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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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^lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllinilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli <SAWYER'S> Shop at Your Friendly Sawyer Store where you will find all your National Advertised Brands—for less money. DEL MAR Tomato Paste SARDINES cans for. 3 In Tomato Sauce Cans for. 2 STOKELY APRICOTS CIGARETTES $1.23 2 1/ size can. 29c Per carton.!..., OLD YELLOWSTONE CREAM STYLE CORN PREMIUM Per CRACKERS $3.19 I case 4 j£-lb. box 29c for. KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN MOUNT MAURICE large boxes.. PEAS 2 Per case.. $2.89 Marcial Tissue Delhi Peaches boxes for_ 2 In syrup 2,^ size can.. ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES STALEY'S Fruit Cocktail No. 10 can $1.25 I for. a 1/size can /2 ] 34c for LIPTON'S Noodle Soup Wax Paper ^ pkgs. -ft. I7c 27c i for roll Laurel« | Mont, i g Phone 266 AWYER STORES INC It? PARK CITY SECTION Former Park City Resident Succumbs Park City, Nov. 28.—Old friends of the were saddened to learn death of Sylvester S. Anderson, 6S, barber of Billings, Sunday, Nov. 18. The Anderson family lived in Park City for a number of years and moved to Billings in 1925. where he operated a barber shop until 1938 when he retired due to ill health. He is survived by his widow; three sons, Donald at home, T/Sgt. Robert T., just home from India, and Staff Sgt. Gerald E., still in the service; four daughters, Mrs. Kath erine Lang, Lila and Margaret of Billings; Mrs. W. P. Toy of Lara mie, Wyo.; a brother, R. P. Ander of Fenton, Ill.; two sisters, Friend, son . Mrs. K. E. Kleespie of and Mrs. Ruby McDermott , , The thirty-ninth Chnstmas sea! sale being spontwred by the Mon ----- Tübereulosis association, is being conducted this year Hilma McKim, who also had charge.^ of the sale last year. Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper leit for their home in Tacom», Wash., Friday, after having 10 d ^ v _ s with Mrs. Coopers parente, Mr and Mrs. John Lipsack an . Mrs. Henry Kaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wagner ot Bozeman came Wednesday ami re mained until Sunday with Mrs. Wagner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Harold. Mrs John Altice and grandson, John Suter returned Wednesday from Helena where she spent sev eral days with her daughter, Mrs. Polly Suter. I I i : I : j i ! ) of Sutton, Nebr. . H© was a member of St. I atnek s Catholic church of Billings. Funeral services were held Wednesday, Nov. 21 with burial in Mountview ceme tary, Billings. tana Hides and Sheep Pelts WOOL SCRAP METAL Acme Trading Co. BILLINGS. MONTANA 2015 Montana FURS Phone 4660 Mrs. Tony Bradfield of San Diego, Calif., who has been visiting at the home of her sisters, Alice and Lila Mae Grubaugh, and her brother Glen, left recently for Ne braska to join her husband who is being discharged from the services and is visiting his parents there. Mr. and, Mrs. John Fry had «s their guests Thursday Mr. and Mrs. 1 Irvin Black, Julia Rae Black, and Miss Lois Fink was complimented by her friends Friday evening at a miscellaneous shower at the hall. The evening was spent by singing and music. Over 60 friends and relatives were present. Those from out of town were Mrs. Roy Jones of Columbus, Mrs. G. Scammon of Billings, Mrs. Tom Wagner and Miss Anna Jensen of Bozeman, Mrs. Les ter Mitchell and daughter Audrey of Livingston, Miss Mary Axtel of Fillings. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received by Miss Fink. and Mrs. J. W. Fry and daughter Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry of Laurel and Mrs. Gail Fry. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dove, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eastlick anid daugh ters Phyllis, Marlene and Marilyn, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. g T Floodi Thursday . Mrg Eva Cram _ Mrs> Margaret Si m pson Mr and Mrs Floyd East and sons Bobby and Jimmy, Mr an() Mrg Howard Cram 0 f California were guests Thursday of an( j jyj rg jyj Hoppel of Laurel. Mr and Mrg R w Davis and Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Flood were din ner Jruestf , of Misg Pear , Davis Wednesday evening in Laurel. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. q kelson Thursday were Mr. and jy rs Scott. Ruth and Willard g cott< j r > 0 f Hardin, and Mr. and jyj rs o w ight Nelson and daughter Margo of Browning. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clement t of Rapelje were guests Thanksgiving day 0 f their daughters. Mrs. George Hubbard and Mrs. Rainer and son. Mrs. Stanley Pearsall, Joan and Roger Pearsall and David Pearsall of California and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Pearsall of Salem, Ore., guests during the week at the H. O. Beeman home at Broadview. Miss Joan Ford, English instruc tor, took the plane for her home at Missoula and spent the Thanks giving vacation with relatives. Superintendent and Mrs. R. C. Bolin, Kenneth and Judy Bolin, went to Whitetail, Mont., Tuesday and were guests of friends until Sunday. Supt. Bolin was a former superintendent of the Whitetail school. Mrs. Rachel Martin went to the home of her daughter Mrs. John Leuthold and family near Molt on Wednesday. v < rc Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock and family of Livingston spent a few days among relatives during the week. Mrs. Ivah Brock returned ; to their home with them for a visit a her s ® n s home. I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sells and family j B'C Timber spent Friday in 1 * own calling on former friends. I Technician T. J. Dove who landed in New York the evening of Nov. | 23, called his home Saturday and reported it took two weeks to cross ' from Europe and the weather was stormy, and that he expected to be f n or "® '%. week - * tae service t> ve years. ~ Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Harris, Don ald and Nancy Harris, were guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gehrett of Laurel. (Monk) Francis Williams, has been in the service, his discharge recently and return ed to his home last Sunday. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Wait Wil liams entertained their son Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Sharon and Ronald Absarokee. Mrs. W. J, Cosseboom and son Gary. who received Harvey Williams, Williams of He has been f ,, < ! <• ' | , < \\ <• ,, ; ♦ : ♦ Sf <• FUR COAT ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ V ♦ X ♦ ; » ♦ O ♦ ♦ i if ♦ X if : ♦ CLEARANCE Ç' ♦ ♦ '• ♦ tm ♦ if ♦ <• ♦ Repriced for Quick Sale Sable Dyed Coneys ♦ : ♦ p ♦ ♦ o ♦ W o : I ♦ ♦ V. I . <> O oo i| *38 i I <• GROUP I ♦ ♦ II <• <• 6 it <> it <> <> it it it : « it GROUP II o GROUP III ilQOOfOiir best qual- ro ^fO ♦ ity reduced to.... 0O it <t : ♦ i< it An Outstand ing value. ♦ OO ♦ if ♦ : ♦ it 5 ♦ « 1 ♦ n « < > JL i > < t . «■ y < i i t i c. PKHUSV CO., Ißt*. J. < < t it Prisoners Broadcast :■ i : Sj: : t if In an unusual broadcast within San Quentin penitentiary, California, the prisoners shown before the mike" have since been executed. Five condemned men competed with five others on a quiz program. The program created considerable inter est in the state. a Walter Kober left Friday for Colorado where he is employed by the Blacktop Construction company. Mrs. Kober who is at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Al tice, will leave for Colorado later. Cadet Nurses Phyllis Eastlick, Helen Sitzman, Allowayne Rymer and Hulda Mehling < of Bozeman, came Wednesday and remained until Friday night at their homes. Miss Anna Jensen a senior at Bozeman State College spent the Thanksgiving vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Jensen. Mrs. Helen Braun was a guest of Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Brown in Billings from Wednesday until Fri day. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Cain over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. James Cain and family of Plevna. Russell Cain of Reed Point and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur York of Living On Friday all went to Reed Mr. and Mrs. Eton. Point to spend the day at the Rus sell Cain ranch. Mrs. W. F. Adams and children entertained Thursday for Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. A. Strandt and family of Absarokee. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Martin, Jr., and three sons of Livingston, were guests of his parents Mr. and Mrs, C. B. Martin, Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Eastlick, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Eastlick, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Eastlick and Mr. and Mrs. L. Knutsen were guests at the George Eastlick ranch near Molt, Thursday. The Misses Emma, Minnie and Maud Mitchell had as their guests Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mitchell, Frank Mitchell of Living ston. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Roske and family and Mrs. May Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goldy made a trip to Helena and Missoula the last of the week. S 2/c Dale Grubaugh of San Diego, Calif., spent a short fur lough at his home during the week, Mrs. R. E. Plowman. Mrs. Ed ward story, Mrs. Floyd Eastlick and Mrs. Floyd Braley were hostess to the Woman's Society Friday afternoon. Mrs. R. W. Davis con ducted the devotions and Mrs. C. V. Eastlick had charge of the pro gram. Final plans were made for the annual bazaar Dec. 4. Mrs. Fred Carpenter and daugh ter Mrs. Alice Smith and daughter Kathleen of Kentucky, Rosalie Car penter and Robert Carpenter drove to Ekalaka Thursday. Mrs. Martha Spry left Tuesday for Billings to spend several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Peck. From there she will go to Terry to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dick Larson. Phil Carpenter was recently dis charged from the sendee and is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carpenter. ' i £ I' 5 ; «.. pun*** •«., ! m m. i> I ■■ ■ ' U» ■' .. . ' V. ■ Jfj » t if ■ : , - V if u V if r if I ■# u r fix y ? s jr ; a s? a y if ■> % v c ;; . - 'i , - .. : . 4 , g m & . ? Go y f# ... \ out <j\0^ lx;; , \ 1 olot«' \ fi 6.50 to 9.95 She'll receive many wonderful gifts, but only a robe will give her warmth, comfort, glamour, all in one! Lovely quilted rayons in gay pastel prints, lined in rustling taffeta. Tailored, butter-soft rayon suedes. And all so inexpensive! V % _ r " ; V>; r, K fjr • Child's Faust Slipper Blue and red benga li ne-. Lasting leather soles! Sizes 6-12to3. ^ Jl |.98 . 7 *!■',■■ ■■ ! :; - \ I i 4 A' i rv u . % VI - 1 i ■ ■ } y> ; jhi ■ & v 'aft Vi i k Infants' It tinny Slipper Warm shearling lining loo! Natural, blue, red. Size 3-6. Children's, 7-12 ■V .29 1 » A $1.49 I t $ ' ' % * : .;4 •• * 4 i « * i >. M ■ Lx A ■■ * Ä % ' ■> V ■ ) Imported from Mexico ! There's Lots Of Holiday i [ Cheer In WOMEN'S SLIPPERS WOMEN'S SLIPPERS 1.98 2.49 A pair of carefully tailor- j ! ed slippers rates high as a ii gift ! Cross strap style j| with rayon uppers. Cork and rubber platforms for 11 real comfort. These smart, comfortable pigskin slippers will make fine Christmas gifts. Leather soles and heels. For real comfort at home —and for casual wear. % a Mr. and Mrs. have as guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock and daughter Iva Katherine of Livingston and Mrs. Iva Brock of Powell, Wyo. Charles Goodall Marine Musicians Fifes and drums were the first in struments of the U. S. marine corpo band.