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THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. rOLUME VIII. GREAT FALLS, MONTANA, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 28, 1891. NUMBER 76 wrl lias ben comparedotoin aretane and vthel harves to d ortfrn Mthena, a well aey powet cano epec town an.a apovl n ae o I et.1 t ait ,a world run, peen uph c ipmre tole ie very, cIsthe sthing toda fr thoe tousrttwe E Xnistor whtote T t roAprTO y Ain i part.e ynotr epart toybe wi cn totuirnl appov is pietfursii. tofnd ien ill thte it n danir a w~inghourfldO raf town upeioni you coihen re~ terigobenie if tui'i avrant isc o oli uaaySu~ pring veroat is ndr r linies eine tpring in othing life- if w nr-at not donilytend witl mthat lie yopu for in ite uay that onerue ie Ieto ke af 1u llhn.Fn ore.h Risatindr yourar mayd be.rwksrand Vieutohillat tin largr ii. Nirthern wil ta' ii as.weltir ~lowes tteiniitii don po ne. w hr etrn iia of iitrreit 4 i ili'h ý in waiiy soit oilpnon lie sping fire in ept-e kan. Sekowwte ats.O core everetia ont oay that teKor Hti at r i .tit hie Ge. l int theril isad hes andT riksen Viire wl C°lowethin puce. Hose NET O Xl O e N~ATIOA N. A SALE! -A-- RED HOT SALE Having bought an immense line of Ila ies' 1lliin Ehl(Ier we For 50c ON T I-i DoCLLA R We will offer the entire lot at le.-. thouui WHOLESALE PRICES, We know that it is a little out of season 0r these goods, but it will pay you to buy iem now and saye 50 per cent. They re all bright new goods. ,ome early and secure some some of these goods while they last. New York Cash Bazaar Terms Strictly Cash. Truly j Milligan STAGE LINE. $tages from (ireet Falls to Truly end Mllltgsn d return. leaving utreat FVele on Tuesdays d Fridays and rourn ng Wednesdays d Saturdays. Aerommodet' nu for an' ber of passnjgore. and light freight and ply at the Minneapolis House or to HENRY FITZGE1RALI), Agt. GREAT HORTHERI'S HEW DEAL. It is Stated the Greet Northern Has J Absorbed the Seattle & Mon- b tant Railroad. THROUGH TRAINS--ST. PAUL TO SEATTLE F J. J. Hill Elected President and One of the Trustees of the Seattle & N Montana. e1 w A Snowelide in Colorado Buries Four T Persons Alive -M iners to the Ite-rue. ri hl it StcArriw, Wash.. Feb. 26.-It is stated r that the Great Northern & Seattle and ri Montana railroads have practically con- ri solidated cnd that through truins will it soon le run from St. Paul to Seattle vi a Winnipeg iver the Canadian Pacific. the rr Fairiaven & Southern and the Lake g d Shore & Eastern. A meeting of the stock b ; holders of the Seattle & Montana was ii held today. The following were elected ft 5 trusteea: J.. .. tHuis nd WV. P. Clouch a of St. Paul, h. t) Graves and D. II. Gil r man of Seattle. The trust eis then elected a R. were J. .1. hill, president, and W. P. c Clounh, vice-president. THE OREAT NOiTHiEitN. Rapid Progress Mtatdi on the Weatern a Extenusion. I, u COl. W. P. Clough,vice-presidentof the it Great Northern, in a recent interview in Ii Seattle, gave the following interesting In- kl formation of the pragresa of the western w extension and the pfoposed Puget sound d line: "The line tainr here to Portland is co M yet under consideratiou. The arrargemient i Ietweei the Union Pacific and the Guest - Northern contempilated that the latter r should have an opportunity to examine ii and consider the proposed routes before going on with construction, and the Great Northern has never had that chan: e v, till within the past few weeks. The sub- o ject of the route is now under considera tion and, being a matter of very great consequence, will receive very careful ie study. Whether the result will be the s 5 resumption of work on the existing line ° or the abandonment of that line and the location of a new one, is something that cannot ie decided for some little time It , yet. Examination are now being made a with the view of getting at all the pus sibiliiies afforded by the country between ri - the two points. "Netther Mr. Bogue nor Mr. Beckler ri has yet been given authoritative charge n over the construction of the line, so far as the Great Northern is coucerned. The Smain line fronm the