, See- 33 Tp.21, N. R. 3 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land viz: Barney Murray,,William R. Sol lew, Charles A. Crowder and Timothy Sexton, all of Great Falls, Montana. S W Langhorne, Register Notice of Final Entry. Land Office at Helena, Mont. I March 23.1887 1 Notice is hereby given that the following-nam ed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of tl e 3d Judicial District of Montana in and for Choteau county. at Fort Benton, Mont., on May 10, 187. viz: Barney Murray who made pre emption D. S. No. 8110. for the SE~i SWM Sec. 27, INh NWii & SEI4 NWliSec. 34 Tp. 21, N. R. 3 east. iHe names the following witnesses to prove his continous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: 'William R. Sellew, Andrew Erick son, Charles A. Crowder and Timothy Sexton all of Great Falls, Mont. S. W. LAx~GnonaN, Register. Notice of Final Entry. LAND OFFICE AT HILENA, MONT., March 23. 1887. Notice is hereby givcn that the following man ed settler has filed notice of his intentien to make final proof ij support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the Probate Judge of Chotean County, Mont., at Fort Benton on May 11th 1887, viz: Alexander Carr who made pre-emption D. S. No. 7852 for the NW3 Sec. 10 Tp. 20N. R. 4 east. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon: and cultivation of. said land, viz: Charles A. Crowder, Timothy Sexton, William R. Sellew and Andrew Erickson I'l of Great Falls, Mont. S W Langhorne, Register Notice of Final Entry. Laud O.ise at Helena Mont. 1 March. 28th. 188. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim. and that said proof will be made before John W. Tattan, Probate Judge in and for Cho tau County at Fort Benton, Mont., on May 11th 1.37, viz: William R. Sollew who made Pre emption D.S. No. 8109 for the WMi SW4k. SWs N VM Sec. 11 and SE% NE} Sec. 8S, Tp. 21 N. R. 3 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land viz: Andrew Erickson, Barney Murray, Timothy Sexton and Charles A. Crowder, all of Great Falls, Montana. S. W. LAionoNxx, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL ENTRY. Land Office at Helena, Montana I March28,1887 I Notice is hereby given that the following nam ed settler has filed notice of his intention tomake finalproof in support of his claim, and that said roof will .be made before Joan W Tattan Probate Judge and ex-officio clerk, Choteau coatS,. Montana at Fort Benton, Mont on May 0th, 1887, viz:lharlee A. Crowder who made r.emptionu D. No. 8148 for the'SU Sec. 10 Tp.2, NR. R.4 east. He names thi following witnesses to prove his cOntnuotU*saideice upon, and eulti vation af, said land, viz: Tiothy Sexton, Alex ander Carr, Andrew Erickson and Barney Mur ray all of Great Wnesxt.;::· ' n S. W. ein re:eiagistae NOTICE: OF FINAL PBOOF i. : e roi h t , NOT s th tho amed ,notcultfis vnatoten onno of -B r. e amid A. allet1·'~~4:; ·-.·~~~ f 0 Custom i ui s!u I am now Carryin a fine line of Samples fo Suits ade to Order toether with my line of eady Made Clothing. . HARRIS THE CLOT IER, ONE PRICE SQUARE DEAlER Stone Block, Great Falls. REAL ESTATE A NNCY, Loans, Auction and immissiOfl Wilj Buy and Sell City Property, ,otiate Loans, Male Investments for Non-residen Collect Rents, Pay Taxes, Rent Houses and Coll Rents. Best of References Given. Correspo nce Solicited. Harry Ringwald, Grea Falls, Mont JESSE L. HENRY, RY E. RANDALL Land Attorney and Notary Public ix years in U. 8. Land Bgai nees HENRY &R DALL, Attorneys in Land C es. RealEstate Broker Loans ad COLLECTI S Agricultural Claims Located. C sts a Specialty. All business before the local land office at Helcna. and partmnent of the Interior at Wash.. ington, iventrict attention. Special attention given to sale of real estate,renta collected ti ties examined, taxes paid. Office: cor. 3d St. & 1st Ave. S. reat Falls, Mon-t. HEO.GIB .N&OO. Real Esta and Gener ui STORAGE, FORW :~-N& REGI.- N E. V. RU T .. 44At&8.