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I Fr.AI NOT1CFS Luunu - NOTICE OF SALE Of Tax Title Property By the Coun ty As Reappraised By the Board Of County Commissioners. By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Yellowstone County, Montana, entered on its minutes of the 31st day of July, 1944, the Board will on September 8th, 1944, beginning at 10:30 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Billings, County, State of Montana, for sale at public auction to the highest bidder all the right, title, interest, estate, lien, claim and de mand of the State of Montana and of said County of Yellowstone in and to the following real property and the Board determined and fixed the fair market value of the prop erty at the amount set after the description: which amount consti tutes and represents the reapprais ed value as fixed by the Board as of this date. Lots 1 to 17, both inclusive, in Block twenty (20) and Lots 1 to 20, both inclusive, in Block twenty-six (26) of. the. East Yellowstone Subdivision in the * NW% of Section sixteen (16), Township two (2) South, Range twenty-four (24) East, M. P. M., now in the City of Laurel, Montana, according to the offi cial plat thereof, now on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder in Yellowstone offer tana Above Property will be sold in one parcel only. Such sale will be for cash, or on such terms as may be approved by the Board, provided, however, that if such sale is made on terms, at least twenty per cent (20%) of the purchase price shall be paid in cash at the date of sale, and the remainder may be paid in install ments extending over a period of not to exceed five years, and all such deferred payments shall bear interest at the rate of 4% per an $370.00 All num. Dated July 31st, 1944. GEO. G. OSTEN, County Clerk. (Date First Pub. Aug. 2, 1944-3t) NOTICE OF CLOSE OF REGISTRATION Notice is hereby given that the registration for the General Elec tion will close on September 22, 1944, at Five o'clock P. M. Electors may register for the ensuing elec tion by appearing before the County Clerk at his office in the court house, or by appearing before a deputy registrar or before any notary public or justice of peace within Yellowstone County, in the manner provided by law. Dated at Billings, Montana, Au gust 14, 1944. the GEO. G. OSTEN, County Clerk and Ex-Officio County Registrar of Yellow stone County, Mont. (Date First Pub. Aug. 16, 1944-6t) Hoose Optical Co. Established 1900 Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted 2813 First Ave. North Billings, Montana Hides and' Sheep Pelts FURS SCRAP METAL Acme Trading Co. BILUNGS, MONTANA Phone 4660 WOOL 2015 Montana THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... ÇÙHAP OSS 'r&EPli aæd a/ ri îüè I i mÀ iTGDC <: YJa c. m I/, ■8 o |£\i s w-a J ê Vi m r free nr »p: j~JC i 'A ■V So Xl^ll_I — irr i / wmi I 7 m 1 people realize that a large part of the alcohol required to make the medical supplies that are being used right this minute to alleviate pain, combat infection and save human lives, is produced by the beverage distilling industry. For nearly two years this entire industry has been working night and day producing nothing but alcohol for the government's program. "Nobody knows better than I, Judge, what an important contribution to our war effort that has been." Good morning, Doc. Your good wife tells me you're working night and day now that so many of the younger doctors are in the army. ' ' That's right, Judge, and I'm glad I'm still able to do it. Had a long letter from Harry... that bright young fellow I was breakin' in to take over my practice. He said the boys in the service are getting the best medical care of any armed force in our history. They really should with all those brilliant doctors and plenty of supplies to work with." Speaking of supplies. Doc, not many 1 • } • I 1 This adurtixmtnt sponsor id by Conftrtnct of A ko holte Beitrags Industries, Inf » in the district court of THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. YELLOWSTONE COUNTY, MON TANA, Plaintiff, vs. ARTHUR A. Blom, his wife, if any; John