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Great Falls tribune. [volume] (Great Falls, Mont.) 1887-1890, July 07, 1888, Image 1

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

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m the oston, New York and
ladelphia Markets---More
Shipments Fromn
GuRArr FALLS, July 6.
continue to arrive and go hence
earing camps. Wool is coming
Squantities. No efforts are be
by wool-growers to force sales.
lers and buyers are disposed to
while and let business develop
The possibility that the Mills
11 may be disposed of in some
y moment,for the session, causes
ty in the wool trade and accounts
rthe disposition to defertraosac
eanwhile this market continues
satisfaction to growers. Their
stored free of charge in a new
ehouse provided with scales, as
with every security against fire.
oad track adjoins the platform,
the wool can be shipped with
expense for loading direct to
tern market. All this is a
improvement on the old
and is much appreciated by all
ed. The First National bank is
ttention to the wool business and
es transactions. The first con
ut of wool from here is now near
ston. It was forwarded by Zim
n Brothers to Luce & Manning of
and will undoubtedly arrive
ly in good condition and give that
a good opinion of this year's Mon
direct shipment of wool will be fa
by the arrival at Duluth of the
r Northern Light. This splendid
r has been built for the Manitoba
d and will be followed by others.
trade between Duluth and Buffalo,
ruing with the railroad a direct
roe Great Falls to the head of the
nal, as well as the net work of
that have their focus at Buffalo.
dwvices from the eastern markets
the 28th ult.: According to the
anu'ool Reporter the Boston mar
wery quiet. The past week had
or of the dullest that the present
period Ga wiebwaaed Odiniaro'
few manufacturers have been in
, and these indisposed to buy but
licum to piece out their present
thqotovement of the new clip,
eceipts of domestic wool at Boston
e story, showing as they do a de
of 55,781 bags over the correspond
rod of 1887. In Maine 18 to 20
is asked, and some Vermont medi
being taken at 20 cents. Wools in
gan are more active; 22 to 288 cents
g paid for average wools, while 2a
has been paid for choice light clips.
and Pennsylvania are still dormant.
wool is being held at 281to 80 cents,
in the fine wool sections, but such
aken sells at 25 cents. These prices
to and Michigan are regarded at
nts above a safe operating basis.
hought that more eastern manufac
than usual are operating in these
this year on account of the small
of these wools at the seaboard. In
na little is doing, wools being held
to 25 cents. In Texas only a fair
is doing at the present. In Mon
this Boston report says, very little
is off yet, but the wet, cold spring,
he good feed, is expected to rather
we the lightness and strength of the
. Considerable new wool is on the
rom Wyoming and Utah, and also
n New York a better report comes.
orket continues dull in everything
the new Texas wools. The de
Lor these wools can not be called
but the receipts are so limited that
are taken up about as fast as they
in. Very little has come in this
Week, and the large sales during the
orttight have pretty well cleaned up
stock of these wools. The market
shows a steady tone, with prices bet
ustained than on any others,and very
shading has to be done in order to
t sales. The high prices which have
paid for some of these wools in
as and the comparatively small arri
Sl the. northern markets thus far
e made buyers rather disposed to pay
asking prices, which, however, are
' low.
a Philadelphia the market has been
Y quiet and there is little improve
nt. It is impossible to interest manu
tttrers enough to induce them to buy
AIs, except to supply immediate needs.
I experience of years which has been
nulated into what might be called an
ge of the trade, that "when new wools
ear, buyers appear," has been set at
ight this year and proven to be false.
are is- a scarcity of buyers, and it can
be said with truth that there is a
scarcity of new wools. Neither buyers
or wools are abundant just at present.
The quotations for leading grades of
Montana wool in the seaboard markets
are as follows: Fine choice, 18@10; fine
saverage, 15@17; fine medium choice, 20
@21; fine medium average, 17@109; med
ium choice, 21@22; medium average,
In Chicago tilere are 2,000,000 pounds
on hand. This is less than the stock of a
year ago. It is also of better character
and better condition. Prices in Chicago
on strict grades were as follows: Bright
wools-unwashed, fine, 161A@21c.; med
ium, 22@25c.; low medium, 18@20c.; on
merchantable, cotts, burry, bucks, etc., 12
@16. Western wools are selling at 2 to 3
cents less per pound, the price being de
termined by character and condition.
In San Antonio prices have ranged
from 18% to 17 cents for 7 to 8 months'
wool and 10~ to 18%, for 12 months.
Mr. Putnam of Boston made the first
purchase of the season yesterday. He
bought 28,000 pounds of Austin & Taylor,
wool-growers, Cascade. As near as learn
ed the price was above 16 cents.
Wool is going this year to the east by
the all rail route. It goes without change
of cars from here to St. Paul and thence
to the seaboard via Chicago.
