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M**************™* Thanks. Folks, For Your Wonderful Patronage ! It's a pleasure to serve you with what we have, but as you know the labor situation is a problem these days. We wish we had more to place at your disposal. The employees we do have are experts in their lines, but they can do only so much in a day or a week. We ask your patience. Grand Garage CLAY GREENING, Proprietor Phone 48-W 305 West Main 1 MY THANKS I To each and every voter for the Primary nomination. You can be sure that I will always do my best to justify your faith in me. I I I I j j * ! HERBERT BAILEY ► W4 *j I THESE ITEMS ARE POINT FREE DURING JULY BUY IN CASE LOTS fi _ Summertime baking neats x\ (•* SBS^i i" Green, O'Sage. Ex. Std. Beans Case of 24 15c isWe ..No. 2 Cans J $3.49 Kitchen Craft _ Flour Occident Flour Rex Flour Cake Flour Baking Powder Peanut Butter $236 Cream, Gardenside, Std. ...50-lb. Sack Corn Case of 24 Juice Case of 24 Corn Case of 24 12c No. 2 Cans $2.45 Royal Satin Sugar Vanilla Westa 8 * oz . Bottle Shortening ....3-lb. Jar White Granulated .-.5-lb. Bag $2.79 50-lb. Sack 60c $2.46 Grapefruit, Town House ....No. 2 Cans 14c 35c ..50-lb. Sack Swansdown 26c $3.29 15c .44-oz. Pkg. Calumet Vac. Packed, Storm Lake _12-oz. Cans 14c Dark. 1%-lb. Bottles 83c 29c .2 for Assorted ....4 Bottles Kingsford or Argo, lb. pkg. .5-lb. Jar $3.29 Food Color« 23c Real Roast _2-lb. Jar 39c , Libby 3%-oz. 7c Corn Starch 9c 49c $3.19 Case of 24 ...y 2 -lb. Pkg. Harvest Blossom Soft-A-Silk Jiffy Lou Pudding Mixes 3I/3-OZ. Pkg. Security 311 Ik CAKE FLOUR FLOUR Product for Calves, Hogs and Poultry. 50 100 $ 2 24 $419 26 c 5c $2.75 (2-lb. 44-oz Pkg. Lbs. Lbs. pail EDWARDS COFFEE Vacuum Packed, Regular or Drip Grind "You Can't Buy a Better, Richer Coffee" JV/y/j tv] 29c I -lb. Jars . Mayonnaise Salad Dressing Ritz Crackers Potato Chips Pickles Utah Lambers and Bings _ Firm Ripe Fruit U. S. No. 1 _ Solid Heads Ü. S. No. I__ Sunkist or Red Ball, U. S. No. 1.... Sunkist, Full of Juice, U. S. No. 1.... >1 n _ _ White Shafter N6W POtClfODS U. S. No. 1,10lbs. fs. • & n d Radishes Grean Onions.. Cherries tomatoes Lettuce Oranges 29c Nu Made ._..JLb. 48c .Qts 24c Duchess .Pts. 23c .Lb. SPECIAL While They Last Point Free 11c 22c Lb. ....1-lb. Pkg. 5 Lbs. 52c 2 Lbs. 27c 24c 3Vi-oz. Pkg Libby's P P. Size ... 26c Lord Mott 5c Beets Carrots Grape JeLy Pure, C & E .1-lb. Jars Alber's 9 Lbs. 21c .No, 2 Can 43c Ftap Jack Flour 66c Lord Mott 5c 5c .No. 2 Can Raises 24c .Bunch Economy, 2-lb. Pkg. 6c Ivory Soap Camav Toilet Soap P&G Duz Soap ....... Oxydol Soap ....Medium Size Bar »'fj SAftWAV GOAKANTUD MiATS S&- ?•.*/.? > > V- • -.T- y 7c Reg. Bar Ä. Laundry Soap 5c _10-oz. Bars D 23c 24-oz. Pkg Meets 35 c 23c 24-oz. Pkg Hens Roosters.Lb sm ^LONDONDERR^oTnakin? ICE CREAM Pork Roast Shoulder Cut Picnic Hams Short Shank Frankfurters Armour or Swift 28 c 25e 35c READY TO FREEZE in 2 Minute* J 2 $ packagemakes4^infs Lb. .... Lb. Lb. /rs D/Ff£/?£/vr, A/OIV/ 'CÊIUN6 PRICES ARE ONE REASON WHV WE AMERICANS CAN AFFORD SUFFICIENT ^ FOOD IN WARTIME! YOU HAVE A PARTI* TO PLAY IN KEEPING THOSE PRICES I DOWN:NEVER PAY A CENT ABOVE M. v THE CEILING PRICE! AT (.EAST, WE CAN - STILL SUV PLENTY OF GOOD FOOD, DESPITE t THE WAR! (M THANKFUL J THAT PRICES HAVEN'T $ JUMPED OUT OF V REACH! ^ ...MO THAT'S A ^ DOLLAR NINET/-EIGHT ALTOGETHER, MRS. ^ J ONES, ) ■WELL, THAT ISN'T 50 EXPENSIVE ! we'll starve if the cost of food goes')) .ANY HIGHER! OH,THESE TERRIBLE. r ~ r TERRIBLE WARTIME .PRICES! »ta — m s S.'S I* :8a iill ? V s ? ■ > ' a c* * o <*Â i x A N ac (k ct -*0 V f \ 7 r < if, / / 4 J é NOWADAYS I USA-80 YEARS ASO] i Joe Bourne recently purchased the property at 220 First avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. William Fly who occupied the property have moved to Billings to reside at 720 North 25th street. Laurel News Items Announcements have been receiv ed of the birth of a daughter, July! 