R. Sandstrom and - Sandstrom, his wife, if any; — Bailey, any; James B. - Secombe, his wife, if any; Lorin E. Fear and - Fear, his wife, if any; Charles L. Yeaton and - - Yeaton, his wife, if any; Fidelity Union Trust Company, Trustee, a corporation; the Co- lumbian Company, a corporation; Barnes Brothers, Incorporated; Harry A. Barnes and Philip J. Barnes the surviving directors and trustees for the creditors and stock holders of Barnes Brothers, Incororated; the unknown stock holders and creditors, if any, of Barnes Brothers, Incorporated; the unknown heirs at law of each of the above named parties and all other persons unknown, claiming, or who might claim any right, title, estate, or interest in or lien or encumbrance upon the real property described in the com- plaint, or anv part thereof ad- verse to plaintiff's ownership thereof, or any cloud upon plain- tiff's title thereto, whether such claim, or possible claim, be pres- ent or contingent, including any claim or possible claim of dower, inchoate or accrued, Defendants. BLOM and John M. Bailey and his wife, if Secombe and inchoate or accrued, Defendants. ALIAS SUMMONS For Publication THE STATE OF MONTANA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEND ANTS, AND TO ALL OTHER PERSONS UNKNOWN, GREET ING: YOU are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action which is filed in the office of the clerk of this court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiff's attorney within twenty (20) days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service ; and in case of your failure to appear or ans wer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief de manded in the complaint. This action is brought for the purpose of quieting the title to the land situated in Yellowstone Coun ty, Montana, and described as fol lows: The Southeast Quarter of Section 9 in Township 5, North of Range 33 East; the North Half of Section 34 in Township 7 North of Range 32; East of the Montana Principal Meri dian; the North Half of the North Half, the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quar ter, the East Half of the South east Quarter, the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quar ter all in Section 10, Township 5, North of Range 33, East of the Montana Principal Meri dian, Yellowstone County, Mon tana. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said court this 24th day of July, 1944. (Court Seal) Clerk of the above entitled coùrt. Melvin N. Hoiness County Court House Billings, Montana. Attorney for the Plaintiff. (Date First Pub. July 26, 1944-4t) w. n . t n NOTICE OF SALE Of Tax Title Property By the County. By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Yellowstone County, Montana, entered on its minutes of the 31st day of July, 1944, the Board will on September 8th, 1944, beginning at 10:30 o'clock j A. M. of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Billings, in Yellowstone County, State of Montana, offer for sale at public auction to the A. W. STOW, highest bidder all the right, title, interest, estate, lien, claim and de mand of the State of Montana and of said • County of Yellowstone xn and to the following real property and the Board determined and fixed the fair market value of the prop erty at the amount set after the description: 1. Lot 19 in Block 136 of the Orig inal Town, now City of Billings, Montana, with improvements thereon .$101.00 All 2. Lots 21 and 22 in Block 136 of the Original Town, now City of Billings, Montana, with improve ments thereon.$200.00 All 3. Lots 3 and 4 in Block 236 of the Second Addition to the Original Town, now Montana ... 4. Lot 30 in Block 3 of Billings Heights Subdivision, in the W'L SE14 of Section 31, Township 1 North, Range 26 East, M. P. $30.00 All 5. Lot 44 in Block 18 of Broad water Subdivision in the BE 14 of Section 5, Township 1 South, Range 26 East, M. P. M. . $20.00 All 6. Lots 1 and 2 in Block 19 of Broadwater Subdivision in the SE14 of Section 5, Townhship 1 South, Range 26 East, M. P. M.$30.00 Each 7. Lots 24 and 25 in Block 19 of Broadwater Subdivision in the SE14 of Section 5, Township 1 South, Range 26 East, M. P. $30.00 Each 8. Lots 25 and 26 in Block 1 of City of Billings, .