Among the wool-growers who have
have stored wool here this season are
such experienced producers as O. G.
Cooper & Co., J. T. Murphy, Sage Creek
Sheep Co., Missoula Mercantile Co.,
Seims & Armington, J. L. Lytle and oth
ers of like standing.
John Terhune will have charge of the
wool warehouse henceforth.
Up to date 1,200 sacks of wool have
been recived here and five car loads have
gone east.
Wool is coming in today faster than on
any day yet.
Part of the clip of McCuaig & Gearing
of Dupuyer las arrived. Dr. Fairfield is
part owner in thie flock.
Lemon says that shearers receive
ten cents per head with board and eight
cents without. He says the wool beats
tanything known so far.
MIore Bills Vetoed.
WASHTNeTON, July 5.-A message from
ti,e president was received by the senate
today vetoing a bill granting a pension to
.laryAnn Doherty. The president shows
the bad character of the woman and that
iher hniibnd;"odi'account of whose "death
the pension was desired, is alive and
himself drawing a pension. The presl
dent says he would wrong no man in his
desire to see those who defended the gov.
ernment liberally treated, but the pension
list should be a roll of honor and not of
an indiscriminate nature.
The president refers to a large number
of special pension bills before him and Pays
"It would be well if all our general
pension laws could be revised with a view
of meeting every meritorious case. In
the absence of such revision and if pen
sions are to be granted upon equitable
grounds and without regards to general
laws the present methods would be great
ly improved by the establshmeetof some
tribunal to examine the facts in every
case end determine upon the merits of
the application."
The president also returned without
his approval the senate bill to grant a
pension to J. B. Morton of Nebraska as a
dependent father of Calvin Morton, who,
it is claimed, was killed in the late war
with the Indians in the Ouster massacre.
The president says:
His name does not appear in any record
of soldiers engaged in that battle and con
sidering the complete list of casualties at
tending that battle, the death of the son
of the beneficiary is far from being satis
factorily established.
The senate bill to pension Polly H.
Smith, widow of Lieut. J. H. Smith, sec
ond artillery, who served in the army
from 1854 to 1870, was also returned with
out executive approval on the grounds
that the death had no connection with
the service.
Drwnemd in the Whirlpool.
NIAGARA Fa.Ls, July 6.-Robert Flack
of Syracuse, who came here last week to
go through the rapids and whirlpool was
drowned last evening while trying to nav
igate his life-boat, the Phantom, in the
trip. He started from the Maid of the
Mist landing above the old suspension
bridge and in two minutes was battling
with the high waves below the cantilever
bridge. His boat was overturned twice
but turned right side up again. The
third time she went over and stayed bot
tom up floating past the Devereuxcollege
grounds where stood Flack's rival, Percy,
and William Stephenson and wife, who
is Flack's sister. Nothing but the keel
was visible, as the boat rushed into the
whirlpool. Here it drifted about in the
eddies until it came near shore, when
Percy swam out and brought it to shore.
Flack was still strapped in his seat. His
face was purple with congestion and he
was stone deed. A Syracuse undertaker
named McCarthy, who is said to have
been backing Flack, took the corpse
home to Flack's widow.
Hendershot Won.
IELERNA, July "6.-In the contest be
tween Major Hendershot and Capt. Els
ton for a drum the prize was won by
Major Hendershot, the drummer boy of
the Rappahannock.
The Fourth of July Celebrated with Ora
tory land Sprt-Eloquent Speeches
in thle Grove--A Grand Ball
at tlhe Park Hotel.
I[From Thursday's Daily.]
Every one rejoiced when the Fourth of
July dawned yesterday bright and clear.
It was not one of those days "half smiles
and half tears like the girl I love best,"
as the poet says; but an ideal rMontana
July day, cool and invigorating in the
morning, agreeably warm in the after
Of course the American flag and Amer
ican colors were seen everywhere. They
floated from the flag staffs of hotels and
stores as well as from the pioneers' homes
on the outskirts. Windows, store fronts
and wagons were all wreathed in the red,
white and bhle. All this decoration was
the work of a night. It is a local charac
teristic to defer adornment to the last
moment and then to make up in a few
hours for the apparent neglect. It was
so on Tuesday. In the morning there
were few flags visible, exceptthose which
had been displayed in compliment to the
journalists, but toward midnight the
town had put forth tri-colored blossoms
and by morning it was in full flower.
The day was ushered in with the ex
plosion of firecrackers. The small boy
1 is early in the field and paid with ex
plosives the time-honored tribute to the
vlIorious Fourth. The example "shed a
genial ray" and the town resounded with
the cracking of the powder from whose
srource the Chinaman is enabled to live
in affluence and retire after a few years'
Ibusiness with a steady income.