east is progresseter with great rapidity. One hundred ad thirty miles of track have been 1aid from u the esatern end, and the grade has been A complet d from the end of the track to the niumnit of the Rocky mountains. ii U Front the summit to the Kiotenal river C the line is covered with graders. As fast ) as the location is decided on the line will g b le put under contract and covered with 1 men. The line has not been decided on g further than th9 eastern line of Wash. ington, and it will not ie practicab:e to do so until a decision has been made a4 to the pass in the Cascade range which will be adopted. That will probably be h decided within the ni xt ninety days. We a li do not expect to find a pass In the Cat eadis which we can traverse without aP tun tel. p The expectation is that the terminii i shops and yards will be at Thompson'r n Cove, and in all probability they will lie a the main ones for the sound. ihe tnh- k cial terminus of the Great Northern has been declired in its Pacific extension u inortgaie to lie at Seattle atid Swias fti ii long ago. We are making every effort to git our transcontinental line finiahed it by 1, 1503, and by that titte, I trust, ri it Portland line will be finished. Still, that may le somewhat delayed by viriousi complications." SI . tn NNOW-SLIDE IN COLORADO. tl Four Per-ons a iuried Alive by asn Ave- f lanecc. CRESTED lt 'rm:, Col., Feb. 26.-A snow-slide swept over the Bunllion King c V mine at Irwin yesterday, carrying the d boarding-house and supt. IRipells' dwelling duwn. Mrs. Ripells, Mrs. Ed Clark and child, the boarding-house, and It. F. Smiley, the engineer, are still buried to the slide, but with little hopes of their recovery alive. The miners had gone to the shaft-house and escaped. Every man was put to work and about t*Lirty left here t this morning for the scene in the rain, hoping some of the victims may be found alive. It Would ise Acceptable. ( WAelisuerTeN, Feb. 26.-Congressman Pickler made . hot light in the house in 4 favor of on appropriation to purchase seed for needy settlers in western states. He failed to carry hle point, but says le feels certain #250,000 appropriation for North and South I)hkota, Nebraska and portions of Iowa could le secured. Disappointment in Love. Mil wAuKeE, H is., Feb. 26.-Miss Gertrude Ilickox, a prominent young isoci ty iady, drowned herself in the lhke some time yesterday. Her tedy wai. found at the head of Wisre n iee street this morninte. l)tepoinetnent in love I was the caune of the deed. TH3 MURDKRER OV VL3S?. tu Arrest Causes a Sensation Im the Clip o FARao, N. D., Feb 26.-The arrest of Joseph Remington at La Croese, followed TI by his confeeaeen of the premeditated murder of J. T. Flett at Arthur on the 11th Inst.. caused a profound seniation hiere. The prediction had been freely made that in the event of his capture Fari would have a hanging bee. Some hlot-blloesied pernons have even talked fit TI lynching, but there is no danger of this toiing done. He will not ie taken to Arthur but securely jailed in this city and hlis trial alli iccur here. iaheruf TI McLaren learned lie would come to North Dakota without a requisition. nev ertheless the sheriff proposestit go armed with one. FLOOD! IN NEW YORK. The Mohawk l.omning-Streets and Cel lare Flouded. RI LC A, N. Y., Feb. 26.--The Mohawk river at 7 o'clock this mlrning wits at the highest singe it hais been since March 17. 1805. This forenoon the water has been receding and is now falling almost as rapidly as It rose last night. A severe ruiistirus in the early part of last even- ec ing was the cause of the floid. The river ce was already at full hunks and when the in rain came the tiihutiries swept down in an grest streams snd sent the Mohawk fl booming. There has been very little in damuage in this city except that rising cli from flooded streets and cellar-. The pl New Yerk Cintral & Ilullsot River rail- p, road was under water at many pil ices av along ils line and tralis lit it to be alan- of Boned and I-as-tIsgers tiaicnierred to thi of West Sinle. The Central bild-e below te Fort Plain has been cerried away and tr Fort Plain itself is two feet under water y and its inhailtants 'ire using boats. A hargie ice d1m Ils fern d there. Report, Iruin the vtley indicate that Icedunishsre becoming more dangerous as floating ice lodges aoianist them. At 3:30 p. m. the water bud been spread ly the Fort Plain al dam and the West Shire htacks were tot covered. No treius ian now he run on either the West Shire air the Central Outl utless the ice breaks soon great danng.