Newspaper Page Text
Fine Foods for all occasions, for those who like good things. We have fine selections of Lamb, ikef, Veal iiihI Chickens Also Steaks. Cold Meats In addition to the meats vve have at all times a complete stock of Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables I ONE-STOP FOOD SERVICE Barney & Hartley Market Phones 76 and 77—Laurel's Popular Place to Trade. Delivery" twice a week, Wednesday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fichtner and son Leonard were guests at a Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jacob H. Frank. SAFEWAY Hcmemakm 'Cjuide KITCHEN J CRAFT 4 FLOUR 25-!b sack $1.15 50-Bb sack $2.15 100-lb sck $3.98 sag *77T\ \ Straight from the Country ! % Really fresh fruits and vegetable-;! What a« inspiration for delicious meals—and naturally fresli is the way Safeway sells produce. Take advantage, too, of Safeway's method of pricing fresh fruits and vegetables by weight. You get your moaey's worth «wy purchase. 'Broccoli No. 1 .....JCib. Tomatoes .1: u. 71 © HOD. Walnuts Almonds Pecans Fruit Cake Mix Currants Raisins ... Citrola Lemon Peel_ Molasses 38c Cauliflower Firm White Heads U. S. No. 1 16c Emerald Baby-Lb. 49c Peerless Ub 22c 39c Bleached Lb. Green Pascal APPLES 14c 36c U. S. No. 1 Celery 10c Lb-. _Lb ..Lb. Macintosh, Extra Fan cy, Fancy and Cs 20c 50 Lbs. Yellow Jante Black _Lb. Dry onions $1.25 Potatoes U. S. No- 1 Netted Gems 14c $1.98 _15-oz. Pkg. 40-lb Box Sunk 1st 39c Oranges No. 1 S Lbs. 52c Emperor Grapes No. 1.. 2 Lbs. 33c .Lb. Diced .... SWEET POTATOES Cal Jerseys, U S. No. 1 3 Lbs. 38c 100-lb. sack.... ' 3.58 _ Lb 10 67c 25c Trixy.... Canterbury, Orange Pekoe ... Lbs. 43c Tea ...% Lb VALUES IN CANNED FOODS A P sSsSL String Beans ^^2 cans Case of 24 .$2.98 Cream Corn Case of 24 — Gardenside Std. Case of 24 . Tomatoes Case of 24 . Campbells Tomato Case of 48 . 13c 7T Spinach Juice 14c Country Home, 14c m ..No. 2 Cans Good Brand No. 2 Cans $3,29 Case of 24 $329 I I Grapefruit Town House_ Case of 24 . 12c Peas 14c .No. 2 Cans _No. 2 Cans $2.79 $325 Highway, Ex, Std. , 15c 50 Lbs. No. 2 Cans Sunny Dawn Tomato Juice Case of 24 11c _No. 2 Va .$3.49 I $239 $1.23 tbs 0 $4.65 $2.59 9c Soup ....10% oz. .$4.19 Corn 14c Niblets, Del Maiz __ 12 oz. $3.29 25 Case of 24 >>] Lbs. SAFE WAV MEATS THt* WM »ONT K > w w TO MMT V v: 4—dmiei hi to« ^tot LAMB STEW SIRLOIN STEAK POT ROAST VEAL STEAKS Hamburger 18c Grade A _Lb. PORK LOIN ROAST Per Lb..35c 33c Grade B....Lb. EDWARDS COFFEE 25c NU MADE Chuck _ .Lb. MAYONNAISE 28c VEAL ROAST Satisfaction or money refunded. Vac. Packed. Grade A .Lb Ground From Good Cuts_ A really fresh may onnaise of quality. GRADE A Per Pound 28c 2 L», 45c SOAPS AND CLEANERS 23c Rinso 57c 48c 2-Lb. Jar. Qts-. Fresh Tobacco C Washington. Lb. 61c Prince Albert, Lb. 75c Lb. 71c Lb. 71c Lb 75c Union Leader, Lb. 64c Raleigh I SUZANNA Snow 12 Mt oz. 23c Ivory .24-oz Regular Bars Ask about ®S*li Duz 23c Palmolive 3 for 20c Super Suds S.. 23c Peets Kenu Model . Granger Velvet . 24 oz. the Oxvdol Lux Flakes S* 23c Camay Bars3f Or 20c 23c ' Cash | Prize Contest 24 oz. 26c tefiTiTTi? .33 oz. 3 H Lb. Pkg. Lb 75c Soap Saver 2 ibs. 25c 420c 19c 3-01 Pkg. TH/S /S HOW /TiS DONE ! 7~77 7 7 / / ^ g / / / y 7 7~7~7 ^ N s V N S S mm V s N ", V V N Hü s V s s N V V N N s. s N s V SÏ sjK s > N s s N N s ^ N s N > THIS CONVENIÊNT SAFEWAY STORE BECAUSE SAFEWAVS PRICES ARE CONSISTENTLY LOW- YOU SAVE MONEY AT SAFEWAY ! s N S h N N N ■li —I ' ^<-7.7 /7 7 / 7 7 / / l) H S \ N N S. V At N 3' TTT S N ////////y i Mrs. A. W. Joyner and daughter Judy of Columbus were guests sev eral days of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Maxson. Giblin's Brother Receives D. F. C . . Accompanying the r °Jr " 33 r pict " re ° r Lieutenant Giblm as Commodore Gordon Rowe I pinned the meclal - The Pioneer Press said: "Award 1 of the distinguished flying cross to Lieut. Robert R. Giblin, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Giblin, 2137 Selby avenue, was announced by the naval air station at Quonset, R. I. "The pilot of a torpedo bomber, Lieutenant Giblin received the cita tion for extraordinary achievement in attacks on the Solomon islands from September 1943 to March 1944. at ceremonies recently at Camp Ed wards, Mass. The St. Paul Pioneer Press of Oct. 28, carried a story of the award of the distinguished flying cross to navy Lieut. Robert R. Giblin, broth er of Charles Giblin, proprietor of the Laurel Dutch Mill who also is in the navy. "Lieutenant Giblin took part in 35 attacks and special missions against airfields and ground instal an ,j lations in the Solomons area scored a direct hit on an enemy transport in Rabaul harbor. He is a graduate of St. Thomas college.'' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Frank had as j Thanksgiving guests Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feuerbacher and Miss Helen Feuerbacher, Mrs. Stuart Redding Miss Martha Ostwald, Miss Heien Ostwald and Dick Stratford, all of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Albertus and daughters, Heidi, Mary Ellen and ! Marilyn, were Thanksgiving dinner j guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. i Billings. Brown. Woman's Club Topic Is On Thanksgiving When the Laurel Woman's club met Nov. 20 at the E. L. Fenton home, Mrs. S. S. Bliss was assisted i by Mrs. Campbell Calvert and sen* : e d a delicious dessert luncheon, after which the president, Mrs. I Harry Penninger, called the meeting to order. ,ing Recipe" was the topic for roll ca f L Mrs. C. L. Morris, program chair I an> introduce d Mrs. O. A. Bro ! ] iaU gh who read an interesting Thanksgiving story, "The Touch of j a Gentleman." Mrs. F. A. Hilgert then gave a short history of "Our Early American Music," after which she introduced Miss Florence Shirk i"By the Bend of the River ! "Cornin' Through the Rye." i The next meeting will be Dec. 4 at the home of Mrs. L. D. Schrib ncr, 311 Third avenue, i My Favorite Thanksgiv j and a girls' sextette which sang and Word has been received from Frank and Benny Smidt, who recently left Fort H. Herman i Douglas, Utah, for assignment, that they are in training at Camp I Roberts, Calif. j I tertained at Thanksgiving dinner Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Durham en for their son and daughter-in-law, Chief Yeoman Oliver Durham and Mrs. Durham of Chicago; their daughter. Miss Virginia Durham of Denver, and Jack Goick, Jr., of Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Webb were hosts at a dinner honoring Yeoman Anita Omdorff of the Waves, who is on leave from Washington, D. C. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Johnson and Mrs. Harold VanNiee and children. Rifle Club Dance Is Well Attended 18 was well attended and brought gross receipts of $94, officers of | the club said this week as they | paid bills and saw the probability | that a small amount would be left j for the treasury, I attended at 25 cents each. Except for December, the club expects to have a dance once a month through the winter. ( Of the money received from the dance, $5 was contributed to the fund for sending the Laurel Out look to boys and girls in the ser Laurel Rifle club's dance on Nov. Eighty-five $1 ] tickets were sold and 36 extra ladies vices. Rotana Club Enjoys An Evening Of Games Mrs. Carrie Erb, Mrs. Minnie Fenton and Miss Rosella Fritz were hostesses Monday at the meeting of the Laurel Rotana club in th^ club room on Main street. Games oc cupied the evening and prizes went to Mrs. Ina Eshom, high; Mrs. Mona Pewitt, travel, and Mrs. Maude Roberts, low. Members present were Mrs. Mona Pewitt, Mrs. Nina Eshom, Miss Ros ella Fritz, Miss Stellavee Wooters, Mrs. Carrie Erb, Miss Vera Ander son, Miss Elizabeth Cook, Mrs. Mabel Edwards, Mrs. Kate Royalty, Miss Hilda Ward and Miss ' Pearl Davis. Laurel News Items Tech. Sgt. Roy Horning has ar rived from New Guinea to visit his wife and daughter Patricia, two and a half years old, whom he had never seen, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Horning, and other relatives. Sergeant Horning has been over seas 32 months. After a three weeks' furlough here he will report for duty at Santa Barbara, Calif. Mrs. Nina Clark left this week for a visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Rog ers of Pocatello, Ida. In Nampa, Ida., Mrs. Clark will be the guest of her son, Edwin Clark. Word has been received that S. Sgt. Theodore Bundy, who had been : stationed for several years as in structor in radio at Santa Ana, Calif., has been transferred to Phoe nix, Ariz. Tech. Sgt. Bernard Bai ley, who had been stationed at Santa Ana for the same length of time, was transferred to Taft, Calif., where he is radio instructor. Sgt. Edward LaPrath of the anti aircraft division of the coast guard artillery, returned Friday to San Diego after spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. LaPrath. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lamb had as guests over Thanksgiving their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Lamb of Butte. Mrs. Lamb returned to her home and Mr. Lamb remained for a longer visit. Also a guest Wednesday was W. G. Lamb of Helena, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Porter have had as guests Mrs. Porter's brother, Sgt. Homer Cook of Camp Bowie, Tex., Mrs. Cook and their daughter Susan. The family left to spend a part of Sergeant Cook's furlough with relatives in Livingston. Mrs. Paul Anderson and son and daughter, Winston and Nancy, are guests from Dillon of Mrs. Ander son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Scheidecker. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Knoll were Mr. and Mrs. Knoll's nephew, Cpl. George Smith, recently returned from Trinidad, and Mrs. Smith, who have been visiting relatives in For syth, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hodges, Mabel and Ralph Hodges. Mr. and Mrs. J. 'C. Durham, Chief Yoeman Oliver Durham and Mrs. Durham, Miss Virginia Durham and Jack Goick, Jr., were dinner guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Thomson. WhateverYourCar Needs Service, Repairs, Body Work, Painting, Battery Charging, Carburetor Service—We are ready to provide the best in materials, equipment and skill. We specialize in high quality, the kind that stands up and delivers long after the prices is forgotten. We will have a complete stock of genuine Chevrolet parts, and now are Authorized Chevrolet dealers for Laurel. t Service for All Makes of Automobiles Both quick and slow battery charging now available at this modern garage. Greening Chevrolet Co. CLAY GREENING, Proprietor 305 West Main Street, Laurel. Phone 48-W I ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Doyal Theatre ■^WEEKLY PROGRAM THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Nov. 30, Dec. 1-2 Oscar Wilde's famous Ghost story packed with hilarious fun, laughs, thrills, chills, screams and a roar of laughter. With Charles Laughton Robt. Young "Rags" Ragland Margaret O'Brien William Gargan Reginald Owen In The Centerville Ghost 6i 99 Feature No. 2 Based on the Nation-wide best seller Major I)e Seversky, comes a grip ping story of Aviations growth, from the days of the Kitty Hawk to Bombs over Japan. A Technicolor Cartoon feature from the Studios of Walt Disney. Titled Victory Through Air Power «« 99 Thursday shows 6:45 and 9:30 P. M. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY—Four Days Dec. S-4-5-6 At last the Human story of our Gallant Allies' last-ditch fight for Freedom. The Heart Rendering story of Modern China, taken from Pearl Buck's Novel. A saga of sacrifice, suffering and indomi table courage, in a spectacle su preme and action unparalleled. With Katherine Hepburn Turhan Bey Akim Tamiroff Walter Huston Aline MacMahon Frances Rafferty In DRAGON SEED 99 it Added Shorts—NEWS ONLY Kindly Note—This is a two and a half hour show, so we ask that you come early as the feature follows our News. Sunday shows 2:30, 6:45 & 9:25 P. M. Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday One show at 8 P. M. Free tickets at Bank and Post Of fice with each Bond Purchased good for Dec. 13th. * Mrs. Pete Egland and son Doug las of Livingston were guests Sun day till Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Wooters. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Burke of Sanders were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fichtner. i For Sale! i; 5 Room Modern Stucco House • New Roof, Fresh Paint, I Storm Windows, Garage J, » < ► [ Priced for Quick Sale ' ' I > < > « ► < ► ; HARRIS AGENCY <• o Values Are Rising, Are you under Insured? Consult your insurance agent as you would your Doctor. See the R. J. Williams & Son Agency Phone 126