OCR Interpretation

The semi-weekly tribune. [volume] (Great Falls, Mont.) 1890-1891, May 24, 1890, Image 4

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86075241/1890-05-24/ed-1/seq-4/

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Contiract fr it (onlltrtlion Let to
Burke & O', onner of
Work on the IEletrie Street Railway
and Telpllholin ExIchnilge to
Ilieihl lil Onte.
HI. I). Illinot RIe-Visits Great Falls
alnd is llliniiig I LIarge Atd
ditionto Iiin Three
Story loihk.
Toll dali Ilirk- & O'olllnnlr, ron
trt-llors i of llelin,t. were awarded the
contrat t r cIt erection of the New
England Iltlle i. tpllanyl' building. The
exnavation Iot rl -tltlr-cture is llld:,oi0
feet, whinch ill 'e, at Ilabasetiet under
the entire Illli illnd front tide walk.
iOn the first 1t 1I till be two store rooul
fronting o. t ntrali avenue and four
store rilloo- n the ltide fronting on Filth
street. iTh 'e huitng will be 50x1n0 feet.
l)n the secontlll e s will lie rooms for the
variou.s count' y llies and a large fire
lro.f vault lor thel protection of the
Ittuty records. The third floor will hbe
divided into roolm and suits for real es
tate or hiw Inttihes. The rooms will be so
irraniged that each will receive light
froln i outside window. The entire
lbuilding will lie heated by steam, sup
piled with water and furnished with gas
litings, althoglih electricity will be used
in lightlii. Closets and wash roolnswill
lie placed on each floor. Especial atten
tion will be given ito dralinage and ventil
ation. The basemernt walls and walls of
the frst and secondll storles will be extra
heavy, with it view to adidinig more rooms
to the top lt hen circunistancesso demand.
The subject of aldding iI fourth story, to
be used as lodge rooms lits been consid
ered, but no conclusion has been reachlled.
The front of the building will be native
sand stone and prenrsed brick and will be
finely flinished, while throughout the en
tire building the,most thorough attention
will be given to strengtlh, durability and
convenience of arrancgement.
The Eleetire Ntreet Railway.
Mr. Arthur lioe, general western
manager of the Thompson-Houston
Electric company, is in the city, in the
Interest of his company. Mr. linoe has a
fotrce of men with hlin and will probably
superintend thle conlstruction of the Par
sons' Electric street railway. The ma
chiinery for thi enterprise is standling on
the tlr.ck in the Great Northern yards
and the contract for grading have been let.
Mr. Kirikendall, the contractor, will be
gin work on the grading immediately.
Foundations for a large tang has been
laid on the top of the hill overlooking
Black Eagle faills. It Is understood that
the company will plt in engines to gen
erate electricity with which to run the
street cars until the water power is avail
able. Thus, onle by one the projected
enterprises become realities and before
August lst, the tourist may be able to ride
on an electric street railway to see the
Black Engle falls, Giant spring and tother
scenic attractions in that vicinity.
"Hell!" There!
Mr. I). S. M urray, assistant secretary of
the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone
company, arrived with a force of experts
yesterday front Salt Lake city. Mr. Mur
ray has charge of the construction of the
telephone exchange and will begin work
this morning. All the material for this
exchange is now en route to Great Falls
and will arrive in a day or two. All the
instruments and appliances used are the
very best and the service will be equal to
that in any city. The holes for poles
will be dug and ,one poles put up this
week. A nutt ber of local men will be
given eiploymient in the construction.
be front toot in lerry Quesoelle's
building hab been leased for a central
offlice. About 123 instruments will be put
in at the art and tample provision has
been made for the growth o1 tCie town.
