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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
LAUREL OUTLOOK Published Every Wednesday at Laurel, Montana, by JOSEPH GEHRETT & CAMPBELL CALVERT Subscription $2.50 Per Annum in Advance Entered as Second-class Matter July 14, 1909, at the postoffice at Laurel, Mont, under act of March 3, 1879. Want Ads NOTICE—ALL CLASSIFIED ADP MUST BE PAID FOR IN AD VANCE UNLESS YOU HAVE AN ACCOUNT HERE. FOR RENT—Large unfurnished apt. with garage. Adults only. C. W. Laird. It WANTED—Experienced perienced stenographer and post ing machine operator. The Yel lowstone Bank, Laurel, Mont. or mex BUILD MONTANA Vote for JUDGE LEIF ERICKSON ■>, . Democratic Nominee FOR Judge Erickson says: "We must develop our power resources go that electricity will be not only plentiful but cheap. We must have cheap electricity in every home. That is what will attract new industry and new people to Montana, and that is what we must have if Mon tana is to lead in the postwar era." Paid Pol. Adv. by Erickson for ! Governor Committee. Walter Nilan, Secretary, Helena I R. S. LUTZ O. D. OPTOMETRIST 112 Broadway - Billings, Mont. } ( i ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ DR. T. R. VYE Physician and Surgeon Sande Building Phones: ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ 4 4 4 ♦ Office 100 Residence 146 4 LAUREL, MONTANA ♦ 4444444444444 4 ♦ IT*S NEVER TOO LATE TO FERTILIZE ALFALFA Alfalfa May Re Fertilized at Any Time of Year Early in the spring. After the second cutting. Or in winter on top of the snow. For Best Results—Apply 150 to 200 pounds of Anaconda Treble Superphosphate to all meadows and pastures. After the first cutting. Late in the fall. BUY WAR BONDS WITH PROFIT Anaconda Copper Mining Company FERTILIZER DEPARTMENT Anaconda, Montana WANTED—Just the chance to prove to you that Wolverine Shell Horsehide Work Shoes will give you more comfort—more wear miles per diem of cost on any work shoe job. No obligation. We invite you to try on a pair— you'll agree with us. Vaughn Ragsdale. Yellow 8-9-tl WANTED—Waitresses at stone Cafe. MONEY TO LOAN—In Laurel and vicinity. Low interest, easy terms. Wilcox Agency, Securi ties Bldg., Billings, Mont. WANTED—Several loads of well rotted manure. Phone 263-R. 9-20-tf FOR RENT—Furnished room, 110 10-11-tf Fifth Ave. FOR SALE—Holstein now milking, freshen April 1st. Phone 0-311-J-4. cow, Itp FOR SALE—Approx. 4 good grass land with water on North Creek. Write or call B. Kessel heim, Inc., Fratt Bldg., Billings, Montana sections livestock Fork Canyon 10-ll-3t SOUSED AGAIN but if they are Wolverine Shell Horsehide Work Shoes, they II dry out soft. They always do! No other work shoes in the world like them. And that innershell leather gives so much extra wear that they actually cost less in the long run. Call on us and try on a pair. Vaughn-Rags _ FOR SALE—6-hole, 30-gal. Frigid aire Ice Cream Cabinet with com-1 pressor. Sande Drug. „ , , , , r00r V flL P re f err ed 601 3rd Ave, Calll68-W. Ip FOR SALE—Coal and wood heaters, several sizes. Roysdon Furniture Store It LOST—Between Laurel and 10 miles northwest of Springtime one 30x5 Dual wheel tire chain, one fastener broken. Reward. Charles A. Swindler, Laurel. Itp They Might Differ In Politics ....But NOT On Work Shoes! I iWMm 'H m m 35 / They Agree WOLVERINE ASK any man who wears em He ll back it up that Wolverines are unbe lievably soft, pliable, comfortable, and that the extra wear saves him real money. Come in, try on a pair h SHELL HORSEHIDE WORK SHOES Vaughn-Ragsdalc Resumes Practice m UM ; : I m si V; >• * i \ i s I k & Mi: K, K. C'iieadle, Jr. Lt. Col. E. K. Cheadle lias re at Shelby in the office of L. P. Donovan. Colonel Cheadle, can didate for associate justice of the Montana "supreme court, re turns to the practice of law after four years' service in World war II. He also served two years in World war