$20.00 Each M. M. the City of Billings, Montana, . $120.00 All 9. Lots 27 and 28 in Block 1 of the State Realty Addition to the City of Billings, Montana . $80.00 All 10. Lots 1 to 8, both inclusive, in Block ,6 of the State Realty Addition to the City of Billings, Montana ... $15.00 Each 11. Lot 9 in Block 5 of the Subur ban Subdivision, in that part of the SE14 of Section 4, Town ship 1 South, Range 26 East, M. P, M., lying North of the Right of Way of the N. P. Railway Co., in the City of Bil lings, Montana.$50.00 All 12. Lots 23 and 24 in Block 25 of the Sugar Factory Addition to the City of Billings, Montana . $10.00 Each 13. Lots 20 and 21 in Block 2 of the Yellowstone Addition to the City of Billings, Montana . $100.00 Each 14. Lots 26 to 33, both inclusive, in Block 20 of the Yellowstone Addition to the City of Billings, $40.00 Each 15. Lots 4 and 5 in Block 4 of the Townsite of Broadview, Mon $2.50 Each 16. All of Fractional Block 11 of the Broadview, Mon . $1.00 All 17. Lots 4, 5 and 6 in Block 13 of the Townsite of Broadview, $2.50 Each Montana tana Townsite of tana . Montana 18. Lots 20 and 21 in Block 14 of the Townsite of Broadview, . 19. Lots 5 and 6 in Block 16 of the Townsite Montana ..... 20. Lots 1 to 6, both inclusive, în Block 25 of the Townsite of Broadview, Montana .$2.00 Each 21. Lots 17 and 18 in Block 28 of the Townsite of Broadview, $5.00 Each 22. Lots 1, 2. 3, and 4 in Block 31 of the Townsite of Broadview, Montana 23. Lot 8 in Block 31 of the Town site 0 f Broadview, Montana . $2.50 All 24. Lots 23 and 24 in Block 24 of the Townsite of Comanche, Montana . 25. Lots 1 to 17, both inclusive, in Block 30 of the Townsite of Comanche, Montana....$1.00 Each 26. Lots 24 and 25 in Block 7 of the Townsite of East Coman anche, Montana. $1.00 Each 27. Lots 9 and 10 in Block 4 of the Townsite of Custer, Mon tana . of Broadview, . $2.50 Each Montana $2.50 Each .... $1.00 Each $5.00 Each 28. Lots 7 and 8 in Block 5 of the Townsite of Custer, Montana . $10.00 Each 29. Lots 9 and 10 in Block fi of the Townsite of Custer, Mon- ! tana . $2.50 AH 30. Lots 14 and 16 in Block 4 of the Park Subdivision in the, swu of Section 9. Township 2 South, Range 24 East, M. P. M., now in the City of Laurel, | Montana . $15.00 Each ( 31. Lots 21 and 22 in Block 1 of ■ the Townsite of Nibbe. Mon- 1 ..... $5.00 Each 32. Lots 23 and 24 in Block 1 of the Townsite of Nibbe, Mon-1 tana . $5.00 Each 33. Lots 7 to 17, both inclusive, in : Block 4 of the Townsite of Nibbe, Montana.$5.00 Each j Each of the above Descriptions, M bother In a City. Town. Ad dition or Subdivision. Is Given j As Per the Official Plat There of. Now on File and of Record In the Office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Yellow stone County, Montana. Sale of the Within Described Property Will Be Made In Such Parcels or Groups of Lots As Determined by the Board to he for the Best Interests of the County. I Such sale will be for cash, or on ; »uch terms as may be approved by i the Board, provided, however, that | if such sale is made on terms, at j least twenty per cent (201% of the at the date of sale, and the remain der may be paid in installments ex-1 tending over a period of not to exceed five years, and all such de ferred payments shall bear interest at the rate of 4% per annum. (Sales of $100.00 or less, must be cash). Dated July 31st. 1944. GEO. G. OSTEN. County Clerk. (Date First Pub. Aug. 2, 1944-3t) ALIAS SUMMONS (For Publication) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF YELLOWSTONE. ERLING OSNESS, Plaintiff, vs. W.