The exchange will be in working order
bIy July 15tb. It is tie purpose of the
company to establish communication with
Helena, Chateau, Monarchl, Neihart and
Barker. In a low months it will be poe
sible to talk with friends in the capital or t
hear of the latent "strike" in the mines by
H. D. MXlnlut a Visitor in the City.
Great Falls ex:ends a cordial welcome
to Mr. H. I), lMiot, who is a guesaewithin
her gates. iMrt. linot arrived yesterday
in his special car nold \rill remain two or
three days. '1Toda1y ihe goes over the Belt
mountains branch to Monarch and will
make a hasty vciol to Nethart, retirning
this eveniltg M1r 1. is the owner ofthe i
Minot block In tlhi, citly, which was the i
first large buIiltig ertcted here, apart iii
from the Park hltel. lie ias in ccntem- iI
plation thi Ililting of an addition, 0x- I
90 feet, in thle rear of tile present block,
and will prclldy vrnc.ludte arranemtents
for the newi iilliing durilg his "present
vit. .TheT Iintiso met Mr. Minotr at
his etr liaot ev\ntitg. lie expressed his
graittit- ll I lithe evlltent crowtl and
prosperily ,f ILi .l- it anil predicted for
its greiat lii.-... i waily ,f prediction, e
he rew wi.ll hil Il -m'il on a plat of
the city I line Ioint Poark drive along \
Fourth aventue ,t 0,!i, ir Sixth street, Ii
thence north to, F -"thl avenue North, II
thence west t, IPark hrive iand then sooth
to place of egintt-ltit. ite-iirking whenIl
he had trtn'iitdeld, '"TI', will be the busi
ness center of Great oalls." sh
itte hin Works. of
Mr. White 'linllitenced work on the if
buildings for tho Great Falls Iron Works in
yesterday. Tli' works will require sev. i
eral buildiligs which will be put up with
out delay. Ati tlilce 18x30 feet, two
stories Ihgi, till le built tn the south
west corner ti Iinii'lc 81. North of this
will be thie fouldry, 30x60 feet with a
prijertion 14x.i; eit. This will be a
truss buildling 14 leet high. North of ha
the foundry will I.. the pattern housae, in
1Ix30 feet. :i11t,tf hlis will be the pal- Lo
tern shop and t intlittu shop, 28x80 feet 1w
with a prijeerlitti 14.24. lBesides these hii
buildings tlhere i ll bei cheds for storage tei
and a large biton. Bltore the first of tf
August the shlp.s tl ii prepalred to turn m'l
out work. 'i.
KIItALi., SitrTli l[.t\i ra, GIAPIriC:
While the colutito tf tie Graphic are
olpen tiany and alil lnulbjectionuble ad ii
vertlseamets, yet is quite impossible c
for us to speak kinriigly of the nerits tt
of tile vorious articles of merchintime lre
advertlied. I'artic'tlarly it this true of
patent mitdicines. hutl there are excep
tions ot'ttaitanlly anll I Ittluewortliy ex
ception is tli c eletli-ated Chamberltin'i
Cough lteme.iv. "rli, now universatly
known medl .i"., hits been advertised inII
the Grnphic fi fitur or five years, but
not until rect'ttly' Ihid we any persinal
knowledgoe ii it. i.ctde'ful efficiacy.
1lI;th u. ' ' u,Il the tre
5a01,0 ,ullael t -, ,.,. -. !, stuabborn coughi
that lhli so oheten ti'titleid It. In thel at
writers fannilby lis tlied:,'ine has on tev i.
oral occanltus tills Wlltolr, cured a cough il
that baifflltti ti an;u :111 other remedies;
and the nutt lthr tf Itfaoiles in Kimball
and vicinity itn whisi thiu remedy han
been used with likc effects attests to its
value as a sdl.eih., for c'tighs and colds
of every natore Fo- tale by Lapeyre
Figured iawti t i.!' rents, at New
York Cash luiarti.e -
TR5E BOARD OF Tilt 1)e:.
A Good llsillla.s Meeling hIhd it~ WhiIt
l'ariusa R.bj.ets Ar'. C I.htdered.
The Bloalrd of Trade notl in reirloar s.o
alon Tuesday, lion. Ialis Gibsolll ill tliI
chair and in the a:liselile of[ the regulnl
secretary, A. Jensen acted as such.
A petition signed byI nearly all the set
tiers of lower Ilighwood was read, askiin!
the county to build it road to Belt creek
the petitionerl agreeing to bill tile road
from llihworolto Iaelt. Aliter sone dis
I'ssion it lans decided to ask tihe cI.uIIn
:ommissioners to appoilt viewers tr, r
port on thie feasibililty of thils rad. till
motion of T. E. Collis, thie matter o' the
road to lligahwood wia referred to tihe
committee on roads.
Ira Myers handed il it letter fronim F. i.