I. Federated Club Has Many-Topic Program , Mrs. J. Melvin Williams and Mrs. U W. Hageman were cohostesses when the Laurel Fed erated club met k, , , ,, , M onda V evening at Mrs Williams' h° me * Present were 19 members an d two guests, Mrs. Reinhold Frank and Mrs. Paul Adams, During the business meeting, Mrs. w. H. Hatfield, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Harold Richardson were ap pointed to represent the club at a lecture followed by a tea at the Northern hotel in Billings, Oct. 23. .The event, sponsored by the Billings Junior Women's club, will feature Harold K. Milligan of New York City, national commander of the Field Army and Clarence Cooklittle, F. C. B. of Bar Harbor, Me., di rector of the American Cancer so canteen ciety, as speakers. Members will bake cookies for the at Billings during the month of November. Four groups of six members each were appointed, and chairman named were Mrs. Neil Baker, Mrs. Allen Gatewood, Mrs. J. G. Mace and Mrs. Harold Williams. Mrs. Harold Collins and Mrs. I Glenn Sheets were received as new I members. A guest speaker for the evening was Dr. T. R. Vye who spoke on "Initiative No. 48. clear picture of his opinion of the condition that would exist in the state of Montana if this bill should be passed. The club's project prize for the evening went to Mrs. Marshall Huntington. Mrs. Mayes, music He gave a * - ■ - A W I 1 %m\ I } /' t 4 -. «il THE MONTANA POWER COMPANY v > Rn? s O / • • -, S; ■ ■■ pi* as vdi; V Wit. ml r n I —'I J ft 3 I ) 1 1 v: X II P ^ ■■ a t < . * W \ f I Get Ready Th,s 7 VitU&L Enjoy that grand feeling... when the weather breaks next spring, all you need do is start spring farming! It's easy, too. NOW, before severe winter sets in, check over all your machines. Clean them up. Note any repair parts needed, order now and install before spring. Protect engines from cold damage. Lubri cate every bearing with the right Penola lubricant, make it safe from weather corrosion this winter, ready to move next spring. Put all equipment under cover. Call your Carter Bulk Plant now and order Penola HD (Heavy Duty) Motor Oil for your tractor and truck, Penola Greases for every need. He'll bring them to your storage. Ask your Carter Dealer about any lubrication machinery care problem. He has the answers, prepared by experts. Maintenance care now pays dividends in time saved later... Carter Dealers are at your serv ice, Carter products are favorites in the West, Carter quality costs you no FREE BOOK. Get your copy of the interesting "Question and Answer" booklet about Penola HD Motor Oi L You'll be amazed at the scientific facts about all this great modern oil does to improve performance and lengthen the life of hard working engines. Ask any Carter Dealer. or more. 584 Carter) Äau Uniflo motor'oil Penola g°r e a s"e s THE CARTER OIL CO. • Northwest D • BILLINGS, MONTANA chairman, presented Mrs. F. M. Braswell in two vocal selections, and u By the Bend of the River, Heart of the Witches." Mrs. Hage-|will man was accompanist. Bridge was played during the re- | mainder of the evening with the j high score award going to Mrs. Neil | Baker. When lunch was served a ! Hallowe'en motif was used in dec ' oration. j The next meeting will be Monday, Nov. 6 to be at the home of Mrs. Harold Williams. be in charge of the program, Mrs. Gatewood U Fashions—Styles and Materials. ' ' Inspect Grain Grain held for more than one year f 0 r any purpose may become infest e d and should be inspected carefully at monthly intervals. Make Towels Last To make towels last, make-up, creams, lotions and medicine may; stain fabrics, so use towels for dry ing purposes only. When something spills on the floor, don't use a towel to wipe it up. Don't shine shoes on towels and don't use them to dry razor blades. If a loop is pulled, cut it out at the surface and do not pull the thread. Mend selvages or other worn places.