- tli 1111 result. The ice it Fort Plain is Itull% ac two feet thick and the water stesdily ris- li lug. Telerniiph wires are down aic ti through the villiy. A bridge near Amet over tiinajihturie creek was swept atssa inst night. In tact all alsni the filebs. ye Iey from tier.* to Siteheiictady coil a to ports if flii i it-otd tt nitiie. ra Plenty ..i halo to California. W SAN FRANCItCO,Fel . 20.-Another rain- ill storm of ceonsidershle extent has set in ti on the Pacific coast. Rain 's reported in R Oregon and Washinutin and over two thirds of Northern California, and is rnp * idly extending to the south. The rivers are already boih in Northern California, as a result of the lest storm, awl it is tl eiired much damage will be done if the rain continues. All fears of a dry season Pi are now licst anal the fat itiers wish the rat rain to stlop. The sihial service predicts ti rain all over the state tomorrow. rai Pool Tournamset. Co hYRAcUsR, N. Y., Feb. 26 -A pool 1s tournament for the championship of co Anmeria continued here today. Deoro in defeated Sherman 150 to 112 points, and of Clearwater of Ohio, defeated Struwe of ral New York. 1510 to 88. In the afternoon games Luddington was defeated by Ward 150 to 1.4 and Alorito was defeated by Kuutzach 150 to 117. ne North Dakota Legislature. IlasntAtSCK, N. 1). Feb. 20.- In the house the woman .uffrage committee. to which was referred the hill prohabiting prize fighting, boxing, etc., made tao te ports, the majority in favor of the meas ure. The house adapted the mintrity re port, arguam nt hein- that the lpei~inture was attemn ing to t deprive people of aul kinds of luxuries and tmnsemen-nts. The filnnoapoli Fire. Mtl 51 A1'tt.Is, Feb. 26.-nI ot night's fire in the L.mther EN hange hbtiling raged until nearly noon today, whei It wa; cx' n zt hodt. The ortgn-tl Ranter exchttl!'Oe nt omphtely uotttdbu hit tin. new twelve start httitiie is not hadI dlamlated. hr'ver-tl wffornine 1:1 ibling+ were heitiaid. The total loss Is ¶24k,1100, fully insurl t Democratic Mt.ate Colnveil ttas. insiIvti, Mich., Fet. 2U--The eletnn cratic sate convention was heil here to day. Johnn W. ('onmplin was nominated judge of the supreme court-only office to he voted for next election. Another Bill Passed. WASntNOTON, Feb. 26.--The house passed the deficiency appropriation bill tonight. Money Market. N vw Yonw, Feb. 26.---Monev ea'vrang ing from 2t to 4 per cent. Last !oan 8. Closed nff.rad at 214. Prime mercantile paper 5t614. ittrling exchange quiet and steady at 485 for 0O-day hills and 488 for demand. The Metal Market. itsr sliver, 07. Pig iron qtint. Copper, neglected. Land nominal; dm metit "4.271t. Tin dull, firm; straits, $11 05. How asocka Sell. NKw YtilK, Ph. 26 - lturlinetn I ,11.;: Narthern Pacific. 2794. 1ptrefetrf. 713': Northttestern 1117; nreftrret l:V. 1it. Paul. u 0tt: prtferr-fc.112: M initoh 1t1.1;; ( nhat,, 2:!: trnf**rred $?: Ion lath' n"l \*Li l- c -hin I' Manri, 211; (:rea:t Northern prof--rred 8:. TUMA, ARIL, WASHED AWAY Three-Quarters of the Town Under Water and the Last Quarter Threatened r TELEGRAPH OPERATOR DROWNED OUT I The Twelve Hundred Inhabitants of the Town Have Taken Refuge in the Penitentiary on High Ground. Railroad Tracks East of Yuma for a Distance of Twenty-Two Miles Washed Out of Sight. SANi FANCisCO, Fet;.26.-Superintend -ut Fillinore at the Southern Pac tic, re r ceived it dispatch from Yum h today stat e incr that plahe in doomed to tiatructlon Ii and that three-quarters of the city was flooued, and that water was also threaten. Ing the last quarter. The operator 9 closed by stating he could not keep his Splace another hulf hour. The Southern Pacific dic isin headquarters were swept away atill s th thu- the ticket aid freight offices. The twelve hundred Inhabitants of 1 anti have taken refuge in the peni tentiiry on hich ground. The railroad tracks fora disaaiin a if 22 miles east of r Yuma have tet a w:1 hed out of sight. A i.HitIING AFFRAY. " Serious (fiilliatoi IBtweeni I iiin and Non Men. IliAiuotk, Pa., ''t b. Wt.