Whitney askinir in regard toi thie rcoip
itsIo of a party of promll' nent eduocntir
vo will nmake an excursion at tile close
ii the National Educational Association
hld , ill St. Plti I tllhy, iover tlHe lioLe of
the (treat Northern. The party will .r
ite it' Great Frlls on the eveninagoli ltly
I I uid rel ai ores nt l lltu il e lllllltinl of
the 17th, spendino a itify Iln fie lihi
IlliIulntlain region.
A collnunlscation was redhi fromi W. (',
,,h so of Danville, Ill.. asking in re
ird to thie establishmenlt tofi a soap l'a0 -
F'. K. Stevens o f Chic(llia desires to lii
It I a woolen mill sn111e\\Ihere in thel
II lthnwet and asks for concessions from
ire Board of Trtade. The nill to cost
$15.01001 to $20,lll0 I .in e lmachinery to
"ist $40,000, emploinug 150 hands and
ayving a yearly output of $200.000. iOn
,lotiion, the mnatter was referr to )ll.
Ii obson.
Mr. (ilbson stated lie met Mr. L. S.
o'odlbury in St. Paul: that a satisfactory
irrangeltent had been omade inl regard to
freight rates, and thalt Mr. VWoodbury laila
Jired to Detroit tio have mlaterill sh ipped.
Ir. 'oodbrlly also Ist ired his aienut here,
lie. White. to proceed at oncet with the
Mr. (lilosonl called the attention of the
Board toi the kindness of tihe Great Nor
thern people il placing it small matllt of
ilreat Fall, and lIe.r trilltary mining re
tions oni the large fIlohler, showing tile
reat Northern linsor. Many comlpli
Olatalry reImriciks were iadse on thi1
Mr. Gibson brought iup) tile subject of
ertain folders describing the mniueral re
sliirces of the country tributary to treat
lialls which have been under lire paration
fior some tilme, and urged that somie dell
rite action be taken. On Slotion tile
-ubject was referred to the executive
T. E. Collins Informed the board that
:rest Falls illustrated would be tesued
A livel discussion in regard to
mrethods lf advertising and its effects
broulght out a number of opinions. Mr.
iiibson said he was proud of tie Board
of Trade and its work, and stated that
or the size of the town the board had
lone more good work thanl alny board he
'a.d ever known.
A general discussion ,of the outlook
rld prospects followed, after which the
Iboard sadjourned.
Thle Proposed City Jail.
The committee appointed !,y Mayor
hIrckerman has had a plan prepared for
i city jail. Theplan provides for a brick
ire stone buildin.e 26x02 feet, one story
high. The interior is arranged for seven
coils, 7x7 feet, two halls and two larger
riorns. Tile plan of the building is well
iiapted for tile purpose and on Friday
tight the council will no doubt take
rmcedeflaite action in the matter.
of Ielrtrollt Uay f ltn lerrn.,
ae The arrantgrments are ctl ioted for a
t o rand time iu Great Falls on D)ecoration
r- y. y. Sheridan post is tloting earnestly
lie ai tie maitter and the exercisesapp,o
rk Priate to the tclation will Ise arranged
is a id carried out witll complete success.
Is iThe committee ha, selected J.as Donl.
e van as orator of the day.
to esides the regular commemorative
Serelrcesa protgram has been arranoged by
is Ile Mloutana Central railroad, co-o perat
e ag with the Great Falls Boat club and
a, t ,tizens, that will hring i large crottd of
Sipeople hiere. The celebrated oarsroen
t .lake tGaudaur and A. II. llaamo:, will be
It "n hand to test their skill and strength
ias t Broad water bay, the lineat body iof
, ater for boating in the nortlh"est. These
r ten are famouis oaresmen and the contest
a \\ill be one well worth seeing.
Th Tie Montana Central will run an ex
d tirsaiot fromt Anacoundl, .lltte. lHlena
a:nd iall other points nit the rorad, puttinig
ti e fare for the round trip, at a very low
figure. The train will '.e it special and
\\ill arrive at about 11 o'clock, returning
late in the evening. Tihe tickets, however,
will be good for several days, so that
e parties who desire to stay over can do so.
It Is fully expected that we will latv,
eaveral hundred visitors ottn thlat {;e
Y ion.
An Aetlve Farmer.
