Newspaper Page Text
JUNE SESSION The Board of County Commis sioners, meeting in regular session for the June term on June 5, 1944, held twenty-four meetings during said term. Parts of four days were devoted to consideration of changes in the status of Old Age Assistance and Dependent Needy grants with Supervisor Lahr of the County Welfare Department in at tendance. Commissioner Wicks was by or der of the Board, in attendance two days at the State County Commis sioners meeting at Lewistown. The Board, having had under con sidération applications for judges of election for the Primary Nominat ing Election, appointed 264 judges to serve at said election, and re quested the clerk to give notices of such appointment to each judge. A Resolution was adopted, calling for bids for certain construction work in Rural Special Improvement Dis trict No. 59, same being for a cov ered drain in Broadwater Subdivis ion, and after notices had been Children two bids having been submitted by Barry O'Leary in the sum of $4, 190.00 and by Bennett & Lewis in the sum of $5,287.00, the Board, after consideration of said bids with the County Surveyor Durland in at tendance, awarded such bids to Barry O'Leary, he being the lowest and best bidder therefor. The ap pointment by the Clerk of the Dis trict Court, Marilyn Fletcher as Deputy Clerk of the Court and ap e iintment by the County Clerk of artha Klockheimer, E. B. Rossiter, Verne Johnson, and of J. H. Davis son, were approved. The Board entered into an Oil and Gas Lease with the Carter Oil Company of Tulsa, Oklahoma, leas ing all of Section 9 and East half of Section 10-6N-33E for ten years, at an annual rental of $240.00. A petition for the creation of a Weed Control and Weed Seed Ex termination District, having been filed and considered by the Board and date set for hearing of pro tests against creation of same, and at such hearing, one protest only being entered, the Board unani mously approved creation of such district and placed it under the supervision of the County Weed Control Department; said district comprising an area of land lying north of the base line, west of Bil lings, and dunning north and west erly to the County line. The report of the County Auditor, showing the results of his examina- i tion of the fee books of the several ! County and Township Officers, was i approved Application was made ; to tne Mate Board of Equalization 1 for refund of $381 25 of State taxes : paid on 7,625 gallons of gasoline used by the County Highway De partment. Agreement was entered i n , t 0 /p"T - the Tv Boa I d * and c îï e !; a ?. d /^chasing Departmnt of the United States, wherein the latter is 1° Ç s«™, of „ * 4 2°-00 due on Countv lax Titje Contract No. 974, covering lands in Section 6-3N-28E, purchased by Thomas M. Ricketts and wife, and out of which pay-1 ment Yellowstone County is to re ceive $136.00 and the balance $284.00. to be paid to the above named purchaser. The Board adopted a Resolution, offering a reward of $ 100.00 for in formation leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons guilty of removal of the wheels and tires from a Countv owned, 1936 Chevrolet truck. A Resolution was passed to j sale, certificate No. 70(559, and assignment, thereof, covering «ra 5 Ljv 19 ^,.- B ock 2 of West Side Addition, Billings. ! I he Board sold at private sale, to Harry \\ Perry of Broadview, Montana, the following: described i County Tax Title property: 7 * to 13 inclusive in Block I «1 oka "foadview, for the sum of j *t--o0. I 1 he following claims were ex- ; amined, allowed, ordered paid, and | warrants drawn: ) City Mater Dept., water.$ 56.21 j Morgan Electric Co., , su PP' ies 1.40 ! jlontana Power Co., electricity . 