- A setious shutting aitray occurred this morning at the Braddock Wire-Works of Andrew Carnegie. A vigilance committee of strikers sauntered past the worka, and, accoiding to the strikers' story, asked the non-uniin iton what kind of a day's work they were turning out. The annwer was a volley froii the tsei's revolvers. John Ilobhday and John Trainer, strikers, itll and were carried away by their com rnies. Iloiday was hit on the forehead and is expected to die. Trainer is wounded in the hide and his condition is critical. The wire-nall men assert that the astriters were there with mob inten a tions. 1 RAILROAD 5OANsiIiJulION FOR 1801 Montaima Stands Second an the List with 000 Miles. , NEW Youa, Feb. 20.-In its Issue of this week the Engineering News will pubtlsh statistics showing the prospective railway construction In the United States e for 1891. There are now 18,814 miles of railway projected which have some pros pect of being completed or placed under contract or construction before Jan. 1, 1892. In the western section of the country the chief centers of activity are in Montana and Washington. The state of Washington takes the lead with 1,478 f miles. Montana has 600 miles. Verdlet of the Coruner's Jury. Ciotit uts, Ohio, Feb. 28.-The coro ner's inquest on Monday's tragedy, by which W. L. Hughes, an Innocent specta tor and A. C. taborn, one of the princi. puls lost their lives at the hands of Win. .1, and Patrli'k J. Elliott, was concluded tonihlit, and a verdlvt rendered that Hutgh.-s came to his death at the hand:(if W. J. Elliott while shooting with Intent to kill and murder O..borne; and that ()clorn tame to his death by a shot fired by Patrick .1. Elluitt. aided and abetted by Wn. J. Eliott. Th" Winc onsin Legislature. MtloisoN, Wis. Feb. 28 -The assembly today pu sed a jhint resolution for the emplomuient of ai exiprt accountant to examine the books of the Sturgeon iay Ship Canal company. Amuoug the iei bills reported wais tine gihii a bouInty of one cent per pound ti Wisconsin suL'r rtisiri. In the seiate i bill was pained prohibiting the hunithoriied lisi. of trade rioks and labl i adopted by trades union or auiutlolti.s %o huhage Vet. SmI'tim.ic:i.n, III., Feb. 2l.-Three re publicans atre still abent from the joint assemubly today on account of illness, so the members of that party and the Farm ers' Mutual Benefit assoclation men re frainei from voting on the ballot for L ntted States senator, breaking a quo ruit. The democrats cast 101 votes for Palmer in three ballots, when the assem bly adjourned. Apptnatments Made. WAni aoiON, Feb. 26.-The president appointee Willinm S. Stanley of Wiscon sin oinsul it Plettn, N. 5., and Chatles B. MiIl)onlu, postmaster at Deamct,South Dakota. Secretary of the treasury Foster was at Ils desk today. United States Treasurer Ifuiton again tentered lic resnirnation on asrount of ill health and it will brobably be accepted. The last of the Vlctien. Spltli; IIut. 1MINES, N. M., Feb 211.- Tlhi afternoon the hotly of Malinger -usift wits taken nit by asearching puity. "isl is ii lI-tt, ntukinj 'lin all 12;tvjicr~ni. The4re are ,al widow-, 1:13 fathuerlcss hiidre nit-l welt widowed iiothere u ir l isled of the uiuppoit of their ats. Grand __Opportune Clearance Time Sale To Buy of Ladies' Fine Misses Winter Fine and Cashmere Spring Hose. Ur derwear. See We Wil Our be Delighted Windows to Show For the Styles Goods and and Give Prices. Prices z L Send for one of - We send Froe to Butterick's Fashion 3 Ea any address Butter Sheets. ick's Fashion Shoot. ('R AND OPENING SPRING ?TYLES CELEBRATE!) HATS, Saturday, Feb. 28, 1891. A. NATHAN. Ageht. 222 Central Avenue, Great Falls, Mont JOHN SINCLAIR, IMPORIE171R AND 111101 E II ;H 1F 1;I GSreat "EFalls, Mvozt. Henry & Hanson, REAL ESTATE AgENTS. Office in Crutchor Building. Central Avenue, - - Great Falls, Mont.