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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
Newspaper Page Text
—* <• ! WILL MAN SUCCEED AS A WORLD BUILDER? Let God's Word Answer! Hear Bible Lecturer D. M. GILLIES Representative of Watchtower Society SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 3 P. M. Byam School, South of Laurel All Welcome 4 1 « Admission Free I '• PARKCITY SECTION Relatives received word from Sec ond-Class Seaman Samuel Flood, written June 3, that he had ar rived in the Philippines, but was leaving in a few days for another base. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunsworth and daughters Rosalie and Karen of Bil lings spent Monday with Mr. Duns worth's mother, Mrs. M. L. Duns worth. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Duns worth are moving to Lovell, Wyo., where he has purchased a store. WATKINS' PRODUCTS Am now working the A. G. Borgan Territory JOE BERNHART 716 No. 31st—Billings Special June Bargains AT THE LAUREL TRADING CO. Hardware - Plumbing - Paint Regular 65c Hot Kaps ! Packages of 25 Closeout at 50c Iron Cords and Extension Cords Pottery Vases Flower Pots and Jardinieres 65c to $2.55 Electric Hot Plates $5.65 Going Fishing ! Get a New Canadian Import Reel $9.95 Metal Curtain Rods 29c Fine Pre-war Tent $25.00 Almost New Winchester Pump Shotgun It's a steal at $52.50 Metal and Glass Chick Fountains 40c to $2.89 Feeders, 5c to $5.95 Soft Water Refinite Softner $155.00 Kelly Springfield Inner Tubes 600 x 16 Each, $4.20 5 Gallons Road King Motor Oil $4.29 Several New Linoleum Patterns Buy it at 65c per square yd. 2 Gallons Road King Motor Oil $1.49 New Coal Majestic Range It is a beauty $159.95 Rubber Boots At $4.45 and $7.35 Eagle Brand Water Bags Canvas $1.10 New All-Wool Sleeping Bag Full zipper side $24.95 YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND THE CHEAPEST THAT IS GOOD AND THE BEST THAT IS MADE AT THE \ Laurel Trading Co. (ESTABLISHED 1906) HARDWARE—PLUMBING—PAINT LAUREL, MONTANA Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kurk of Livingston were recently in town calling on friends*. Mr. Kurk is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Kurk of Livingston, formerly of Park City. He recently returned from 21 months in the South Paci fic. On June 3 he was married to Miss Joyce Schafer of Livingston. On June 14 they left for California where he will return to service. The Boy Scouts and leaders, John McFate and Harry Sands collected paper for the paper drive Friday. They delivered 1,960 pounds in Bil lings Saturday. Mrs. Harland Eastlick, a nurse in a Billings hospital, spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Willard East lick and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Eastlick. Mrs. Eastlick was the former Ella Thatcher. Modern Tom Thumb m T h '?■ Æ m This full-grown horse, not a pony, was discovered by employees of the U. S. grazing service in San Juan river canyon, Utah, weighing only 199 pounds, stands three feet high. Miss Doris Mae Brown who re cently came from Alaska to spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Brown, left Tues day for the coast from where she will fly to Panama, where she has a civil service position. Mrs. James Dove and Mrs. S. T. Flood were luncheon pruests Tues day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams in Columbus. Miss Dora Cain returned Tuesday from Seattle where she spent 10 days with a sister. She left June 18 for Great Falls to spend several weeks with another sister. Miss Ruth Bachanz came Mon day from Sacramento, Calif., where she has been teaching the past year to spend her vacation with her par ents Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Bachanz. The Boy Scouts placed a flag on a high pole on one of the high points on the rimrocks north of town Thursday, June 14, Flag day. Hazel Leach of Laurel spent the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Vandenburg. Mrs. Mike Dimich and son of Red Lodge spent Thursday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Wolf. Miss Anna Jensen who recently finished her junior year at Boze man, spent a few days at her home and then left for the Park where she has accepted a position for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Johnson and family of Billings en route to Hel ena stopped Monday at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Martha Spry. Mr. Johnson has been teaching in the cepted a position in the vocational rehabilitation department with head quarters in Helena. Mrs. John Altice returned home Tuesday