77.31 t Trott I nnting Co., supplies .701 : ■ 22 B We Announce the Arrival of one B New Soliil Walnut D a a * g s P ■ H H ■ H g ■ J g P jà y PI || P p ä P H H * p Dining Room Suite Consisting of Table, six Chairs and Welsh Dresser Buffet—skillfully done in old period style. ■ p The stylin workmanship, material and finish are all high-class, making a set you'll be proud to own. or t? » ■ We invite inspection at our store. Roysdon Furniture Store ■ P f 213 West Main Street, Laurel wmmm 1.50 1.50 Donald J. MacDonald State Tuberculosis Sanit., care & sup. of patients.. Mountain States Tel. & Tel., telephone . Mountain States Tel. & Montana Power Co., electricity . Securities Building Corp., Howard C. Smith, fees. .75 10.00 25.00 Mack Anderson, witness. C. J. Mills, witness. E. M. Farr, M. D., services & mileage. Betty Wentz, witness. John Bosch, witness. J. J. DeMers, services. Clare Logan, mileage. Mountain States Tel. & Tel., telephone . 77.43 1.50 1.50 37.50 23.25 14.15 services . Chappie's Inc., supplies. Montana Deaconess School, care of inmates. 75.00 7.64 31.00 324.40 18.25 Tel., telephone . E. M. Farr, M. D., services & mileage 21.95 262.40 Soc., services . Woodrow's Prescription Dr. E. C. Hall, services, Vaughn & Ragsdale Co., H. T. Caraway, M. D., 75.00 Shop, supplies . Smith's Ambulance Service services . 22.62 9.00 50.00 15.60 4.75 1.50 1.50 37.50 42.30 64.90 18.00 15.09 23.68 45.85 110.41 i 70.00 ! j 3,055.00 I 13.05 j 4.75 ! j 2.48 1 I supplies . Montana Power Co., electricity . Andrew Ness, repairs. Farmers' Union Elevator Co., supplies . Frank Frana, services. Hector F. Ross, services.... Frank Braley, salary. Margaret McCrery, services County Auditor, petty cash County Auditor, petty cash R. J. McCartney, supplies.. Etta Whittington, services.. M. Dusapin, witness.. 2.29 36.10 8.00 5.50 71.00 56.75 21.24 4.50 67.50 25.02 1.50 witness . H. L. Ramey, witness. Dr. Hevves Ö. Harris, services ..*... J. S. Jimason, salary........ Charles Jackson, salary. Lester Dygert, services. Industrial' Accident Board, assessment Connelly Machinery Co.' supplies w. L. Felix, supplies.'........" Home Oil & Ref. Co. supplies Texas Company, supplies Missoula Mercantile Co., supplies Mountain States Tel. & Tel Co telephone Mont . Oliver Distributing supplies nines Motor Supply "Co". supplies Montana ' Power Co.,. 3.19 40*60 40.46 30*74 • 17.50 5.40 11.76 3.00 9.50 4.60 .71 20.85 247.43 2.00 23.60 23.60 23.60 23.60 23.60 25.40 27.10 23.60 23.60 28.80 6.00 37.75 I i electricity T. C. Armitage, insurance" C . E. Spurgin. insurance ... Firestone Stores, supplies Husky Sales Co., supplies.. Stroup Hardware Co., supplies Northwestern Auto Suply Co., supplies J. W. Stacey Inc. supplies Peterson Biddick Co., supplies Maynard Stationery Co., supplies Western Union Teleg" Co" telegrams Anne Anderson, services... Industrial Accident Board, assessment . Jennie M. Jansma, registering* voters Tom Burke, mileage. Ismael Yost, mileage. Mrs. Kathryn Bell, mileage R oy J. Covert, mileage Mrs. Lucille Watson, mileage {Mrs. Mabel Clift, mileage.. John Bollinger, mileage. John Matheson, mileage E. H. Helterbran, mileage Maynard Stationery Co., supplies . Burroughs Adding Machine Co., supplies . Reliable Awning, supplies.. Industrial Accident Board, inspection . Webb Motor Co., supplies & storage. 10.00 15.70 L. C. Smith & Corona Typws. Inc., supplies. Howard C. Smith, fees... 113.40 14.79 Mrs. Fred Mandelkow, foster home care. Yellow Cab Co., services.... Martin Ortibez, foster home care. I Mrs. J. F. Kirch, foster home care. Mrs. Ben Reinhart, foster care . I Western Union Teleg. Co., 10.50 3.00 18.00 10.50 I I 12.50 I telegrams . j Billings Gas Company, gas Bennett Drug Co., supplies.. Billings Gas Co., gas. Wallace A. Bent, mileage.. Western Union Teleg. Co., telegrams . Smith's Funeral Home, assigned John J. Crable, soldier burial . A. D. Schlapia, witness. Leona Schlapia, witness. Mrs. Hazel Pielaet, witness Elmer Meyer, witness. Mrs, George Grice, witness George Grice, witness. Albin Cash, witness. Mabel F. Cash, witness. Mrs. Harold Carney, witness Harold Carney, witness. B. L. Dooley, mileage. W. H. Jones, mileage. 