SJas. Gillette who is in the city informs
the TtRnUNE that he has a crop of over
200 acres this year on his Willow creek
ranch; of this 150 acres is wheat, 50 ollts
sod six acres of potatoes Htib grain is
tmw four or five inches high and growia0
.icely, promising a splenolid crop. GraI,
t hls vicinity he says i agood and th.
i ulntroue floclt-matastrs in that sertitn
live had unusually good success in tnlab
(reat iFall Iron Wlorke nnannntnred
O10 Monday Mr. White made out hills
for materials for the Great Fulls Iron
Works bnilllings and sent them to the
slils. Yesterday teams were hauling
the material and this morning work will
ie commenced. I. tMr. hlte Ila been in
-tructed to put these buildings up in as
hort a time as possible, so that they will
the ready to receive the mathintery, part
if which is already enroute. It. W'lotd
marv is a conservative business nlsn and
after carefully weighing all p.osisilities
a!s decided to permanently l]ot te. There
is no longer any doubt it reard ta tile
iuttter. Besides castings, the wrksn will
Imnufactture Iheavy nlitc' i-erv if several
,ilnds. About 3:5 muen will be employed.
Good lula.k,
Charles I- . i ,lohn -t,, driver for W.i
liam ltichardeon of. 102 Sudbury street,
ill tile hlt drawing of the Louitsiana State
Lottery woos the htappy boildeir t. ,ne
wth.tetlls of ticket 8181 w\hitch drew the
Filrst Cnital Prlze of $300,000, and re
eiyedti as his slihare the ineat little ifortune
of $15,000. Mr. JIdnionti i.atieiot young
fellow who iutends to put his .n.ilt a -[
'luhired morney tugi gatI uIe. iltton
r Mass.) lerals, lMarch 27.
FOR11 DYSPEPSIA atd Liver (Luco -
tlaint, you have a printend guarntotie on
,;-very bottle of Shiloh'r Vitailiza,. It]
never fails to cure. For sale by LIpeyre
It covers Lh. BEAJ., TIFU I AIl'A. I.A A ,erhoki[g lit
Id BUSINESS LOTS uay. for a Ihnited time, be purchased for
se than HALF THE PRICE of other property not so well lo
"kd. Prices only $100 to *350 for 50 feet front Teroms easy
and for maps and other information to
J. O.OGREGG, Park Hotel, Great Falls, Mont.
Or A. K. BARBOUR, Helena, Mont.
'PThe BOSTON & MONTANA COMPANY' have selected
NORTH GRkEAT FALLS as the site of their IMMENSE FAC
TORIES, which will furnish constant employment to thousands
of workmen whose CASH WAGES will circulate every month in
I NORTH GREAT FALLS and vicinity.
*Ao Imuaeam Dam is now beiig a.truoted
ieeonir Bitar above Blseak U Ps.a at NORTH (3SIB
FALLS at a coat of a Half Million olar., aid wi
for tnadreds of Mills. Other improvements will
wMiolc'llw create a demand for more front e aie w N
Rainbowf and Crooked falls will itlhl )l 8 w
in b ey minute.' walk of NORTH GRUT ILL
during, 1890 wi be In NORTH GRT teIONtpoz b
went. during the Feer
S Witl~lS w ii al Ilt lin tio Itt I, IFew
u of That 'lat s Who Iiv in
is- !are Fio'rce of lMen I':mpluyed and the
flytk han;; g; Aheadi
he All III e't'IOtin.. Iitsiless ' .si l
S hI ie I lll lrdl o f T' dI n s I , ,l
S A grl at In ' is , Iti , it TisT' I 'kini ,
of ald n Il t lhrougi h th,'aIII Td 'I I\i e-1iI'. '
th' t '( )rl tllltllT I lT i. I 'IT iihjl,, ; h Ih" I\,.jl+eii ,
ItIII IT Iontieil I' tIl n I lltI " l"tillJ , itlr .
iTT h"11I d11111 i'''d. ,sII I],,,hi I I I' h tire chronic
1 \ith l .n ih people, a nli\\spi ller IlIlrIount
.f anything ale waysofo thatldl hutthori
ril arIiy auill ic l en ltiteri will us IlTly fall.
I ( h i tif it clll lr tl 1111I - i s, 1 .ril h o e ance,
Iheit Oi tie part of its pro jectors, Great
to Falls contains a few of the1 e chronic
ad kickers. These people claim tlhat the
it reat dent will never he built and tile
llostotn & Moentana smelter Is is I myth.