from Spokane where she accompanied her daughter Juanita who is attending a telegraph school. Miss Marion Gebo has accepted a nmînra t " Billings, beginning June lo. Mrs. I va Brock who has been at the home of her son John in Mil waukee the past four months, came Saturday to visit among relatnes *"2, fnf T% TWnma was'a S°TueX r and We" day at the C. V. Mosier home. Dick Vandenburg left Saturday fer Hamilton on business. Dona 1 "ïïS î e Æ Saturday night and Sunday of Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Brown in Billings. Lieut. Helen Benner Schuster left Tuesday via Salt Lake by plane for the west coast after spending her furlough with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Benner. She was an overnight guest of Mrs. Robert Strudbeck, formerly Nannie Sue Dove, in Salt Lake City. Lieuten ant Schuster recently returned from the South Pacific. Technical Sgt. Earl E a s 11 i c k came Monday to spend his furlough with his parenta. Mr LliT'Zi returned ïf J**? m EnRland and retUn,ed V Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Davis of Mis soula were visitors Monday at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Kinney. Mrs. R. Easton of Billings was a guest for several days during the week of Miss Lois Fink. Mrs. Easton was the former Celia Strong. Charles, Richard and Robert tin of Livingston are spending a few weeks with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Martin. _ Members of the Woman's Society of Christian Service attending the tea at the home of Rev. and Mrs. M. J. Wilcox in Laurel Wednesday were Mesdames Martin, F. Eastlick, C. Eastlick, J. Kinney, Elizabeth Kinney, J. Harding, Plowman, Dove, Davis, Edmun, Cain, Oliver, 6'ar penter, Mosier, Flood, Ware, Whit canack, also Mrs. Rollo Johnson and Mrs. C. M. Whitmyer of Billings. Mrs. Hilma McKim recently re ceived word of the death of her brother. George P. Sundell, 76, of Bagiev, Minn. He is survived by his widow, four daughters and two sons. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Cain enter tained Tuesday evening at a picnic supper. Guests were Rev. and ins. Burke y and children, Mr. and Mns. Ray Hagaman and daughter Der trude, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson and family, Mr. and Mrs, Wardrope and children. Rev. W. * Doggett and mother, Mrs. John Jensen of Colum bus and Miss Wallace of Living-ton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eastlick and family spent Sunday in Barber at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Eklund and family. Mrs. P. W. Roberts was hostess to the Garden club Thursday n . ter noon at the hall. The afternoon was spent on reports and making P' ans for the annual June birthday nanty, June 28, with Mrs. Ed Story ap pointd chairman and Mrs. S. T. Flood lunch committee. <SAWYER'S> Lettuce Premium Crackers *-' b - Per 14C lb. box Onions Fluf-tex Pudding 19C Yellow or Wax, New Crop 14-oz. boxes 2 3 ,bs - for. Old Dutch Cleanser 21C Cauliflower ^ boxes Snow White for Per 19 c lb. Raisins -lb. KELLOGG'S 48C 4 package « • Shredded Wheat 3 boxes Orange Juice (No points) for. -oz. 46 Gro-Pup Dog Food can Large OLD YELLOWSTONE Pork and Beans 2 No. 2 \ size cans. box Gold Medal Flour $239 -lb. SO bag Syrup Baker's Cocoa IIC DARK 1/ -lb. box. 1/ gallon A for_ 38c Laurel« Mont. Phone 266 AWYER STORES INC _ ,, Pvt. Joe Southworth left for van couver during the week after spend ing his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Southworth, Sr. Pvt. Southworth was injured in the ankle while in th ®, Eur ? p f®îl and will have further hosp.t - Mrs. Leslie Stoltz returned home Sunday from a Billings hospital, where she was under medical ob servation. Her brother and sister, George and Rosa Badavinitz of Roundup spent the week at the stoltz home. Mrs Arn0 Albrecht and daughter Leola Mac of ^ W a. cnpnrl several davs with her mo ^ rf Mrs. j. W. Corwin, while c 0 ' nv j n i s G n business in Helena. j^ra. p a uline Vogel and family w j iq jjave been living on Valley creek, recently bought the Ceci « ^J^oVedtunng tte wS * w r who was recently dj h j ' f rom ser vice, has accept position at Thompson Yards fLbÂïïmr in Laurol. . ." XT TRcWllN _ •••••••••••■• " " Mr. and Mrs. Amos Flood and sons we re in Columbus on business Monday. Mrs Kenneth Shay attended the mee ting of Unity Garden club at t ^ e w^bur Vaughn home Thursday afternoon. and Mrs. A. L. Grubs were v j s j t i aK j n Billings Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richardson were hosts to the Young I copies class at a picnic at their home Tues da Y