10.45 41.76 4.46 129.17 1.75 17.06 143.07 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 42.70 23.60 registering voters . Paul* King, services. State Industrial School, transportation . Dr. Lewis F. Downs, 50.75 14.63 14.75 37.50 services . The Upjohn Company, supplies . Margaret B. Conlon, mileage & office expense Lois J. Huffman, mileage & subsistence. United States Postoffice, stamps . Beth Crawford, salary. Frank J. Gorman, services & mileage.. Kathryn Little, services. Brooke Herford, services.... Jean Laughlin, services. Irene Kanvick, services. Jane Grieve Elze, services.. R. A. Prater, mileage. Mrs. Lydia Leathers, mileage ... E. H. Trandum. mileage.... A. P. Cormier, mileage. Tom C. Colton, mileage. Mrs. Juliet Ruedi, mileage Ora Kemp, mileage. Mountain States Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone. Mountain States Tel. & Tel. Co., telephone. T. A. Cothron, services. F. A. Morse, services. A. Williams, services. L. C. Arnold, services. Lola B. McCabe, services.... Géorgie M. Overstreet, services . H. E. Rux, salary. Ij. S. Jimason, salary. W. H. Jones, services. B. L. Dooley, services.... Harry C. Reeves, services.. Clare Logan, services. 12.45 30.97 20.13 32.94 86.25 95.25 79.06 86.25 62.50 62.50 75.00 23.60 23.60 23.60 25.10 23.60 23.60 25.10 196.85 7.70 114.58 95.83 86.25 86.25 71.87 50.00 119.35 49.35 57.50 25.00 75.00 100.00 i Fred Carll, services. Paul King, services. M. A. Edelkind, transient service . Chas. Davis, salary. j Stanley Houck, services. ; George B. Munyon, services ( Dan Nafts, services. i Harley Chatwood, services., i Major Vermandel, services.. ; Ralph Glantz, services. ! Freda Richardson, services Carl Klein, services.. i Pete Schrader, services. W. A. Allison, services. jC. O. Stout, 1 services & mileage. Ishniael Yost, services & mileage..... Mrs. D. Gesuale, supplies.. Maxine* L. Brown, services.. Esther Brohaugh, services. .. Laurel Outlook, supplies Mary L. Tighe, registering voters . Leola B. Moore, registering voters . Kathryn A. Bell, registering voters . Mrs. Elwood Naugle, registering voters . E. Bateman, registering voters . Mrs. Anna Clavadetscher, registering voters . Mrs. Liberty Farrell, 60.00 66.00 40.03 65.00 55.80 72.90 58.50 61.20 30.00 75.00 50.00 100.00 6.00 5.00 7.50 5,60 10.2« 62.50 62.50 36.00 20.00 32.50 22.50 77.75 4.25 30.50 22.75 registering voters . Mabel Clift, registering voters . Marie Tews, registering voters . Leta L. Kennedy, 4.75 23.00 I registering voters . J Frank Phelan, i registering voters . Edith Cooney, i registering voters . j Carpenter Paper Company, j supplies . Montana National Bank, 24.00 3.00 .50 * 30.60 5.14 76.70 21.25 29.50 58.75 ( services . W. E. Spurgin, salary. I Eunice McCracken, services j Henry S. Nutt, services. Mrs. J. B. Fraser, services.. I Glenn Friedrich, services. .. j W. B. Garrigus, services. ; Henry Popelka, registering voters . i Sarah L. Cooper, j registering voters . 'Mrs. Juliet Ruedi, services j Mrs. Sam Wilson, I registering voters . 1 Laurel Outlook, I services & supplies. j Laurel Outlook, suplies. j W. P. Roscoe Co., lumber.... ! W. P. Roscoe Co., lumber., j Herbert Bailey, Sheriff, ! mileage . Î Business Machines, Inc., j supplies . j Business Machines, Inc., j typewriter . j Howard C. Smith, coroner fees . j C. Lester Zimmerman, registering voters . ! Mrs. Margaret Gerring, ■ registering voters . The Billings Times, services j Glee Stockton, j registering voters . j Helen R. Johnson, I registering voters . j E. Ù. Stanton, registering voters . John Wiley & Sons, Inc., supplies . 