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"SAVE AT SAAÜE'S" E rhulitol I ' poison ivy 1 atment I __ I FOAMOR DANDRUFF REMOVER SHAMPOO 6-oz. size 49c Apply to dry scalp and massage before wetting. Pleasant odor. DIABETIC SUPPLIES 10 cc U40 Insulin. 10 cc U40 Protamine Zinc.99c B-D Insulin Syringe.$1.25 B-D Insulin Syringe, (Long type easy reading) $1.75 Buscher Automatic Injector..$2.50 1 Pint Benedict's Solution.59c 1,000 Saccharin Tablets, 1 RT. .85c VACATION NEEDS 50c Ungentine . 60c Sun Tan Lotion. First Aid Kits .. $1.00 Bath-O-Bloom . 50c Burntone . Gypsy Cream, large size.50c Jiffy Foot Powder. .43c 49c 59c .89c 43c .$1.09 .25c 1 oz. Powdered Saccharine.35c 5 lbs. Gluten Flour_ .$1.75 For That Hot Weather Tired Feeling 100 Bexel Capsules.$1.98 100 Wheatamin Thermogards Will remove your corn with one pack age or money back. •t t $2.89 (Bl, 1666 units— Vit. C 1,000 Units) l Pint Veterinary White Liniment Lederle, 89c Headquarters for VITAMINS of all kinds and makes at minimum prices. SANDE DREG CO THE REXALL STORE MERWIN PRICE, Proprietor Prescriptions a Specialty Montana Laurel Phone 36 fL„d1 1 the Town The past matron's club of the Order of Eastern Star met last week for a business session and dessert iizncheon at the home of Mrs. F. W. Graff. Sgt. Ted Davenport arrived from an army base in Arizona to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ehart had as guests Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Peterson of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. William Gullard and son Gary of Billings. Extended Insurance projects you against HAIL As well as Lightning and Explosion Fenton Agency ■ K B' . B ■ U H ■ ■ ■ a ■ R R: !R:::iR' 1 R '"B R H H E_ 5 ■ ■ R ■ *55 Re g , reotaPE. \ K V ! Ar 5v~ X 1 jj ■ a <?•< tv roof» r,\\ co*» .. A\ L° C ^ .-c PROMPT SERVICE COS'iSN'E'C i repayment 1 R plam ■ V.o'M ÇO VY « n i/ . THE American Bankers Association conducted a nation wide survey among 32,000 farmers in 1,400 counties, including every state, to find what factors — other than money Itself—farmers want when they borrow. Here are the things that American farmers want — that you undoubtedly want— when you make a short-term loan: r * I FREEDOM FROM RED TAPE • LOW COST KEYED TO LOCAL FARM NEEDS PROMPT SERVICE FRIENDSHIP WITH LENDER PERSONAL INTEREST . CONFIDENTIAL * CONVENIENT LOCATION ■ « I = » STRAIGHT BUSINESS DEAL N CONVENIENT REPAYMENT PLAN OTHER FINANCIAL SERVICES AVAILABLE ■ fycM/i ßcaJz is best equipped to give you what you want and need when you borrow. In a series of advertise ments that will be published from time to time in the weeks ahead, we shall take up these various points separately. 8 The Yellowstone Bank Laurel, Montana CORPORATION NSUNANCE DEPOSIT Mrs. Harold VanNice and chil dren, Lee and Jimmy, have returned from a visit of several days with the Daniel VanNice family at Boze man. Accompanying them was Miss Claire Shoop of Boyd who went to Bozeman, and Mrs. Cloyce Platz, who was returning to her home in Livingston. The Methodist Young People's Sunday school class held a lawn party last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Johnson. Guests of Mrs. Laura Carter dur ing the week were Mrs. Delbert Bartholf of Missoula, Mrs. J. H. Johnson and Mrs. H. S. Stahl, all former residents of the Laurel com munity. Mrs. Ray Hartung had as a guest her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ben Hartung of Billings. Cpl. Clifton Krogness of Camp Barkley, Tex., is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Stadalman while pn fur lough. Mrs. Evelyn Elevens of Powell, Wyo., whose husband is in the serv ice, and her sons Ronnie and Dar rell are spending some time with her mother and sister, Mrs. Bertha Shively and Mrs. E. A. Fuller. Do It Yourself-at Home CJmwffud as iV, PERMANENT WAVE KIT Complete with curlers, cja.r eharapooandwaveset. It's easy to do and safe for every type of , hair. For amazing results—be sure to a&K for Cliarm-Kurl. Over 6 million Bold. 59 GARDNER DRUG COMPANY The News of laurel! ■ wiBiiiiiaiiiiiBiMniiiiniilüKJjilii.iHr.HiiaiiiwiiiiBua Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williams en tertained Monday evening at a pitch-in picnic dinner on the lawn of their home. Guests were occup ants of the several apartments. They were Mrs. Maud Kurk, Mrs. Cora Roberts, Miss Marie Reiter, Mrs. Val Matross and son Michael, Mrs. Merritt Williams and son Dickie, and Mrs. Ray Hartung and son Ronald. Mrs, Harold VanNice entertained at a dinner Wednesday in honor of the wedding anniversary of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Laipple, who moved here recently from Jor- I dan. The date was also the birth- , Other guests day of Mr. Laipple. were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Womble and children, who live east of Lau rel. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Eyer are spending the week visiting in Great Falls. Board 2 registrants ordered to report at Butte for preinduction physical examinations Monday were Tony V. Bonginai, Herbert C. Boyd, Jesse H. Branstetter, Keith A. Brown, Kae K. Fukado, Toru Fak ado, Herman H. Frank, Joseph Stoltz, Bennie Smidt, Elwyn W. Tower, John Wilcox and Fred S. Whitman, Jr. Miss Nettie Robertson, who has been caring for Mrs. C. W. Ehart since the beginning of Mrs. Ehart's illness on May 21, left for a week's vacation at Lodge Grass where she is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Graham. Mrs. C. C. Fergu son is staying with Mrs. Ehart dur ing Miss Robertson's absence. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Krug had as guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Alex ander Krug and children of Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Frank and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Herman and fam iiy. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gerard and Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Knoll returned Sunday from a week's vacation in Yellowstone park. Mrs. Victor DeWald and children are expected to return this week from Livingston where they spent the month with Mrs. DeWald's sis ter, Mrs. Gilbert Altimus and fam iiy. Ann Knudson of Billings spent the week end with Joyce Bradford and accompanied her to the Girl Scout camp beyond Red Lodge. Lynn Freund of Sedalia, Mo., was a guest of his father, Merton Freund, and his grandmother, Mrs. D. L. Freund, while en route to Pasco, Wash., where he will be em ployed as electrician. Mrs. Roy Bondurant and children, Wayne, Jean and Donna, and Mrs. Octavia Bondurant of Rapel je were guests last week of Mrs. Harold VanNice. Mrs. Marvin Farrar, whose hus band is in service in India, arrived from her home in Glendale, Calif., to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rex B. DeAtley. Keith and Margaret Bondurant, children of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bondurant of Hoquiam, Wash., ar rived for a visit with their aunt, Mrs. Harold VanNice. Sunday they accompanied Mrs. VanNice and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Laipple and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shoop and family of Boyd for a picnic at Red Lodge. Miss Joan McCauley has returned from the Lions' camp near Red Lodge where she served as Girl Scout instructor. Cpl. Joe Keogh arrived for a fur lough to be spent with friends. He is stationed with the air corps at Columbia, S. C. Women Of the Moose Hear Description Of Livingston Conclave A report on the annual state con ference of Women of the Moose, held at Livingston July 28-29, feat ured the meeting of the Laurel chapter Tuesday evening at the L. L. club. Mrs. Julia Phillips, who represented the chapter, gave the report. Laurel Moose delegates W. C. Phillips, past president of the Montana Moose association, and A. W. Armstrong, past governor of the Laurel lodge, od the nineteenth were The event mark annual confer ence which Mr. and Mrs. Phillips had attended. At the convention there were 343 members of the two orders from 24 cities in Montana. Dorothy Eggles ton of Seattle, grand dean of the Academy of Friendship, was an of ficial visitor and spoke on Develop ment of the Women of the Moose Chapters in Montana. Friday was devoted entirely to committee reports of the chapters, Mrs. Phillips said, and the day concluded with a welcoming dance. On Saturday, the program of enter tainment included street dancing followed by a banquet at the Elks' building and a farewell dance at the Moose hall. " was At the Tuesday meeting of the chapter, initiatory ceremonies held during the Mrs. June Sanders, member of the Laurel chapter, was in attendance from Billings. were business session. \ _. • _ ! ; X; X : Even / Da if is ■ ; M " A ' & m : £S VALUE DAY : 5S . <■*. : Wfj ; dâ y *4 :/ ■ ■y m ■ Friday and Saturday, Aug. 11 and 12 ■ y < ■ - ^Maxwell House / Coffee Good to the last drop : ta fOûdtvxdfaSt dû-a ûéâèt/td* _ ff ff 2 lbs 65 C for \ , i •% Large pkg. Oxydol. 