| wife, if any; Adelaide" Ruggles; Margaret Mutter, individually; and Margaret Mutter as the ex ecutrix of the estate of John A.! Mutter, deceased: Andrew G. Sut ton, Administrator with will an nexed of the estate of John A. Mutter, deceased; Andrew G. Sut ton, administrator with will an nexed of the estate of William K., Bushman, deceased; Carol Bush man, executor of the Last Will and Testament of William H. Bushman, deceased, Carol Bush nian an( i - Bushman, his wife, if any; Elizabeth Bushman; Alberta Bushman: and Bank of Burlington Trustee, the heirs, de visees and creditors of William the heirs,. li. HENRY and devisees and creditors of John A. Mutter, deceased, the surviving heirs and devisees of anv of the above-named parties, if deceased, and all other persons unknown, claiming or who might claim, any. right, title, • estate or interest in or lien or encumbrance upon the real property described v in the complaint or any thereof, adverse to plaintiffs tltle SrfXim h be such claim, or possible claim, ne present or contingent, including any claim or possible claim of dower, inchoate or accured, De fendant. THE STATE OF M O N T ANA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS; YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMON- j ED to answer the complaint in is a ^ tl .°. n 'îJ 110 }) [! f = c rmirt ' -L com of which is herewith served upon you and to file your answer and gerte a copy thereof upon the plain tiff's attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, and in case of your failure to appear or ; answer, judgment will be taken 1 against you by default, for the re- ■ "^demanded in the comp am . 1S 3 of'quieting' title in plain the following described premises and property, to-wit; Two (2), Three (4) the East I purpose tiff to Lots One (1), (3) and Four Half of the Northwest Quar ter (E^NW>4) the Northeast Quarter (NE14), the South east Quarter (SE%) and the East Half of the Southwest j Quarter (E^SW>4) of Section 1 Eighteen (18), in Township Two (2) North, Range Thirty (30) East, M. P. M., in Yellow stone County, Montana. Witness my hand and the seal of this Court this 12th day of An iSFii 1944 ' 4 W STOW SV SSJST Courthouse, Billings. Montana Attorney for Plaintiff. (Date First Pub. Aug. 16, 1944-4t) -- ■ ' Funeral services for Robert And erson Munyon, who died Sunday at a Missoula hospital after an illness of two months, were conducted here Thursday afternoon by Rev. E. L. Cornelison at the Church of the j Nazarene. Burial was in the Laurel ceme tfery. A quartet comprising Mrs. Doris Bradley, Mrs. Arlita Roebuck, M. L. Morrison and Ralph Lumsden | sang "No, Not One" and "Rescue Perishing, was the accompanist. Pallbearers were G. W. Fenton, J. C. Gruhlke, Ralph Lumsden, Eth mer Morrison, M. L. Morrison and Harold Wilson. Mr. Munyon is survived by his widow, two sons, two daughters, one brother, one sister and 22 grand children and 16 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Cornelison the •• I $ , . — g 3| IB|B» Jam* St. Eny Captured V" S f ■J un % * ' K # m I . i f' "* *=• V ■>. j who has a perch on the stump of a blasted tree. American Gls charge U p a street in the village of St. Eny. Covered by a buddy in foreground, i Normandy Site Of Many Wars Battleground for Foreign Armies Invading Europe For Nine Centuries. LONDON.—Because of its gcogra ] phy, Normandy has been the battle staat thr . eat . , of attack _ by raiding parties of Vikings and Scandinavian . : marauders. j Bayeux and Caen, Norman towns, the scene of the first fierce fighting between Allied and German forces, j also have been trampled by foreign 1 armies many times in past centu ries J v Bayeux j. the home of the world fam Ravuex t-mecti-v a vener .. .. ^ .. , ^ y ' . , able relic now light brown with age, ° n which the conquest of England , ground for armies invading the con tinent for more than nine centuries. Before that the area was under con queror is pictured. The town, 18 miles west of Caen and five miles from the English channel, was built by t be Romans. Scandinavians. Later Bayeux fell many times to English armies dur ing the 100 Years war and the re ligious wars of the 16th century, Bayeux is filled with many quaint j timbered houses and stone man- I s j ons The Bayeux tapestry is a band of i 231 feet long and 20 inches * ... wide Its scenes of the Norman con quest of 1066 are in eight colors. , On the tapestry is the first record ed evidence of the famed Halley's \ comet which appeared at that time ; and was regarded as an omen of ! evil Caen, 7% miles from the English I cbanne | and 249 miles northwest of I Paris . where Allied tanks were