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arm-! strong, former Laurel residents, The baby has been named Margaret Jean. The father is stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gremmer ' and children were guests in Custer i at a dinner when Mr. Gremmer was j honored on his birthday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John j Gremmer. Other guests were Mr Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gremmer, Mr. and, Mrs. William Keller and family 1 and Elsie Marie Gremmer. I A group of Laurel Rotana mem bers were guests of the Billings Rotana club at a guest-night picnic i>.m „ t u..,„ - Softball and. - Those attending were Mrs. Mrs. Minnie Merle Fenton, Mrs. Edythe Teeters, Mrs. Mona Pewitt, Miss Grace Stadal man, Miss Hilda Ward, Miss Stella vee Wooters, Miss Gertrude Zepp and Miss Pearl Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Mathern had as their guests Sunday Mr. Math ern's parents and his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Lui Mathern and Joseph Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rothschiller have returned from Livingston where they spent several days visit ing Mrs. Rothschiller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ricci and other rel atives. On Saturday they attended Miss in the Billings Josephine park last Wednesday evening. , group singing followed the picnic dinner. Ina Eshom, Mrs. Minnie Merle Mathern, all of Forsyth. the wedding of her cousin, Jennie Ricci and Jimmy Lynn, both of Livingston. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Teeters have received word that their daughter, .Seaman Second Class Shirley Anne Teeters, has been assigned to yeo man's school at Iowa State Teach ers' college at Cedar • Falls, Iowa, after completion of her indoctrina tion course as a Wave, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Maxson had las their guests last week Mrs. Max son's brother, Seaman Second Class Alfred Hermanson of Farragut, Idaho., and Mrs. Floyd Pierce of Big Timber, mother of Seaman Her manson. Mrs. C. M. .Brenden and children, Mrs. Ira Sullivan and Mrs. Wilbur Sullivan spent Tuesday of last week the guest of Mrs. O. S. Wold at her ranch home on Blue creek, \i rs . Charles Fahy will have as he j. gue st Mrs. Ella Nelson, who is • rw.ln/l f a a rrî ro fliîe umoV fvAvw ,. x pected to arrive this week from her home in Madison, Wis. . _ __ a two weeKs vacation with her and Mr. and Miss Madolyn Fisher, who spent weeks' vacation with her j >yj rs- John Fisher, returned Thurs j da> . to Winchester, Ind. , -yj n and Mrs. P. H. Moler have moved to Glendive where Mr. Moler was transferred and Mr. and Mrs. ; q. Jackson are occupying the i [)ro perty at 415 West avenue, which ; J he Molers vacated. j Louise Crawford accompanied her j <rrandfathe r, E. W. Wolverton of j Whiteha ll on a visit to her aunt, | ^j rs Q eorge A. Thompson and fam i Hy of Coquille, Ore., where they will j spend several weeks, ! Word has been received of the death of Morris Habener of Har ! vard, Neb., son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Habener who resided in Laurel a number of years before moving to Billings. Surviving be sides the parents are two brothers and two sisters. One of the broth ers, Leslie W. Habener, is with the army air corps in England. ; Burial i — — 0 - - was in Mountview cemetery at Bil lings. Auxiliary Ûf Activities Members of the local unit of the American Legion Auxiliary who at tended the twenty-sixth annual de partment convention in July 23, 24 and 25 included Miss Frances Fenton, president of district No. 11, Mrs. Edith Packard, president of Post No. 123 Auxiliary, Mrs. Lillian Waage, who acted as marshall page, Mrs. Almeda Pais ley and Mrs. Cora Olmstead. Sunday afternoon the American Legion Auxiliary president, Mrs. Lawrence Smith, of Racine, Wis., gave a very interesting talk. On Tuesday afternoon a large delega tion visited the veterans hospital at Fort Harrison where there are one Helena of whom are veterans of World war II. 7 he Outlook Says: Mrs. Sam Frank and family had as dinner guests Sunday Miss Helen Feuerbacher of Billings who is employed as stenographer in the office of the county extension agent, and Mrs. Fred Feuerbacher, mother of Mrs. Frank and Miss Feuer bacher. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Nave had as their guests P.C.C. Cecil Nave of the ordnance department of the army, who returned from his fur lough to Camp Cook, Calif., accom panied by his wife and daughter Sheryl. Mrs. Lawrence Nave of Billings whose husband, Sergeant Nave, is somewhere in England, is a £ uest this week of Mr. and Mrs. Nave. Their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Donald Nave whose husband, Lieu tenant Nave, is in New Guinea, and with Mr. and Mrs. Nave. The fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. Nave is an aviation cadet at Santa Ana, Calif. LIBRARY BOARD, The Helena Independent-Record of July 23 carried in its society section a picture of Mrs. Edward Wright, with the statement that she had companied her husband, Staff Sgt. E. W. Wright, to Helena recently to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wright, 1502 Chestnut street, for several months. Charlotte, N. C. ac Her home is in Sergeant Wright, who has returned to his duties as an AAF meterologist at Greensboro, N. C., expects to leave for overseas duty in the near future." The visit to Helena was the second short fur lough he had had in 43 months of service. He and his parents former ly resided here. NOTICE! The Laurel Public Library will be closed for repairs, Aug. 3, 4 and 5. NEW HOMES Now Ready for ! Occupancy 1 If interested in purchasing- one See l , HENRY LOHOFF at Laurel Or g Call 6688 Billings for Details and Prices s| • VITAMINS • PROTEIN • PHOSPHOROUS • CALCIUM • IRON They're all in Rose Brand Butter and Ice Cream Mighty convenient packages of good tasting, healthful food. Made in Laurel by LAUREL CREAMERY I iDoyal Theatre THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY July 27-28-29 another USO show that's mu sic, songs, gags and fun for the whole family. Here's packed with comedy, romance, With Carole Landis Mitzi Mayfair Dick Haymes Kay Francis Martha Raye Phil Silvers Guest Stars Betty Grabel Alice Faye In 'Four Jills In A Jeep' Feature No. 2 A grand Musical western packed with music, songs, action and thrills. With Gene Autry Frances Grant Smiley Burnette Clara Young In 99 Oh, Susanna Thursday Shows 6:45 and 9:15 P. M. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY July 30-31, Aug. 1 The All Star American Pin Up Girl in a grand musical show, filmed in Technicolor. It's song studded and filled with dance, music and comedy. With Betty Grable Martha Raye Eugene Pallette John Harvey Joe E. Brown Dorothea Kent In PIN UP GIRL 99 t* Added Shorts America First "Viva Mexico" Disney—Sports—News Sunday shows 2:30, 6:45 and 9 P. M. Lois Crawford left to spend her summer vacation with Alice Mae Dickson at the ranch home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dick son in the Braswell Summit country. Miss Frances Fenton, district president of the American Legion Auxiliary, is attending the annual convention of the organization this week in Helena. Mrs. Phil Aumock visited briefly with her sister-in-law, Mrs. G. W. Fenton, while returning to her home in Baker from a visit with her sister, Mrs. George Heald of Cody, Wyo. Miss Viola Gross, a former editor of Laurel Leaves, published by Lau rel high school, recently became so ciety editor for the Helena Inde dendent-Record. Her parents resid ,ed here several years before return jing to Helena, their former home.