24 Pnr IX , c 11 lilpl ■ fil.Tj : ■ 7 OZ. 6 OZ. No. 2 cans Standby size 3 Peas, 2 for. * 33 o 19c 2 for : ■ : ■ % Swans Down I Cake Flour, per pkg.. Certo, 3 bottles 33 I : c 27 c Nestle's Instant Sweet Milk Cocoa, V» lb.. Northern Tissue, 5 rolls. 20 C 21 « ■ Lux and Lifebuoy Soaps, 3 bars. Betty Crocker Soup Mix, 3 for. ■ 20 C 27 c ► ► ' No. 5 tin Del Monte De Luxe Plum Preserves, point free. . . 3 V 2 -lb. bag Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour. 89 35 c c ■ ■ Wold's Grocery PHONES 170 and 171 # ■ ■ iiimiiiiiimmiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BAPPEX1X6S iiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiimiiiiiiiiim Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lamb have as a guest their grandson, Roy Lamb of Phoenix, Ariz., who arriv ed Monday to spend the remainder of his school vacation. En route he stopped in Butte and visited his uncle, B. E. Lamb, and plans on his return home to visit in Helena with another uncle, W. B. Lamb. Roy, whose fifteenth birthday will be Aug. 25, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lamb, former Laurel res idents. He was born after the fam ily moved to Phoenix. Mrs. Robert Fry was hostess to her card club Tuesday evening, with Mrs. W. P. Sexton winning both the high score and travel prizes. member from Billings, was present. Miss Grace Stalalman is taking a week's vacation from the office of the Billings Gas company. Miss Theresa Jones of Hardin is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. R. Schil Mrs. O. C. Jordahl, club 1er. Mrs. Maud Kurk had as guests her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Leslie Kurk of Anaconda and daughter, Lila Mae, Mrs. Harlan Eastlick of the Deaconess hospital at Billings, Mary and Bonnie Thatcher, who were en route to Cooke City. Mrs. D. Shively and children were guests from Billings Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fuller. Members of Zidonian chapter, 0. E. S., and friends enjoyed a pleas ant afternoon at the Masonic tem ple Thursday, Aug. 3. A dessert lunch preceded the first of a series of bridge parties. Several tables were in play, and honors for the event went to Walt Thomas and Mrs. C. P. Lawless. Mrs. Edward Boyd received the door prize. On Tuesday, Aug. 8, the second party was won door prize going to Mrs. H. T. Smart. The third and last party in the series will be held Tuesday, Aug. 16, at which scoring- awards will be presented for the day and grand award will be made for the series. held and Mrs. Charles Duncan the scoring award, with the Second Lieut. Bert. A. Sherrow arrived a week ago from Florida and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Sherrow, Sr. He will leave this week for Lincoln, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Staiger will leave Thursday for Rochester, Minn., where Mrs. Staiger will enter a hospital. Mr. Staiger will be gone about 10 days and will stop in North Dakota to visit relatives. Mrs. Helen Shearer learned this week that her son Charles, who had MAKE YOUR VACATION For This Year a Visit to the 26th Midland Empire Fair WAR EXHIBIT AND RODEO AT BILLINGS A GREAT SIX-DAY PATRIOTIC EXPOSITION MONDAY, AUGUST 14 to and including SATURDAY, AUGUST 19 Offering Outstanding EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS and ENTERTAINMENT ATTRACTIONS which have long since given it rank as THE BIG EVEHT OF THE YEARI Plus Displays and Features Which Will Help Every Midland Empire Citizen to Better Do His Part to Help Win the Warl BILLINGS BETAIL STORES CLOSE TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 2:30 P. M. FAIR WEEK, been overseas 27 months, had re cently returned to the States and is in Boston. He was in England quite awhile before D day. R. S. LUTZ O. D. OPTOMETRIST 112 Broadway - Billings, Mont.