31.75 43.75 72.75 3.25 26.75 20.50 782.85 179.23 910.66 770.00 33.88 1.50 56.00 10.00 16.50 13.75 10.00 2.50 10.00 15.75 2.90 i in '<1 at m* f y; / 4fcr : f Perry's » : : / I O Friday and Saturday, July 28 and 29 Choice Dates Fancy hydrated Dates, per pkg. Mor Lunch Meat 45c À Delicious and economical; 2 12-oz. cans. 69c Everybody Likes Chocolate v = also For Lunches Armour's Genuine Chopped Pressed Ham, per can. 43c Chocolate flavored syrup for ice cream, milk, etc., 1 lb. jar... 29c 10 bars P&G 37c for. Breakfast Oats Alber's Rolled Oats, large pkg. 23c = Bets the Dirt! Large box Borox Washing Compound. 15c Grenadine Syrup Monarch brand ; 1 pint. 49c 1 I Looking Oil Starch == 1 Qt. Wesson Oil ■EE for.. 59c 3 pkgs. Gloss or Corn Starch. 25c I Enhances Sea Foods == 2 bottles Yacht Club EE Seafood Sauce. Gets the Pests 45c Dwin Household Insect Killer, for flies, mosquitoes, etc.; stainless, effective and fragrant; 1 pint.... 45c 1 H Biltelieii Bouquet == Helps the flavor; EE large bottle . Coffee 39c Maxwell House, regular or drip; 2 lbs. 69c 1 1 Chox FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AT ALL TIMES. / . == For making hot chocolate; = Uh . 23c Perry's Grocery = = = = = =: — Phones 44 anil 45 ! =Tj { I McIntosh Furniture & 97.50 Hdwe. Co., supplies. J. B. Kippincott Co., supplies . Billings Credit Adj. Bureau, 1.86 ; 25.20 j ^ i 3.57 j i 18.00 I 192.65 ! I 126.55 j I 27.50 I 3.68 I 3.68 I i 123.17 I I ... 369.50 i ! 492.67 I I 169.36 j ! 153.96 j .. 123.17 246.33 12.50 services . Sande Drug Co., supplies.... A. S. Aloe Company, supplies .... Morgan Electric Co., supplies & repairs. Dr. A. L. Hammerel, services . St. Vincent Hospital, care of patient. St. Vincent Hospital, care of patient. St. Vincent Hospital, care of patient. Mulvaney Motor Co., transient service . Montana State Industrial School, transportation .... E. E. Tiffany, schedule insurance . Roy R. Stewart, schedule insurance . Chas. W. MacCormick, schedule insurance . F. C. Krieg, schedule insurance . C. P. Johnson, schedule insurance . H. T. Hedden & Son, schedule insurance . Frank E. Hanly, schedule insurance . Covert Insurance Agency, schedule insurance . C. J. Carroll, schedule insurance . Bellrose & Holliday, 9.74 153.96 277.13 II; i ✓ Among the solid plans for the future is ours keep Barclay's a prime favorite with you! Harrlaij's fjm \ Straight BOURBON Whiskey 80.6 Proof / Jas. Barclay & Co. Limited • Peoria, Illinois: S/M ¥ s * m /j Slip Ml mm ■> - p. W-Ss O t* w fttL Wi/f ll « W / ■ mm (le A* V 492.67 schedule insurance . T. A. Beeman Agency, schedule insurance . Business Machines, Inc. 215.54 12.50 repairs . Montana Power Co. electricity .. Montana Power Co. electricity . Amanda Ames, registering voters . Laurel Outlook, supplies. jMt. States Tel. & Teleg. Co., telephone . F. C. Krieg Agency, schedule insurance . Chas. W. MacCormick, schedule insurance . Roy R. Stewart, schedule insurance . E. E. Tiffany, schedule insurance . C. P. Johnson, schedule insurance . H. T. Hedden & Son, schedule insurance . Frank E. Hanly, schedule insurance . Covert Insurance Agency, schedule insurance . Physicians & Hospitals Supply Co., supplies. S. E. Massengill Co., supplies . E. R. Squibb & Sons, supplies . Purity Bread Co., supplies Stroup Hardware Co., supplies . Northwestern Auto Supply Co., supplies . S. H. Kress Co., supplies.... 88.71 29.88 4.5« I 9.26 7.25 33.87 98.54 73.90 I 24.63 I 30.79 i 24.63 49.27 30.79 9.73 I 4.17 5.76 24.20 34.67 .65 5.31 he C. J. Carroll, schedule insurance. Bellrose & Holliday, schedule insurance. T. A. Beeman Agency, schedule insurance. (Continued on Page Seven) 55.42 98.54 43.11 CA$H LOANS X * §5 to $150 Signature, Auto, Livestock, Furniture LOCAL FINANCEC0. 227 Stapleton Bldg. Phone 8501 Billings, Mont.