Better than China's "last, best gift" to
civilization, did the crowded streets
proclaim that tihe national holi
day had come. The streets are
always crowded except when there
is heavy rain or hail, but there is some
thing about crowds on the 4th which
makes them distinct from all others.
They are good-humored crowds, not ex
cited by politics or burdened with busi
ness cares. Happiness beams from every
face. Lovely woman who needs. adorn
ment least is .profuselysadorand. , Chil.
dren are in holiday attire and every man
wears "store clothes," to borrow a phrase
from the time when homespun garments
were deemed suitable only for week-day
The number of visitors was great. Some
must have begun the journey last week
in order to be here in good time. There
were wool - growers from the Judith,
miners from Neihart, Barker, Yogo and
the new camp near Tiger Butte. From
the other side of the river came many
people who reside in Cascade, Sun River
and along the Teton and the Marias.
The fame of the Great Falls celebration
has gone forth to the slopes of the Rocky
mountains and people come here now as
naturally as the Mexican goes to the fes
tival of the neighboring town, or the
Englishman wends his way to the Derby.
The United States army was worthily re
presented by Lieutenant Ahern who, in
herits the martial and love - making
propensities of the Irish race. Butte,
St. Louis, Helena and other cities
sent the town some of their fairest belles
who graced the gathering at the grove
with their presence and added an addi
tional charm to the ball room.
The formal celebration begins with the
procession. What would be the Fourth
of July without a procession? First come,
Sheriff Downing, the marshal of the day,
with Sam Dodd and George F. Field, all
wearing red sashes. George W. Taylor,
county attorney and orator of the day,
follows in a carriage, with the fair lady
who has come from her Kentucky home
to render his life happy. Judge Race,
the president of the day, follows and then
comes the Park Theatre band, who dis
course patriotic airs as they advance.
The veterans, who are accorded the place
of honor, come next, marching shoulder
to shoulder, as they marched to Antietam
and Gettysburg, or advanced amid a
storm of shot and shell up the well-de
fended heights of Fredericksburg. Here
is the Caledonian club, wearing tricolor
ed badges. They make a noble display,
worthy of "Caledonia stern and wild;"
worthy also of their adopted country.
The people salute them and the veterans
as they pass, followed by the Pioneer
Hook and Ladder company of Great
Falls, which is always at the front on pa
triotic occasions. They look lovely the
girls say in their red jackets as they
march by preceded by the wagon and
ladders, which are fairly covered with
bunting. Then follow citizens in car
riages, on horseback or on foot, making
a creditable parade, which speaks vol
umes for the growth of Great Falls in
the best elements of population. Promi
oent among the visitors who swell the
procession are Bishop Brondel and a
large contingent of worthy people from
Hun River and its vicinity.
BE;SID:E IrnE ItlvCn.
The grove has ever been the favorite
Ilace for 4th of July celebrations. last
year when high water caused the selec
tion of higher ground the change was not
for the better. Today the broad Missouri
sulling placidly by forms a noble back
ground to the lofty trees, some of
which may have been here when
Lewis and Clarke observed antelope,
bears and eagles in this vicinity. The
shade of the trees and the gentle breeze
from the river. render this an ideal place
to pay tribute to the patriots who laid the
foundation of American independence.
Judge Race, the president of the day,
opens the ceremonies with a" republican
simplicity that would have charmed the (
heart of Jefferson, who is popularly sup.
posed to have hitched his horse to a tree
apt. entered without further ceremony
tlie building where he delivered his in
augural address. Judge Race speaks of
tie change since he arrived at the other
sioe of the river and was left to find his way
h re, as the stage would not deign to call
at reat Falls. He referred to the words
ottlir. Paris Gibson at the last celebra
tit, when the founder said that Great
F ls and all Northern Montana
was on the eve of wonderful de
v lopment. He spoke in detail
o the fulfilment of that promise, showing
that even more had been accomplished
thn Mr. Gibson had outlined. Judge
ce closed with an eloquent allusion to
n rthern Montana, which seems to have
b n reserved as an inheritance for the
A erican people.
he quartette composed of Messers.
iA kins, Magson, Wilcox and Dodson
t sang melodiously"America." Frank
cox, in accordance with time honored
tm, read the Declaration of Inde
pdence with tolling effect.
ev. John Reid invoked the divine
b 'ing in impressive words. Judge
i next introduced the "silver-tongued"
orr, Ge.rge W. Taylor, who was re
c ved with cheers.
r. Taylor delivered the oration of the
d which was an eloquent eulogy on
great men who had founded the
Aerican republic. He spoke of the
Sth gallant soldiers, who fighting
uainst heavy odds had made this country
a ree nation. He referred in eloquent
toas to the general celebration of this
da and to the powerful influence which
theachievement of American indepenid
Leens had exercised upon the advance
merit of liberty throughout the world.