Suich unfortunate beings have always ex
Iry ted and will continue to exist: but Great
Falls will grow and prosper in the face
cll ,t their dire predictions. The ignorance
'f sucll people is usually thle foundtian
for their luck of faith. In speaking of
le tile great danl, numnlber of Inmen ventllr.
Sd tlhe opinion yesterday that there were
e Ilot inore thabn six in' en ar t work. 'I'll
tIlrow seoie lighllt oI this snbject the
of TI'UlrtNIO: yesterday sent a representative
edown to seet what is going on.
l hle scene iat Black Eagle falls Is one
So'f great alctlvity and is unllsualdly inte.r
' esting; ftar here is being developledl the
mIlightiest water power in the world. On
If the south side io the river thile work as
Seret has been all preleilinury. Mr. D. M.
lIt illis, the fortlmnan in charge, is working
in ) lmen. l e isrermonvig lll earth from
I ie hlank allih:l I1higllt full in after the
e aain is built, for i distance of 600 feet
e .bUvre the da site, and is preparing tilhe
hl ore for the reception of the abutments.
'hI The magnitude of the work Illust TIe seen
to be appreciated. In some of the blhst
ing operations i charg; of 12 to 14 kegs
otII oT pwder is often Ited. Wilell the ex
Is esion occ(urs roc(ks liare somletitlles
thronwn elntirely eross thile river. alnd
olrge I emeel s of eaultl and rock are
thrown into ile roarilng urrent below to
'e wept oler the fails. The ebo'rding
hu lse, manaIlged by Joe I';at:.ude, is pic
k tlrnequely located at the foot of the fall.
AlI the sOfith ilde of the river the ,tr+;,
S i ill be aol ut 150 feet :l t.u e lrtall.
SOil the north ,de of the river much
lillre a\Ilsk lllhas been dolne. Tihree fore
men are in charge of as mntny gangs of
r ren and the work is advancing rapidly.
S1lihe wood lworkmlen have put In about
3i feet of coffer daln. This has been
k built diagonally out algainst the current
y until about one-half of the river's bed is
now dry, the whole volume of water be
ing pushed against the south bank.The bed
iof the river thus left exposed is nIow the
Scenle of sativebuilding operathils. From
m.1e face of the cliff over which tie water
lasfor ages been rushing fine stone is
now being taken, which will be used in
clnstructng tile ditua. This ,tone is a
dark red sanlistnte and may lIe had in
Ltllllll ed lusntity ki''Olt tilt' quarry a
I rack ha, been aid to the dam site, ubsut
y 4100 feet up stream, on which thie dressed
.tones are conveyed to the imenlse der
d ick, which lifts them into lpositi .' The
\rlek of laying stone was comnlenced
Ihis nmorning and will be pushed vigor
ausly. Nearly 100 men are employlled in
Snstructionl oil the north side. The fact
tlat the stone wlhich will be used ill cou
-tructiou is being taken out almost from
' ithe very ground on whichl the dain in to
eo bhaili is evidence of the ability of the
Iuen engaged to tue the naturiii aur-
loundihgs to the best possibleS advatcltage.
.Itter v\'ting the scene of op)eratious it
ill nlt be doukted tlat thre lower will
readyI'll'iT for the smnelter by the time sec
Iitled inl the contract.
l. Par,ns.ni art Hrelenta.
MIr. ('. O. Parsons, of tIe lnoston &
'iloultun Mining company, wtith heiad
tlllrters iat Great Falls, halls been in the
ity few days on bullsiness connected
'ith the construction of the ompantny's a
roposed big smeltar and refinerl to be -
enItil near (irealt Fatils, and has, it is
llerstood, let the severall coontracts i
lis city for the work, which will begin
t olce. When started this work will
ive employment to several hundred n
el hluring the sumulerr, in it is un tan
-rtisking that will involve the speudi- i
Iire of $1,000,000 or more. Mr. arsons
*,ys the work will be pushed to com
deaton end wollld harek been under wny
eflu'e but fur Ithe delay in getting the
lilrold out to tlhe stnelter site where et
'te constructiln of the nlonster dunt at
hark Elagle falls is under way.--lnde ar
I endent.
