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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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"SAVE AT SANDE'S" Special ! Squibb's TOOTH POWDER .2 for 59c _2 for 33c Special ! TEK TOOTH BRUSHES 2 for 51c Regular $1.00 value 50c size. 25c size. 47c 50c Denial Plate Brushes. 60c Polident . 50c Sodium Perborate..„...39c $1.00 Dr. Wernets Powder.79c 50c Briten Tooth Powder. 40c Listerine Tooth Powder....33c .$ 1.00 ,23c Other Tooth Brushes 10c to $1.00 Headquarters for all nationally known vitamins at Lowest Possible Prices 50c Dr. West Tooth Brushes....47c 35c Dr. West Tooth Brushes... 33c 25c Dr. West Tooth Brushes....23c 50c Squibb Angle Tooth Brushes 50c Prophylactic Tooth Brushes 25c Prophylactic Tooth Brushes ,49c 47c 39c 47c Leto's for the gums §AM»K IlltUG CO THE REXALL STORE Prescriptions a Specialty Montana MERWIN PRICE, Proprietor Laurel Phone 36 7 he Outlook Says: who had P.F.C. Keith Dawson, been visiting his parents, Mr. and Do It Yourself-at Home C/tam-M Plf PERMANENT WAVE KIT 5S' Complete with curlers, csir ehampoo and wave set. If* easy to flo and safe for every type ot hair. For amazing results—be sure to aaJc ior C'imrm-Kurl. Over 6 million sold. GARDNER DRUG COMPANY Montana Crops and Copper are Vital Factors in the War Program MEN WANTED for Copper Mining Agriculture, livestock raising, and mining are Montana's basic industries. Montana farmers and livestockmen are called upon to meet increasing demands for war food supplies. The copper mining industry must produce more of that highly essential war material. The mining in dustry can use every available man not required on the farm. Experience in mining is not required, though desirable. Training of physically qualified workers is provided on the job. (Bien now employed at their highest skill in any essential industries cannot be considered) Transportation Furnished Adequate Housing Full Information at Good Wages United States Employment Service 114 No. 27th St. Billings Phone 2163 Authorized to Hire Miners for Anaconda Copper Mining Company Butte, Montana iüiaiiamust'ütBiMiB'ifiiaiir 3 ■ j I VtUDWBTOWI RA»» ■ ■ WHAT FARMERS WANT WHEN THEY BORROW ■ N WHILE WERE HERE IKI ToWM I THINK.] f THE BANKCERTAIWC/ lU STOP AT THE. j--- N IS THE CONVENU ENf bank and see J ^ place to borrow' about a loan ! i ■ r I lO 4 ■ I & m Wi l I J i a ■ I v A I CONVENIENT LOCATION I wouldn't want your barn on one side of ' , JL your farm and your house on the other. Neither should you have to go far afield to get credit when you need it. And you don't. The bank is right in the center of things, easy to get at when you are in town; ' Yofxt time is worth money, don't waste it. Time you waste is actually part of the cost of credit; time saved (is one of the advantages of borrowing at the bank; ( i Bank Credit is the best Farm Creditj i ü The Yellowstone Bonk Laurel, Montana £ P O S I T INSURANCE C O R P 0 Mrs. Roy Dawson, left Sunday morning for his camp in California for further training. Mrs. Edward Anderson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. I Dawson, has returned to her home near Portland, Ore., after a visit here of two weeks with her parents and her brother, P.F.C. Keith Daw son, who was enjoying a furlough. Miss Bertha Zier, daughter of George Zier, has been visiting in California with her brother Harold of the armed services, who expects to leave soon for overseas. Churches CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Fifth at Penn. James H. Haueter, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., Man cil Morrison, superintendent. Morning worship 11 a. m., ser mon by the pastor. N. Y. P. S. 7 p. m., Mrs. Octavia Bondurant, president. Evening evangelistic service at 8 p. m. Midweek prayer services Wednes day at 8 p. m. Everyone is cordially invited to attend all of these services. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Lewis I. LaMance, Pastor. A hearty welcome awaits all at our services. Sunday school at 10 a. m, with the morning worship service follow ing at 11 a. m. Our evening evangelistic service begins at 8 p. m. Be sure and come to these servies. Also Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. We teach and preach the full gospel message. You will enjoy these ser vices and the old time gospel. OUR SAVIOR'S LUTHERAN CHURCH A. H. Hanson, Pastor. Tel. 221-W. Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday school and Bible classes at 9:45 a. m. Divine service at 11 a. m. Sermon topic: "The Kingdom of Heaven, a Royal Marriage Feast." Matt. 22:1-14. Services in Joliet at 2:30 p. m. No Sunday evening service until further notice. Luther p. m. Confirmation class on Saturday at 10:30 a. m. THE METHODIST CHURCH M. J. Wilcox, Minister. ! At Laurel: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. An them by the choir. Sermonette to Garibaldi and the Lost Sermon on "Eternal Life— I juniors on i Lamb. j A Present Possession, l last sermon in a series on "Under •• fifth and {standing One's Self. Methodist Youth Fellowship at 6:30 p. m. as follows: Junior high in the church parlor, and high school in the sanctuary. Calendar for this next week: Thursday: Boy Scouts