MI' Taylor's language was classic
an4 ornate. It charmed the audience
wib.responded with rounds of enthusias
t pau ase,
TIt"along talk," as in New York was
.fnl 't~d-b i {ybhLl talks." Judge
int-oduced udge Bach, referring first fn
complimentary terms to the war veterans,
the Caledomnan club and the United
States army represented by Lieutenant
Judge Bach made a good humored,
telling speech, in which he alluded to
boyhood celebrations of the 4th of July.
He advised his hearers to let the good
deeds of the great men of '76 shed light
on their path and not deem the proud po.
sition which the founders occupy as en
tirely unattainable. He spoke of the
greatness which Washington displayed
amid the gloom of Valley Forge and then
alluded to the fortitude which Parls Gib
son had manifested when in his lonely
tent he had planned the founding of
Great Falls, displaying manhood, pluck
and energy, which entitled him to be
placed on the roll of the great men of
this nation (applause).
Charles M. Webster, who spoke next,
said that the manuscript of his oration
had been carried down the rapids, but he
proved that he could make an excellent
speech without it, for he told some good
stories and closed with complimentary
remarks about the fire laddies, which
were well received.
The quartette then sang the "Red,
White and Blue," the people joining In
chorus. The large assemblage then dis
persed, giving hearty cheers for Judge
Horse and Boat Raees-------A Grand Ball
at Night.
In the afternoon a large assemblage
witnessed the races at the course, which
lay back of the town, extending from the
south to the north side. It is estimated
that there were over 2,000 people on the
grounds. In the trotting race Mr. Horst's
Bruno won the first three heats, defeating
Mr. Conway's Sparta and Mr. Tod's
Baldy. Mr. Conger's Selkirk won the
quarter mile single dash, defeating Mr.
Rammall's Daylight, Mr. Colter's Ettle
and Mr. Brathewaito's White Mark, which
came in in the order named. In the half
mile dash the stakes were won by Day
light, with White Mark a fair second.
The foot race was won easily by Whit
comb, defeating Read.
In the evening great numbers of peo
ple stood on the shore of Broadwater bay
to witness the boat race, the entries for
which were as follows: Whitcomb, Dan
McKay, Ike Fry, Joe Peiper, Fred Thurs
ton and Robertson. McKay was ahead
most of the way, but he went around a
false buoy and was thus compelled to
turn and go around the right one. This
blunder probably lost him the race, which
was won by Whitcomb. The double
scull race was won by Lyon and Sharp,
with Macnaughtou and Chemidlin second.
Dave Cuatermuch won the tub race,
which caused much fun,
At night the grand ball at the Park
hotel under the auspices of the Pioneer
Hook and Ladder company was attended
by about 200 gentlemen and ladles, who
danced to the music of Race's orchestra.
Supper was served in good style at mid
night, after which dancing was resumed
with great vigor. The ball was pro
nounced the greatest success since the
city was fouulied.
J.H. McKnight & Co.
Farm alll S ri[ Wagons,
Road Wagons, Buckboards, Road Carts, Superior Grain Drills,
Sulky Plows, Breaking and Stirring Plows, Harrows,
Cultivators, Tents and Wagon Covers, Barbed
and Plain Fence Wire,
Team and Buggy Harness, Saddles, Bridles.
Whips, Cooper's Sheep Dip, Sewing Machines, Etc.
2/O-xvers al. lReapers,
Hay Rakes, Hay Presses, Hay Loaders, Threshing Machines.
We are agents for Woods' Mowers and Binders, John Deer Plows, Bain
Wagons, Cooper's Sheep Dip and Eldridge Sewing MIachines.
The Woods mower has been strengthened, motion increased and otherwise
improved this season, especially for Montana trade and is far ahead
of all other competitors. We respectfully request any
person who intends buying this season to inspect
our Mower and Binder before purchasing.
Central Avenue near Third Sfteet, - - - GREAT FALLS.
Central Ave., Great Falls. Main Street, Helena.
Fine Kentucky Whiskies,
Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos, Bar Glassware,
Playing Cards, Smokers' Articles and Fresh Fruits.
One Car Budweiser, Erlanger and Bur
gundy Keg, and one car Case Beer.
FRED LANGERMAN, Resident Manager.
The Leading Dry Goods House.
Having added another shipment of above articles to our already large
stock on hand, we can now show as extensive an assortment in Carpets and
Oil Cloth as can be found in Helena, and we will for the next ten days offer
special inducement in these two departments. Anyone in need of either of
these two articles we advise to make their selections now and take ad
vantage of the rare opportunity.
We also received 5 cases of the genuine French C. P., Dr. Shillings Health
and the French Sateen Corsets, which are well worth your inspection.
cfvil Orders' r' ci ve prmp at.a tion.
W. B. .BLEIZG, & 00.,
Central ave., Great Falls.

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