re- I Ported to have repulsed a large 1 scale counterattack by German är mor, was once the home of William | the Conqueror. The castle of Caen, 1 founded by William, still is em ployed as a troop barracks, gt_ Pierre, Caen's famous Gothic j ca thedral, also was founded by the Conqueror ^ 107 o. Until his bones Fell to English Armies. In 890 the area was invaded by ■ 1 wer e dispersed he was buried there. La Trinité another cathedral in Caen, was founded by Matilda. Caen was first conquered by the English in 1417. In Caen, William organized the I main division of his troops that crossed the channel to conquer Eng land. Tanestries to Paris Tapestries to Pans. It was not expected that Allied troops would find a famous work of art in Bayeux, according to Erich i MacLagan, director of the Victoria [ and Albert Museum of London and an authority on Bayeux tapestry. | <p bree y ears a g 0 the Germans were reported to have taken all Bayeux Ä iMSC Icon, who then was contemplating the invasion of Britain, took Bayeux tapestries to Paris for sim-'[ ilar purposes. 1 Coking By-Product The nylon from which most of our military parachutes are made is ere- i a ted from a by-product of coking operations in steel mills, : '-O ; ZU : 1 T ♦ a [fl' Montana's Newest and Finest Funeral Home GEO. E. SETTERGREN, Prop. 721 N. 29, Billings Phone 2888 Want Ads I ! NOTICE—ALL CLASSIFIED AD» i MUST BE PAID FOR IN AD ! VANCE UNLESS YOU HAVE AN 1 ACCOUNT HERE. FOR SALE—Good used car. J. O. Hilderman, 218 Durland, Laurel. Lawn Mowers sharpened, washing machines repaired. Forrest Thay er, 12 Idaho ave., Phone 360 W. 6-24-tf WANTED—Laundry women. Apply in person at Scott's Cleaners & Laundry. It REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—On« dwelling, 4 rooms, Juniper AvU.; one dwelling Elm Ave.; Two Du plex, centrally located. R. J. Wil liams & Son. 8-2-tf FOR RENT—Kitchenette apt., elec trical refrigeration, ground floor. De France Apts. itp Yellow 8-9-tf WANTED—Waitresses at stone Cafe. 5 lbs. Copper Carbonate 50%, $1.69; 4 lbs. Red River Potato Mix, 89c. Sande Drug Co. It FOR SALE—640 acre nonirrigated ranch of which 345 acres is farm land; 140 acres summer-fallowed, 28 acres alfalfa, buildings of all kind GOOD, Telephone and RFD. Possession this fall. $6,000 some terms. John M. Hiner, Agt., Reed Point, Mont. 8-9-3tp FOR SALE—Apples while they last, 75c per box; windfalls 25c. J. J. Krug, 3 miles south of Laurel. furnace, coal complete with pipe, registers, etc.; also range boiler with side arm gas heater. C. W. Laird. I— FOR SALE—Used 8-9 tf house in 803 FOR SALE—Six-room Laurel. Call mornings at Miles Ave., Billings. , FOR RENT—1 -room, kitchenette, ad* joining bath. Suitable for couple, Everything furnished, air condi tinned. Hi-Way Apts., I hone 182. Important Commodity Jj"™* ^ " h a " 1 ™ P< 2 a n "'' C ° m * modlty ' of which some 25,000 tons per annum are brought into this coun t ry f r0 m Spain, Italy, Syria, A s j a Minor, Southern Russia and Itp FOR SALE—Store building in 700 Write block East Main street, box 123, Laurel. Itp FOR SALE—3 bed davenports, just arrived. Roysdon Furniture Store. FOR SALE—Baby buggy. 305 Third Ave., or call 246-W. Itp j , à . 1 I I | i || Ü Mail Goes Through r ■■ ■ f Mm i ■ • ' •Ï Taking advantage of a lull in the fighting, marine halftrack driver snatches a few moments to read his mail while a fellow crewman keeps the enemy under surveillance some where on the Japanese front. + + + ♦ Office Phone 3. Residence 24 ♦ ,♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ DR. E. C. HALL Physician and "Burgeon Wold Building LAUREL. MONTANA ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * + ♦ _ .j, 4. * Î Office 100 *£» .46 ♦ + LAUREL MONTANA +♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ B. L. PRICE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Notary Public Office in Wold Building LAUREL. MONTANA ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ + + ♦ ♦ ♦ DR. T. R. VYE Physician and Surgeon Sande Building Phones: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I R. S. LUTZ O. D. OI*TOMETRIST 1 1 . f i Billings, Mont. Î 112 Broadway I