IONAit CI is the tereliniins ii the Hilt omllintlin R ilroaid.
iOINA CII lltin imnutlldiitely trl'ibuitiury lt it the riclhest agri'ei'lletlli district
in Mtontitntt. where irrigJtion is hiut needed 1and large crops roe roised.
IMONARCH is down grade trom N ethliir. larlkeir d a('Urlhonlte mining
MONARCHI is to IIhave it luI)i si.niplllig works.
()IIINACH is to hatlne redullctilont works.
IMONARiCHI is Ito have an elevntr.,
INARC('H is to hale it ImuIt.
Are now for sale on easy terms and at low prices by
T. - A -.L,.
Free paIs on railhoad to all purchasers of lots.
t1' ay TCm the WIL ener,
rr'odtray atrlrnooon rt 4 o'elock the
iwoers of lily Tom aInd Kickalpo had
them nil the track lts agreed. There was
brik ihhldmg ot the pools, the buyers
pgiving trlw to one onr Blly Tomn. By the
Ine rn getiwll tolllllt were raIIle nearly
$210 ohad bleenl put iup. Everything he
ing rerrdy rl good taslrt was made ans
both horses llne through to the lish
ulrder. the whip with tiny Tom about
three lengthrs ahead. A large crowd of
Irn had gathered at te trak rac to witnes
tihe lree, andt some Iolrrey cihanged hands
)r thec side. It is underrl'too,d hotnl $200
siflo, had bn IIl IIb I hri ler owllers rif
Io r t rie iorors. \\. ). oRanall is thle
owVller l ioay Tlorn and Mr. I)aniels the
SlIA el' OF Jl1lE FAIl,,S.
I ]'ram Wednmdar'k Daily. ]
FiThe body of )r. Will E. Turner, who
ilas dIrowned i ol tIhe Missouri river at thle
mouth of1 l he arIlil soi e Illontlhs iago,
Illhas rll follnl abol) t mllileshb ielow
.llhre tile accidellt o llllre (
.lJohn Seholl started fr the Teton this
rnlllrlll.g woithl lumbellr f'or tile wrater tlllll
at that pllace. it is e pe.'tad that tile
l llhl Ill I0day .
t When I). A. I.. lRger of thie itly Drug
store lIft Ire hirpped his goods to Silt
Ilkoe and ifter arriving there has waited
in vainl for tile goods tl come. It turns
outl thlt tile enltire stock wars burned with
tihe deporlt ot lrtte II lew days agro.
The Monlnnl (onf'erence o lf the Meth
odist Episcopal churchl will be held at
I,ivllgston, commencing oil July 24,
1890. Ililhop Vincent, who has attained
It world wide repultatinn for his leader
ship of the ('Ilhautalqua work, will pre
James Lawler and others report that
hlleir shocks have been robhbed. This
plundering f shacks is tlhe vilest 'ind of
robbery. The thieves acquire only a lew
Ilankets or solre provisions, ilrt they
(IInse mIcIIIhrI inconveienllce and lllrneasi
ness oI tile rarcllllllhen.
The "toorl Ernriehed.
Tfle faci:ilieso of te. present day for the
production of everything tlhat will con
: ace to the n!aterial welfare and comfort
of maokind are almnost unlimited and
when Syrup of Figs was first produced
thie world was enriched with the only
Iperfect laxative known, as it is the only
remedy which is truly pleasing and re
freshing to the taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
the Spring time or, in fact, at any time
and the better it is known the more pop
ular it becomes.
latby carriages at wholesale ard retail
at Whritehedrc & IKllhn's Mammoth
Furniture stlrt.
A lot of remnants of prints, lawns, and
dress g mds, to close, at your own price,
New York CasiI Bazaar.
Not by anything she drank or took, but
by badc blood. Is it any wonder she
,t*la "blue?" In most cases blues are
only another name for bad blood. A man
or woman feels unhappy. Life seems
lark. The heart is heavy. Bad blood is
oarriyne its poison all over the body, and
we call it "blues."
Read these experiences:
Mrs. C.. . Hutchinson, of Pittston, Pa,
rays: "I consider Dr. Acker's English
Blood Elixir the best medicine in the
world, not only for blood troubles, but
also for dyspepsia, with which I have
been aflicted.'
"Both my wife and myself firmly be
lieve that Dr. Acker's English Blood Elixir
is the best of all blood medicines, and will
remove all impurities of the blood."