at the class rooms at 7 p. m. Friday: Woman's Society of Christian Service Circle " meetings as I Mrs. A. M. Olafson's, starting with la dessert luncheon, at 1:30 p. ro\ Mary at Mrs. J. W. Long's at 2 p. m., starting with a dessert lunch eon. Esther at Mrs. Ted Webb's at 2:30 p. m., with Mrs. A. H. Kremer as assistant hostess. Ruth at Mrs. Charlie H. Barney's at 2:30 p. m. At 4:45 p. m. three carloads of Youth Fellowship people will leave the church, for the Mid-year Institute at Huntley, to return at 5 p. m. Saturday Tuesday: Rotary at the church parlor at 12:15 p. m. Choir at the parlor at 7 p. m. Sun day school orchestra at the church parlor at 8 p. m. Young People's Bible class at Miss Ella Rothwell's apartment at 8:15 p. m. At Park City: Sunday school a 10 a. m. Methodist Youth Fellowship at 7 p. m. Evening worship at 8 p. m. Music by the choir. Sermonette on "Gari baldi and the Lost Lamb." Sermon, "Eternal Life—A Present Posses sion." Calendar for this next week: Friday: Two carloads of the Youth Fellowship group will leave at 4:30 p. m. for Mid-year Institute at Huntley to return Saturday at 5:30 p. m. Wednesday: Choir at 6:45 p. m. at the church. Board of Educa tion at Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Cain's home at 7:30 p. m. I ST.JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH H. E. Vomhof, Pastor. German services at 10 o'clock and English at 11:05. You are welcome at these serv ices. house. There are two spirits whom man can follow. Those who serve the One are children; those who serve the other are slaves. The Outlook Says: Guests last week of Mr. and Mrg. Hugh Dickson were Mrs. Frank Dickson and son John of Billings and Mrs. John Dawson, nee Marie Dickson, and daughter Glenda of Powell, Wyo. Mrs. Dawson Mrs. Frank Dickson have returned to their homes, but the children remaining here for a more extend ed visit with the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Roysdon have received a beautifully engrossed and bound certificate from the Uni versity of Wyoming at Laramie, stating that the name of their Capt. Dale Roysdon who was ported killed in action on D day, has been enshrined on the roll of honor at the university. Captain Roysdon was an alumnus and went directly from the university to the armed services. Mr. and Mrs. Ceçii Paulus and children have returned from a week's vacation spent with relatives in Dayton, Wyo. and arc son, re r. Stock Your Pantry at Wold's Friday and Saturday, Oct. 20 and 21 Mother's pure all-occasion Cocoa, 2 lbs. Oxydol, large pkg. 25 c 19 c Pard Dog Food, 2 pkgs.. 19 c Pint jars Durkee's Genuine Mayonnaise.. 32 o Pints Gold Seal Wax. .. 59 C 24-oz. bottle Staley's Waffle Syrup Pints Gold Seal Paste Wax. 59 29 C c 3 lbs. Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour. 35 Tall 47-oz. can Garden Tomato Juice. C 29 c Ritz Butter Crackers, per pkg. 23 C 3-lb. pkg. Sapphire Oats 19 c 1 lb. Del Monte Coffee. 2 lbs. Del Monte Coffee. 33 c 2-lb. pkg. Honey-Maid Graham Crackers 32 65 c c Wold's Grocery PHONES 1TO and 171 Laurel Happenings Henry A. Hilderman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob O. Hilderman, is among a class of cadets at the Mid land, Tex., army air field who have been assigned to bombardier school. He is seeking the silver wings and a commission as second lieutenant or flight officer. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Roberts and daughter Vicki spent the week end at the Elliott ranch near Roundup. For Congress Second District For Governor Lieutenant Governor ( •••• £ : I I m * È Ernest T. Eaton F. F. Haynes Attorney General Secretary of State Sam C. Ford 1 ELECT , Montana's Ablest Governor Stanley R. Foot Howard Hazelbaker State Auditor I State Treasurer AND A FULL SLATE OF COMPETENT STATE OFFICIALS i 1 Every One With a Record of Achievement s Si I E. J. (Eimer) Mo George P. Porter NOT THE CANDIDATES of Hillman, Browder and O'Connell! , State Supt. of Public Instruction » Railroad Comm. i - ; ] I They pledge Postwar ] Progress, Unity and '] Prosperity, Free Labor, Free Industry, Free Agriculture! Republican Stale Central Co mm i tt ee « Helena, Montana «—Paid Political Advertising. < , : :S ■■ I j Elizabeth Ireland George A. Davis Mrs. Dorothy Huston arrived here Thursday morning from Seattle and is spending two weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Wold. She is employed at Seattle in the draft ing department of Boeing aircraft corporation. Donald Altman, 13-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Altman south of Laurel, who has been a patient at the St. Vincent hospital in Bil lings since Oct. 8, is reported im proving. TYPEWRITER PAPER - Laurel Outlook | QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FreeBookTellsofHomeTreatmentthat Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Over two million bottles of the WILLARD TREATMENT have boon sold for relief of symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess Acid Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Gassiness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., due to Excess Acid. Sold on 15 days' trial! Ask for "Willard's Message" which fully explains this treatment— Ire at SANDE DRUG CO.