night. A large crow was 11 attendance. ] v ed . Miss Ruth Fox who » in Billings spent he ^ vacation with her parents, Mr. an i Fox, last week. The Blue Ribbon Boosters Cooking club met at the Gru s home Wednesday. Present were Gloria Schwecker, Martha and Lor raine Fox, and Zella Grubs. Alma Fox was a visitor. The next meet n jr will be at the Schwecker home, June 20. Mr and Mrs. Joe Kappel enter- ' Gained at dinner Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Kappel and and Mrs. Frank Kappel and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Yurian and son Frank of Lockwood. , Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Reynolds and children of Laurel spent Thursday , a t the Mage Reynolds home, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Grubs and family attended a picnic dinner at the Roscoe Shay home m na w thome district Sunday. The event was to celebrate the thirtieth wed j n g anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Shay. , XT _ Mrs. Kenneth Shay and son Non man spent the week-end at the Kos coe Shay home, 4-H License Fees Municipal license fees charged for cigarette vending machines, juke boxes and mechanical amusement devices vary widely on the basis of a survey of ordinances of 38 cities. License fees charged by cities for operating of cigarette vending ma chines range all the way from $2 a year in Atlantic City and Pasadena, and $3 a year in Wichita, Kan., and Wilmington, Del., to sliding rates calling for much higher fees in Lo» Angeles and Birmingham. The concludinir meeting of the WM ^ last Tuesd ay at the home of Mr and Mrs. Harold Rich ardson by the Young I copie s Meth odist Sunday school class. Guests were Miss Lydia Ewan of Big Tim jj er an d Eugene Coombs. Features Q f meeting were outdoor and indoor games, a hamburger fry and a weiner roast . The c ] ass w ni cess during the summer months and . ., * «1 resume meetings in the fall, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fish have re ceived word from their son, Gordon Fish, field musician first class in t h e mar i nes> that he is in Hawaii -y come home in July, Mrs. G. N. Wiggins and Mrs. L. R. Shay were delegates of the Läu re l Garden club at the meeting of Monona .«» étions Ian. w«k Ü. Bozeman. Other Laurel club niem bers m attendance . were Mrs C. H Barney, Mrs. Lucius Conrad and Mrs. J. R. Heebner. The meetings were in the students' union building on cam p US 0 f Montana State c 0Hej^e. It was announced that the 11946 meeting will be in Bozeman. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lumsdon and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mike \ is ser and family spent Sunday on a fishing trip near Roberts, Re rtha Shively and Murphy and daughter Teddy Rae of p ow ^ Wyo > ,* ft for a visit in Ca ,j fornja with Mrs. Shively's sons, Day by Day in Laurel Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Fuller, Mrs. Mrs. Chester Charles and Paul, and Mrs. Mur phy's husband, all of whom are sta tioned within the state. c OME TO US FOR PROMPT AND EFFICIENT Car and Truck Service We are equipped and manned to assure you satisfaction. + MAINTENANCE REPAIRS « + PAINTING LUBRICATION + * RECAPPING ♦ WASHING Greening Chevrolet Co. CLAY GREENING, Proprietor 305 West Main Street, Laurel Phone 48-W Mrs. G. A. Coy of Great Falls was a week end guest of Mrs. Hugh Phelps and other Laurel friends. Mrs. David Greco has returned from Wichita Falls, Tex., where she spent the last month with her husband, Carporal Greco who Is stationed at Sheppard Field. En route to Laurel, Mrs. Greco stopped in Denver and was the guest of Mrs. Robert Funderburg, the former Miss Constance Platz, whose hus band is in the service. The eighth birthday of Janice Rogina of Billings was celebrated Tuesday with a party at the home of Mrs. Ralph Lumsdon. Ther" were 14 guests. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Corner and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clarenece McLaughlin were dinner guests at the J. J. Krug home Sunday follow ing the christening ceremonies at St. John's Lutheran church for Marlisse Alvira, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin. Miss Georgia Green had as a guest last week Miss Lydia Ewan of Big Timber. ' M ICE CREAM At home —Any flavor —Delicious —Smooth — No ice crystals —No cooking —No re whipping—No scorched flavor —Easy — Inexpensive —20 recipes in each 15< pkg. Please send this ad for free full-size sam ple offer, or buy from your grocer. LOtlDOIlDERRy Brand Homemade Ice Cream STABILIHR lONOONOEMr-e3SHOWl*D SC'lFUNCISCOl.Cnir.