GEO. V. SUGOER, Valley City, Dak.
This grand Elixir is sold by druggists
in all parts of America. It is a pure,
honest medicine, not a cheap sarmapa
nilba. Try it to-day
For sale by Lapeyre Bros., Great Falls, Mont
Notice of Final Proof.
Land Office at Helena Mont.
March 17. 18h0.
Notice is henreby iven that the following.
nallal settlenr has tiled notice of his intentlion to
ake final 'rof in support of his claim and
that toid rcrwtf will be made before the Clerkf
tie District C aurt of Csade count, Mont., at
Grean Fails, Mont.. on May t81, 18, vin: John
W. KeoaBh on nresmtion D. 0. No. taeno. Inc
the em..ia ld.t and eiA eWv see 20, tp 21 N,range
He names lihe following witnesses tr, prove hie
eonttnuous rosidenae Ulon and cultivation of,
aid land. viz:
Thomas W. Thomson, Jmet Kelly John iHoe
andi John B. Wetze. of Great Falla Mont.
a. W. LANOHORONW, Reister.
Virst publincation April 22. 0300.
This Space is Reserved for
HA nRIS, The relot hie,
Central Avenue, Great Falls.
!tushfonl Steel Skein and Tabular Axle Wagos
II.ok-Boards, Road (!ats, John Deere Plows, Harrows and Farming Implement-.
'ents and Wagon Sheets, Wind Mills and Pumps. Cooper's Sheep Dip. Team and
Bluggy Harness, Saddles and Whip.
C.ntral Ann., near Thid em . . paL
Planing Mill and General Job Shop
Planing, Matched Flooring, Rustic Siding. Store Fronts, Ders, etc. (Odd a
sashes made to order. Window and.Door Frames, Shelving sod Counters,'- Tun
log anl Scroll Sawing of all kinds. Shop on FiIth avenue South het 5th and 4th t,
Choice Residence Lots
Wilo - Addif
DUNN BLOOK, Great Fails, Mont.
'e Fidelity and Calt
Cash Capital, 9100
Assets, . . . ,0L
U. S. bonds deposited with the N. Y. Insuranoe Dept. - SOGSO@
Accident Plate Glass, Fidelity and Steam Boiler Departments.
PHIL GIBSON, State Agt Great Falls Moet.
• - ,--. e .. . . . .
Where is the Dam over the Missouri River ?
At Black Eagle Falls.
Where is the Boston & Montana Smelter and Works,?
At the Dam and Black Eagle Falls
Where is North Great Falls ?
At the Dam, Black Eagle Falls and Boston & :Monta Smelting Works.
Where will be made the most money in real estat eip MogY Wt ?
Who is the sole agent for North 'eat Falls? T. G i .h'
a rriage always ready to show you to the ground. T ýIe I toer
S. O. Aslav. ýO2 0C. A. siaDAR,
s. C. ASY & O.,
Fine Carriages, Bagges, Photons, Cutters,
Mtlkell Fara ml SprlIW Wlps,, Uule-oarok-ardls ad Ia ts.
We ao~r in stock a full line of Tueam an Buggy Sae., Meddle.
Toodth a' D Robe i Curry omb, BrunI ea, etc. Also Acma Dian, Speinr.
Teoo n] u_ _sg errosst Roosler Drills and Seeder, 8uprlor DslI, Planet Jr. (Oa
den Cultivators and Drlls, Wall Tents, Wagon Covers, eed MII;.Bgarb Wre, et
-',st BDra"'s : Iy, G .g anal oing Plows
Stea··ror, s nWIRY.
Real Estate and Collection Agents,
'MI2ES . & M mK
We havs a veeyl arge lint of BogInswh Ptopert, seversgocA Reuidensee
deand many choiceavact lots n desirable lcatcoossomah lave
;aa ca n lotrs- d e, sverTal pieoes of Acre Pro"pery
Sj -th tp ...It.l tps . e s .
o (IlPO lNCDE so cirt~PED.
Hoo 2, - 1 Mliug rI Au., Seadt Folls.
Carry all Styf· s nd Priced Furniture
Furnish Houses and Hotels at Short Notice.
Maitli' Ordm Striotly Atten*ld to.
Ir.ITEHEAIL & KIUEHI, Kingsbury Block.

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